Some Americans simply LACK perspective...

In the midst of the usual back-n-forth of the insults that go on in this forum, sometimes I marvel at the lack of perspective (aka education) that exists among Americans. There should NEVER be an acceptance of terrorist acts against one another, but to completely neglect the perspective that brings forth such horrible acts should also be acknowledged. For example:

a. You'll read that on 9-11, it was Muslims that attacked us....TRUE and unacceptable; but did SOME Muslims just wake up one day and decided to attack us......or is there a deeper and long-festering reason for such abject animosity?

b. We also read that in the half-century plus struggle between Israel and Palestinians, the blame for such bloodshed is due to Palestinians NOT being entitled to a sovereign Palestine because prior to the European Jews' exodus to that land, there was NO Palestine. Think for a moment on the ridiculous premise and the lack of perspective.

c. Finally, we also read of Iranians as those "evil people" that took over our embassy in '79, fund terrorism and now want a nuclear arsenal to kill Jews and Americans. Has no one ever heard of our coup d'etat on Mossadegh, the dreaded Savaak, the Shah's terrible reign, etc.?

Just a few example of our knee-jerk response to world events and the complete lack of perspective not only due to biases and prejudices, but also our lack of historical education.
a. cons wanted to stay out of their wars, liberals forced us into them. 9/11 is the fault of liberals

b. the land was taken from Jordan, Jordan refused to allow the Pals into Jordan and no other muslim country would take them in.

c. is also the result of leftist not letting us stay out of other countries problems.

d. $18 Trillion in debt and you guys want a bigger government. The ussr failed b/c of it's debt. You think about that.
So because there were SOME Jews living in Palestine, the entire area should be turned over to them?

Same old silly Nazi BS.

78% of the Palestine Mandated turf was ceded to Hashemites (Muslims) from Arabia (Transjordan) and the remaining 22% was - according to UN 181 - to be split between the indigenous Jews and Arabs, meaning the Jews would get 11%.

11% is not "the entire area."

The Arabs rejected 181 despite the fact that 100% of Jerusalem was to be well within their purvey.

The idea that the region's Jews would no longer be under their control drove the Arab World (and all Nazi scummies) absolutely batshit crazy ... thus your presence here.

No they don't.

You just fabricated more lies to cover your earlier ones but since you are at it, please post a link to your "British crown being bought out by the Zionist Rothchilds" BS.

I'd like to know where you Nazi types get your "facts."

You can lead a horse to water.....but you can't ever make a right winger THINK outside of what FOX told them to "think." LOL

In other words, you are unwilling to post the source of your "knowledge" because you know your Nazi websites will expose you for who and what you are.

Got it, Adolph.

Sieg Heil!
a. cons wanted to stay out of their wars, liberals forced us into them. 9/11 is the fault of liberals

b. the land was taken from Jordan, Jordan refused to allow the Pals into Jordan and no other muslim country would take them in.

c. is also the result of leftist not letting us stay out of other countries problems.

I think that my 4 year old neighbor would have come up with the same "brilliant" conclusions. LOL
a. cons wanted to stay out of their wars, liberals forced us into them. 9/11 is the fault of liberals

b. the land was taken from Jordan, Jordan refused to allow the Pals into Jordan and no other muslim country would take them in.

c. is also the result of leftist not letting us stay out of other countries problems.

I think that my 4 year old neighbor would have come up with the same "brilliant" conclusions. LOL
you think the truth is funny

not a surprise, your lack of perspective was predictable.

I suggest you find your HS history teacher and beat the fuck outta them for giving you a passing grade
b. the land was taken from Jordan, Jordan refused to allow the Pals into Jordan and no other muslim country would take them in.

I may be useless to teach right wing morons like you....But for others with a few more brain cells, this is Jordan and the Palestinian population:

In his 2011 book, Our Last Best Chance, King Abdullah claimed that the Palestinians make up a mere 43 percent. The U.S. State Department estimates that Palestinians make up "more than half" of Jordanians[1] while in a 2007 report, written in cooperation with several Jordanian government bodies, the London-based Oxford Business Group stated that at least two thirds of Jordan's population were of Palestinian origin.
b. the land was taken from Jordan, Jordan refused to allow the Pals into Jordan and no other muslim country would take them in.

I may be useless to teach right wing morons like you....But for others with a few more brain cells, this is Jordan and the Palestinian population:

In his 2011 book, Our Last Best Chance, King Abdullah claimed that the Palestinians make up a mere 43 percent. The U.S. State Department estimates that Palestinians make up "more than half" of Jordanians[1] while in a 2007 report, written in cooperation with several Jordanian government bodies, the London-based Oxford Business Group stated that at least two thirds of Jordan's population were of Palestinian origin.

So you can't post any support for your "British crown being bought out by the Zionist Rothchilds" camel crap but have no prob quoting Abdullah.

Typically lame loony left BS.

You can wiggle and giggle all you like , Adolph ... you're busted.
b. the land was taken from Jordan, Jordan refused to allow the Pals into Jordan and no other muslim country would take them in.

I may be useless to teach right wing morons like you....But for others with a few more brain cells, this is Jordan and the Palestinian population:

In his 2011 book, Our Last Best Chance, King Abdullah claimed that the Palestinians make up a mere 43 percent. The U.S. State Department estimates that Palestinians make up "more than half" of Jordanians[1] while in a 2007 report, written in cooperation with several Jordanian government bodies, the London-based Oxford Business Group stated that at least two thirds of Jordan's population were of Palestinian origin.

Sooooooo, twothumsupyourarse.......Has Jordan refused Palestinains into their country....A simple yes or no will do....LOL
So you can't post any support for your "British crown being bought out by the Zionist Rothchilds"

Hard to apologize for your stupidity.......but who knows (find a grown up to explain to you the following):

The Balfour Declaration may be the most extraordinary document produced by any Government in world history. It took the form of a letter from the Government of His Britannic Majesty King George the Fifth, the Government of the largest empire the world has even known, on which -- once upon a time -- the sun never set; a letter to an international financier of the banking house of Rothschild who had been made a peer of the realm.

Arthur Koestler wrote that in the letter "one nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third." More than that, the country was still part of the Empire of a fourth, namely Turkey.

It read:

Foreign Office, November 2nd,1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you on behalf of His Majesty's Government the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations, which has been submitted to and approved by the Cabinet:

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

I should be grateful if you would bring this Declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,

Arthur James Balfour.
There were Jews living in the are long before the British shipped the Holocaust survivors there, dumbass.

Well, there were Jews in Hungary also....but it did not make Hungary an automatic, Israel.

That's stupid, even for you.

So because there were SOME Jews living in Palestine, the entire area should be turned over to them?

(wait until those Catholics in Brooklyn find out about this new "rule" of yours) LOL

So because some people that weren't even called Palestinians lived in Judea the Jews should be pushed into the sea and brutally murdered?
So because some people that weren't even called Palestinians lived in Judea the Jews should be pushed into the sea and brutally murdered?

Don't you think that the above is a bit of a stupid "conclusion"???
Is there a grown up around your home to help you with cognition?
So you can't post any support for your "British crown being bought out by the Zionist Rothchilds"

Hard to apologize for your stupidity.......but who knows (find a grown up to explain to you the following):

The Balfour Declaration may be the most extraordinary document produced by any Government in world history. It took the form of a letter from the Government of His Britannic Majesty King George the Fifth, the Government of the largest empire the world has even known, on which -- once upon a time -- the sun never set; a letter to an international financier of the banking house of Rothschild who had been made a peer of the realm.

Arthur Koestler wrote that in the letter "one nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third." More than that, the country was still part of the Empire of a fourth, namely Turkey.

It read:

Foreign Office, November 2nd,1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you on behalf of His Majesty's Government the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations, which has been submitted to and approved by the Cabinet:

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

I should be grateful if you would bring this Declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,

Arthur James Balfour.

And only in your Nazi imagination did that prove your contention about the "British crown being bought out by the Zionist Rothchilds."
You're gonna have to do better, NaziBoy.
Certainly the British Empire - upon which "the sun never set" - did not need the approval or acceptance of the Rothchilds or the Jews.
a. cons wanted to stay out of their wars, liberals forced us into them. 9/11 is the fault of liberals

b. the land was taken from Jordan, Jordan refused to allow the Pals into Jordan and no other muslim country would take them in.

c. is also the result of leftist not letting us stay out of other countries problems.

I think that my 4 year old neighbor would have come up with the same "brilliant" conclusions. LOL

Does it bother you that your neighbor outshines you at such a young age?
So because some people that weren't even called Palestinians lived in Judea the Jews should be pushed into the sea and brutally murdered?

Don't you think that the above is a bit of a stupid "conclusion"???
Is there a grown up around your home to help you with cognition?

Considering it was a question asked based on your reasoning and not a conclusion, I would have to answer no, it's not a stupid conclusion

And considering I'm using your reasoning, do you really want to conclude it's stupid?
So because some people that weren't even called Palestinians lived in Judea the Jews should be pushed into the sea and brutally murdered?

Don't you think that the above is a bit of a stupid "conclusion"???
Is there a grown up around your home to help you with cognition?

No, but I do believe that anyone who believes that the British crown was "bought out by the Zionist Rothchilds" has been gulping the Nazi Kool-Aid.
So because some people that weren't even called Palestinians lived in Judea the Jews should be pushed into the sea and brutally murdered?

Don't you think that the above is a bit of a stupid "conclusion"???
Is there a grown up around your home to help you with cognition?

No, but I do believe that anyone who believes that the British crown was "bought out by the Zionist Rothchilds" has been gulping the Nazi Kool-Aid.

It would be nice if Nazis were in the toilet of history instead of still showing their influence.
Considering it was a question asked based on your reasoning and not a conclusion, I would have to answer no, it's not a stupid conclusion

just for fun....could you cite EXACTLY where I stated that the Jews should be pushed into the sea and brutally murdered.....????
No, but I do believe that anyone who believes that the British crown was "bought out by the Zionist Rothchilds" has been gulping the Nazi Kool-Aid.

In your "honor", I started an entire thread on the Balfour Declaration. Let others judge if the Brits might have been promised a bit of cash from the Rothchilds to finance their post-war deficits by selling out the Palestinians.

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