Some folks are thinking the same as me.

I mean I don't care if they want to paly war games in their spare time but, we are a nation of law and order.
hahaha..imagine that folks....suddenly the Left is for law and order.
Of course this is after they burnt cities down over a black thug crackhead and stole $2 billion from good productive Americans to pay for it.

Following in the famous footsteps I see. The filthy Jews, um sorry, the undesirables, simple deserved to have their live choked out of them in the streets.
Are you sure that’s what I said? Is this another case of Lib projection?

Who cares? Militias use to be important as every able body white male property owner was required to not only join the militia but to actively train with the weapons of war to defend the nation. The world of war has moved on. These guys are just thugs looking for a fight.
The world has moved on?
Our decades long fighting in the Middle East is essentially a fight against a militia. That militia did pretty damn well.
The Russians fought a militia in the 80’s, and wound up being pushed out.
A large part of the forces we fought in Vietnam were militia. We know how that went.
To discount the militia ( an armed populace, with or without training really) is a serious, serious miscalculation.
now mind you, I think all of this is just posturing. With all the belly aching and pissing and moaning, even by yours truly, I don’t think any type of armed conflict is going to come out of this. Things would have to seriously deteriorate for that to happen. Yes, there may be little skirmishes with armed citizens blasting rioters if that rioting shit continues, but actual “civil war”?? I highly highly doubt it.
But I will again say, to those who dismiss the seriousness of going up against an armed populace, especially one as well armed as the American citizens... huge freaking mistake. Huge.

World of war. These armed extremist using the term Militia in the historical sense, at least in American history, is a travesty and an insult to the men who served in those colonial Militias protecting their homes, cities, states and the nation.

I mean I don't care if they want to paly war games in their spare time but, we are a nation of law and order.
HAHAHAHAHA, That's rich, law and order out of a democrats mouth. Where is the law and order in defund the police? Where was the law and order for over 3 months in Portland this summer when DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs robbed, looted, burned, murdered and destroyed public property? Where was your law and order when BLM/Antifa thugs took over six blocks of Seattle for six weeks denying the rightful owners and tax paying citizens of their rights to use their property. All of these actions happened with the blessings of the democratic mayors, city councils and governors of those states. Take your hypocritical BS down the road. Lying moron.

There were no DNC support for thugs robbing looting, burning, murdering or destroying public property. The thugs all deserve to be held accountable for their actions.

I think all the Pro Fascist militias (ProFa) should sign up with the fascist wing of the GOP. It's a match made for Hell.
What do you mean there was no dnc support? Several democrat mayors and governors came out in support of these people. Granted, a lot of them came out and commiserated with BLM leaders/marchers, and weren’t out there during the actual riots. But it’s a bit of a grey area. They were hardly coming out against the looters and rioters. Whenever they did utter a peep about it, they tried to pull the “it’s not Antifa/leftists/anarchists, it’s really white supremacists and Trump supporters rioting” non sense.

Now, do I think the average joe blow democrat voter supports or agrees with the rioters? Absolutely not. I think most people despised them and wanted them dealt with. The problem was the position the democrat party and media were put in, really a problem of their own making. Trump and Trump supporters were clearly, outspokenly anti-rioter. The rioters were anti Trump, anti-police, anti-capitalism, anti this and that. If the rioters did have a political persuasion, it certainly wasn’t voting Republican. And because the democrat party/media (same thing) position has consistently been “oppose anything Trump supports, support anything he opposes”, they were kinda stuck. They couldn’t come out agreeing with Trump that this shit was outrageous.And because they tied a lot of the rioting to “police brutality and racism”, they couldn’t then oppose them openly and appear to suddenly be supporting police brutality and racism.
So the democrat party (not the voters) had to do this weird “divert blame, ignore, and spin” when it came to the rioting. Which is why we got all those absurd claims like “it’s really white supremacists”, “mostly peaceful protests” as cars and buildings burned in the background, etc.
I agree with most everything you said, however, I must take issue with the run-of-the-mill democrat voter not agreeing with the anarchists. If that were the case, why did these voters reelect the exact same politicians that allowed the rioting in the first place? I have no use for any of them and I was a registered democrat for 50 years. I wouldn't vote for ANYONE in that communist party again and I am ashamed that I ever did.
The same politicians that allowed the rioting? They did not allow the rioting. Did trump party officials allow the rioting that has just occurred? NO they did not in my view. The question is ---what to do about it without upsetting the voter base? No decent human being wants violence but some indecent people love to be incendiary and disruptive, including trump.
oh for fk sake.
Hahaha I was wondering when a filthy Imperialist pig like you would show up. How you been you sniveling dog? You obviously want to ignore what your bud Brokeloser said " .We hate you more than Hitler hated Jews, we want you six feet under. " in another vain attempt the create a false narrative against a red blooded American and America herself.

Are you still mad that we beat the snot out your old Soviet Union with materialism?

Hey I can still get you that pair of levi's if you want!

Yes, Reagan DID defeat you and your glorious USSR.

You're still a Hoot!
I mean I don't care if they want to paly war games in their spare time but, we are a nation of law and order.
hahaha..imagine that folks....suddenly the Left is for law and order.
Of course this is after they burnt cities down over a black thug crackhead and stole $2 billion from good productive Americans to pay for it.

Following in the famous footsteps I see. The filthy Jews, um sorry, the undesirables, simple deserved to have their live choked out of them in the streets.
Are you sure that’s what I said? Is this another case of Lib projection?

Sorry, I thought you were referring to crackhead criminal blacks like George Floyd. I don’t see them as an existential threat like I see Lefties.
YES, I absolutely DO want to see anybody who seeks to reboot America hanged in public.
Put that shit in lights please.

America’s largest militia says it will refuse to recognise Biden as president and ‘resist’ his administration

Griffin Connolly and Richard Hall
November 15, 2020

A sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, which there has been no evidence for, pervaded among his supporters who marched in Washington on Saturday. (Getty Images)

A sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, which there has been no evidence for, pervaded among his supporters who marched in Washington on Saturday. (Getty Images)
The largest militia group in the US will refuse to recognise President-elect Joe Biden as the nation’s duly elected leader when he is sworn in on 20 January 2021.
The Oath Keepers, an armed right-wing organisation that boasts tens of thousands of members with law enforcement and military backgrounds, was one of several groups to demonstrate in Washington over the weekend at the “Million MAGA March” in support of Donald Trump, whom news networks project has lost the 2020 election.
“I think about half this country won’t recognise Biden as legitimate. They won’t recognise this election,” Stewart Rhodes, who founded the Oath Keepers, told The Independent on Saturday in the nation’s capital.

“What that means is that everything that comes out of his mouth will be considered not of any force or effect, anything he signs into law we won’t recognise as legitimate. We’ll be very much like the founding fathers. We’ll end up nullifying and resisting,” Mr Rhodes said.

Thousands of Trump supporters — including members of far-right groups such as the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Boys, and the Oath Keepers, as well as ordinary American citizens — participated in the march, which was pervaded by a sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Mr Trump.

Then they will be held accountable and arrested. The founding fathers were not terrorists asw these groups are.
Tell us... what terrorist activities have they engaged in?
What acts of violence?

Ring any bells?


I remember him
He killed 2 of you little bastards.
He's just a kid.
Wait until the adults get serious

You're a deplorable human being.
As are most Trump supporters.
"...anything he signs into law we won’t recognise as legitimate." ibid

Well that's ignorant and idiotic.

What a president signs into law is an act of Congress reflecting the will of the people.

Conservatives have become truly childish and ridiculous.
No, it's supposed to reflect the will of the people. If they don't believe it does in fact some folks won't consider it a valid law. Why do you think anyone is going to consider your opinion more valid than their own?
Conservatives have become truly childish, ridiculous, and ignorant – the thread premise is proof of that.

Rightists clearly don’t understand the most fundamental aspects of governance.
‘The Anti-Defamation League has described the Oath Keepers as a “heavily armed extremists with a conspiratorial and anti-government mindset looking for potential showdowns with the government.”’ ibid

And this is who many on the right support – conservativism as become thuggish lawlessness.
You identify with violent idiots with guns who threaten people. My link was to point out what is going on right now, which DIRECTLY relates to your OP. You're a sick individual if you approve of these tactics which are incited by Dear Leader.
If democrats had shutdown the violent leftwing riots during the spring, summer and fall you would have the moral creds to complain about conservatives now

which you dont have

Who do you think sent the police in to beat the protestors. Were they acting unilaterally?

NYC for instance. Dem Mayor

Louisville, Ky; Dem Mayor

Salt Lake City; Dem Mayor

nowhere were cops ever sent in, there's that. you have to prove where they sent the cops in to break up the protestors, shit dude, not even in Milwaukee did they do that. never a fact to back your shit up you loud mouth loser.

can't access your video. I don't pay for youtube.

Neither do I. Just have a free Google account
If it smells like a rat it's a rat. Especially devious behavior and what cannot be substantiated by science and math. Ee can't lose sight of the intent for mail-in ballots either. They're aimed at the laziest and most stoned among us and they lean Democrat. They put the USPS in charge too, same mother fuckers who STOLE from me in Feb.

Problem is proving the election was stolen. Knowing and proving are two different things. Generally speaking the powers at be would rather let one slide than confront fraud on this scale, it would literally destroy the Democrat party for starts. That said, I wish they would.

I'd like to see the country divided in half, north to south mostly, conservatives get Texas and Alaska. How the west was won goes to conservatives, we know how to get shit done including how to clean up California forests.
One witness said she observed unfolded ballots being counted. I heard and expert say that ALL mail out ballots get folded and once folded they cannot be unfolded. That is the evidence of folds would still be there. Her testimony was swept under the rug.

It was ballots that had to be copied due to damage or stray marks the scanner couldn't read.

you must be a wanna be genius in
Who cares? Militias use to be important as every able body white male property owner was required to not only join the militia but to actively train with the weapons of war to defend the nation. The world of war has moved on. These guys are just thugs looking for a fight.
The world has moved on?
Our decades long fighting in the Middle East is essentially a fight against a militia. That militia did pretty damn well.
The Russians fought a militia in the 80’s, and wound up being pushed out.
A large part of the forces we fought in Vietnam were militia. We know how that went.
To discount the militia ( an armed populace, with or without training really) is a serious, serious miscalculation.
now mind you, I think all of this is just posturing. With all the belly aching and pissing and moaning, even by yours truly, I don’t think any type of armed conflict is going to come out of this. Things would have to seriously deteriorate for that to happen. Yes, there may be little skirmishes with armed citizens blasting rioters if that rioting shit continues, but actual “civil war”?? I highly highly doubt it.
But I will again say, to those who dismiss the seriousness of going up against an armed populace, especially one as well armed as the American citizens... huge freaking mistake. Huge.

World of war. These armed extremist using the term Militia in the historical sense, at least in American history, is a travesty and an insult to the men who served in those colonial Militias protecting their homes, cities, states and the nation.

I mean I don't care if they want to paly war games in their spare time but, we are a nation of law and order.
HAHAHAHAHA, That's rich, law and order out of a democrats mouth. Where is the law and order in defund the police? Where was the law and order for over 3 months in Portland this summer when DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs robbed, looted, burned, murdered and destroyed public property? Where was your law and order when BLM/Antifa thugs took over six blocks of Seattle for six weeks denying the rightful owners and tax paying citizens of their rights to use their property. All of these actions happened with the blessings of the democratic mayors, city councils and governors of those states. Take your hypocritical BS down the road. Lying moron.

There were no DNC support for thugs robbing looting, burning, murdering or destroying public property. The thugs all deserve to be held accountable for their actions.

I think all the Pro Fascist militias (ProFa) should sign up with the fascist wing of the GOP. It's a match made for Hell.
What do you mean there was no dnc support? Several democrat mayors and governors came out in support of these people. Granted, a lot of them came out and commiserated with BLM leaders/marchers, and weren’t out there during the actual riots. But it’s a bit of a grey area. They were hardly coming out against the looters and rioters. Whenever they did utter a peep about it, they tried to pull the “it’s not Antifa/leftists/anarchists, it’s really white supremacists and Trump supporters rioting” non sense.

Now, do I think the average joe blow democrat voter supports or agrees with the rioters? Absolutely not. I think most people despised them and wanted them dealt with. The problem was the position the democrat party and media were put in, really a problem of their own making. Trump and Trump supporters were clearly, outspokenly anti-rioter. The rioters were anti Trump, anti-police, anti-capitalism, anti this and that. If the rioters did have a political persuasion, it certainly wasn’t voting Republican. And because the democrat party/media (same thing) position has consistently been “oppose anything Trump supports, support anything he opposes”, they were kinda stuck. They couldn’t come out agreeing with Trump that this shit was outrageous.And because they tied a lot of the rioting to “police brutality and racism”, they couldn’t then oppose them openly and appear to suddenly be supporting police brutality and racism.
So the democrat party (not the voters) had to do this weird “divert blame, ignore, and spin” when it came to the rioting. Which is why we got all those absurd claims like “it’s really white supremacists”, “mostly peaceful protests” as cars and buildings burned in the background, etc.
I agree with most everything you said, however, I must take issue with the run-of-the-mill democrat voter not agreeing with the anarchists. If that were the case, why did these voters reelect the exact same politicians that allowed the rioting in the first place? I have no use for any of them and I was a registered democrat for 50 years. I wouldn't vote for ANYONE in that communist party again and I am ashamed that I ever did.
The same politicians that allowed the rioting? They did not allow the rioting. Did trump party officials allow the rioting that has just occurred? NO they did not in my view. The question is ---what to do about it without upsetting the voter base? No decent human being wants violence but some indecent people love to be incendiary and disruptive, including trump.
oh for fk sake.
oh for fuck sake
Just as I suspected. You won’t call out insane rhetoric if it’s on your side of the aisle. You’re not hard to predict.
I am on record as being against violence in the streets

that includes conservatives who are frustrated with your side’s election fraud

but you want me to name names so that you can pit one conservative against another

and I wont play that game
Many of the lawsuits brought about by the Soros forces were in the name of homeless people.

Your side has spent 4 years with people just like you thwarting the president of the united states.

Lie all you like, you just expose that you are a troll and a fraud.

Ok. So that's your argument. I could have resisted Trump by sitting around and waiting for a billionaire to pay me money to be part of a lawsuit against Trump.

Do I have that correct?

Wow, you may NOT be a troll, you may just be a drunk or drug addict.

Sitting around won't do it, but stumble over to the nearest Open Society hate post and you can be the plaintiff in a frivolous lawsuit.

Excellent. So then this is all you had in mind when you tried to explain how one can “resist”. Maybe you should have just said that instead of the idiotic rant you made that had NOTHING to do with any of that.

See that? That wasn’t so hard now was it? That’s what happens when you read a post and respond to it.

Now then, is that all these idiots in the OP are going to do to “resist”? Is that all? If it is, then I’m not impressed.
Which officials in the battleground states are you accusing of being dishonest, stupid or incompetent, and why.
Officials in the battleground states with most complaints of election fraud

In the deepest blue states like california I suspect there is election fraud also

but dems are so entrenched there its pointless to complain but merely point to what a failed one-party covering all of America would look like

so we are contesting the states that mak3 a difference like georgia, arizona, ect
That's neat. But I'm still trying to figure out what this means in practice.

Hypothetically speaking, let's suppose that I didn't consider Trump a legitimate president. What exactly could I have resisted from his administration?
I think its ok if they just run around the woods paintballing each other. No harm done.

Are there paintballs with FMJ?
That's neat. But I'm still trying to figure out what this means in practice.
It means they'll sit around on the porch, talk all manly 'n stuff, swill a cool Hamm's and compare buttcracks until dawn.

Then they'll stagger home and try not to wake up Mom.
Meanwhile in LibTardia, a couple of the Lefts poster children, illegal beaner dudes who buttfuck each other sit around in their pink Britney Spears half shirts discussing who's got the most Astroglide residue in their ass-crack from the night before and who won't shit right for a week.

You fret an awful lot about other people’s sex life. Are you wishing?

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