Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says

Actually, I don't know how there are posters who can conveniently overlook the millions the Muslims have murdered. If Israel was governed by say Hindus, do you think there would be those on this forum who are constantly chastising Israel? It's only because the Jews are involved that they are here, and yet they think they are fooling the readers who have any sense..

If Israel was governed by Hindus who had colonized from India and was supported by the United States, then I would be doing the same thing. If Israel was governed by Roman Catholics who had colonized from Ireland and was supported by Irish-American Catholics and the United States then I would be doing the same thing.

The United States is my country, I am of Irish descent, and I belong to the Roman Catholic Church and when any of those bodies act with injustice, it affects me and I will say something. And the fact that I am a member of those bodies, what I say will have more of an impact.

The fact that Jews are involved, in my opinion, has very little to do with it other that, when Jewish people and other pro-Israelis use that as an excuse to defend Israel and cover up her wrongs. It provides a convemnient cover for those who actually are anti-Semites to the extent that anti=Semitism actually becomes less of a problem than those who fling the accusation about carelessly and frivolously.

I do not disregard Muslim violence at all. I just do not attribute it to their faith and instead attribute it to poverty and the exploitation of third world countries by first world countries. Of course, islam plays a part, but if they were Christians incunbered by similar burdens, the results would be the same and and Christianity would play that part.

Give people full bellies and hopeful hearts and they will return that gift with peace and love.

Sorry, Kiddo, I just read your first paragraph. I couldn't be bothered to read the rest of your usual blather, If you want to close your eyes to what is going on in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa, go for it. Keep on blaming Israel and the Jews for all the ills of the world. Why not parade up and down the streets of Seattle with a sandwich board saying that the Jews are so bad on one side, and on the other side the Israelis are so bad. Meanwhile, I think we are all aware of what is going on with regard to Christians on this day when they should be enjoying their special holiday instead of being blown apart.
Actually, I don't know how there are posters who can conveniently overlook the millions the Muslims have murdered. If Israel was governed by say Hindus, do you think there would be those on this forum who are constantly chastising Israel? It's only because the Jews are involved that they are here, and yet they think they are fooling the readers who have any sense..

If Israel was governed by Hindus who had colonized from India and was supported by the United States, then I would be doing the same thing. If Israel was governed by Roman Catholics who had colonized from Ireland and was supported by Irish-American Catholics and the United States then I would be doing the same thing.

The United States is my country, I am of Irish descent, and I belong to the Roman Catholic Church and when any of those bodies act with injustice, it affects me and I will say something. And the fact that I am a member of those bodies, what I say will have more of an impact.

The fact that Jews are involved, in my opinion, has very little to do with it other that, when Jewish people and other pro-Israelis use that as an excuse to defend Israel and cover up her wrongs. It provides a convemnient cover for those who actually are anti-Semites to the extent that anti=Semitism actually becomes less of a problem than those who fling the accusation about carelessly and frivolously.

I do not disregard Muslim violence at all. I just do not attribute it to their faith and instead attribute it to poverty and the exploitation of third world countries by first world countries. Of course, islam plays a part, but if they were Christians incunbered by similar burdens, the results would be the same and and Christianity would play that part.

Give people full bellies and hopeful hearts and they will return that gift with peace and love.

Dreolin is brilliant ------in fact he has taught us that the CULTURALLY
DIVERSE arabia of 1400 years ago was subjected to a COMPREHENSIVE
genocide of zoroastrians, christians and jews all because of WESTERN
INTERFERENCE I am impressed. Then there was INDIA where
at least 100 million hindus were murdered by invading muslims -----over the course of
less than 100 years------because of "WESTERN IMPERIALISM"

Then Iran-------again----tens of millions if not hundreds -----dead because of
Actually, I don't know how there are posters who can conveniently overlook the millions the Muslims have murdered. If Israel was governed by say Hindus, do you think there would be those on this forum who are constantly chastising Israel? It's only because the Jews are involved that they are here, and yet they think they are fooling the readers who have any sense..

If Israel was governed by Hindus who had colonized from India and was supported by the United States, then I would be doing the same thing. If Israel was governed by Roman Catholics who had colonized from Ireland and was supported by Irish-American Catholics and the United States then I would be doing the same thing.

The United States is my country, I am of Irish descent, and I belong to the Roman Catholic Church and when any of those bodies act with injustice, it affects me and I will say something. And the fact that I am a member of those bodies, what I say will have more of an impact.

The fact that Jews are involved, in my opinion, has very little to do with it other that, when Jewish people and other pro-Israelis use that as an excuse to defend Israel and cover up her wrongs. It provides a convemnient cover for those who actually are anti-Semites to the extent that anti=Semitism actually becomes less of a problem than those who fling the accusation about carelessly and frivolously.

I do not disregard Muslim violence at all. I just do not attribute it to their faith and instead attribute it to poverty and the exploitation of third world countries by first world countries. Of course, islam plays a part, but if they were Christians incunbered by similar burdens, the results would be the same and and Christianity would play that part.

Give people full bellies and hopeful hearts and they will return that gift with peace and love.
You are trying to:

1) Make false assertions based on lies.


2) Make hopeful assumptions based on insufficient research,

If 1 is true, I'll bid you adieu.

If 2 is so, I'll give instructing you a go.

Read this.

Bestselling author Hal Lindsey explains how, on September 11, an ancient fighttothedeath conflict exploded on the shores of the U.S.

Though most Americans didn't realize it, we were already involved in this struggle.

A struggle driven by a hatred that goes back over 4000 years.

Islamic fundamentalism's purpose is to replace the JudeoChristian world order with an Islamic world order.

Every American needs to understand the enormity of the threat we face and why.

In the aftermath of 9/11 most Americans are asking:

* Why do most Muslims hate Jews?
* Why do Islamic fundamentalists hate the United States and call it "The Great Satan?"
* Why did Islamic terrorists sacrifice their own lives to kill Americans?
* Do Islamic fundamentalists have access to weapons of mass destruction?
* Could Islamic terrorists imperil the survival of the United States?
* What light does Bible prophecy shed on this?
* Does the Koran call for violence and conquest?
* Are the Islamic fundamentalists an aberration of the Muslim religion, or are they as they claim the "True followers of Mohammad?"

I ask you two questions.

One, do you believe that, "Islamic fundamentalism's purpose is to replace the JudeoChristian world order with an Islamic world order"?

And secondly, what is your reaction to that statement?
Last edited:
While some posters just obsess over Israel, they are really showing that they have no concern for what is happening in other parts of the Middle East and beyond.

Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says
By Cristina Corbin

Published June 02, 2013
A staggering 100,000 Christians are killed annually because of their faith, according to the Vatican -- and several human rights groups claim such anti-Christian violence is on the rise in countries like Pakistan, Nigeria and Egypt.

"Credible research has reached the shocking conclusion that an estimate of more than 100,000 Christians are violently killed because of some relation to their faith every year," Vatican spokesman Monsieur Silvano Maria Tomassi said Tuesday in a radio address to the United Nations Human Rights Council.

"Other Christians and other believers are subjected to forced displacement, to the destruction of their places of worship, to rape and to the abduction of their leaders, as it recently happened in the case of Bishops Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yaziji, in Aleppo [Syria]," Tomassi said.

To continue reading, go to:

Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says | Fox News

Haven't you heard? In the modern world Christians are the oppressors. Christians are expendable.
On the issue of responsibility raised.

Jews everywhere pay for what Israel does because of the association Israel insists Jews have to Israel.

It might not be right or fair, not saying it is that.

It is part of the problem of nations too closely associated with religions.

I hope you aren't intentionally trying to whitewash the Muslim's deadly and slave making hatred for Jews for hundreds of years BEFORE Israel was granted statehood and which would likely continue in perpetuity.

Since my post only addressed a nation proclaiming herself into existence in 1948 and naming herself Israel, I am obviously addressing nothing that happened before 1948.
Actually, I don't know how there are posters who can conveniently overlook the millions the Muslims have murdered. If Israel was governed by say Hindus, do you think there would be those on this forum who are constantly chastising Israel? It's only because the Jews are involved that they are here, and yet they think they are fooling the readers who have any sense..

If Israel was governed by Hindus who had colonized from India and was supported by the United States, then I would be doing the same thing. If Israel was governed by Roman Catholics who had colonized from Ireland and was supported by Irish-American Catholics and the United States then I would be doing the same thing.

The United States is my country, I am of Irish descent, and I belong to the Roman Catholic Church and when any of those bodies act with injustice, it affects me and I will say something. And the fact that I am a member of those bodies, what I say will have more of an impact.

The fact that Jews are involved, in my opinion, has very little to do with it other that, when Jewish people and other pro-Israelis use that as an excuse to defend Israel and cover up her wrongs. It provides a convemnient cover for those who actually are anti-Semites to the extent that anti=Semitism actually becomes less of a problem than those who fling the accusation about carelessly and frivolously.

I do not disregard Muslim violence at all. I just do not attribute it to their faith and instead attribute it to poverty and the exploitation of third world countries by first world countries. Of course, islam plays a part, but if they were Christians incunbered by similar burdens, the results would be the same and and Christianity would play that part.

Give people full bellies and hopeful hearts and they will return that gift with peace and love.

So your silence on every other conflict in the world means there are no other conflicts.
A: You're not a very good con man.
B: You think everybody who reads your postings knows nothing about world events
Last edited:
On the issue of responsibility raised.

Jews everywhere pay for what Israel does because of the association Israel insists Jews have to Israel.

It might not be right or fair, not saying it is that.

It is part of the problem of nations too closely associated with religions.

I hope you aren't intentionally trying to whitewash the Muslim's deadly and slave making hatred for Jews for hundreds of years BEFORE Israel was granted statehood and which would likely continue in perpetuity.

Since my post only addressed a nation proclaiming herself into existence in 1948 and naming herself Israel, I am obviously addressing nothing that happened before 1948.


Thanks for your response.
Actually, I don't know how there are posters who can conveniently overlook the millions the Muslims have murdered. If Israel was governed by say Hindus, do you think there would be those on this forum who are constantly chastising Israel? It's only because the Jews are involved that they are here, and yet they think they are fooling the readers who have any sense..

If Israel was governed by Hindus who had colonized from India and was supported by the United States, then I would be doing the same thing. If Israel was governed by Roman Catholics who had colonized from Ireland and was supported by Irish-American Catholics and the United States then I would be doing the same thing.

The United States is my country, I am of Irish descent, and I belong to the Roman Catholic Church and when any of those bodies act with injustice, it affects me and I will say something. And the fact that I am a member of those bodies, what I say will have more of an impact.

The fact that Jews are involved, in my opinion, has very little to do with it other that, when Jewish people and other pro-Israelis use that as an excuse to defend Israel and cover up her wrongs. It provides a convemnient cover for those who actually are anti-Semites to the extent that anti=Semitism actually becomes less of a problem than those who fling the accusation about carelessly and frivolously.

I do not disregard Muslim violence at all. I just do not attribute it to their faith and instead attribute it to poverty and the exploitation of third world countries by first world countries. Of course, islam plays a part, but if they were Christians incunbered by similar burdens, the results would be the same and and Christianity would play that part.

Give people full bellies and hopeful hearts and they will return that gift with peace and love.

Dreolin is brilliant ------in fact he has taught us that the CULTURALLY
DIVERSE arabia of 1400 years ago was subjected to a COMPREHENSIVE
genocide of zoroastrians, christians and jews all because of WESTERN
INTERFERENCE I am impressed. Then there was INDIA where
at least 100 million hindus were murdered by invading muslims -----over the course of
less than 100 years------because of "WESTERN IMPERIALISM"

Then Iran-------again----tens of millions if not hundreds -----dead because of

[ame=]The Arab Muslim Slave Trade Of Africans, The Untold Story - YouTube[/ame]
While some posters just obsess over Israel, they are really showing that they have no concern for what is happening in other parts of the Middle East and beyond.

Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says
By Cristina Corbin

Published June 02, 2013
A staggering 100,000 Christians are killed annually because of their faith, according to the Vatican -- and several human rights groups claim such anti-Christian violence is on the rise in countries like Pakistan, Nigeria and Egypt.

"Credible research has reached the shocking conclusion that an estimate of more than 100,000 Christians are violently killed because of some relation to their faith every year," Vatican spokesman Monsieur Silvano Maria Tomassi said Tuesday in a radio address to the United Nations Human Rights Council.

"Other Christians and other believers are subjected to forced displacement, to the destruction of their places of worship, to rape and to the abduction of their leaders, as it recently happened in the case of Bishops Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yaziji, in Aleppo [Syria]," Tomassi said.

To continue reading, go to:

Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says | Fox News

Killed mostly by...?

And these Christians were peacefully minding their own business, I'd bet.

Who knows?
Credible research has reached the shocking conclusion that an estimate of more than 100,000 Christians are violently killed because of some relation to their faith every year," Vatican spokesman Monsieur Silvano Maria Tomassi said Tuesday in a radio address to the United Nations Human Rights Council.*

Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says | Fox News

A testimony for Christ, that Christians follow His example!

While I say that, I really question how an accurate figure for Christians dying for Christ can accurately be arrived at.

AND it beats me why this is a Middle East topic..

I call it a Christianity topic.
While some posters just obsess over Israel, they are really showing that they have no concern for what is happening in other parts of the Middle East and beyond.

Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says
By Cristina Corbin

Published June 02, 2013
A staggering 100,000 Christians are killed annually because of their faith, according to the Vatican -- and several human rights groups claim such anti-Christian violence is on the rise in countries like Pakistan, Nigeria and Egypt.

"Credible research has reached the shocking conclusion that an estimate of more than 100,000 Christians are violently killed because of some relation to their faith every year," Vatican spokesman Monsieur Silvano Maria Tomassi said Tuesday in a radio address to the United Nations Human Rights Council.

"Other Christians and other believers are subjected to forced displacement, to the destruction of their places of worship, to rape and to the abduction of their leaders, as it recently happened in the case of Bishops Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yaziji, in Aleppo [Syria]," Tomassi said.

To continue reading, go to:

Some 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says | Fox News

Killed mostly by...?

And these Christians were peacefully minding their own business, I'd bet.

Who knows?

Well who do you and your Iranian Shia gang think who knoiws? The Shadow?
Actually, I don't know how there are posters who can conveniently overlook the millions the Muslims have murdered. If Israel was governed by say Hindus, do you think there would be those on this forum who are constantly chastising Israel? It's only because the Jews are involved that they are here, and yet they think they are fooling the readers who have any sense..

If Israel was governed by Hindus who had colonized from India and was supported by the United States, then I would be doing the same thing. If Israel was governed by Roman Catholics who had colonized from Ireland and was supported by Irish-American Catholics and the United States then I would be doing the same thing.

The United States is my country, I am of Irish descent, and I belong to the Roman Catholic Church and when any of those bodies act with injustice, it affects me and I will say something. And the fact that I am a member of those bodies, what I say will have more of an impact.

The fact that Jews are involved, in my opinion, has very little to do with it other that, when Jewish people and other pro-Israelis use that as an excuse to defend Israel and cover up her wrongs. It provides a convemnient cover for those who actually are anti-Semites to the extent that anti=Semitism actually becomes less of a problem than those who fling the accusation about carelessly and frivolously.

I do not disregard Muslim violence at all. I just do not attribute it to their faith and instead attribute it to poverty and the exploitation of third world countries by first world countries. Of course, islam plays a part, but if they were Christians incunbered by similar burdens, the results would be the same and and Christianity would play that part.

Give people full bellies and hopeful hearts and they will return that gift with peace and love.

I note that you are of Irish descent and can but wonder if you support the IRA? Or is Hamas the only terrorist organisation that you adore?

Those who might be taken in by Dreolin's propaganda should reflect that the Christians murdered by Islam are often poorer than their killers. So his nauseating argument that poverty justifies torture and murder falls doubly flat.
Actually, I don't know how there are posters who can conveniently overlook the millions the Muslims have murdered. If Israel was governed by say Hindus, do you think there would be those on this forum who are constantly chastising Israel? It's only because the Jews are involved that they are here, and yet they think they are fooling the readers who have any sense..

If Israel was governed by Hindus who had colonized from India and was supported by the United States, then I would be doing the same thing. If Israel was governed by Roman Catholics who had colonized from Ireland and was supported by Irish-American Catholics and the United States then I would be doing the same thing.

The United States is my country, I am of Irish descent, and I belong to the Roman Catholic Church and when any of those bodies act with injustice, it affects me and I will say something. And the fact that I am a member of those bodies, what I say will have more of an impact.

The fact that Jews are involved, in my opinion, has very little to do with it other that, when Jewish people and other pro-Israelis use that as an excuse to defend Israel and cover up her wrongs. It provides a convemnient cover for those who actually are anti-Semites to the extent that anti=Semitism actually becomes less of a problem than those who fling the accusation about carelessly and frivolously.

I do not disregard Muslim violence at all. I just do not attribute it to their faith and instead attribute it to poverty and the exploitation of third world countries by first world countries. Of course, islam plays a part, but if they were Christians incunbered by similar burdens, the results would be the same and and Christianity would play that part.

Give people full bellies and hopeful hearts and they will return that gift with peace and love.

I note that you are of Irish descent and can but wonder if you support the IRA? Or is Hamas the only terrorist organisation that you adore?

Those who might be taken in by Dreolin's propaganda should reflect that the Christians murdered by Islam are often poorer than their killers. So his nauseating argument that poverty justifies torture and murder falls doubly flat.

Yet D believes every word of it.
Actually, I don't know how there are posters who can conveniently overlook the millions the Muslims have murdered. If Israel was governed by say Hindus, do you think there would be those on this forum who are constantly chastising Israel? It's only because the Jews are involved that they are here, and yet they think they are fooling the readers who have any sense..

If Israel was governed by Hindus who had colonized from India and was supported by the United States, then I would be doing the same thing. If Israel was governed by Roman Catholics who had colonized from Ireland and was supported by Irish-American Catholics and the United States then I would be doing the same thing.

The United States is my country, I am of Irish descent, and I belong to the Roman Catholic Church and when any of those bodies act with injustice, it affects me and I will say something. And the fact that I am a member of those bodies, what I say will have more of an impact.

The fact that Jews are involved, in my opinion, has very little to do with it other that, when Jewish people and other pro-Israelis use that as an excuse to defend Israel and cover up her wrongs. It provides a convemnient cover for those who actually are anti-Semites to the extent that anti=Semitism actually becomes less of a problem than those who fling the accusation about carelessly and frivolously.

I do not disregard Muslim violence at all. I just do not attribute it to their faith and instead attribute it to poverty and the exploitation of third world countries by first world countries. Of course, islam plays a part, but if they were Christians incunbered by similar burdens, the results would be the same and and Christianity would play that part.

Give people full bellies and hopeful hearts and they will return that gift with peace and love.

I note that you are of Irish descent and can but wonder if you support the IRA? Or is Hamas the only terrorist organisation that you adore?

Those who might be taken in by Dreolin's propaganda should reflect that the Christians murdered by Islam are often poorer than their killers. So his nauseating argument that poverty justifies torture and murder falls doubly flat.

Didn't you know, Peter, that those two doctors who planned to car bomb the Glasgow Airport were very, very poor?

Glasgow Airport terror attack: Doctors planned 'wholesale murder' - Daily Record
Actually, I don't know how there are posters who can conveniently overlook the millions the Muslims have murdered. If Israel was governed by say Hindus, do you think there would be those on this forum who are constantly chastising Israel? It's only because the Jews are involved that they are here, and yet they think they are fooling the readers who have any sense..

If Israel was governed by Hindus who had colonized from India and was supported by the United States, then I would be doing the same thing. If Israel was governed by Roman Catholics who had colonized from Ireland and was supported by Irish-American Catholics and the United States then I would be doing the same thing.

The United States is my country, I am of Irish descent, and I belong to the Roman Catholic Church and when any of those bodies act with injustice, it affects me and I will say something. And the fact that I am a member of those bodies, what I say will have more of an impact.

The fact that Jews are involved, in my opinion, has very little to do with it other that, when Jewish people and other pro-Israelis use that as an excuse to defend Israel and cover up her wrongs. It provides a convemnient cover for those who actually are anti-Semites to the extent that anti=Semitism actually becomes less of a problem than those who fling the accusation about carelessly and frivolously.

I do not disregard Muslim violence at all. I just do not attribute it to their faith and instead attribute it to poverty and the exploitation of third world countries by first world countries. Of course, islam plays a part, but if they were Christians incunbered by similar burdens, the results would be the same and and Christianity would play that part.

Give people full bellies and hopeful hearts and they will return that gift with peace and love.

I note that you are of Irish descent and can but wonder if you support the IRA? Or is Hamas the only terrorist organisation that you adore?

Those who might be taken in by Dreolin's propaganda should reflect that the Christians murdered by Islam are often poorer than their killers. So his nauseating argument that poverty justifies torture and murder falls doubly flat.

And that has nothing to do with what I said. The exploitatuon of the resources of third world countries by first world countries, or countries that otherwise are poor, often have factions divided along factional lines in competition for resources.

I never justified torture or murder.

I do not adore any organizations. I prefer secular organizations like the PLO and the IRA to religiously based organizations like religious Zionists and HAMAS.

I do not regard either the IRA or HAMAS as "terrorist" organisations.

HAMAS was created and funded in large part bt Israel to marginalize the PLO.
Actually, I don't know how there are posters who can conveniently overlook the millions the Muslims have murdered. If Israel was governed by say Hindus, do you think there would be those on this forum who are constantly chastising Israel? It's only because the Jews are involved that they are here, and yet they think they are fooling the readers who have any sense..

If Israel was governed by Hindus who had colonized from India and was supported by the United States, then I would be doing the same thing. If Israel was governed by Roman Catholics who had colonized from Ireland and was supported by Irish-American Catholics and the United States then I would be doing the same thing.

The United States is my country, I am of Irish descent, and I belong to the Roman Catholic Church and when any of those bodies act with injustice, it affects me and I will say something. And the fact that I am a member of those bodies, what I say will have more of an impact.

The fact that Jews are involved, in my opinion, has very little to do with it other that, when Jewish people and other pro-Israelis use that as an excuse to defend Israel and cover up her wrongs. It provides a convemnient cover for those who actually are anti-Semites to the extent that anti=Semitism actually becomes less of a problem than those who fling the accusation about carelessly and frivolously.

I do not disregard Muslim violence at all. I just do not attribute it to their faith and instead attribute it to poverty and the exploitation of third world countries by first world countries. Of course, islam plays a part, but if they were Christians incunbered by similar burdens, the results would be the same and and Christianity would play that part.

Give people full bellies and hopeful hearts and they will return that gift with peace and love.

Sorry, Kiddo, I just read your first paragraph. I couldn't be bothered to read the rest of your usual blather, If you want to close your eyes to what is going on in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa, go for it. Keep on blaming Israel and the Jews for all the ills of the world. Why not parade up and down the streets of Seattle with a sandwich board saying that the Jews are so bad on one side, and on the other side the Israelis are so bad. Meanwhile, I think we are all aware of what is going on with regard to Christians on this day when they should be enjoying their special holiday instead of being blown apart.

Only very dishonest and cowardly people ask questions to which they don't want answers.
If Israel was governed by Hindus who had colonized from India and was supported by the United States, then I would be doing the same thing. If Israel was governed by Roman Catholics who had colonized from Ireland and was supported by Irish-American Catholics and the United States then I would be doing the same thing.

The United States is my country, I am of Irish descent, and I belong to the Roman Catholic Church and when any of those bodies act with injustice, it affects me and I will say something. And the fact that I am a member of those bodies, what I say will have more of an impact.

The fact that Jews are involved, in my opinion, has very little to do with it other that, when Jewish people and other pro-Israelis use that as an excuse to defend Israel and cover up her wrongs. It provides a convemnient cover for those who actually are anti-Semites to the extent that anti=Semitism actually becomes less of a problem than those who fling the accusation about carelessly and frivolously.

I do not disregard Muslim violence at all. I just do not attribute it to their faith and instead attribute it to poverty and the exploitation of third world countries by first world countries. Of course, islam plays a part, but if they were Christians incunbered by similar burdens, the results would be the same and and Christianity would play that part.

Give people full bellies and hopeful hearts and they will return that gift with peace and love.

Sorry, Kiddo, I just read your first paragraph. I couldn't be bothered to read the rest of your usual blather, If you want to close your eyes to what is going on in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa, go for it. Keep on blaming Israel and the Jews for all the ills of the world. Why not parade up and down the streets of Seattle with a sandwich board saying that the Jews are so bad on one side, and on the other side the Israelis are so bad. Meanwhile, I think we are all aware of what is going on with regard to Christians on this day when they should be enjoying their special holiday instead of being blown apart.

Only very dishonest and cowardly people ask questions to which they don't want answers.

I actually never thought you were honest nor did I think you were non cowardly. But, have at it, if it makes you feel good. Evidently the Pope is worried about what is happening in the Middle East with regard to Christians being killed, but not our friendly guy living in Seattle.
If Israel was governed by Hindus who had colonized from India and was supported by the United States, then I would be doing the same thing. If Israel was governed by Roman Catholics who had colonized from Ireland and was supported by Irish-American Catholics and the United States then I would be doing the same thing.

The United States is my country, I am of Irish descent, and I belong to the Roman Catholic Church and when any of those bodies act with injustice, it affects me and I will say something. And the fact that I am a member of those bodies, what I say will have more of an impact.

The fact that Jews are involved, in my opinion, has very little to do with it other that, when Jewish people and other pro-Israelis use that as an excuse to defend Israel and cover up her wrongs. It provides a convemnient cover for those who actually are anti-Semites to the extent that anti=Semitism actually becomes less of a problem than those who fling the accusation about carelessly and frivolously.

I do not disregard Muslim violence at all. I just do not attribute it to their faith and instead attribute it to poverty and the exploitation of third world countries by first world countries. Of course, islam plays a part, but if they were Christians incunbered by similar burdens, the results would be the same and and Christianity would play that part.

Give people full bellies and hopeful hearts and they will return that gift with peace and love.

I note that you are of Irish descent and can but wonder if you support the IRA? Or is Hamas the only terrorist organisation that you adore?

Those who might be taken in by Dreolin's propaganda should reflect that the Christians murdered by Islam are often poorer than their killers. So his nauseating argument that poverty justifies torture and murder falls doubly flat.

Didn't you know, Peter, that those two doctors who planned to car bomb the Glasgow Airport were very, very poor?

Glasgow Airport terror attack: Doctors planned 'wholesale murder' - Daily Record

Iraq and Jordan are developing countries, which many people consider to be in part a third world countries as the deinition is imprecise.

I can say without equivocation, though, that the two doctors are not, as you seem to believe, countries.

I am sorry that you ail to understand I think there are more complexities to the issues than "Jews and Christians good, Muslims bad." Were that the case, the solution would be simple...kill them all. And their solution wold be equally simple.
I note that you are of Irish descent and can but wonder if you support the IRA? Or is Hamas the only terrorist organisation that you adore?

Those who might be taken in by Dreolin's propaganda should reflect that the Christians murdered by Islam are often poorer than their killers. So his nauseating argument that poverty justifies torture and murder falls doubly flat.

Didn't you know, Peter, that those two doctors who planned to car bomb the Glasgow Airport were very, very poor?

Glasgow Airport terror attack: Doctors planned 'wholesale murder' - Daily Record

Iraq and Jordan are developing countries, which many people consider to be in part a third world countries as the deinition is imprecise.

I can say without equivocation, though, that the two doctors are not, as you seem to believe, countries.

I am sorry that you ail to understand I think there are more complexities to the issues than "Jews and Christians good, Muslims bad." Were that the case, the solution would be simple...kill them all. And their solution wold be equally simple.

I would say that right now many of the Hindus are poor, but I don't see them blowing up people as a rule. Isn't it strange that there are Muslims who admit that there are loads of Muslim terrorists, but people like you have to make excuses for them? By the way, there have been educated Muslims who have become terrorists too, but you like to overlook that. Strange how people like this character don't want to admit that most of the murders are committed by Muslims on other Muslims, but he feel he has to drag the Jews and Christians into this.
Didn't you know, Peter, that those two doctors who planned to car bomb the Glasgow Airport were very, very poor?

Glasgow Airport terror attack: Doctors planned 'wholesale murder' - Daily Record

Iraq and Jordan are developing countries, which many people consider to be in part a third world countries as the deinition is imprecise.

I can say without equivocation, though, that the two doctors are not, as you seem to believe, countries.

I am sorry that you ail to understand I think there are more complexities to the issues than "Jews and Christians good, Muslims bad." Were that the case, the solution would be simple...kill them all. And their solution wold be equally simple.

I would say that right now many of the Hindus are poor, but I don't see them blowing up people as a rule. Isn't it strange that there are Muslims who admit that there are loads of Muslim terrorists, but people like you have to make excuses for them? By the way, there have been educated Muslims who have become terrorists too, but you like to overlook that. Strange how people like this character don't want to admit that most of the murders are committed by Muslims on other Muslims, but he feel he has to drag the Jews and Christians into this.

What do you expect from a guy with a Moon Crescent avatar?

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