Some Doctors Not Able To Practice Soon In The US. Head's Up.

How long until doctors lose these lawsuits to concerned families?

  • 1-2 years under Trump.

  • 3-4 years under Trump.

  • Never

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Inspired from this thread: National Geographic Now Supports Sexual Abuse of Children

This topic isn't about genetic anomalies. It's about regular males and females wanting surgically assisted amputation of healthy organs..putting themselves at risk of peril and "cure" a mental illness.

It is illegal medical quackery at its zenith. It is illegal to coerce a child to hurt themselves. If the Nat. Geo. article, besides peddling soft child porn on its cover photo, (look at the child's right hand between his legs) seeks to normalize this disease and mental instability in any reader's mind, they are guilty of direct or assisted child abuse.

If I was an MD doing these types of practices in today's political climate, I'd be RUNNING to a team of lawyers, quitting immediately and praying to god they don't retroactively punish MDs when (and not if) the "family of the mutilated patient vs the doctors" case is found in favor of the family. It's just a matter of time. And the clock is ticking.

Mother Sues Her Own Transgender Daughter Who Got Hormone Treatment Without Consent
Mother Sues Her Own Transgender Daughter Who Got Hormone Treatment Without Consent

A mother is suing after her 17-year-old transgender child received hormone treatment to transition from male to female without her consent. Anmarie Calgaro claims that her parental rights were taken away from her when her child, whom she continues to refer to as her son, was able to undergo procedures despite still being a minor...

It's a wonky case. But there will be more like it, more refined and to the point of how legal it is for medical doctors to drug or amputate children who suffer from OBVIOUS delusions (do not have the ability to consent).

In addition, adult family members are starting to sue on behalf of adult relatives in the same mental condition:

Mother Can't Stop Doctor From Mutilating Autistic Daughter Who Wants To Be a Transgender Boy - Breitbart
... speaking out against the [transgender] transitioning of autistic people, what I feel to be both a crime against the disabled as well as their sterilization,” Dr. Kathleen Levinstein says. Her 19-year-old daughter is accepting massive testosterone injections to “grow a penis.”...“My [autistic] daughter was wholly unprepared to make these decisions,” Levinstein told Breitbart News. Levinstein, a clinical social worker now teaching at the University of Michigan, said cutting off the breasts of someone who is incapable of making that decision is “medical torture.”

All it takes is the right lawyer citing statute that clearly defines whether a person engaged in delusions (denial of what is between you legs as you pee each day qualifies without question), has the legal ability to consent to unnecessary surgery/amputation, removing vital organs and compromising their future health as a order to not cure the delusions, but to play along with them instead. I envision a legal team skilled in medical malpractice suits. I can think of a few off the top of my head.

I offer that the previous paragraph to this one, framed correctly in legal argument, at the right level of appeal, will put this baby to bed for good. And not in favor of those currently engaging in criminal behavior.
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Transgender is not a whim. It is a long involved and deeply true to them and who they are mentally.
Male and female brains are different, so why does it make sense for a woman to be trapped in a male body just to suit your idea of what "normal" and healthy is. They are the one living in that body, not you.
The first win is stop blaming TRUMP
Doctors have been leaving because of OBAMA/OBAMACARE


Today, approximately 40 percent of all doctors in the United States are 55 years of age or older. Large numbers of them are getting ready to retire.

Even before Obamacare was passed, we were already facing a massive shortage of doctors in the coming years. The American Association of Medical Colleges has projected that we will experience a shortage of more than 150,000 doctors over the next 15 years.

Inspired from this thread: National Geographic Now Supports Sexual Abuse of Children

This topic isn't about genetic anomalies. It's about regular males and females wanting surgically assisted amputation of healthy organs..putting themselves at risk of peril and "cure" a mental illness.

It is illegal medical quackery at its zenith. It is illegal to coerce a child to hurt themselves. If the Nat. Geo. article, besides peddling soft child porn on its cover photo, (look at the child's right hand between his legs) seeks to normalize this disease and mental instability in any reader's mind, they are guilty of direct or assisted child abuse.

If I was an MD doing these types of practices in today's political climate, I'd be RUNNING to a team of lawyers, quitting immediately and praying to god they don't retroactively punish MDs when (and not if) the "family of the mutilated patient vs the doctors" case is found in favor of the family. It's just a matter of time. And the clock is ticking.

Mother Sues Her Own Transgender Daughter Who Got Hormone Treatment Without Consent
Mother Sues Her Own Transgender Daughter Who Got Hormone Treatment Without Consent

A mother is suing after her 17-year-old transgender child received hormone treatment to transition from male to female without her consent. Anmarie Calgaro claims that her parental rights were taken away from her when her child, whom she continues to refer to as her son, was able to undergo procedures despite still being a minor...

It's a wonky case. But there will be more like it, more refined and to the point of how legal it is for medical doctors to drug or amputate children who suffer from OBVIOUS delusions (do not have the ability to consent).

In addition, adult family members are starting to sue on behalf of adult relatives in the same mental condition:

Mother Can't Stop Doctor From Mutilating Autistic Daughter Who Wants To Be a Transgender Boy - Breitbart
... speaking out against the [transgender] transitioning of autistic people, what I feel to be both a crime against the disabled as well as their sterilization,” Dr. Kathleen Levinstein says. Her 19-year-old daughter is accepting massive testosterone injections to “grow a penis.”...“My [autistic] daughter was wholly unprepared to make these decisions,” Levinstein told Breitbart News. Levinstein, a clinical social worker now teaching at the University of Michigan, said cutting off the breasts of someone who is incapable of making that decision is “medical torture.”

All it takes is the right lawyer citing statute that clearly defines whether a person engaged in delusions (denial of what is between you legs as you pee each day qualifies without question), has the legal ability to consent to unnecessary surgery/amputation, removing vital organs and compromising their future health as a order to not cure the delusions, but to play along with them instead. I envision a legal team skilled in medical malpractice suits. I can think of a few off the top of my head.

I offer that the previous paragraph to this one, framed correctly in legal argument, at the right level of appeal, will put this baby to bed for good. And not in favor of those currently engaging in criminal behavior.
Transgender is not a whim. It is a long involved and deeply true to them and who they are mentally.
Male and female brains are different, so why does it make sense for a woman to be trapped in a male body just to suit your idea of what "normal" and healthy is. They are the one living in that body, not you.
Sorry, just because delusions run very deep, does not make the diagnosis any more favorable; nor does it justify unnecessary surgical amputation or drugging with hormones.

What is being done to these poor people is undeniable medical malpractice. And it will wash out that way in the courts in the VERY near future.

Again, if I were an MD doing these crimes, I'd be quitting, like yesterday, and hiring legal advice just in case the Court decides to punish retroactively.
Transgender is not a whim. It is a long involved and deeply true to them and who they are mentally.
Male and female brains are different, so why does it make sense for a woman to be trapped in a male body just to suit your idea of what "normal" and healthy is. They are the one living in that body, not you.
Sorry, just because delusions run very deep, does not make the diagnosis any more favorable; nor does it justify unnecessary surgical amputation or drugging with hormones.

What is being done to these poor people is undeniable medical malpractice. And it will wash out that way in the courts in the VERY near future.

Again, if I were an MD doing these crimes, I'd be quitting, like yesterday, and hiring legal advice just in case the Court decides to punish retroactively.

Child can and should seek emancipation if the parents won't care for his medical and psychological needs.
Transgender is not a whim. It is a long involved and deeply true to them and who they are mentally.
Male and female brains are different, so why does it make sense for a woman to be trapped in a male body just to suit your idea of what "normal" and healthy is. They are the one living in that body, not you.
Sorry, just because delusions run very deep, does not make the diagnosis any more favorable; nor does it justify unnecessary surgical amputation or drugging with hormones.

What is being done to these poor people is undeniable medical malpractice. And it will wash out that way in the courts in the VERY near future.

Again, if I were an MD doing these crimes, I'd be quitting, like yesterday, and hiring legal advice just in case the Court decides to punish retroactively.

Child can and should seek emancipation if the parents won't care for his medical and psychological needs.
The child in that case must be self supporting.

There is no need for sex change surgery.
The point is, as with the woman suing on behalf of her NON child daughter, that people who are mentally unfit at any age cannot consent without a guardian. Especially to unnecessary amputation of healthy body parts. Even mentally fit people cannot consent to that. These "doctors" are butchers and will have their licenses to practice stripped in the next 4 years by court order.
Transgender is not a whim. It is a long involved and deeply true to them and who they are mentally.
Male and female brains are different, so why does it make sense for a woman to be trapped in a male body just to suit your idea of what "normal" and healthy is. They are the one living in that body, not you.
Sorry, just because delusions run very deep, does not make the diagnosis any more favorable; nor does it justify unnecessary surgical amputation or drugging with hormones.

What is being done to these poor people is undeniable medical malpractice. And it will wash out that way in the courts in the VERY near future.

Again, if I were an MD doing these crimes, I'd be quitting, like yesterday, and hiring legal advice just in case the Court decides to punish retroactively.

Child can and should seek emancipation if the parents won't care for his medical and psychological needs.
The child in that case must be self supporting.

There is no need for sex change surgery.

The need for surgery is up to the individual, not you
The point is, as with the woman suing on behalf of her NON child daughter, that people who are mentally unfit at any age cannot consent without a guardian. Especially to unnecessary amputation of healthy body parts. Even mentally fit people cannot consent to that. These "doctors" are butchers and will have their licenses to practice stripped in the next 4 years by court order.

Doctors treating do not see mentally unfit to decide identity or they would not treat. Evaluation both physical and mental is extensive.
Doctors treating do not see mentally unfit to decide identity or they would not treat. Evaluation both physical and mental is extensive.
Ignorance as far as I know is not an excuse in a court of law to harm another person. Doctors cannot claim ignorance because their own waiver forms say "you know this won't really change your gender. You are only doing cosmetic things."

And those "cosmetic things" including numbing people sexually, sterilizing them for life, predisposing them to urinary tract infections and other invasive infections. All from amputating healthy organs with unnecessary surgery.

That all spells malpractice my dear snowflake. And you will have that spelled out for you soon in a court of law. If I was a doctor I'd run, not walk, away from these types of barbaric frankensteinian procedures.

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