Some Americans simply LACK perspective...

Americans are dumb as dog shit, hence the state of the place...

It seems so. Even as recently as 30 years ago there would have been a bonecrushing uprising over what the current administration and its cadre of talking monkeys have done to it.

I presume you're writing the above from some homeless shelter due to what this current administration has done to you?

Why would you presume something as idiotic as that, or that the scope of my concern is limited to my own situation?
In the midst of the usual back-n-forth of the insults that go on in this forum, sometimes I marvel at the lack of perspective (aka education) that exists among Americans. There should NEVER be an acceptance of terrorist acts against one another, but to completely neglect the perspective that brings forth such horrible acts should also be acknowledged. For example:

a. You'll read that on 9-11, it was Muslims that attacked us....TRUE and unacceptable; but did SOME Muslims just wake up one day and decided to attack us......or is there a deeper and long-festering reason for such abject animosity?

b. We also read that in the half-century plus struggle between Israel and Palestinians, the blame for such bloodshed is due to Palestinians NOT being entitled to a sovereign Palestine because prior to the European Jews' exodus to that land, there was NO Palestine. Think for a moment on the ridiculous premise and the lack of perspective.

c. Finally, we also read of Iranians as those "evil people" that took over our embassy in '79, fund terrorism and now want a nuclear arsenal to kill Jews and Americans. Has no one ever heard of our coup d'etat on Mossadegh, the dreaded Savaak, the Shah's terrible reign, etc.?

Just a few example of our knee-jerk response to world events and the complete lack of perspective not only due to biases and prejudices, but also our lack of historical education.

Rarely does the left come right out and admit they are terrorist sympathizers wow.
Uh huh. Outrageous lack of perspective. Stupid Americans! How dare we be annoyed when terrorists attack us.

Bad stuff happened to other people that upset the terrorists. So they lashed out! They are misunderstood victims.

Let's invite them to come live in our country!

Obviously, the O/P went right over your half brain....Perhaps having pictures or Bugs Bunny cartoons with the post may have helped?
It takes far less than half of Bugs Bunny's brain to see through your tired leftist poppycock. Still, thanks for showing us your vacuous supremacy. You clearly got the circle knee jerk down.
Rarely does the left come right out and admit they are terrorist sympathizers wow.

What a "brilliant" response......I'm in awe of such erudition.

(what a complete dolt!!!)

Why don't you ask the mothers of the kids brutally burned to death on 911 what they think of your moronic sympathy for the 911 terrorists. Do us all a favor pack up and move to North Korea.
All I had wanted to do with the O/P (and its proven a futile attempt) was for right wingers to AT LEAST entertain the following factors:

1. Did our invasion of Saudi Arabia (through Kuwait) contribute to pissing off the Saudis who were mostly responsible for 9-11?

2. Do Palestinians have a right to a homeland free of the boot on their necks from Zionist rulers propped up by the U.S.?

3. Does our overthrow of Iran's legitimate and elected government and the installing of the Shah as despot (along with our unilateral support of Israel) have any bearing on Iranians being pissed off at us?
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All I had wanted to do with the O/P (and its proven a futile attempt) was for right wingers to AT LEAST entertain the following factors:

1. Did our invasion of Saudi Arabia (through Kuwait) contribute to pissing off the Saudis who were mostly responsible for 9-11?

Who cares?

2. Do Palestinians have a right to a homeland fee of the boot on their necks from Zionist rulers propped up by the U.S.?


3. Does our overthrow of Iran's legitimate and elected government and the installing of the Shah as despot (along with our unilateral support of Israel) have any bearing on Iranians being pissed off at us?

Probably, but that was no reason for Jimmy Carter to midwife the birth of the modern Islamist movement.
Why don't you ask the mothers of the kids brutally burned to death on 911 what they think of your moronic sympathy for the 911 terrorists. Do us all a favor pack up and move to North Korea.

If ALL you got from my O/P is my supposed "sympathy for the 9-11 terrorists", then I'd let others judge YOUR level of intelligence. But, hey, I'd agree that a forum board is a lousy place to teach anything to morons..
liberals are complete idiots. every time you see a left-wing moron mention iran you know it's a given he's going tor ant about Mossadegh; and paint the Shah as the devil himself


Well, you're partially "correct"......The Shah was a skirt chaser throughout France and left the ruling of Iran to the CIA and British Petroleum.
How can you make up stupid shit so consistently?
1. Did our invasion of Saudi Arabia (through Kuwait) contribute to pissing off the Saudis who were mostly responsible for 9-11?

Who cares?

"Who cares"????? Obviously quite a few radical Muslims....but you'll always have your bed to hide under.
1) we haven't invaded Saudi Arabia
2)Judea is Jewish homeland
3) their promises to wipe is off the map has nothing to do with past sins and everything to do with bringing I'm the twelfth imam. That's what you get when a nation is run by twelvers
1) we haven't invaded Saudi Arabia
2)Judea is Jewish homeland
3) their promises to wipe is off the map has nothing to do with past sins and everything to do with bringing I'm the twelfth imam. That's what you get when a nation is run by twelvers

Thank you for proving my point regarding right wingers' LACK of perspective.
2. Do Palestinians have a right to a homeland fee of the boot on their necks from Zionist rulers propped up by the U.S.?


Then, we will continue to pick up body parts in that region for another 60plus years.....But, hey, "who cares?"....(as you brilliantly responded to the first issue.)
2. Do Palestinians have a right to a homeland fee of the boot on their necks from Zionist rulers propped up by the U.S.?


Then, we will continue to pick up body parts in that region for another 60plus years.....But, hey, "who cares?"....(as you brilliantly responded to the first issue.)

Which is why Israel should annex the entire region, as they should have in 1967.
Perhaps in the next election we'll get someone who will understand vermin control.

What a horrible thought........If that happens, then I would be really concerned about the fate of right wingers...... like you.
Which is why Israel should annex the entire region, as they should have in 1967

You're "correct".....Many still in power in Israel learned quite a bit about how to practice apartheid methods and concentration camps.

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