

Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
This is ANOTHER group of what BO-tard calls poor starving refuges that he wants to IMPORT into this country. But what is there history besides islamic?
Well there is the FACT that they working as pirates raped and killed people whose ships bore other flags.

Or we can go back just a little bit when they ATTACKED a Naval ship, not ANY Naval ship but one of hours.
Somali Pirate Gets 41 Years for Navy Ship Attack |

Now democrats will argue that once we show them the "love" of free food/medical and housing their little islamics hearts will melt and everybody will be happy. But folks, that is a KNOWN proven documented LIE that was ALREADY tried. Once before we TRIED to bring them medicine/food/water and shelter. You may remember it.

They made a movie about it called {Blackhawk Down}. You are NOT being islamaphobic when people ARE dying from it. And you are NOT securing your borders OR protecting your citizens when you let this FILTH in. Islam is poison to liberty and to justice.

Liberty AND justice ARE our foundation.
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Where is anyone calling to let Somali rapists an pirates into the US?
Where is anyone calling to let Somali rapists an pirates into the US?
Little Mogadishu - that is what Minnesota is called by the Somali Muslims. USCCB Catholics have the govt. business contract to place them and claimed there were 30,000 Somalis but Somali leaders said there are tens of thousands more than that...... perhaps 50 - 60,000? I am not sure... sounds as if they may be keeping the true number of Somali refugees hidden in Minnesota.

New Somali refugee arrivals in Minnesota are increasing
I do not want to IMPORT any islamics from any country period.
I do not want to IMPORT any islamics from any country period.
We already know this. We know that you are a cowardly little person afraid of his own shadow. And by acting the way you act you are making terrorists very happy.
Where is anyone calling to let Somali rapists an pirates into the US?
Little Mogadishu - that is what Minnesota is called by the Somali Muslims. USCCB Catholics have the govt. business contract to place them and claimed there were 30,000 Somalis but Somali leaders said there are tens of thousands more than that...... perhaps 50 - 60,000? I am not sure... sounds as if they may be keeping the true number of Somali refugees hidden in Minnesota.

New Somali refugee arrivals in Minnesota are increasing
I just found one source that reports there are 84,000 Somali Refugees in Minnesota. Maybe that is why they have named it Little Mogadishu.
There is a scummy area near my parents house, it was being africanized. I've noticed now, they are ALL gone. To whence, I know not. I suspect the government lured them to some place with fresh new houses.

The area is stil scummy though.

Btw, both of our parties ceased African immigration after the conservatives brought in some somali and sudanese refugees in the 90s.
Those ex child soldiers did horific things.

Things are done quietly here. I dont know where we now keep them.

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