Some Americans simply LACK perspective...

Considering it was a question asked based on your reasoning and not a conclusion, I would have to answer no, it's not a stupid conclusion

just for fun....could you cite EXACTLY where I stated that the Jews should be pushed into the sea and brutally murdered.....????

That's the stated policy goal of the PLO and Hamas.
That's the stated policy goal of the PLO and Hamas.

Choose to believe whatever biased "policies" that Glenn Beck told you to believe...I really don't give a crap if right wingers, like you, stay as dumb as you are now....Really, I do not care and it doesn't make a difference in my life one tiny bit..
I understand that you don't care about the facts or for anyone else. You've already established that. You are just here to pontificate and satisfy your ego. And you do that by acting as though everyone else is stupid.

It gets old.
And you do that by acting as though everyone else is stupid.

As Freud once said about a cigar.......I'll paraphrase by saying that when someone is stupid, there's no need to hold back and NOT call him or her "stupid."......(But I bet you heard this before many times.)
I wholeheartedly agree with you avatar. Liberals on here pound the, " you rightwingnuts, racist, human hating political scum are all dumber than a rock." I guess the highly educated op never took the history class that stated that any time a power vacuum was created in the world by feckless nations, some country(usually not a virtuous one) would step in and create chaos, leading sometimes to a world war. Small ball stuff to someone with the intellect of nat.
In the midst of the usual back-n-forth of the insults that go on in this forum, sometimes I marvel at the lack of perspective (aka education) that exists among Americans. There should NEVER be an acceptance of terrorist acts against one another, but to completely neglect the perspective that brings forth such horrible acts should also be acknowledged. For example:

a. You'll read that on 9-11, it was Muslims that attacked us....TRUE and unacceptable; but did SOME Muslims just wake up one day and decided to attack us......or is there a deeper and long-festering reason for such abject animosity?

b. We also read that in the half-century plus struggle between Israel and Palestinians, the blame for such bloodshed is due to Palestinians NOT being entitled to a sovereign Palestine because prior to the European Jews' exodus to that land, there was NO Palestine. Think for a moment on the ridiculous premise and the lack of perspective.

c. Finally, we also read of Iranians as those "evil people" that took over our embassy in '79, fund terrorism and now want a nuclear arsenal to kill Jews and Americans. Has no one ever heard of our coup d'etat on Mossadegh, the dreaded Savaak, the Shah's terrible reign, etc.?

Just a few example of our knee-jerk response to world events and the complete lack of perspective not only due to biases and prejudices, but also our lack of historical education.
Some woman got raped. Did a guy just wake up one morning and decide he would rape someone. Or did the woman entice him by what she was wearing? Or did she lead him on? Or antagonize him in some way? Isnt she just as responsible for her own rape as the rapist himself?

Oh wait, when put that way it is socially unacceptable to blame the victim. Yet that is exactly what the OP does. There is no, none, excuse for terrorism and murder. Not at all.

Your first paragraph is such an obvious example of false equivalency it shouldn't require discussion. Your second statement is a perfect demonstration of the OP's extreme lack of nuance in relating cause and effect in historical events. I'm not defending terrorism but unlike you I'm not defending (or ignoring) western imperialism, interference in their internal affairs and violent actions in the M.E. for many decades. The OP requests historical perspective which requires a rational examination of what wrongs we (the west) have perpetuated in the region. You could start with the British Empire's version of manifest destiny in its actions there or just have a real rational look at the OP's examples. It's kind of like advice to know thyself before you judge others, glass houses, etc.
b. the land was taken from Jordan, Jordan refused to allow the Pals into Jordan and no other muslim country would take them in.

I may be useless to teach right wing morons like you....But for others with a few more brain cells, this is Jordan and the Palestinian population:

In his 2011 book, Our Last Best Chance, King Abdullah claimed that the Palestinians make up a mere 43 percent. The U.S. State Department estimates that Palestinians make up "more than half" of Jordanians[1] while in a 2007 report, written in cooperation with several Jordanian government bodies, the London-based Oxford Business Group stated that at least two thirds of Jordan's population were of Palestinian origin.
that in no way refutes what I said.

not even close
b. the land was taken from Jordan, Jordan refused to allow the Pals into Jordan and no other muslim country would take them in.

I may be useless to teach right wing morons like you....But for others with a few more brain cells, this is Jordan and the Palestinian population:

In his 2011 book, Our Last Best Chance, King Abdullah claimed that the Palestinians make up a mere 43 percent. The U.S. State Department estimates that Palestinians make up "more than half" of Jordanians[1] while in a 2007 report, written in cooperation with several Jordanian government bodies, the London-based Oxford Business Group stated that at least two thirds of Jordan's population were of Palestinian origin.

Sooooooo, twothumsupyourarse.......Has Jordan refused Palestinains into their country....A simple yes or no will do....LOL
yes, obviously
In the midst of the usual back-n-forth of the insults that go on in this forum, sometimes I marvel at the lack of perspective (aka education) that exists among Americans. There should NEVER be an acceptance of terrorist acts against one another, but to completely neglect the perspective that brings forth such horrible acts should also be acknowledged. For example:

a. You'll read that on 9-11, it was Muslims that attacked us....TRUE and unacceptable; but did SOME Muslims just wake up one day and decided to attack us......or is there a deeper and long-festering reason for such abject animosity?

b. We also read that in the half-century plus struggle between Israel and Palestinians, the blame for such bloodshed is due to Palestinians NOT being entitled to a sovereign Palestine because prior to the European Jews' exodus to that land, there was NO Palestine. Think for a moment on the ridiculous premise and the lack of perspective.

c. Finally, we also read of Iranians as those "evil people" that took over our embassy in '79, fund terrorism and now want a nuclear arsenal to kill Jews and Americans. Has no one ever heard of our coup d'etat on Mossadegh, the dreaded Savaak, the Shah's terrible reign, etc.?

Just a few example of our knee-jerk response to world events and the complete lack of perspective not only due to biases and prejudices, but also our lack of historical education.

How about applying that same perspective to the welfare state, the gang and crime problem and the immigration problem.
In the midst of the usual back-n-forth of the insults that go on in this forum, sometimes I marvel at the lack of perspective (aka education) that exists among Americans. There should NEVER be an acceptance of terrorist acts against one another, but to completely neglect the perspective that brings forth such horrible acts should also be acknowledged. For example:

a. You'll read that on 9-11, it was Muslims that attacked us....TRUE and unacceptable; but did SOME Muslims just wake up one day and decided to attack us......or is there a deeper and long-festering reason for such abject animosity?

b. We also read that in the half-century plus struggle between Israel and Palestinians, the blame for such bloodshed is due to Palestinians NOT being entitled to a sovereign Palestine because prior to the European Jews' exodus to that land, there was NO Palestine. Think for a moment on the ridiculous premise and the lack of perspective.

c. Finally, we also read of Iranians as those "evil people" that took over our embassy in '79, fund terrorism and now want a nuclear arsenal to kill Jews and Americans. Has no one ever heard of our coup d'etat on Mossadegh, the dreaded Savaak, the Shah's terrible reign, etc.?

Just a few example of our knee-jerk response to world events and the complete lack of perspective not only due to biases and prejudices, but also our lack of historical education.
Some woman got raped. Did a guy just wake up one morning and decide he would rape someone. Or did the woman entice him by what she was wearing? Or did she lead him on? Or antagonize him in some way? Isnt she just as responsible for her own rape as the rapist himself?

Oh wait, when put that way it is socially unacceptable to blame the victim. Yet that is exactly what the OP does. There is no, none, excuse for terrorism and murder. Not at all.

That is not at all a reasonable comparison and you should know that. US involvement in many of these countries involved policies that benefited the US regardless as to the consequences to those countries. That doesn't necessarily excuse or condone any particular action by these people or countries against us but it must be taken into account as to the reasoning behind it.
Nothing excuses terrorism and the murder of innocent people. Nothing.

No one knows with certainty how many people have been killed and wounded in Iraq since the 2003 United States invasion. However, we know that approximately 165,000 civilians have died from direct war related violence caused by the US, its allies, the Iraqi military and police, and opposition forces from the time of the invasion through April 2015. The violent deaths of Iraqi civilians have occurred through aerial bombing, shelling, gunshots, suicide attacks, and fires started by bombing.

Because not all war-related deaths have been recorded accurately by the Iraqi government and the US-led coalition, the 165,000 figure for civilians killed from 2003 to 2015 is lower than the actual figure.

Iraqi Civilians | Costs of War

So Bush's war on Iraq and the more than 165,000 civilian deaths should not be excused. You agree?

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