Some COVID-19 FACTS Not shared with Americans....WHY?

Around .3-1.5 percent death rate. Notice how the article throws ebola in there to make a scary comparison. Lol. Ebola reston, zaire have a kill rate of 50-90 percent.

In the USA...
  • nearly 15% of the 331 million Americans have been tested.
  • Of the nearly 50 million tested, 8% were positive.
  • Of the nearly 4 million positive case, less than 0.034% required hospitalization.
  • Of those that were hospitalized, 0.29% died.
  • 96.369% of the 3,962,380 cases SURVIVE!
The below compilation is done by me from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,889,872 Cases and 614,124 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
View attachment 365646

Quite simply, you're trying to make generalizations and apply them to the country. In other words, you're cherry picking the stats to suit your narrative. If people wanted to do math, they could sit down and come up with these numbers. But with approaching 140K dead, 3.4 million infections and rising, and the resulting 11% unemployment and the inevitable second wave of shutdowns that are coming, who gives a shit? You're not telling the whole story. And you're ignoring what is being reported in the news every day. Hospitals in the south stretched to resource limits, lack of PPE, what this virus does to the body..even in people who don't have to be hospitalized, how easily it can be spread. The fact that children can carry it and infect their parents, grandparents and teacher...without them even knowing it.

I've zero idea for what is to be gained by constantly spouting the same "See, See!!, only X number of people have died!!". You can sit here and put the word SURVIVE into as big a bold as you want. But you don't acknowledge the fact that a lot of these people will never be the same health wise. And I've yet to figure out what your motives are for doing this other than the vain hopes to bolster the re-election chances of You-Know-Who.

Where did I "cherry pick"??? More importantly why haven't we heard from the biased MSM about the actual figures? All we hear is "increasing cases" and
then when Trump points out nearly 50 million people tested... geez... you'd think out of the 50 million some would test positive right?????
Just plain common sense shows the biased MSM ignores that simple fact!
In the USA...
  • nearly 15% of the 331 million Americans have been tested.
  • Of the nearly 50 million tested, 8% were positive.
  • Of the nearly 4 million positive case, less than 0.034% required hospitalization.
  • Of those that were hospitalized, 0.29% died.
  • 96.369% of the 3,962,380 cases SURVIVE!
The below compilation is done by me from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,889,872 Cases and 614,124 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
View attachment 365646

Quite simply, you're trying to make generalizations and apply them to the country. In other words, you're cherry picking the stats to suit your narrative. If people wanted to do math, they could sit down and come up with these numbers. But with approaching 140K dead, 3.4 million infections and rising, and the resulting 11% unemployment and the inevitable second wave of shutdowns that are coming, who gives a shit? You're not telling the whole story. And you're ignoring what is being reported in the news every day. Hospitals in the south stretched to resource limits, lack of PPE, what this virus does to the body..even in people who don't have to be hospitalized, how easily it can be spread. The fact that children can carry it and infect their parents, grandparents and teacher...without them even knowing it.

I've zero idea for what is to be gained by constantly spouting the same "See, See!!, only X number of people have died!!". You can sit here and put the word SURVIVE into as big a bold as you want. But you don't acknowledge the fact that a lot of these people will never be the same health wise. And I've yet to figure out what your motives are for doing this other than the vain hopes to bolster the re-election chances of You-Know-Who.
You're the one who's telling only part of the story, shit for brains. Despite more infections being reported, COVID deaths are way down. The 11% unemployment is a result of this insane shutdown. We have plenty of PPE. What the virus does to the body in 99% of cases is nothing.

The evidence shows that the odds of children becoming infected or passing it on to adults is almost zero.

You're a hysteria monger who wants to destroy this country economically so your senile pedophile can win an election.

I agree 100% with you and the MSM has pumped COVID so much that the shut down of the economy was a direct result!
I lived through 1957 Hong Kong, 1968 flu when between the two nearly 220,000 people died. NO SHUT DOWN and NO 7/24 media coverage also!
Remember this is the MAJOR reason the MSM has pumped this:
  • Thanks
Reactions: 007
All information services are liberal oriented and thus anti Trump and non supportive of productive Americans. Heck even here they locked my thread referencing the number of tests performed daily being increased proportionally to number of positives becoming increased
In the USA...
  • nearly 15% of the 331 million Americans have been tested.
  • Of the nearly 50 million tested, 8% were positive.
  • Of the nearly 4 million positive case, less than 0.034% required hospitalization.
  • Of those that were hospitalized, 0.29% died.
  • 96.369% of the 3,962,380 cases SURVIVE!
The below compilation is done by me from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,889,872 Cases and 614,124 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
View attachment 365646
Not sure how you are arriving at the .034 and .29% figures. Those do not appear to match the data.
The math being done here is very sloppy.

After looking over the numbers for a few minutes, my initial impression is that this poster is that they're confusing current and cumulative data points, specifically in the number of admissions to ICU. Most of their numbers are cumulative, but I think they're only using current ICU admissions instead (instead of cumulative ICU admissions). They're also lumping "mild cases" as any hospitalized case that is not currently in the ICU as "not hospitalized" on occasion,.

Very sloppy and basically pointless work.

But MORE substantiation than YOUR GUESSES!!! You offer NO proof! No data...just subjective, uninformed opinion!

Here go to this link and verify the below...supposedly "sloppiness"!!! Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,925,196 Cases and 615,046 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Pretty damn clear when you go to the above LINK!
The headings are: "TOTAL CASES" TOTAL DEATHS... TOTAL RECOVERED... SERIOUS CRITICAL... Pretty specific "CUMULATIVE numbers..Dummy!
So please be a little more judicious in any criticism when you haven't proven yourself in the first place!
View attachment 365678
View attachment 365679
The SERIOUS CRITICAL gives no indication that is at all cumulative. There are also headlines sprinkled in which are CLEARLY not cumulative, such as new deaths, new caes, active cases etc.

You'd have to believe that there have only been 16k ICU cases of COVID out of 140k deaths, which makes zero sense. No, that tab clearly demonstrates that it is current ICU cases. Your math shows some fundamental problems.
Serious to critical has stayed between 15-17,000 for months. A high percentage of those do die but they Don’t die today or tomorrow and some recover. It’s another mismanaged with info withheld stat.
I still can't get over the idea you're supposed to wear a piece of cloth over your face, not because it's going to protect you from other people, but because it's going to protect other people from you. It's not supposed to stop you from breathing in particles, but stop you from breathing out particles. Apparently, the particles can only travel one direction in this scenario. How in the world does that make sense? And of course, people in their car with a mask on. Its simply mind boggling.

I laugh at people who have one thin layer of stretchy knit fabric over their faces and think they're doing something.
In the USA...
  • nearly 15% of the 331 million Americans have been tested.
  • Of the nearly 50 million tested, 8% were positive.
  • Of the nearly 4 million positive case, less than 0.034% required hospitalization.
  • Of those that were hospitalized, 0.29% died.
  • 96.369% of the 3,962,380 cases SURVIVE!
The below compilation is done by me from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,889,872 Cases and 614,124 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
View attachment 365646
Not sure how you are arriving at the .034 and .29% figures. Those do not appear to match the data.
The math being done here is very sloppy.

After looking over the numbers for a few minutes, my initial impression is that this poster is that they're confusing current and cumulative data points, specifically in the number of admissions to ICU. Most of their numbers are cumulative, but I think they're only using current ICU admissions instead (instead of cumulative ICU admissions). They're also lumping "mild cases" as any hospitalized case that is not currently in the ICU as "not hospitalized" on occasion,.

Very sloppy and basically pointless work.

But MORE substantiation than YOUR GUESSES!!! You offer NO proof! No data...just subjective, uninformed opinion!

Here go to this link and verify the below...supposedly "sloppiness"!!! Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,925,196 Cases and 615,046 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Pretty damn clear when you go to the above LINK!
The headings are: "TOTAL CASES" TOTAL DEATHS... TOTAL RECOVERED... SERIOUS CRITICAL... Pretty specific "CUMULATIVE numbers..Dummy!
So please be a little more judicious in any criticism when you haven't proven yourself in the first place!
View attachment 365678
View attachment 365679
The SERIOUS CRITICAL gives no indication that is at all cumulative. There are also headlines sprinkled in which are CLEARLY not cumulative, such as new deaths, new caes, active cases etc.

You'd have to believe that there have only been 16k ICU cases of COVID out of 140k deaths, which makes zero sense. No, that tab clearly demonstrates that it is current ICU cases. Your math shows some fundamental problems.
NOT my statistics correct these people:Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,938,697 Cases and 615,350 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I just copy them down.
Screen Shot 2020-07-21 at 10.47.10 AM.png

In the USA...
  • nearly 15% of the 331 million Americans have been tested.
  • Of the nearly 50 million tested, 8% were positive.
  • Of the nearly 4 million positive case, less than 0.034% required hospitalization.
  • Of those that were hospitalized, 0.29% died.
  • 96.369% of the 3,962,380 cases SURVIVE!
The below compilation is done by me from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,889,872 Cases and 614,124 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
View attachment 365646

Quite simply, you're trying to make generalizations and apply them to the country. In other words, you're cherry picking the stats to suit your narrative. If people wanted to do math, they could sit down and come up with these numbers. But with approaching 140K dead, 3.4 million infections and rising, and the resulting 11% unemployment and the inevitable second wave of shutdowns that are coming, who gives a shit? You're not telling the whole story. And you're ignoring what is being reported in the news every day. Hospitals in the south stretched to resource limits, lack of PPE, what this virus does to the body..even in people who don't have to be hospitalized, how easily it can be spread. The fact that children can carry it and infect their parents, grandparents and teacher...without them even knowing it.

I've zero idea for what is to be gained by constantly spouting the same "See, See!!, only X number of people have died!!". You can sit here and put the word SURVIVE into as big a bold as you want. But you don't acknowledge the fact that a lot of these people will never be the same health wise. And I've yet to figure out what your motives are for doing this other than the vain hopes to bolster the re-election chances of You-Know-Who.
You're the one who's telling only part of the story, shit for brains. Despite more infections being reported, COVID deaths are way down. The 11% unemployment is a result of this insane shutdown. We have plenty of PPE. What the virus does to the body in 99% of cases is nothing.

The evidence shows that the odds of children becoming infected or passing it on to adults is almost zero.

You're a hysteria monger who wants to destroy this country economically so your senile pedophile can win an election.

NOW they're trying to tell us that they KNOW, for an absolute fact, that there are long-term effects and what they are. HOW?! It hasn't been around long enough for any long-term effects to show up. And right on cue, the useful idiots in the street are screeching about how EVERYONE who gets Covid-19 is going to have these effects and be permanently damaged for the rest of their lives.

I guess this is their new panic line to take the place of "It's an automatic death sentence!" since the death rates are dropping.
I still can't get over the idea you're supposed to wear a piece of cloth over your face, not because it's going to protect you from other people, but because it's going to protect other people from you. It's not supposed to stop you from breathing in particles, but stop you from breathing out particles. Apparently, the particles can only travel one direction in this scenario. How in the world does that make sense? And of course, people in their car with a mask on. Its simply mind boggling.

I laugh at people who have one thin layer of stretchy knit fabric over their faces and think they're doing something.

You have to laugh. If you don't you'll go insane.
For some reason the left wing puppets are all mad and stuff about the facts.

For some reason the left wing racist monkeys support all violent mask free violent protests by their slaves all around the country and yet blame Trump for not wearing a mask.

For some reason the left wing parrots are really happy that the economy took a dive and jump up and down whenever there is ANYTHING reported by ANYONE that is positive about the economy.

All of that reflects who our enemies are and who those pathetic ignorant hypocritical gasbags are being directed by Chicom.
In the USA...
  • nearly 15% of the 331 million Americans have been tested.
  • Of the nearly 50 million tested, 8% were positive.
  • Of the nearly 4 million positive case, less than 0.034% required hospitalization.
  • Of those that were hospitalized, 0.29% died.
  • 96.369% of the 3,962,380 cases SURVIVE!
The below compilation is done by me from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,889,872 Cases and 614,124 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
View attachment 365646

Quite simply, you're trying to make generalizations and apply them to the country. In other words, you're cherry picking the stats to suit your narrative. If people wanted to do math, they could sit down and come up with these numbers. But with approaching 140K dead, 3.4 million infections and rising, and the resulting 11% unemployment and the inevitable second wave of shutdowns that are coming, who gives a shit? You're not telling the whole story. And you're ignoring what is being reported in the news every day. Hospitals in the south stretched to resource limits, lack of PPE, what this virus does to the body..even in people who don't have to be hospitalized, how easily it can be spread. The fact that children can carry it and infect their parents, grandparents and teacher...without them even knowing it.

I've zero idea for what is to be gained by constantly spouting the same "See, See!!, only X number of people have died!!". You can sit here and put the word SURVIVE into as big a bold as you want. But you don't acknowledge the fact that a lot of these people will never be the same health wise. And I've yet to figure out what your motives are for doing this other than the vain hopes to bolster the re-election chances of You-Know-Who.

Where did I "cherry pick"??? More importantly why haven't we heard from the biased MSM about the actual figures? All we hear is "increasing cases" and
then when Trump points out nearly 50 million people tested... geez... you'd think out of the 50 million some would test positive right?????
Just plain common sense shows the biased MSM ignores that simple fact!

I should also point out that in many cases, you're still not even able to get tested unless you're showing some sort of symptom. I was checking around in Phoenix, and there are apparently only a handful of places that will test you if you don't have at least three symptoms, and a whole bunch won't test you even if you DO have three symptoms, unless they're fairly serious.

Are you going to get more positives if you only test people who are likely to be positive?
In the USA...
  • nearly 15% of the 331 million Americans have been tested.
  • Of the nearly 50 million tested, 8% were positive.
  • Of the nearly 4 million positive case, less than 0.034% required hospitalization.
  • Of those that were hospitalized, 0.29% died.
  • 96.369% of the 3,962,380 cases SURVIVE!
The below compilation is done by me from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,889,872 Cases and 614,124 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
View attachment 365646
Not sure how you are arriving at the .034 and .29% figures. Those do not appear to match the data.
The math being done here is very sloppy.

After looking over the numbers for a few minutes, my initial impression is that this poster is that they're confusing current and cumulative data points, specifically in the number of admissions to ICU. Most of their numbers are cumulative, but I think they're only using current ICU admissions instead (instead of cumulative ICU admissions). They're also lumping "mild cases" as any hospitalized case that is not currently in the ICU as "not hospitalized" on occasion,.

Very sloppy and basically pointless work.

But MORE substantiation than YOUR GUESSES!!! You offer NO proof! No data...just subjective, uninformed opinion!

Here go to this link and verify the below...supposedly "sloppiness"!!! Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,925,196 Cases and 615,046 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Pretty damn clear when you go to the above LINK!
The headings are: "TOTAL CASES" TOTAL DEATHS... TOTAL RECOVERED... SERIOUS CRITICAL... Pretty specific "CUMULATIVE numbers..Dummy!
So please be a little more judicious in any criticism when you haven't proven yourself in the first place!
View attachment 365678
View attachment 365679
The SERIOUS CRITICAL gives no indication that is at all cumulative. There are also headlines sprinkled in which are CLEARLY not cumulative, such as new deaths, new caes, active cases etc.

You'd have to believe that there have only been 16k ICU cases of COVID out of 140k deaths, which makes zero sense. No, that tab clearly demonstrates that it is current ICU cases. Your math shows some fundamental problems.
NOT my statistics correct these people:Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,938,697 Cases and 615,350 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I just copy them down.
View attachment 365695

View attachment 365694
I’m not arguing specifically the numbers, I’m arguing the interpretation of what “serious critical” means as being current vs cumulative.

It’s absolutely obvious that this tab is current ICU admissions.
In the USA...
  • nearly 15% of the 331 million Americans have been tested.
  • Of the nearly 50 million tested, 8% were positive.
  • Of the nearly 4 million positive case, less than 0.034% required hospitalization.
  • Of those that were hospitalized, 0.29% died.
  • 96.369% of the 3,962,380 cases SURVIVE!
The below compilation is done by me from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,889,872 Cases and 614,124 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
View attachment 365646
Not sure how you are arriving at the .034 and .29% figures. Those do not appear to match the data.
OK... of the 50 million tested, less than 0.034% of the 50 million required hospitalization.
Of the 50 million tested, 0.29% or 144,000 died.
In the USA...
  • nearly 15% of the 331 million Americans have been tested.
  • Of the nearly 50 million tested, 8% were positive.
  • Of the nearly 4 million positive case, less than 0.034% required hospitalization.
  • Of those that were hospitalized, 0.29% died.
  • 96.369% of the 3,962,380 cases SURVIVE!
The below compilation is done by me from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,889,872 Cases and 614,124 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
View attachment 365646

Quite simply, you're trying to make generalizations and apply them to the country. In other words, you're cherry picking the stats to suit your narrative. If people wanted to do math, they could sit down and come up with these numbers. But with approaching 140K dead, 3.4 million infections and rising, and the resulting 11% unemployment and the inevitable second wave of shutdowns that are coming, who gives a shit? You're not telling the whole story. And you're ignoring what is being reported in the news every day. Hospitals in the south stretched to resource limits, lack of PPE, what this virus does to the body..even in people who don't have to be hospitalized, how easily it can be spread. The fact that children can carry it and infect their parents, grandparents and teacher...without them even knowing it.

I've zero idea for what is to be gained by constantly spouting the same "See, See!!, only X number of people have died!!". You can sit here and put the word SURVIVE into as big a bold as you want. But you don't acknowledge the fact that a lot of these people will never be the same health wise. And I've yet to figure out what your motives are for doing this other than the vain hopes to bolster the re-election chances of You-Know-Who.

Where did I "cherry pick"??? More importantly why haven't we heard from the biased MSM about the actual figures? All we hear is "increasing cases" and
then when Trump points out nearly 50 million people tested... geez... you'd think out of the 50 million some would test positive right?????
Just plain common sense shows the biased MSM ignores that simple fact!

I should also point out that in many cases, you're still not even able to get tested unless you're showing some sort of symptom. I was checking around in Phoenix, and there are apparently only a handful of places that will test you if you don't have at least three symptoms, and a whole bunch won't test you even if you DO have three symptoms, unless they're fairly serious.

Are you going to get more positives if you only test people who are likely to be positive?

OH you are 100% right! Testing is ONLY done if you have any symptoms! So while 50 million are tested, 50 million must have had some
symptoms or reasons to be tested. But normal people not around a lot of people, with no symptoms... won't be tested!
I still can't get over the idea you're supposed to wear a piece of cloth over your face, not because it's going to protect you from other people, but because it's going to protect other people from you. It's not supposed to stop you from breathing in particles, but stop you from breathing out particles. Apparently, the particles can only travel one direction in this scenario. How in the world does that make sense? And of course, people in their car with a mask on. Its simply mind boggling.

I laugh at people who have one thin layer of stretchy knit fabric over their faces and think they're doing something.

You have to laugh. If you don't you'll go insane.

I always knew most people are dumb. This is the first time they've actually worn proof of it right where you can see it.
In the USA...
  • nearly 15% of the 331 million Americans have been tested.
  • Of the nearly 50 million tested, 8% were positive.
  • Of the nearly 4 million positive case, less than 0.034% required hospitalization.
  • Of those that were hospitalized, 0.29% died.
  • 96.369% of the 3,962,380 cases SURVIVE!
The below compilation is done by me from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,889,872 Cases and 614,124 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
View attachment 365646
Not sure how you are arriving at the .034 and .29% figures. Those do not appear to match the data.
The math being done here is very sloppy.

After looking over the numbers for a few minutes, my initial impression is that this poster is that they're confusing current and cumulative data points, specifically in the number of admissions to ICU. Most of their numbers are cumulative, but I think they're only using current ICU admissions instead (instead of cumulative ICU admissions). They're also lumping "mild cases" as any hospitalized case that is not currently in the ICU as "not hospitalized" on occasion,.

Very sloppy and basically pointless work.

But MORE substantiation than YOUR GUESSES!!! You offer NO proof! No data...just subjective, uninformed opinion!

Here go to this link and verify the below...supposedly "sloppiness"!!! Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,925,196 Cases and 615,046 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Pretty damn clear when you go to the above LINK!
The headings are: "TOTAL CASES" TOTAL DEATHS... TOTAL RECOVERED... SERIOUS CRITICAL... Pretty specific "CUMULATIVE numbers..Dummy!
So please be a little more judicious in any criticism when you haven't proven yourself in the first place!
View attachment 365678
View attachment 365679
The SERIOUS CRITICAL gives no indication that is at all cumulative. There are also headlines sprinkled in which are CLEARLY not cumulative, such as new deaths, new caes, active cases etc.

You'd have to believe that there have only been 16k ICU cases of COVID out of 140k deaths, which makes zero sense. No, that tab clearly demonstrates that it is current ICU cases. Your math shows some fundamental problems.
NOT my statistics correct these people:Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,938,697 Cases and 615,350 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I just copy them down.
View attachment 365695

View attachment 365694
I’m not arguing specifically the numbers, I’m arguing the interpretation of what “serious critical” means as being current vs cumulative.

It’s absolutely obvious that this tab is current ICU admissions.
Again... not my definitions. Seriously question these people....I'd be interested to see your results. Coronavirus Update (Live): 14,938,874 Cases and 615,354 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer

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