Some folks are thinking the same as me.

The oath keepers send the progs into a tizzy

View attachment 429763
No one is coming to get you either!
Seems to me that it has already come to that with armed trumpers marching around and abusing Republican officials who are just doing their job,
Of boo hoo.

how have lazy and incompetent republican officials been abused?

First they are not lazy. Competent, decent Republicans trying to do their jobs while being berated by an ignorant blob in the WH Who was never a Republican and far from decent. In Being threatened with death threats just trying to do their jobs.
Those Competent, decent Republicans do what their contributors tell them to do; you and I are inconsequential.
You are full of it. Quite clear you know little about how voting works, how honest they really are. You are just mad your Apprentice blob lost!
The people who count the ballots have IQs well below 100.

The machines? God, you are so gullible.

America’s largest militia says it will refuse to recognise Biden as president and ‘resist’ his administration

Griffin Connolly and Richard Hall
November 15, 2020

A sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, which there has been no evidence for, pervaded among his supporters who marched in Washington on Saturday. (Getty Images)

A sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, which there has been no evidence for, pervaded among his supporters who marched in Washington on Saturday. (Getty Images)
The largest militia group in the US will refuse to recognise President-elect Joe Biden as the nation’s duly elected leader when he is sworn in on 20 January 2021.
The Oath Keepers, an armed right-wing organisation that boasts tens of thousands of members with law enforcement and military backgrounds, was one of several groups to demonstrate in Washington over the weekend at the “Million MAGA March” in support of Donald Trump, whom news networks project has lost the 2020 election.
“I think about half this country won’t recognise Biden as legitimate. They won’t recognise this election,” Stewart Rhodes, who founded the Oath Keepers, told The Independent on Saturday in the nation’s capital.

“What that means is that everything that comes out of his mouth will be considered not of any force or effect, anything he signs into law we won’t recognise as legitimate. We’ll be very much like the founding fathers. We’ll end up nullifying and resisting,” Mr Rhodes said.

Thousands of Trump supporters — including members of far-right groups such as the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Boys, and the Oath Keepers, as well as ordinary American citizens — participated in the march, which was pervaded by a sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Mr Trump.

There was no fraud. And if the op-ed comes to fruition, your Oath Keepers et al will find out just what it's like to have an extra 7 million people up their arse. What you fail to realise is that you have the mistaken belief that those who voted for Biden are anti-gun, homo, gender bending, welfare-cheating illegals.
Boy are you in for a wake up call.
You identify with violent idiots with guns who threaten people. My link was to point out what is going on right now, which DIRECTLY relates to your OP. You're a sick individual if you approve of these tactics which are incited by Dear Leader.
If democrats had shutdown the violent leftwing riots during the spring, summer and fall you would have the moral creds to complain about conservatives now

which you dont have

Who do you think sent the police in to beat the protestors. Were they acting unilaterally?

NYC for instance. Dem Mayor

Louisville, Ky; Dem Mayor

Salt Lake City; Dem Mayor

nowhere were cops ever sent in, there's that. you have to prove where they sent the cops in to break up the protestors, shit dude, not even in Milwaukee did they do that. never a fact to back your shit up you loud mouth loser.


the elected democrat officials in that city should be recalled and dismissed from office for allowing violence in the streets

they are to blame for this man’s death
You identify with violent idiots with guns who threaten people. My link was to point out what is going on right now, which DIRECTLY relates to your OP. You're a sick individual if you approve of these tactics which are incited by Dear Leader.
If democrats had shutdown the violent leftwing riots during the spring, summer and fall you would have the moral creds to complain about conservatives now

which you dont have

Who do you think sent the police in to beat the protestors. Were they acting unilaterally?

NYC for instance. Dem Mayor

Louisville, Ky; Dem Mayor

Salt Lake City; Dem Mayor

nowhere were cops ever sent in, there's that. you have to prove where they sent the cops in to break up the protestors, shit dude, not even in Milwaukee did they do that. never a fact to back your shit up you loud mouth loser.

Your point?
That's neat. But I'm still trying to figure out what this means in practice.
It means they'll sit around on the porch, talk all manly 'n stuff, swill a cool Hamm's and compare buttcracks until dawn.

Then they'll stagger home and try not to wake up Mom.
Meanwhile in LibTardia, a couple of the Lefts poster children, illegal beaner dudes who buttfuck each other sit around in their pink Britney Spears half shirts discussing who's got the most Astroglide residue in their ass-crack from the night before and who won't shit right for a week.

You fret an awful lot about other people’s sex life. Are you wishing?

The bizarre nature of a man preferring another man’s dirty, smelly, shit spewing hairy anus over a women’s beautiful vagina is quite fascinating...I’ve concluded one must be completely fucked in the head to hold such a preference...
What can I say; I’m fascinated by people whom are super fucked in the head.
No, they are not petty thieves. That remark is just plain ridiculous.
Think again

poll workers in deep blue districts stole millions of votes for biden

But if the spineless republicans in states like georgia and arizona had done their job of oversight crooked democrat poll workers would have been stopped before they cheated
Nobody "stole" votes for Biden and 0 evidence has been presented to prove fraud, as 46 judges threw out 46
so-called fraud cases since no evidence was presented. The accusations of fraud were included in the filings and then
there was none in the actual manuscript. You are being duped by Rudy and friends. Spinless Republicans?
They were doing their job as government officials and if they had invented fraud, as you would have them do and what trump wanted them to do, then they would be the good guys, yes? Just like all the other grifting that trump has foisted upon his ignorant, non-thinking followers. Why don't you do some reading and research before you grovel at trump's feet?
I will give you a prime example of fraud

poll workers in georgia an ounce no more vote counting tonight and send everyone home

however 5 poll workers remain and begin counting votes from suitcases hidden under desks

the poll workers say they did nothing wrong and a judge dismisses the complaint

if you think yrump voters are going to accept that without a fight you have another think coming
I bet a friend of your BIL’s buddy told you those stories. They started with Sir!
That's neat. But I'm still trying to figure out what this means in practice.
It means they'll sit around on the porch, talk all manly 'n stuff, swill a cool Hamm's and compare buttcracks until dawn.

Then they'll stagger home and try not to wake up Mom.
Meanwhile in LibTardia, a couple of the Lefts poster children, illegal beaner dudes who buttfuck each other sit around in their pink Britney Spears half shirts discussing who's got the most Astroglide residue in their ass-crack from the night before and who won't shit right for a week.

You fret an awful lot about other people’s sex life. Are you wishing?

The bizarre nature of a man preferring another man’s dirty, smelly, shit spewing hairy anus over a women’s beautiful vagina is quite fascinating...I’ve concluded one must be completely fucked in the head to hold such a preference...
What can I say; I’m fascinated by people whom are super fucked in the head.

As I said, you spend an awful lot of time thinking about what another might do in their set life!
Many of the lawsuits brought about by the Soros forces were in the name of homeless people.

Your side has spent 4 years with people just like you thwarting the president of the united states.

Lie all you like, you just expose that you are a troll and a fraud.

Ok. So that's your argument. I could have resisted Trump by sitting around and waiting for a billionaire to pay me money to be part of a lawsuit against Trump.

Do I have that correct?

Wow, you may NOT be a troll, you may just be a drunk or drug addict.

Sitting around won't do it, but stumble over to the nearest Open Society hate post and you can be the plaintiff in a frivolous lawsuit.

Excellent. So then this is all you had in mind when you tried to explain how one can “resist”. Maybe you should have just said that instead of the idiotic rant you made that had NOTHING to do with any of that.

See that? That wasn’t so hard now was it? That’s what happens when you read a post and respond to it.

Now then, is that all these idiots in the OP are going to do to “resist”? Is that all? If it is, then I’m not impressed.

The "resistance" against Trump that the Communist party has engaged in for the last four years is based on court action, media lies and demagoguery, and bureaucratic sabotage.

If you are not of the little Goebbels, then you can't engage in the lies and smears of the CCP propaganda corps. If you are not a government hack, then the treason we saw from the State Dept. et al. is not available to you.

But frivolous lawsuits are something any idiot can do, and something thousands of traitor democrats did do.

We patriots will now return that favor.

Biden is irrelevant. He already said he will resign. He was just a trojan horse for the radical Marxists. I intend to join in every possible lawsuit against the Harris regime. If she farts she's getting sued. If she eats with the wrong fork she's getting sued. When she implements the "China First" policy of the party, she's getting sued. Tie her and her Chinese masters up in court.
You identify with violent idiots with guns who threaten people. My link was to point out what is going on right now, which DIRECTLY relates to your OP. You're a sick individual if you approve of these tactics which are incited by Dear Leader.
If democrats had shutdown the violent leftwing riots during the spring, summer and fall you would have the moral creds to complain about conservatives now

which you dont have

Who do you think sent the police in to beat the protestors. Were they acting unilaterally?

NYC for instance. Dem Mayor

Louisville, Ky; Dem Mayor

Salt Lake City; Dem Mayor

Los Angeles, dem mayor
Portland, dem mayor
Seattle, dem mayor

Like I said, Etc.

I remember that one

the guy refused to follow lawful orders of the police and leave the area
One could swear, for the last four years it seems like we have been watching a play where everybody is crazy, dishonest and mean, but far too crazy for it to seem like it could be real.

And I don't mean Trump..... I mean you, blue.
So tell us which legislation Trump signed into law that ruined your life?
He signed almost no legislation (although his tax cut cost me a couple thousand)

But it's more what he DIDN'T do which was deal with the FUCKING VIRUS
You had the Internet at your disposal and didn't realize that no nation on earth was able to contain the FUCKING VIRUS.
You are lazy.
Hypothetically speaking, let's suppose that I didn't consider Trump a legitimate president. What exactly could I have resisted from his administration?

You haven't answered that. You're just ranting about how you don't like Democrats.

And yet the DNC/CCP "resistance" crippled the Trump presidency. Are you acknowledging that all power belongs to deep state bureaucrats and that citizens are utterly powerless and without a voice? There is clearly a lot of truth to such an assertion.

What you "could" do is exactly what Soros did do. Attack everything.

Now the left - the Maoist democrats, are the party of Oligarchs. You had the Silicone Valley overlords funding your nefarious acts. You also have China and Iran as your allies.

Americans don't have the Oligarchs and the trillions from big tech that is used to assault America and basic individual liberty.

Still, we have the right to seek redress in the courts - at least for this second. The FIRST task Quid Pro is assigned is to drop all tariffs and sanctions against China. What Americans can do is file suit to block his China First policies in every court in America. Get a pro-America judge to file an injunction against the Harris administration when they put forth their pro-China policies.

Likewise when the Harris regime moves to drop all sanctions against Iran - sue them. When "president" Harris seeks to fund nuclear weapons in Iran, sue them.

Tie the CCP democrats up in court at every turn to thwart their agenda.

Americans must also retake the nation. That means defeating every Soros DA and other criminals that have infested local governments. The democrats depend on their Brown Shirts to spread terror. The Brown Shirts operate because Soros owned DA's refuse to enforce laws. Take the crooks out - expose them and defeat them, Kim Foxx, Pile of shit Schmid, et al.

The game is rigged and there is no law or justice, still we Americans are tenacious and will resist.

You’re just rambling and you didn’t address what I asked.

Be specific. How exactly could I resist one of Trump’s pieces of legislation? Give me an example.
You don't have an army so you can't.
By the way, they will only resist if a law violates the USC.
That's neat. But I'm still trying to figure out what this means in practice.

Hypothetically speaking, let's suppose that I didn't consider Trump a legitimate president. What exactly could I have resisted from his administration?
What legislation did Trump sign into law that would have made you rebel?

None. What could I have even rebelled against? Give me an example of how I could have done so.
Nice dodge.
You didn’t answer the question because, in reality, Trump did nothing to disrupt your life.

You dodged my question, moron. Notice my question came first.

To address your question, I wouldn’t rebel against legislation because I don’t even know what that would consist of. Which was kind of the entire point of mine that you conveniently ignored.
So you are faking bravado over some fantasy Trump legislation that either you never knew was signed into law or you never knew the effect of the legislation.
Yet you complain about how Trump’s legislation ruined the US.
Are you expecting me to take you seriously?

How am I faking bravado? Geez you’re dumb.
What Trump legislation would have made you rebel?

Let me try to spell this out for you one last time. Take any action done by the president that you don’t like and consider what would it even look like to rebel against that.

Here’s an example: I didn’t like the appointment of Barrett. How specifically would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like the assassination of Soleimani. How would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like leaving the Paris climate accord. How would I rebel against that?

Give me an example of what rebelling would look like. I don’t know how that would be done effectively.

Do you get it now? Probably not.
So you like sending US money to pay the bills of other nations and you like terrorism.
See how easy that was?

I tried to walk you through it and you couldn’t answer those simple questions.

It’a not your fault. You’re just not very bright.
Explain to me why we need to part of the Paris Climate Accords when private industry is already doing it.
Presuming you know anything about advancements in technology.

Address the point I made or I will consider you the moron that you are. I’m not interested in expanding this conversation with you as you have proven that you have the attention span of a kid with ADHD.
You cri
That's neat. But I'm still trying to figure out what this means in practice.

Hypothetically speaking, let's suppose that I didn't consider Trump a legitimate president. What exactly could I have resisted from his administration?
What legislation did Trump sign into law that would have made you rebel?

None. What could I have even rebelled against? Give me an example of how I could have done so.
Nice dodge.
You didn’t answer the question because, in reality, Trump did nothing to disrupt your life.

You dodged my question, moron. Notice my question came first.

To address your question, I wouldn’t rebel against legislation because I don’t even know what that would consist of. Which was kind of the entire point of mine that you conveniently ignored.
So you are faking bravado over some fantasy Trump legislation that either you never knew was signed into law or you never knew the effect of the legislation.
Yet you complain about how Trump’s legislation ruined the US.
Are you expecting me to take you seriously?

How am I faking bravado? Geez you’re dumb.
What Trump legislation would have made you rebel?

Let me try to spell this out for you one last time. Take any action done by the president that you don’t like and consider what would it even look like to rebel against that.

Here’s an example: I didn’t like the appointment of Barrett. How specifically would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like the assassination of Soleimani. How would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like leaving the Paris climate accord. How would I rebel against that?

Give me an example of what rebelling would look like. I don’t know how that would be done effectively.

Do you get it now? Probably not.
So you like sending US money to pay the bills of other nations and you like terrorism.
See how easy that was?

I tried to walk you through it and you couldn’t answer those simple questions.

It’a not your fault. You’re just not very bright.
Explain to me why we need to part of the Paris Climate Accords when private industry is already doing it.
Presuming you know anything about advancements in technology.

Address the point I made or I will consider you the moron that you are. I’m not interested in expanding this conversation with you as you have proven that you have the attention span of a kid with ADHD.
It will be interesting to see how politicians react to non-BLM or Antifa people doing what BLM and Antifa have done.
Unlike how the cowards reacted to BLM and Antifa, police action will be taken against those who are pro-US.
They are not "pro-US" any more than Antifa is "pro-US". Those who are violent in America are deserving of police action no matter who they are.
Liberals don't know the definition of pro-US.

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