Some Americans simply LACK perspective...

Which is why Israel should annex the entire region, as they should have in 1967

You're "correct".....Many still in power in Israel learned quite a bit about how to practice apartheid methods and concentration camps.
There is no apartheid in Israel, nor cocentration camps.
Is this your "knowledge of history backed up by facts" again? LOL!

And people wonder how the liberal turds can compare Christians to Moslem fanatics who practice Sharia and throw homosexuals off the top of buildings.
In the midst of the usual back-n-forth of the insults that go on in this forum, sometimes I marvel at the lack of perspective (aka education) that exists among Americans. There should NEVER be an acceptance of terrorist acts against one another, but to completely neglect the perspective that brings forth such horrible acts should also be acknowledged. For example:

a. You'll read that on 9-11, it was Muslims that attacked us....TRUE and unacceptable; but did SOME Muslims just wake up one day and decided to attack us......or is there a deeper and long-festering reason for such abject animosity?

b. We also read that in the half-century plus struggle between Israel and Palestinians, the blame for such bloodshed is due to Palestinians NOT being entitled to a sovereign Palestine because prior to the European Jews' exodus to that land, there was NO Palestine. Think for a moment on the ridiculous premise and the lack of perspective.

c. Finally, we also read of Iranians as those "evil people" that took over our embassy in '79, fund terrorism and now want a nuclear arsenal to kill Jews and Americans. Has no one ever heard of our coup d'etat on Mossadegh, the dreaded Savaak, the Shah's terrible reign, etc.?

Just a few example of our knee-jerk response to world events and the complete lack of perspective not only due to biases and prejudices, but also our lack of historical education.

it's not a ridiculous premise leftard. there is no such thing as a Palestinian, there never has been. Jews, EVEN EUROPEAN ONES, can trace their ancestry BY DNA back to their Middle East HOMELAND to a large degree

Show us the borders of this mythical nation called "Palestine."
...We also read that in the half-century plus struggle between Israel and Palestinians, the blame for such bloodshed is due to Palestinians NOT being entitled to a sovereign Palestine because prior to the European Jews' exodus to that land...

I don't know where you read that but the truth is both Muslim and Jewish "Palestinians" were offered the same opportunity to establish their states (at the same time) within the UN Mandate region of Palestine.

This was after 80% of the mandate had been usurped by the Hashemite Tribe from Arabia.

The Jews accepted the Partition Plan (UN 181) and set about the work of building a Jewish Homeland. The Arabs rejected 181 and set about building squalid "refugee" camps in which to foster the desperation that would fuel their war - and that of Jew haters everywhere - against the Jews.
In the midst of the usual back-n-forth of the insults that go on in this forum, sometimes I marvel at the lack of perspective (aka education) that exists among Americans. There should NEVER be an acceptance of terrorist acts against one another, but to completely neglect the perspective that brings forth such horrible acts should also be acknowledged. For example:

a. You'll read that on 9-11, it was Muslims that attacked us....TRUE and unacceptable; but did SOME Muslims just wake up one day and decided to attack us......or is there a deeper and long-festering reason for such abject animosity?

b. We also read that in the half-century plus struggle between Israel and Palestinians, the blame for such bloodshed is due to Palestinians NOT being entitled to a sovereign Palestine because prior to the European Jews' exodus to that land, there was NO Palestine. Think for a moment on the ridiculous premise and the lack of perspective.

c. Finally, we also read of Iranians as those "evil people" that took over our embassy in '79, fund terrorism and now want a nuclear arsenal to kill Jews and Americans. Has no one ever heard of our coup d'etat on Mossadegh, the dreaded Savaak, the Shah's terrible reign, etc.?

Just a few example of our knee-jerk response to world events and the complete lack of perspective not only due to biases and prejudices, but also our lack of historical education.

a. I don't give a fuck... Islam has been at war with the rest of the world since its inception
b. The Palestinians? Here's a thought, how come such an important people have been turned away by every Arab nation?
c. Yeah, that justifies nuking people... not to mention there's a lot more to the story than what you mentioned.

You leftists are completely nuts... go peddle your guilt-trip somewhere else.
Why don't you ask the mothers of the kids brutally burned to death on 911 what they think of your moronic sympathy for the 911 terrorists. Do us all a favor pack up and move to North Korea.

If ALL you got from my O/P is my supposed "sympathy for the 9-11 terrorists", then I'd let others judge YOUR level of intelligence. But, hey, I'd agree that a forum board is a lousy place to teach anything to morons..

Your OP is dripping with sympathy for evil murderous thug terrorists, justified with vague poorly thought out reasoning why its somehow our fault. In other words typical progressive liberal thinking.
Why don't you ask the mothers of the kids brutally burned to death on 911 what they think of your moronic sympathy for the 911 terrorists. Do us all a favor pack up and move to North Korea.

If ALL you got from my O/P is my supposed "sympathy for the 9-11 terrorists", then I'd let others judge YOUR level of intelligence. But, hey, I'd agree that a forum board is a lousy place to teach anything to morons..

Your OP is dripping with sympathy for evil murderous thug terrorists, justified with vague poorly thought out reasoning why its somehow our fault. In other words typical progressive liberal thinking.
They were wrong to do what they did, but we, as a nation, are anything but innocent.
In the midst of the usual back-n-forth of the insults that go on in this forum, sometimes I marvel at the lack of perspective (aka education) that exists among Americans. There should NEVER be an acceptance of terrorist acts against one another, but to completely neglect the perspective that brings forth such horrible acts should also be acknowledged. For example:

a. You'll read that on 9-11, it was Muslims that attacked us....TRUE and unacceptable; but did SOME Muslims just wake up one day and decided to attack us......or is there a deeper and long-festering reason for such abject animosity?

b. We also read that in the half-century plus struggle between Israel and Palestinians, the blame for such bloodshed is due to Palestinians NOT being entitled to a sovereign Palestine because prior to the European Jews' exodus to that land, there was NO Palestine. Think for a moment on the ridiculous premise and the lack of perspective.

c. Finally, we also read of Iranians as those "evil people" that took over our embassy in '79, fund terrorism and now want a nuclear arsenal to kill Jews and Americans. Has no one ever heard of our coup d'etat on Mossadegh, the dreaded Savaak, the Shah's terrible reign, etc.?

Just a few example of our knee-jerk response to world events and the complete lack of perspective not only due to biases and prejudices, but also our lack of historical education.

it's not a ridiculous premise leftard. there is no such thing as a Palestinian, there never has been. Jews, EVEN EUROPEAN ONES, can trace their ancestry BY DNA back to their Middle East HOMELAND to a large degree

Show us the borders of this mythical nation called "Palestine."
Nothing mythical about it, dumbass...
In the midst of the usual back-n-forth of the insults that go on in this forum, sometimes I marvel at the lack of perspective (aka education) that exists among Americans. There should NEVER be an acceptance of terrorist acts against one another, but to completely neglect the perspective that brings forth such horrible acts should also be acknowledged. For example:

a. You'll read that on 9-11, it was Muslims that attacked us....TRUE and unacceptable; but did SOME Muslims just wake up one day and decided to attack us......or is there a deeper and long-festering reason for such abject animosity?

b. We also read that in the half-century plus struggle between Israel and Palestinians, the blame for such bloodshed is due to Palestinians NOT being entitled to a sovereign Palestine because prior to the European Jews' exodus to that land, there was NO Palestine. Think for a moment on the ridiculous premise and the lack of perspective.

c. Finally, we also read of Iranians as those "evil people" that took over our embassy in '79, fund terrorism and now want a nuclear arsenal to kill Jews and Americans. Has no one ever heard of our coup d'etat on Mossadegh, the dreaded Savaak, the Shah's terrible reign, etc.?

Just a few example of our knee-jerk response to world events and the complete lack of perspective not only due to biases and prejudices, but also our lack of historical education.

it's not a ridiculous premise leftard. there is no such thing as a Palestinian, there never has been. Jews, EVEN EUROPEAN ONES, can trace their ancestry BY DNA back to their Middle East HOMELAND to a large degree

Show us the borders of this mythical nation called "Palestine."
Nothing mythical about it, dumbass...

Nope. There's no nation named Palestine on either of those maps. There's Judea, Samaria, Galilee and Idumaea. Roman provinces are not nations.

Furthermore, at the time the above borders were in effect, the place was occupied by Jews, not so-called "Palestinians."
In the midst of the usual back-n-forth of the insults that go on in this forum, sometimes I marvel at the lack of perspective (aka education) that exists among Americans. There should NEVER be an acceptance of terrorist acts against one another, but to completely neglect the perspective that brings forth such horrible acts should also be acknowledged. For example:

a. You'll read that on 9-11, it was Muslims that attacked us....TRUE and unacceptable; but did SOME Muslims just wake up one day and decided to attack us......or is there a deeper and long-festering reason for such abject animosity?

b. We also read that in the half-century plus struggle between Israel and Palestinians, the blame for such bloodshed is due to Palestinians NOT being entitled to a sovereign Palestine because prior to the European Jews' exodus to that land, there was NO Palestine. Think for a moment on the ridiculous premise and the lack of perspective.

c. Finally, we also read of Iranians as those "evil people" that took over our embassy in '79, fund terrorism and now want a nuclear arsenal to kill Jews and Americans. Has no one ever heard of our coup d'etat on Mossadegh, the dreaded Savaak, the Shah's terrible reign, etc.?

Just a few example of our knee-jerk response to world events and the complete lack of perspective not only due to biases and prejudices, but also our lack of historical education.

it's not a ridiculous premise leftard. there is no such thing as a Palestinian, there never has been. Jews, EVEN EUROPEAN ONES, can trace their ancestry BY DNA back to their Middle East HOMELAND to a large degree

Show us the borders of this mythical nation called "Palestine."
Nothing mythical about it, dumbass...

Nope. There's no nation named Palestine on either of those maps. There's Judea, Samaria, Galilee and Idumaea. Roman provinces are not nations.

Furthermore, at the time the above borders were in effect, the place was occupied by Jews, not so-called "Palestinians."
Learn something today: History of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jews were a tribe, a fractional tribe, and hardly worth worrying about. The Romans certainly didn't, unless they needed to crush and evict them, which they did. And those "nations" also didn't have borders. Just a bunch of assholes in the desert.
it's not a ridiculous premise leftard. there is no such thing as a Palestinian, there never has been. Jews, EVEN EUROPEAN ONES, can trace their ancestry BY DNA back to their Middle East HOMELAND to a large degree

Show us the borders of this mythical nation called "Palestine."
Nothing mythical about it, dumbass...

Nope. There's no nation named Palestine on either of those maps. There's Judea, Samaria, Galilee and Idumaea. Roman provinces are not nations.

Furthermore, at the time the above borders were in effect, the place was occupied by Jews, not so-called "Palestinians."
Learn something today: History of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jews were a tribe, a fractional tribe, and hardly worth worrying about. The Romans certainly didn't, unless they needed to crush and evict them, which they did. And those "nations" also didn't have borders. Just a bunch of assholes in the desert.

Even in your biased Wiki article, Palestine is described as a region, not a nation.

The history of Palestine is the study of the past in the REGION of Palestine, generally defined as a geographic region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River

Whether the Romans could crush the Jews or not is irrelevant. The bottom line is that the place was populated by Jews during the period when you claim it was called "Palestine." Therefore, the true Palestinians are Jews, not Arabs.

Show us the borders of this mythical nation called "Palestine."
Nothing mythical about it, dumbass...

Nope. There's no nation named Palestine on either of those maps. There's Judea, Samaria, Galilee and Idumaea. Roman provinces are not nations.

Furthermore, at the time the above borders were in effect, the place was occupied by Jews, not so-called "Palestinians."
Learn something today: History of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jews were a tribe, a fractional tribe, and hardly worth worrying about. The Romans certainly didn't, unless they needed to crush and evict them, which they did. And those "nations" also didn't have borders. Just a bunch of assholes in the desert.

Even in your biased Wiki article, Palestine is described as a region, not a nation.

The history of Palestine is the study of the past in the region of Palestine, generally defined as a geographic region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River

Whether the Romans could crush the Jews or not is irrelevant. The bottom line is that the place was populated by Jews during the period when you claim it was called "Palestine." Therefore, the true Palestinians are Jews, not Arabs.
The Palestinians are a hell of a lot of people, including Jews and Arabs, which is why both, and others still, are Semites, dumbass.


a member of any of various ancient and modern peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including the Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs.
the definition of semite

Your Zionist dog won't hunt.
The Arabs rejected 181 and set about building squalid "refugee" camps in which to foster the desperation that would fuel their war - and that of Jew haters everywhere - against the Jews.

So, let me get this straight........The Arabs (notice that they're not called Palestinians by you even though they were living in a land called by virtually everyone, Palestine.)

But, according to you, these silly Arabs actually "set about building squalid camps instead of the nice "homeland" by European Jews....Well, that was mighty "dumb" of those Arabs, I agree.

Whether the Romans could crush the Jews or not is irrelevant. The bottom line is that the place was populated by Jews during the period when you claim it was called "Palestine." Therefore, the true Palestinians are Jews, not Arabs.

So, according to the "brilliance" above, true Jews are Palestinians but chose to call their country Israel because there was a copyright on the name "Palestine" already?
Show us the borders of this mythical nation called "Palestine."
Nothing mythical about it, dumbass...

Nope. There's no nation named Palestine on either of those maps. There's Judea, Samaria, Galilee and Idumaea. Roman provinces are not nations.

Furthermore, at the time the above borders were in effect, the place was occupied by Jews, not so-called "Palestinians."
Learn something today: History of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jews were a tribe, a fractional tribe, and hardly worth worrying about. The Romans certainly didn't, unless they needed to crush and evict them, which they did. And those "nations" also didn't have borders. Just a bunch of assholes in the desert.

Even in your biased Wiki article, Palestine is described as a region, not a nation.

The history of Palestine is the study of the past in the region of Palestine, generally defined as a geographic region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River

Whether the Romans could crush the Jews or not is irrelevant. The bottom line is that the place was populated by Jews during the period when you claim it was called "Palestine." Therefore, the true Palestinians are Jews, not Arabs.
The Palestinians are a hell of a lot of people, including Jews and Arabs, which is why both, and others still, are Semites, dumbass.


a member of any of various ancient and modern peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including the Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs.
the definition of semite

Your Zionist dog won't hunt.

He bottom line: the people living there were Jews. None of the people who call themselves "Palestinian" are descended from the original inhabitants. In fact, they would be offended if you said they were.
Whether the Romans could crush the Jews or not is irrelevant. The bottom line is that the place was populated by Jews during the period when you claim it was called "Palestine." Therefore, the true Palestinians are Jews, not Arabs.

So, according to the "brilliance" above, true Jews are Palestinians but chose to call their country Israel because there was a copyright on the name "Palestine" already?

That's what they called it when they originally ruled it. "Palestine" is a name the Romans gave the area.
Questions of the "brilliant" right wingers......

Was ANYBODY living in that area before the European Jews were shipped there by the Brits?

Was the MAJOR mistake by those Arabs living in that area, not calling themselves a "nation"....just like Native Americans in this country?

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