Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says

If Israel was governed by Hindus who had colonized from India and was supported by the United States, then I would be doing the same thing. If Israel was governed by Roman Catholics who had colonized from Ireland and was supported by Irish-American Catholics and the United States then I would be doing the same thing.

The United States is my country, I am of Irish descent, and I belong to the Roman Catholic Church and when any of those bodies act with injustice, it affects me and I will say something. And the fact that I am a member of those bodies, what I say will have more of an impact.

The fact that Jews are involved, in my opinion, has very little to do with it other that, when Jewish people and other pro-Israelis use that as an excuse to defend Israel and cover up her wrongs. It provides a convemnient cover for those who actually are anti-Semites to the extent that anti=Semitism actually becomes less of a problem than those who fling the accusation about carelessly and frivolously.

I do not disregard Muslim violence at all. I just do not attribute it to their faith and instead attribute it to poverty and the exploitation of third world countries by first world countries. Of course, islam plays a part, but if they were Christians incunbered by similar burdens, the results would be the same and and Christianity would play that part.

Give people full bellies and hopeful hearts and they will return that gift with peace and love.

I note that you are of Irish descent and can but wonder if you support the IRA? Or is Hamas the only terrorist organisation that you adore?

Those who might be taken in by Dreolin's propaganda should reflect that the Christians murdered by Islam are often poorer than their killers. So his nauseating argument that poverty justifies torture and murder falls doubly flat.

And that has nothing to do with what I said. The exploitatuon of the resources of third world countries by first world countries, or countries that otherwise are poor, often have factions divided along factional lines in competition for resources.

I never justified torture or murder.

I do not adore any organizations. I prefer secular organizations like the PLO and the IRA to religiously based organizations like religious Zionists and HAMAS.

I do not regard either the IRA or HAMAS as "terrorist" organisations.

HAMAS was created and funded in large part bt Israel to marginalize the PLO.

Both the IRA and Hamas use extreme violence in an attempts to make their opponents afraid of them; they are therefore terrorist organisations by definition. That you do no regard them as such implies that you do, in fact, condone torture and murder.
Both the IRA and Hamas use extreme violence in an attempts to make their opponents afraid of them; they are therefore terrorist organisations by definition. That you do no regard them as such implies that you do, in fact, condone torture and murder.
What about shooting at people fishing and farming, would you consider that extreme violence?
Sorry, Kiddo, I just read your first paragraph. I couldn't be bothered to read the rest of your usual blather, If you want to close your eyes to what is going on in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa, go for it. Keep on blaming Israel and the Jews for all the ills of the world. Why not parade up and down the streets of Seattle with a sandwich board saying that the Jews are so bad on one side, and on the other side the Israelis are so bad. Meanwhile, I think we are all aware of what is going on with regard to Christians on this day when they should be enjoying their special holiday instead of being blown apart.

Only very dishonest and cowardly people ask questions to which they don't want answers.

I actually never thought you were honest nor did I think you were non cowardly. But, have at it, if it makes you feel good. Evidently the Pope is worried about what is happening in the Middle East with regard to Christians being killed, but not our friendly guy living in Seattle.

The comment addressed your lack of honesty and cowardice, learn to comprehend English.

And a statement about Christians killed annually released by The Vatican and reported on by Fox News says absolutely nothing about what worries the Pope.

We all know how much love Christian Zionists have in their hearts for the Pope.
Didn't you know, Peter, that those two doctors who planned to car bomb the Glasgow Airport were very, very poor?

Glasgow Airport terror attack: Doctors planned 'wholesale murder' - Daily Record

Iraq and Jordan are developing countries, which many people consider to be in part a third world countries as the deinition is imprecise.

I can say without equivocation, though, that the two doctors are not, as you seem to believe, countries.

I am sorry that you ail to understand I think there are more complexities to the issues than "Jews and Christians good, Muslims bad." Were that the case, the solution would be simple...kill them all. And their solution wold be equally simple.

I would say that right now many of the Hindus are poor, but I don't see them blowing up people as a rule. Isn't it strange that there are Muslims who admit that there are loads of Muslim terrorists, but people like you have to make excuses for them? By the way, there have been educated Muslims who have become terrorists too, but you like to overlook that. Strange how people like this character don't want to admit that most of the murders are committed by Muslims on other Muslims, but he feel he has to drag the Jews and Christians into this.

The reasons you don't see Hindu acts of militancy is because you aren't looking and because it usually isn't covered by the western press. Believe you me though, if western powers were to invade India and oppress their people, you would see more of it and you would hear about it.

I overlook nothing. I just have a better grasp of reality than you do,

More Muslims have been killed world wide by Christians than Christians killed by Muslims. That is a fact. I am not defending Muslim militancy at all, but I look at it from a perspective and with a cold eye. The dead are the dead and they don't give a damn how they died. You seem to think that the ability to slaughter from a distance with an extraordinary efficiency provided to you by technology somehow equates to you being a more moral person.

Another thing I do that you neglect to do is the math. Try to imagine 800 Muslims, each one charging into a synagogue and killing dozens of Jewish worshippers. You cannot and I cannot, but those 800 Muslims, per capita, are equal to one Baruch Goldstein.

Some more math. I am not sure how many Muslims belong to militant organiations but I think 1/5000 people world wide, and I am being more than generous to your argument. That would be 300,000 people of what you call "terrorists". Believe me, 300,000 members of militant organizations can do a hell of a lot more damage than what is being done.

So, for you to blanket over 1.5 billion MUslims as you do into a particular behavior reeks of hypocrisy and dishonesty. It would be far more accurate for me to depict all Jews as Haredim. Imagine 800 Islamic and an equal number of Christian clerics preaching the hate of Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yusef.

I am seeing a whole hell of a lot more reasons to hate jews than I see to hate Muslims, not to mention a cewertain consideration of facility but, if it doesn't horribly b other you, I will hate neither as a group but instead deplore the needless killing of innocents by both, and any other groups.
Both the IRA and Hamas use extreme violence in an attempts to make their opponents afraid of them; they are therefore terrorist organisations by definition. That you do no regard them as such implies that you do, in fact, condone torture and murder.
What about shooting at people fishing and farming, would you consider that extreme violence?

I disproved those videos of yours concerning those incidents on the forum three weeks ago. Pay attention.
Iraq and Jordan are developing countries, which many people consider to be in part a third world countries as the deinition is imprecise.

I can say without equivocation, though, that the two doctors are not, as you seem to believe, countries.

I am sorry that you ail to understand I think there are more complexities to the issues than "Jews and Christians good, Muslims bad." Were that the case, the solution would be simple...kill them all. And their solution wold be equally simple.

I would say that right now many of the Hindus are poor, but I don't see them blowing up people as a rule. Isn't it strange that there are Muslims who admit that there are loads of Muslim terrorists, but people like you have to make excuses for them? By the way, there have been educated Muslims who have become terrorists too, but you like to overlook that. Strange how people like this character don't want to admit that most of the murders are committed by Muslims on other Muslims, but he feel he has to drag the Jews and Christians into this.

What do you expect from a guy with a Moon Crescent avatar?

One could assume that I like the moon. I do like it. I am a night person. I also like Venus and Mars and the North Star but mostly the moon. I really like the moon. It has a very primitive and visceral allure to me.

Happy St. Stephen's/Wren day, by the way, to all the wild dancers, chasers, and beggars out there. You know, a druid land, a druid tune...

[ame=]A Christmas Celtic Sojourn 2010, The Wren Song - YouTube[/ame]

Oh, and up the RA.

Only very dishonest and cowardly people ask questions to which they don't want answers.

I actually never thought you were honest nor did I think you were non cowardly. But, have at it, if it makes you feel good. Evidently the Pope is worried about what is happening in the Middle East with regard to Christians being killed, but not our friendly guy living in Seattle.

The comment addressed your lack of honesty and cowardice, learn to comprehend English.

And a statement about Christians killed annually released by The Vatican and reported on by Fox News says absolutely nothing about what worries the Pope.

We all know how much love Christian Zionists have in their hearts for the Pope.

Mrs. Sherri is back to her usual "Learn to comprehand English." How well does your Iranian gang know how to speak and understand English, Mrs. Sherri? Meanwhile, I think the readers realize that by now Mrs. Sherri has no interest in the humongous number of innocent people killed in Syria, nor does she have any interest in the thousands and thousands of children who have died. Naturally she has no interest that one of the biggest humanitarian crises is going on right now with the over one million refugees. As long as she and her Iranian gang sit warm and comfortable in their little home, what does she care if adults and children are freezing living in tents.
Iraq and Jordan are developing countries, which many people consider to be in part a third world countries as the deinition is imprecise.

I can say without equivocation, though, that the two doctors are not, as you seem to believe, countries.

I am sorry that you ail to understand I think there are more complexities to the issues than "Jews and Christians good, Muslims bad." Were that the case, the solution would be simple...kill them all. And their solution wold be equally simple.

I would say that right now many of the Hindus are poor, but I don't see them blowing up people as a rule. Isn't it strange that there are Muslims who admit that there are loads of Muslim terrorists, but people like you have to make excuses for them? By the way, there have been educated Muslims who have become terrorists too, but you like to overlook that. Strange how people like this character don't want to admit that most of the murders are committed by Muslims on other Muslims, but he feel he has to drag the Jews and Christians into this.

The reasons you don't see Hindu acts of militancy is because you aren't looking and because it usually isn't covered by the western press. Believe you me though, if western powers were to invade India and oppress their people, you would see more of it and you would hear about it.

I overlook nothing. I just have a better grasp of reality than you do,

More Muslims have been killed world wide by Christians than Christians killed by Muslims. That is a fact. I am not defending Muslim militancy at all, but I look at it from a perspective and with a cold eye. The dead are the dead and they don't give a damn how they died. You seem to think that the ability to slaughter from a distance with an extraordinary efficiency provided to you by technology somehow equates to you being a more moral person.

Another thing I do that you neglect to do is the math. Try to imagine 800 Muslims, each one charging into a synagogue and killing dozens of Jewish worshippers. You cannot and I cannot, but those 800 Muslims, per capita, are equal to one Baruch Goldstein.

Some more math. I am not sure how many Muslims belong to militant organiations but I think 1/5000 people world wide, and I am being more than generous to your argument. That would be 300,000 people of what you call "terrorists". Believe me, 300,000 members of militant organizations can do a hell of a lot more damage than what is being done.

So, for you to blanket over 1.5 billion MUslims as you do into a particular behavior reeks of hypocrisy and dishonesty. It would be far more accurate for me to depict all Jews as Haredim. Imagine 800 Islamic and an equal number of Christian clerics preaching the hate of Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yusef.

I am seeing a whole hell of a lot more reasons to hate jews than I see to hate Muslims, not to mention a cewertain consideration of facility but, if it doesn't horribly b other you, I will hate neither as a group but instead deplore the needless killing of innocents by both, and any other groups.

Let't face it. You have always found reasons to hate the Jews so you really are not fooling a lot of the readers here. What you seem to overlook is that more Muslims are being killed by other Muslims because of the differences in sects and not because of some economic status. As for people being poor, yeah those "poor, poor" terrorists pouring into Syria from America and Europe somehow magically flew over to Syria without using any transportation because they were too poor to buy a ticket and those weapons and ammunition are magically handed them. So, I hope you don't mind if I say that you are the one who reeks of dishonesty and hypocrisy, as you always have. Meanwhile, pay attention to the humanitarian crises going on and the people who are suffering because of it.
I would say that right now many of the Hindus are poor, but I don't see them blowing up people as a rule. Isn't it strange that there are Muslims who admit that there are loads of Muslim terrorists, but people like you have to make excuses for them? By the way, there have been educated Muslims who have become terrorists too, but you like to overlook that. Strange how people like this character don't want to admit that most of the murders are committed by Muslims on other Muslims, but he feel he has to drag the Jews and Christians into this.

The reasons you don't see Hindu acts of militancy is because you aren't looking and because it usually isn't covered by the western press. Believe you me though, if western powers were to invade India and oppress their people, you would see more of it and you would hear about it.

I overlook nothing. I just have a better grasp of reality than you do,

More Muslims have been killed world wide by Christians than Christians killed by Muslims. That is a fact. I am not defending Muslim militancy at all, but I look at it from a perspective and with a cold eye. The dead are the dead and they don't give a damn how they died. You seem to think that the ability to slaughter from a distance with an extraordinary efficiency provided to you by technology somehow equates to you being a more moral person.

Another thing I do that you neglect to do is the math. Try to imagine 800 Muslims, each one charging into a synagogue and killing dozens of Jewish worshippers. You cannot and I cannot, but those 800 Muslims, per capita, are equal to one Baruch Goldstein.

Some more math. I am not sure how many Muslims belong to militant organiations but I think 1/5000 people world wide, and I am being more than generous to your argument. That would be 300,000 people of what you call "terrorists". Believe me, 300,000 members of militant organizations can do a hell of a lot more damage than what is being done.

So, for you to blanket over 1.5 billion MUslims as you do into a particular behavior reeks of hypocrisy and dishonesty. It would be far more accurate for me to depict all Jews as Haredim. Imagine 800 Islamic and an equal number of Christian clerics preaching the hate of Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yusef.

I am seeing a whole hell of a lot more reasons to hate jews than I see to hate Muslims, not to mention a cewertain consideration of facility but, if it doesn't horribly b other you, I will hate neither as a group but instead deplore the needless killing of innocents by both, and any other groups.

Let't face it. You have always found reasons to hate the Jews so you really are not fooling a lot of the readers here. What you seem to overlook is that more Muslims are being killed by other Muslims because of the differences in sects and not because of some economic status. As for people being poor, yeah those "poor, poor" terrorists pouring into Syria from America and Europe somehow magically flew over to Syria without using any transportation because they were too poor to buy a ticket and those weapons and ammunition are magically handed them. So, I hope you don't mind if I say that you are the one who reeks of dishonesty and hypocrisy, as you always have. Meanwhile, pay attention to the humanitarian crises going on and the people who are suffering because of it.

You really do have a difficult time understanding the English language. I said I would hate neither group but instead, hate the violence perpetrated by both sides. I was merely making the comment that, were I to hate a people for being a member of a group, there would be more facility in hating a group of 20,000,000 than would be in hating a group of 1,600,000,000.
You really do have a difficult time understanding the English language. I said I would hate neither group but instead, hate the violence perpetrated by both sides. I was merely making the comment that, were I to hate a people for being a member of a group, there would be more facility in hating a group of 20,000,000 than would be in hating a group of 1,600,000,000.
I've got a gut feeling her difficulty understanding the English language, is by design.
One could assume that I like the moon. I do like it. I am a night person. I also like Venus and Mars and the North Star but mostly the moon. I really like the moon. It has a very primitive and visceral allure to me.

Happy St. Stephen's/Wren day, by the way, to all the wild dancers, chasers, and beggars out there. You know, a druid land, a druid tune...

A Christmas Celtic Sojourn 2010, The Wren Song - YouTube

Oh, and up the RA.

What about this moon?


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