Some facts

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
ObamaCare In Plain English: What It Means For You -

There’s a lot of hype going around about ObamaCare, and by now you are probably getting mixed information about what the law actually is and how it will affect you. The purpose of this post is to lay out the basic facts in plain English so you know exactly what to expect as this reform takes effect over the next few years. However, before we get started, allow me to clarify a few very important things about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as “ObamaCare.”

ObamaCare will not use your tax dollars to fund abortions
ObamaCare is not and will not lead to a government takeover of health care
ObamaCare will not increase the national debt or deficit
ObamaCare does not hurt health insurance companies, but actually increases their business
ObamaCare is not unconstitutional
ObamaCare is not socialism

More at the link.

Obamacare Isn't Communism, And 13 Other Questions Answered

Like most Americans, you've probably heard of "Obamacare," but you're not exactly sure what it is. According to your uncle's Facebook posts, it sounds pretty scary, like maybe it's going to turn America into a Kenyan Soviet Union or something.

Well, good news: Obamacare is probably not going to do that! What a relief, huh? What other mysteries about the new health-care law can we clear up for you? Huffington Post health care reporter Jeffrey Young has 14 answers, for starters:

14 facts at the link.

Note the link --

ObamaCare Facts: Affordable Care Act, Health Insurance Marketplace
ObamaCare In Plain English: What It Means For You -

ObamaCare will not use your tax dollars to fund abortions
ObamaCare is not and will not lead to a government takeover of health care
ObamaCare will not increase the national debt or deficit
ObamaCare does not hurt health insurance companies, but actually increases their business
ObamaCare is not unconstitutional
ObamaCare is not socialism

More at the link.

Obamacare Isn't Communism, And 13 Other Questions Answered

1. Don't Care
2. Bullshit. Its the first step towards Single Payer and you know it.
3. Bullshit, any government spending when the revenues are less then expenditures contributes to the deficit that year, and the overall debt.
4. Opinion, not fact, and even you know how the HC compaines can adjust to the rules right? by shafting the customers, but this time with government sanction.
5. Something being consitutional does not make it good.
6. Its the first step, see item 2.
So is the money spent on any federal program..

Was the bill sold as a tax?

Semantics.. Everything federally funded comes from taxes.. Many I agree with, some I don't.

It's not semantics at all. The case for Obamacare went to the SCOTUS as one thing, adn came out as another. This was sold as reducing expenditures and is now understood to increase them. It was sold as a commerce engagement lawfully enacted by congress and came out a tax.

So it's a tax and yet continues to be called a healthcare law, or Obamacare or what have you.

it's a tax and will not decrease, but increase expenditures. Tax and spend. We were lied too. FACT.

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