Some Americans simply LACK perspective...

The White Revolution (Persian: انقلاب سفید‎ Enghelāb-e Sefid) was a far-reaching series of reforms in Iran launched in 1963 by Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Mohammad Reza Shah’s reform program was built especially to strengthen those classes that supported the traditional system
Our puppet failed when Carter stopped funding his police state. It's not hard to understand, for most.

Carter propped up and INSTALLED the "PUPPET" THAT is threatening the world with NUCLEAR BOMBS RIGHT NOW.

it's not hard to understand, for most.
Americans are dumb as dog shit, hence the state of the place...

It seems so. Even as recently as 30 years ago there would have been a bonecrushing uprising over what the current administration and its cadre of talking monkeys have done to it.

Right. All of our problems started with this administration. Idiot.

the idiot is a loser left-wing moron making a straw man. nobody said all our problems started with obama. the problem is you pathetic idiots cant admit he's done ANYTHING wrong
In the mid twentieth century, US-Iran relations prospered. Many Americans celebrated Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as a model king. President Lyndon B. Johnson pronounced in 1964: "What is going on in Iran is about the best thing going on anywhere in the world".

During the 1970's Iran's Shah propelled Iran into becoming a dynamic middle-east regional power. The Shah implemented broad economic and social reforms, including enhanced rights for women, and religious and ethnic minorities. Economic and educational reforms were adopted, initiatives to cleanse politics of social upheaval were systematized, and the civil service system was reformed. When sectors of society rioted to demand even greater freedom, the Shah promised constitutional reform to favor democracy. In the face of Soviet and fundamentalist Islamic pressures, constitutional reform remained on the back burner, as the Shah built what on paper was the world's fifth or sixth largest armed force. In 1976, it had an estimated 3,000 tanks, 890 helicopter gunships, over 200 advanced fighter aircraft, the largest fleet of hovercraft in any country and 9,000 anti-tank missiles.
Subsequent to the Carter Administration's ill-conceived foreign policy initiative, Iran is now a dungeon. Ayatollah Khomeini's dictatorship executed the Shah's prisoners, predominantly communist militants, along with more than 20,000 pro-Western Iranians. Women were sent back into servitude. Citizens were arrested merely for owning satellite dishes that could tune to Western programs. American diplomats were taken hostage, and the Soviet Union invaded Iran's eastern neighbor Afghanistan as a result of this chaos, allowing it to secure greater influence in Iran and Pakistan. The struggle against the Soviets in Afghanistan, and the defeat of this invading Superpower with help from the United States under President Reagan gave rise to the radicalization and emergence of Muslim zealots like Osama bin Laden. Moreover, within a year of the Shah's ouster, Iran on its western flank was locked into the Iran-Iraq War, in which the U.S. sided with secular Iraq and its military dictator Saddam Hussein.
Subsequent to the Carter Administration's ill-conceived foreign policy initiative, Iran is now a dungeon. Ayatollah Khomeini's dictatorship executed the Shah's prisoners, predominantly communist militants, along with more than 20,000 pro-Western Iranians. Women were sent back into servitude. Citizens were arrested merely for owning satellite dishes that could tune to Western programs. American diplomats were taken hostage, and the Soviet Union invaded Iran's eastern neighbor Afghanistan as a result of this chaos, allowing it to secure greater influence in Iran and Pakistan. The struggle against the Soviets in Afghanistan, and the defeat of this invading Superpower with help from the United States under President Reagan gave rise to the radicalization and emergence of Muslim zealots like Osama bin Laden. Moreover, within a year of the Shah's ouster, Iran on its western flank was locked into the Iran-Iraq War, in which the U.S. sided with secular Iraq and its military dictator Saddam Hussein.
Hence why we don't want religions running governments...
Americans are dumb as dog shit, hence the state of the place...

It seems so. Even as recently as 30 years ago there would have been a bonecrushing uprising over what the current administration and its cadre of talking monkeys have done to it.

Right. All of our problems started with this administration. Idiot.

the idiot is a loser left-wing moron making a straw man. nobody said all our problems started with obama. the problem is you pathetic idiots cant admit he's done ANYTHING wrong
Well he did kill a couple of Americans without bothering with a trial first, but they were Radical Islamic Sand ******* so I'm sure you don't mind eh?
Americans are dumb as dog shit, hence the state of the place...

It seems so. Even as recently as 30 years ago there would have been a bonecrushing uprising over what the current administration and its cadre of talking monkeys have done to it.
30 years ago the administration allowed ketchup to be classified as a vegetable, and traded arms for hostages. This isn't new.

Perhaps, but not the point, with "as recently as" being the operative phrase.
30 years ago they were pulling shit that makes these guys look like saints, dumbass.

I see them quite differently, of course.
Americans are dumb as dog shit, hence the state of the place...

It seems so. Even as recently as 30 years ago there would have been a bonecrushing uprising over what the current administration and its cadre of talking monkeys have done to it.
30 years ago the administration allowed ketchup to be classified as a vegetable, and traded arms for hostages. This isn't new.

Perhaps, but not the point, with "as recently as" being the operative phrase.
30 years ago they were pulling shit that makes these guys look like saints, dumbass.

I see them quite differently, of course.
All very stupid people would, hence the OP...
Americans are dumb as dog shit, hence the state of the place...

It seems so. Even as recently as 30 years ago there would have been a bonecrushing uprising over what the current administration and its cadre of talking monkeys have done to it.

Right. All of our problems started with this administration. Idiot.

Oh, not at all. But Obama has exacerbated and increased them exponentially.
It seems so. Even as recently as 30 years ago there would have been a bonecrushing uprising over what the current administration and its cadre of talking monkeys have done to it.
30 years ago the administration allowed ketchup to be classified as a vegetable, and traded arms for hostages. This isn't new.

Perhaps, but not the point, with "as recently as" being the operative phrase.
30 years ago they were pulling shit that makes these guys look like saints, dumbass.

I see them quite differently, of course.
All very stupid people would, hence the OP...

I see your argument has collapsed as expected.
30 years ago the administration allowed ketchup to be classified as a vegetable, and traded arms for hostages. This isn't new.

Perhaps, but not the point, with "as recently as" being the operative phrase.
30 years ago they were pulling shit that makes these guys look like saints, dumbass.

I see them quite differently, of course.
All very stupid people would, hence the OP...

I see your argument has collapsed as expected.
There is no argument you dumbass, you never made one, just a partisan rant, which is so obviously wrong.
Americans are dumb as dog shit, hence the state of the place...

It seems so. Even as recently as 30 years ago there would have been a bonecrushing uprising over what the current administration and its cadre of talking monkeys have done to it.

Right. All of our problems started with this administration. Idiot.

the idiot is a loser left-wing moron making a straw man. nobody said all our problems started with obama. the problem is you pathetic idiots cant admit he's done ANYTHING wrong
Well he did kill a couple of Americans without bothering with a trial first, but they were Radical Islamic Sand ******* so I'm sure you don't mind eh?

again idiiot; the Khomeinist regime EXECUTED ALL THE SHAH'S PRISONERS as well as enemies of their own islamo-fascist state

ur such an ignorant dullard; why do you even post??
Americans are dumb as dog shit, hence the state of the place...

It seems so. Even as recently as 30 years ago there would have been a bonecrushing uprising over what the current administration and its cadre of talking monkeys have done to it.

Right. All of our problems started with this administration. Idiot.

the idiot is a loser left-wing moron making a straw man. nobody said all our problems started with obama. the problem is you pathetic idiots cant admit he's done ANYTHING wrong
Well he did kill a couple of Americans without bothering with a trial first, but they were Radical Islamic Sand ******* so I'm sure you don't mind eh?

again idiiot; the Khomeinist regime EXECUTED ALL THE SHAH'S PRISONERS as well as enemies of their own islamo-fascist state

ur such an ignorant dullard; why do you even post??
The Shah was our puppet dictator, just deal with it. It's history, and so is he.
Americans are dumb as dog shit, hence the state of the place...

It seems so. Even as recently as 30 years ago there would have been a bonecrushing uprising over what the current administration and its cadre of talking monkeys have done to it.

I presume you're writing the above from some homeless shelter due to what this current administration has done to you?
Americans are dumb as dog shit, hence the state of the place...

It seems so. Even as recently as 30 years ago there would have been a bonecrushing uprising over what the current administration and its cadre of talking monkeys have done to it.

Right. All of our problems started with this administration. Idiot.

No. Our problems have been going since the progressive movement began their policies have been a cancer to our once great society. We are still living with the consequences of them screwing up the world with world war 1.

And history is repeating itself . We are heading like lemmings to the slaughter.
Jews, EVEN EUROPEAN ONES, can trace their ancestry BY DNA back to their Middle East HOMELAND to a large degree

Whereas the Arab Palestinians can trace their DNA to Maoris in New Zealand???
Perhaps, but not the point, with "as recently as" being the operative phrase.
30 years ago they were pulling shit that makes these guys look like saints, dumbass.

I see them quite differently, of course.
All very stupid people would, hence the OP...

I see your argument has collapsed as expected.
There is no argument you dumbass, you never made one, just a partisan rant, which is so obviously wrong.

Oh but I did, little fella. I stated that as recently as 30 years ago there would have been an uprising over what the Obama administration has wrought. You will of course agree that political POVs in America were quite different as recently as that? Or will you make yourself more the fool?

It is you who offered no argument, other than to jam your nose even farther up Obama's anus.
liberals are complete idiots. every time you see a left-wing moron mention iran you know it's a given he's going tor ant about Mossadegh; and paint the Shah as the devil himself


Well, you're partially "correct"......The Shah was a skirt chaser throughout France and left the ruling of Iran to the CIA and British Petroleum.
Uh huh. Outrageous lack of perspective. Stupid Americans! How dare we be annoyed when terrorists attack us.

Bad stuff happened to other people that upset the terrorists. So they lashed out! They are misunderstood victims.

Let's invite them to come live in our country!

Obviously, the O/P went right over your half brain....Perhaps having pictures or Bugs Bunny cartoons with the post may have helped?

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