Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
While some posters just obsess over Israel, they are really showing that they have no concern for what is happening in other parts of the Middle East and beyond.

Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says
By Cristina Corbin

Published June 02, 2013
A staggering 100,000 Christians are killed annually because of their faith, according to the Vatican -- and several human rights groups claim such anti-Christian violence is on the rise in countries like Pakistan, Nigeria and Egypt.

"Credible research has reached the shocking conclusion that an estimate of more than 100,000 Christians are violently killed because of some relation to their faith every year," Vatican spokesman Monsieur Silvano Maria Tomassi said Tuesday in a radio address to the United Nations Human Rights Council.

"Other Christians and other believers are subjected to forced displacement, to the destruction of their places of worship, to rape and to the abduction of their leaders, as it recently happened in the case of Bishops Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yaziji, in Aleppo [Syria]," Tomassi said.

To continue reading, go to:

Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says | Fox News
While some posters just obsess over Israel, they are really showing that they have no concern for what is happening in other parts of the Middle East and beyond.

Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says
By Cristina Corbin

Published June 02, 2013
A staggering 100,000 Christians are killed annually because of their faith, according to the Vatican -- and several human rights groups claim such anti-Christian violence is on the rise in countries like Pakistan, Nigeria and Egypt.

"Credible research has reached the shocking conclusion that an estimate of more than 100,000 Christians are violently killed because of some relation to their faith every year," Vatican spokesman Monsieur Silvano Maria Tomassi said Tuesday in a radio address to the United Nations Human Rights Council.

"Other Christians and other believers are subjected to forced displacement, to the destruction of their places of worship, to rape and to the abduction of their leaders, as it recently happened in the case of Bishops Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yaziji, in Aleppo [Syria]," Tomassi said.

To continue reading, go to:

Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says | Fox News

Nigeria, Pakistan, and Egypt are not in the Middle East.

Try to stay on topic.

Gaza is, and collective punishment is a war crime.

'When Israel prevents people from earning, they will be forced to terror,' Gazan says.

Israel closes Gaza crossing to punish Hamas, but farmers pay price - Israel News, Ynetnews

Reap the whirlwind, Sheriff.
While some posters just obsess over Israel, they are really showing that they have no concern for what is happening in other parts of the Middle East and beyond.

Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says
By Cristina Corbin

Published June 02, 2013
A staggering 100,000 Christians are killed annually because of their faith, according to the Vatican -- and several human rights groups claim such anti-Christian violence is on the rise in countries like Pakistan, Nigeria and Egypt.

"Credible research has reached the shocking conclusion that an estimate of more than 100,000 Christians are violently killed because of some relation to their faith every year," Vatican spokesman Monsieur Silvano Maria Tomassi said Tuesday in a radio address to the United Nations Human Rights Council.

"Other Christians and other believers are subjected to forced displacement, to the destruction of their places of worship, to rape and to the abduction of their leaders, as it recently happened in the case of Bishops Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yaziji, in Aleppo [Syria]," Tomassi said.

To continue reading, go to:

Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says | Fox News

Nigeria, Pakistan, and Egypt are not in the Middle East.

Try to stay on topic.

Gaza is, and collective punishment is a war crime.

'When Israel prevents people from earning, they will be forced to terror,' Gazan says.

Israel closes Gaza crossing to punish Hamas, but farmers pay price - Israel News, Ynetnews

Reap the whirlwind, Sheriff.

I guess that is the price the Gazans pay for the terror against Israel. Shame that the farmers that don't partake in the terror have to pay the price but that is the fault of Hamas in perpetuating the terror.
While some posters just obsess over Israel, they are really showing that they have no concern for what is happening in other parts of the Middle East and beyond.

Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says
By Cristina Corbin

Published June 02, 2013
A staggering 100,000 Christians are killed annually because of their faith, according to the Vatican -- and several human rights groups claim such anti-Christian violence is on the rise in countries like Pakistan, Nigeria and Egypt.

"Credible research has reached the shocking conclusion that an estimate of more than 100,000 Christians are violently killed because of some relation to their faith every year," Vatican spokesman Monsieur Silvano Maria Tomassi said Tuesday in a radio address to the United Nations Human Rights Council.

"Other Christians and other believers are subjected to forced displacement, to the destruction of their places of worship, to rape and to the abduction of their leaders, as it recently happened in the case of Bishops Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yaziji, in Aleppo [Syria]," Tomassi said.

To continue reading, go to:

Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says | Fox News

Nigeria, Pakistan, and Egypt are not in the Middle East.

Try to stay on topic.

Gaza is, and collective punishment is a war crime.

'When Israel prevents people from earning, they will be forced to terror,' Gazan says.

Israel closes Gaza crossing to punish Hamas, but farmers pay price - Israel News, Ynetnews

Reap the whirlwind, Sheriff.

This is a tactic often used by moslems: “we will be forced to use terror”. Right. It’s a simple matter that moslems can’t be held responsible for their acts. “You Infidels made us do it”.

The problem with reeling in panic over the possibility of hurting moslems feelings (and thus curtailing our freedoms), is that these professions of moslem outrage are cynical and calculated. They’re designed to intimidate. We’ve heard before from islam’s religious leaders (paraphrasing) “Oh, we can’t be held responsible for what may happen if our demands are not met”. They are ubiquitous and effective in executing small, incremental steps that they hope will remake Western ideas of freedom of speech and freedom of expression to suit their weird utopian fantasies of a politico-religious ideology that they feel is beyond the criticism and critique that any other religious or political institution is subject to.

So yeah, reap the whirlwind. Islam is it's own punishment.
Israel carries out air strikes only when it gets fed up of the rocket fire from Gaza. If Israel carried out air strikes on a "weekly basis" then it would be attacking Gaza much more. As it is Israel today has had to deploy the Iron Dome today to the south because of the escalation in rockets from Gaza. The IDF are close to going into Gaza according to yesterday's news so Hamas etc would be very wise to cease its attacks on Israel to avoid another war.
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This is a tactic often used by moslems: “we will be forced to use terror”. Right. It’s a simple matter that moslems can’t be held responsible for their acts. “You Infidels made us do it”.

The problem with reeling in panic over the possibility of hurting moslems feelings (and thus curtailing our freedoms), is that these professions of moslem outrage are cynical and calculated. They’re designed to intimidate. We’ve heard before from islam’s religious leaders (paraphrasing) “Oh, we can’t be held responsible for what may happen if our demands are not met”. They are ubiquitous and effective in executing small, incremental steps that they hope will remake Western ideas of freedom of speech and freedom of expression to suit their weird utopian fantasies of a politico-religious ideology that they feel is beyond the criticism and critique that any other religious or political institution is subject to.

So yeah, reap the whirlwind. Islam is it's own punishment.
Funny how you do exactly what you accuse them of doing.
Israel carries out air strikes only when it gets fed up of the rocket fire from Gaza. If Israel carried out air strikes on a "weekly basis" then it would be attacking Gaza much more. As it is Israel today has had to deploy the Iron Dome today to the south because of the escalation in rockets from Gaza. The IDF are close to going into Gaza according to yesterday's news so Hamas etc would be very wise to cease its attacks on Israel to avoid another war.
The rocket attacks are a direct result of the occupation and blockade.

End those and Israel won't get rockets.
I guess that is the price the Gazans pay for the terror against Israel. Shame that the farmers that don't partake in the terror have to pay the price but that is the fault of Hamas in perpetuating the terror.
Resisting the belligerent occupation by a foreign force, is not terrorism.

And Gazan's are paying a price because they didn't vote for an Israeli puppet government.

Israel is a foreign force?

Secondly, "Palestinian" arabs voted for Islamic terrorists to manage their civil affairs.

They go what they wanted. They can whine all they want and so can you. They're getting what they voted for.
Israel carries out air strikes only when it gets fed up of the rocket fire from Gaza. If Israel carried out air strikes on a "weekly basis" then it would be attacking Gaza much more. As it is Israel today has had to deploy the Iron Dome today to the south because of the escalation in rockets from Gaza. The IDF are close to going into Gaza according to yesterday's news so Hamas etc would be very wise to cease its attacks on Israel to avoid another war.
The rocket attacks are a direct result of the occupation and blockade.

End those and Israel won't get rockets.

Hollie----I got news of the "ZIONIST AGENDA" more than 50 years ago----
from Jihado sources. the zionist agenda is
"DESTROY ISLAM". really. Jihados need this "agenda"
in order to justify themselves --------you cannot murder in the hundreds of
millions without resorting to LIBELS ---------(the murder victims included
a mostly non jews but always relied on LIBELS------even the comprhensive
jihado genocides in arabia relied on LIBELS

ALWAYS remember----muslims never kill other than for the purpose of
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On the issue of responsibility raised.

Jews everywhere pay for what Israel does because of the association Israel insists Jews have to Israel.

It might not be right or fair, not saying it is that.

It is part of the problem of nations too closely associated with religions.
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We have an International Court of Justice Opinion and UN Resolutions for decades that confirm the Israeli Occupation of Palestine.
Actually, I don't know how there are posters who can conveniently overlook the millions the Muslims have murdered. If Israel was governed by say Hindus, do you think there would be those on this forum who are constantly chastising Israel? It's only because the Jews are involved that they are here, and yet they think they are fooling the readers who have any sense..
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While some posters just obsess over Israel, they are really showing that they have no concern for what is happening in other parts of the Middle East and beyond.

Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says
By Cristina Corbin

Published June 02, 2013
A staggering 100,000 Christians are killed annually because of their faith, according to the Vatican -- and several human rights groups claim such anti-Christian violence is on the rise in countries like Pakistan, Nigeria and Egypt.

"Credible research has reached the shocking conclusion that an estimate of more than 100,000 Christians are violently killed because of some relation to their faith every year," Vatican spokesman Monsieur Silvano Maria Tomassi said Tuesday in a radio address to the United Nations Human Rights Council.

"Other Christians and other believers are subjected to forced displacement, to the destruction of their places of worship, to rape and to the abduction of their leaders, as it recently happened in the case of Bishops Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yaziji, in Aleppo [Syria]," Tomassi said.

To continue reading, go to:

Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says | Fox News

Killed mostly by...?

And these Christians were peacefully minding their own business, I'd bet.
On the issue of responsibility raised.

Jews everywhere pay for what Israel does because of the association Israel insists Jews have to Israel.

It might not be right or fair, not saying it is that.

It is part of the problem of nations too closely associated with religions.

I hope you aren't intentionally trying to whitewash the Muslim's deadly and slave making hatred for Jews for hundreds of years BEFORE Israel was granted statehood and which would likely continue in perpetuity.
On the issue of responsibility raised.

Jews everywhere pay for what Israel does because of the association Israel insists Jews have to Israel.

It might not be right or fair, not saying it is that.

It is part of the problem of nations too closely associated with religions.

I hope you aren't intentionally trying to whitewash the Muslim's deadly and slave making hatred for Jews for hundreds of years BEFORE Israel was granted statehood and which would likely continue in perpetuity.'re inferring that Jew bashing should require evi"dunce"!
Israel carries out air strikes only when it gets fed up of the rocket fire from Gaza. If Israel carried out air strikes on a "weekly basis" then it would be attacking Gaza much more. As it is Israel today has had to deploy the Iron Dome today to the south because of the escalation in rockets from Gaza. The IDF are close to going into Gaza according to yesterday's news so Hamas etc would be very wise to cease its attacks on Israel to avoid another war.

Maybe if Israel would try a little honesty instead of trying to be slick and dupicitous fools there would be no need for HAMAS to legitimately resist Israel.

Maybe if Israel would deal honestly with the Palestinians and kept solution in mind instead of being so eager to get their ravenous, well bloodied, and grubby little hands on the very small remainder of what the Palestinians have left, they would finally have their safe and secure homeland.


Analysis: Hamas history tied to Israel

Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years.

Israel "aided Hamas directly -- the Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization)," said Tony Cordesman, Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic Studies.

Israel's support for Hamas "was a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative," said a former senior CIA official.

According to U.S. administration officials, funds for the movement came from the oil-producing states and directly and indirectly from Israel. The PLO was secular and leftist and promoted Palestinian nationalism. Hamas wanted to set up a transnational state under the rule of Islam, much like Khomeini's Iran.

What took Israeli leaders by surprise was the way the Islamic movements began to surge after the Iranian revolution, after armed resistance to Israel sprang up in southern Lebanon vis-à-vis the Hezbollah, backed by Iran, these sources said.

"The thing wrong with so many Israeli operations is that they try to be too sexy," said former CIA official Vincent Cannestraro.

According to former State Department counter-terrorism official Larry Johnson, "the Israelis are their own worst enemies when it comes to fighting terrorism."

"The Israelis are like a guy who sets fire to his hair and then tries to put it out by hitting it with a hammer."

"They do more to incite and sustain terrorism than curb it," he said.

Analysis: Hamas history tied to Israel -

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Actually, I don't know how there are posters who can conveniently overlook the millions the Muslims have murdered. If Israel was governed by say Hindus, do you think there would be those on this forum who are constantly chastising Israel? It's only because the Jews are involved that they are here, and yet they think they are fooling the readers who have any sense..
Her'e some known facts about the people who says Israel practices apartheid.

Lets' set the record straight before the year ends:

Israel is not an apartheid Nazi state. Islam is the largest practitioner of both gender and religious apartheid.

Infidel violence against or hatred of Muslims is a mere drop in the bucket. Muslim-on-Muslim violence is a pandemic and indigenous feature of Muslim-Muslim relationships, beginning with the endless religious feuds between Sunni and Shiia Muslims.

Today, Muslims are torturing, exiling, and blowing each other up in Egypt, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Pakistan, and Afghanistan—to name only a few Muslim-majority countries.

While the West may be imperfect, mea culpa, mea culpa, Islam has a very

Israel vs. Islamists: Setting the Record Straight :: Middle East Forum
Actually, I don't know how there are posters who can conveniently overlook the millions the Muslims have murdered. If Israel was governed by say Hindus, do you think there would be those on this forum who are constantly chastising Israel? It's only because the Jews are involved that they are here, and yet they think they are fooling the readers who have any sense..

If Israel was governed by Hindus who had colonized from India and was supported by the United States, then I would be doing the same thing. If Israel was governed by Roman Catholics who had colonized from Ireland and was supported by Irish-American Catholics and the United States then I would be doing the same thing.

The United States is my country, I am of Irish descent, and I belong to the Roman Catholic Church and when any of those bodies act with injustice, it affects me and I will say something. And the fact that I am a member of those bodies, what I say will have more of an impact.

The fact that Jews are involved, in my opinion, has very little to do with it other that, when Jewish people and other pro-Israelis use that as an excuse to defend Israel and cover up her wrongs. It provides a convemnient cover for those who actually are anti-Semites to the extent that anti=Semitism actually becomes less of a problem than those who fling the accusation about carelessly and frivolously.

I do not disregard Muslim violence at all. I just do not attribute it to their faith and instead attribute it to poverty and the exploitation of third world countries by first world countries. Of course, islam plays a part, but if they were Christians incunbered by similar burdens, the results would be the same and and Christianity would play that part.

Give people full bellies and hopeful hearts and they will return that gift with peace and love.

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