Some folks are thinking the same as me.

I notice that TrumpToids rarely post links to verifiable, reliable news sources.
For the record, I don't acknowledge Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, HotAir or Alex Jones, Rush Limpballs as legitimate.
Fox must be coming around because Trump can't bash them enough on Twitter.

Oh, and forget NewsMax and OANN...they are both heat-seeking missiles for Trump's ass.
you need me to provide you the 14th amendment? hahahaahahahahahahaha
14th was intended for racial justice, and Trump undermined it with his census policy.
so has the 14th amendment been sufficiently provided?
Who cares? Militias use to be important as every able body white male property owner was required to not only join the militia but to actively train with the weapons of war to defend the nation. The world of war has moved on. These guys are just thugs looking for a fight.
The world has moved on?
Our decades long fighting in the Middle East is essentially a fight against a militia. That militia did pretty damn well.
The Russians fought a militia in the 80’s, and wound up being pushed out.
A large part of the forces we fought in Vietnam were militia. We know how that went.
To discount the militia ( an armed populace, with or without training really) is a serious, serious miscalculation.
now mind you, I think all of this is just posturing. With all the belly aching and pissing and moaning, even by yours truly, I don’t think any type of armed conflict is going to come out of this. Things would have to seriously deteriorate for that to happen. Yes, there may be little skirmishes with armed citizens blasting rioters if that rioting shit continues, but actual “civil war”?? I highly highly doubt it.
But I will again say, to those who dismiss the seriousness of going up against an armed populace, especially one as well armed as the American citizens... huge freaking mistake. Huge.

World of war. These armed extremist using the term Militia in the historical sense, at least in American history, is a travesty and an insult to the men who served in those colonial Militias protecting their homes, cities, states and the nation.

I mean I don't care if they want to paly war games in their spare time but, we are a nation of law and order.
HAHAHAHAHA, That's rich, law and order out of a democrats mouth. Where is the law and order in defund the police? Where was the law and order for over 3 months in Portland this summer when DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs robbed, looted, burned, murdered and destroyed public property? Where was your law and order when BLM/Antifa thugs took over six blocks of Seattle for six weeks denying the rightful owners and tax paying citizens of their rights to use their property. All of these actions happened with the blessings of the democratic mayors, city councils and governors of those states. Take your hypocritical BS down the road. Lying moron.

There were no DNC support for thugs robbing looting, burning, murdering or destroying public property. The thugs all deserve to be held accountable for their actions.

I think all the Pro Fascist militias (ProFa) should sign up with the fascist wing of the GOP. It's a match made for Hell.
What do you mean there was no dnc support? Several democrat mayors and governors came out in support of these people. Granted, a lot of them came out and commiserated with BLM leaders/marchers, and weren’t out there during the actual riots. But it’s a bit of a grey area. They were hardly coming out against the looters and rioters. Whenever they did utter a peep about it, they tried to pull the “it’s not Antifa/leftists/anarchists, it’s really white supremacists and Trump supporters rioting” non sense.

Now, do I think the average joe blow democrat voter supports or agrees with the rioters? Absolutely not. I think most people despised them and wanted them dealt with. The problem was the position the democrat party and media were put in, really a problem of their own making. Trump and Trump supporters were clearly, outspokenly anti-rioter. The rioters were anti Trump, anti-police, anti-capitalism, anti this and that. If the rioters did have a political persuasion, it certainly wasn’t voting Republican. And because the democrat party/media (same thing) position has consistently been “oppose anything Trump supports, support anything he opposes”, they were kinda stuck. They couldn’t come out agreeing with Trump that this shit was outrageous.And because they tied a lot of the rioting to “police brutality and racism”, they couldn’t then oppose them openly and appear to suddenly be supporting police brutality and racism.
So the democrat party (not the voters) had to do this weird “divert blame, ignore, and spin” when it came to the rioting. Which is why we got all those absurd claims like “it’s really white supremacists”, “mostly peaceful protests” as cars and buildings burned in the background, etc.
Who cares? Militias use to be important as every able body white male property owner was required to not only join the militia but to actively train with the weapons of war to defend the nation. The world of war has moved on. These guys are just thugs looking for a fight.
The world has moved on?
Our decades long fighting in the Middle East is essentially a fight against a militia. That militia did pretty damn well.
The Russians fought a militia in the 80’s, and wound up being pushed out.
A large part of the forces we fought in Vietnam were militia. We know how that went.
To discount the militia ( an armed populace, with or without training really) is a serious, serious miscalculation.
now mind you, I think all of this is just posturing. With all the belly aching and pissing and moaning, even by yours truly, I don’t think any type of armed conflict is going to come out of this. Things would have to seriously deteriorate for that to happen. Yes, there may be little skirmishes with armed citizens blasting rioters if that rioting shit continues, but actual “civil war”?? I highly highly doubt it.
But I will again say, to those who dismiss the seriousness of going up against an armed populace, especially one as well armed as the American citizens... huge freaking mistake. Huge.

World of war. These armed extremist using the term Militia in the historical sense, at least in American history, is a travesty and an insult to the men who served in those colonial Militias protecting their homes, cities, states and the nation.

I mean I don't care if they want to paly war games in their spare time but, we are a nation of law and order.
I can understand your initial statements. I believe it’s a matter of perspective in how you judge them.
But this is where we diverge...We are a nation of law and order?
Are we really?
For us little people I agree, for the most part. But as is demonstrated constantly by our politicians, and also politically charged events (rioting, protests, etc)...
I’d say we are a nation of selective enforcement and politically driven prosecution/forgiveness.

Yeah for the most part I think we are, or strive to be, except with Presidential pardon abuse, politicians get punished for cronyism, when they get caught. I grew up in the 60s-70's so I grew up with protests, riots, assassinations and none of those got Nixon to resign. It was the courts that exposed the evidence that forced his hand, not the riots, not the threat of violence, the law and the courts.
Following in the famous footsteps I see. The filthy Jews, um sorry, the undesirables, simple deserved to have their live choked out of them in the streets.

You mean the "white supremacists?" the New Juden that you Maoists rally your hate around?

Well, this isn't Nicaragua in 1984. I doubt you still have the strength to choke the life out of people.
You identify with violent idiots with guns who threaten people. My link was to point out what is going on right now, which DIRECTLY relates to your OP. You're a sick individual if you approve of these tactics which are incited by Dear Leader.
If democrats had shutdown the violent leftwing riots during the spring, summer and fall you would have the moral creds to complain about conservatives now

which you dont have

Who do you think sent the police in to beat the protestors. Were they acting unilaterally?

NYC for instance. Dem Mayor

Louisville, Ky; Dem Mayor

Salt Lake City; Dem Mayor

Los Angeles, dem mayor
Portland, dem mayor
Seattle, dem mayor
The oath keepers send the progs into a tizzy

View attachment 429763
No one is coming to get you either!
Seems to me that it has already come to that with armed trumpers marching around and abusing Republican officials who are just doing their job,
Of boo hoo.

how have lazy and incompetent republican officials been abused?

First they are not lazy. Competent, decent Republicans trying to do their jobs while being berated by an ignorant blob in the WH Who was never a Republican and far from decent. In Being threatened with death threats just trying to do their jobs.
Those Competent, decent Republicans do what their contributors tell them to do; you and I are inconsequential.
You are full of it. Quite clear you know little about how voting works, how honest they really are. You are just mad your Apprentice blob lost!
The people who count the ballots have IQs well below 100.
They can count.
Many of the lawsuits brought about by the Soros forces were in the name of homeless people.

Your side has spent 4 years with people just like you thwarting the president of the united states.

Lie all you like, you just expose that you are a troll and a fraud.

Ok. So that's your argument. I could have resisted Trump by sitting around and waiting for a billionaire to pay me money to be part of a lawsuit against Trump.

Do I have that correct?

Wow, you may NOT be a troll, you may just be a drunk or drug addict.

Sitting around won't do it, but stumble over to the nearest Open Society hate post and you can be the plaintiff in a frivolous lawsuit.
Many of the lawsuits brought about by the Soros forces were in the name of homeless people.

Your side has spent 4 years with people just like you thwarting the president of the united states.

Lie all you like, you just expose that you are a troll and a fraud.

Ok. So that's your argument. I could have resisted Trump by sitting around and waiting for a billionaire to pay me money to be part of a lawsuit against Trump.

Do I have that correct?

I’ve been watching you struggle with the definition of “RESIST” for several posts now.
Think defiance and opposition.
You have voiced your opposition to Trump, detested and defied his policies ideologies for four years...Were you not resisting?
Following in the famous footsteps I see. The filthy Jews, um sorry, the undesirables, simple deserved to have their live choked out of them in the streets.

You mean the "white supremacists?" the New Juden that you Maoists rally your hate around?

Well, this isn't Nicaragua in 1984. I doubt you still have the strength to choke the life out of people.

Hahaha I was wondering when a filthy Imperialist pig like you would show up. How you been you sniveling dog? You obviously want to ignore what your bud Brokeloser said " .We hate you more than Hitler hated Jews, we want you six feet under. " in another vain attempt the create a false narrative against a red blooded American and America herself.

Are you still mad that we beat the snot out your old Soviet Union with materialism?

Hey I can still get you that pair of levi's if you want!
I mean I don't care if they want to paly war games in their spare time but, we are a nation of law and order.
hahaha..imagine that folks....suddenly the Left is for law and order.
Of course this is after they burnt cities down over a black thug crackhead and stole $2 billion from good productive Americans to pay for it.

Following in the famous footsteps I see. The filthy Jews, um sorry, the undesirables, simple deserved to have their live choked out of them in the streets.
Are you sure that’s what I said? Is this another case of Lib projection?
For the deaf mentally impared .....those who do not consider Biden as lawfully elected POTUS will not be silent and quiet any more. We learned from libs what to do. Some will be peaceful in showing their dismay. Some will not be so peaceful and will do whatever they can do to make life extremely difficult for him, as well as his idiotic supporters.

In short..we will fight back...for FOUR FUCKING YEARS. Plus try to impeach him. Plus make his life miserable with constant ridicule, laughter and nose thumbing and ignoring his supposed leadership.
A good way to wreck our Democracy. You will fight back for what---your grifter losing the election? People are sick and tired of a charlatan in the peoples' house. Do some research and maybe you won't remain a follower and become an independent thinker. Trump's history speaks for itself and it isn't purty--a litany of fraud, bankruptcies, phony behavior, promises not kept, etc. A perfect description of a con-man and you are being conned.

The person with the most legal votes in each state should win the vote of that state.

Your list of adjectives has no bearing.

No one truly believes that Biden received more legal votes.

President Trump has nothing to do with this.

75 Million people are having an election stolen from them - don't look for a comfortable ending from that.
Comfortable or not, the person with the most legal votes did indeed win the vote in each state and Trump has everything to do with this farce that you are perpetrating. If he had accepted the accurate count and not started a phony attack on our Democracy before the vote was even taken, we would not be discussing this today. However, trump is his usual divisive self.
Who cares? Militias use to be important as every able body white male property owner was required to not only join the militia but to actively train with the weapons of war to defend the nation. The world of war has moved on. These guys are just thugs looking for a fight.
The world has moved on?
Our decades long fighting in the Middle East is essentially a fight against a militia. That militia did pretty damn well.
The Russians fought a militia in the 80’s, and wound up being pushed out.
A large part of the forces we fought in Vietnam were militia. We know how that went.
To discount the militia ( an armed populace, with or without training really) is a serious, serious miscalculation.
now mind you, I think all of this is just posturing. With all the belly aching and pissing and moaning, even by yours truly, I don’t think any type of armed conflict is going to come out of this. Things would have to seriously deteriorate for that to happen. Yes, there may be little skirmishes with armed citizens blasting rioters if that rioting shit continues, but actual “civil war”?? I highly highly doubt it.
But I will again say, to those who dismiss the seriousness of going up against an armed populace, especially one as well armed as the American citizens... huge freaking mistake. Huge.

World of war. These armed extremist using the term Militia in the historical sense, at least in American history, is a travesty and an insult to the men who served in those colonial Militias protecting their homes, cities, states and the nation.

I mean I don't care if they want to paly war games in their spare time but, we are a nation of law and order.
HAHAHAHAHA, That's rich, law and order out of a democrats mouth. Where is the law and order in defund the police? Where was the law and order for over 3 months in Portland this summer when DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs robbed, looted, burned, murdered and destroyed public property? Where was your law and order when BLM/Antifa thugs took over six blocks of Seattle for six weeks denying the rightful owners and tax paying citizens of their rights to use their property. All of these actions happened with the blessings of the democratic mayors, city councils and governors of those states. Take your hypocritical BS down the road. Lying moron.

There were no DNC support for thugs robbing looting, burning, murdering or destroying public property. The thugs all deserve to be held accountable for their actions.

I think all the Pro Fascist militias (ProFa) should sign up with the fascist wing of the GOP. It's a match made for Hell.
What do you mean there was no dnc support? Several democrat mayors and governors came out in support of these people. Granted, a lot of them came out and commiserated with BLM leaders/marchers, and weren’t out there during the actual riots. But it’s a bit of a grey area. They were hardly coming out against the looters and rioters. Whenever they did utter a peep about it, they tried to pull the “it’s not Antifa/leftists/anarchists, it’s really white supremacists and Trump supporters rioting” non sense.

Now, do I think the average joe blow democrat voter supports or agrees with the rioters? Absolutely not. I think most people despised them and wanted them dealt with. The problem was the position the democrat party and media were put in, really a problem of their own making. Trump and Trump supporters were clearly, outspokenly anti-rioter. The rioters were anti Trump, anti-police, anti-capitalism, anti this and that. If the rioters did have a political persuasion, it certainly wasn’t voting Republican. And because the democrat party/media (same thing) position has consistently been “oppose anything Trump supports, support anything he opposes”, they were kinda stuck. They couldn’t come out agreeing with Trump that this shit was outrageous.And because they tied a lot of the rioting to “police brutality and racism”, they couldn’t then oppose them openly and appear to suddenly be supporting police brutality and racism.
So the democrat party (not the voters) had to do this weird “divert blame, ignore, and spin” when it came to the rioting. Which is why we got all those absurd claims like “it’s really white supremacists”, “mostly peaceful protests” as cars and buildings burned in the background, etc.
I agree with most everything you said, however, I must take issue with the run-of-the-mill democrat voter not agreeing with the anarchists. If that were the case, why did these voters reelect the exact same politicians that allowed the rioting in the first place? I have no use for any of them and I was a registered democrat for 50 years. I wouldn't vote for ANYONE in that communist party again and I am ashamed that I ever did.
Hahaha I was wondering when a filthy Imperialist pig like you would show up. How you been you sniveling dog? You obviously want to ignore what your bud Brokeloser said " .We hate you more than Hitler hated Jews, we want you six feet under. " in another vain attempt the create a false narrative against a red blooded American and America herself.

Are you still mad that we beat the snot out your old Soviet Union with materialism?

Hey I can still get you that pair of levi's if you want!

Yes, Reagan DID defeat you and your glorious USSR.
You identify with violent idiots with guns who threaten people. My link was to point out what is going on right now, which DIRECTLY relates to your OP. You're a sick individual if you approve of these tactics which are incited by Dear Leader.
If democrats had shutdown the violent leftwing riots during the spring, summer and fall you would have the moral creds to complain about conservatives now

which you dont have

Who do you think sent the police in to beat the protestors. Were they acting unilaterally?

NYC for instance. Dem Mayor

Louisville, Ky; Dem Mayor

Salt Lake City; Dem Mayor

Los Angeles, dem mayor
Portland, dem mayor
Seattle, dem mayor

Like I said, Etc.

Who cares? Militias use to be important as every able body white male property owner was required to not only join the militia but to actively train with the weapons of war to defend the nation. The world of war has moved on. These guys are just thugs looking for a fight.
The world has moved on?
Our decades long fighting in the Middle East is essentially a fight against a militia. That militia did pretty damn well.
The Russians fought a militia in the 80’s, and wound up being pushed out.
A large part of the forces we fought in Vietnam were militia. We know how that went.
To discount the militia ( an armed populace, with or without training really) is a serious, serious miscalculation.
now mind you, I think all of this is just posturing. With all the belly aching and pissing and moaning, even by yours truly, I don’t think any type of armed conflict is going to come out of this. Things would have to seriously deteriorate for that to happen. Yes, there may be little skirmishes with armed citizens blasting rioters if that rioting shit continues, but actual “civil war”?? I highly highly doubt it.
But I will again say, to those who dismiss the seriousness of going up against an armed populace, especially one as well armed as the American citizens... huge freaking mistake. Huge.

World of war. These armed extremist using the term Militia in the historical sense, at least in American history, is a travesty and an insult to the men who served in those colonial Militias protecting their homes, cities, states and the nation.

I mean I don't care if they want to paly war games in their spare time but, we are a nation of law and order.
HAHAHAHAHA, That's rich, law and order out of a democrats mouth. Where is the law and order in defund the police? Where was the law and order for over 3 months in Portland this summer when DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs robbed, looted, burned, murdered and destroyed public property? Where was your law and order when BLM/Antifa thugs took over six blocks of Seattle for six weeks denying the rightful owners and tax paying citizens of their rights to use their property. All of these actions happened with the blessings of the democratic mayors, city councils and governors of those states. Take your hypocritical BS down the road. Lying moron.

There were no DNC support for thugs robbing looting, burning, murdering or destroying public property. The thugs all deserve to be held accountable for their actions.

I think all the Pro Fascist militias (ProFa) should sign up with the fascist wing of the GOP. It's a match made for Hell.
What do you mean there was no dnc support? Several democrat mayors and governors came out in support of these people. Granted, a lot of them came out and commiserated with BLM leaders/marchers, and weren’t out there during the actual riots. But it’s a bit of a grey area. They were hardly coming out against the looters and rioters. Whenever they did utter a peep about it, they tried to pull the “it’s not Antifa/leftists/anarchists, it’s really white supremacists and Trump supporters rioting” non sense.

Now, do I think the average joe blow democrat voter supports or agrees with the rioters? Absolutely not. I think most people despised them and wanted them dealt with. The problem was the position the democrat party and media were put in, really a problem of their own making. Trump and Trump supporters were clearly, outspokenly anti-rioter. The rioters were anti Trump, anti-police, anti-capitalism, anti this and that. If the rioters did have a political persuasion, it certainly wasn’t voting Republican. And because the democrat party/media (same thing) position has consistently been “oppose anything Trump supports, support anything he opposes”, they were kinda stuck. They couldn’t come out agreeing with Trump that this shit was outrageous.And because they tied a lot of the rioting to “police brutality and racism”, they couldn’t then oppose them openly and appear to suddenly be supporting police brutality and racism.
So the democrat party (not the voters) had to do this weird “divert blame, ignore, and spin” when it came to the rioting. Which is why we got all those absurd claims like “it’s really white supremacists”, “mostly peaceful protests” as cars and buildings burned in the background, etc.
I agree with most everything you said, however, I must take issue with the run-of-the-mill democrat voter not agreeing with the anarchists. If that were the case, why did these voters reelect the exact same politicians that allowed the rioting in the first place? I have no use for any of them and I was a registered democrat for 50 years. I wouldn't vote for ANYONE in that communist party again and I am ashamed that I ever did.
I think the media ran cover for the democrat politicians, and a lot of people bought it.
Who cares? Militias use to be important as every able body white male property owner was required to not only join the militia but to actively train with the weapons of war to defend the nation. The world of war has moved on. These guys are just thugs looking for a fight.
The world has moved on?
Our decades long fighting in the Middle East is essentially a fight against a militia. That militia did pretty damn well.
The Russians fought a militia in the 80’s, and wound up being pushed out.
A large part of the forces we fought in Vietnam were militia. We know how that went.
To discount the militia ( an armed populace, with or without training really) is a serious, serious miscalculation.
now mind you, I think all of this is just posturing. With all the belly aching and pissing and moaning, even by yours truly, I don’t think any type of armed conflict is going to come out of this. Things would have to seriously deteriorate for that to happen. Yes, there may be little skirmishes with armed citizens blasting rioters if that rioting shit continues, but actual “civil war”?? I highly highly doubt it.
But I will again say, to those who dismiss the seriousness of going up against an armed populace, especially one as well armed as the American citizens... huge freaking mistake. Huge.

World of war. These armed extremist using the term Militia in the historical sense, at least in American history, is a travesty and an insult to the men who served in those colonial Militias protecting their homes, cities, states and the nation.

I mean I don't care if they want to paly war games in their spare time but, we are a nation of law and order.
HAHAHAHAHA, That's rich, law and order out of a democrats mouth. Where is the law and order in defund the police? Where was the law and order for over 3 months in Portland this summer when DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs robbed, looted, burned, murdered and destroyed public property? Where was your law and order when BLM/Antifa thugs took over six blocks of Seattle for six weeks denying the rightful owners and tax paying citizens of their rights to use their property. All of these actions happened with the blessings of the democratic mayors, city councils and governors of those states. Take your hypocritical BS down the road. Lying moron.

There were no DNC support for thugs robbing looting, burning, murdering or destroying public property. The thugs all deserve to be held accountable for their actions.

I think all the Pro Fascist militias (ProFa) should sign up with the fascist wing of the GOP. It's a match made for Hell.
What do you mean there was no dnc support? Several democrat mayors and governors came out in support of these people. Granted, a lot of them came out and commiserated with BLM leaders/marchers, and weren’t out there during the actual riots. But it’s a bit of a grey area. They were hardly coming out against the looters and rioters. Whenever they did utter a peep about it, they tried to pull the “it’s not Antifa/leftists/anarchists, it’s really white supremacists and Trump supporters rioting” non sense.

Now, do I think the average joe blow democrat voter supports or agrees with the rioters? Absolutely not. I think most people despised them and wanted them dealt with. The problem was the position the democrat party and media were put in, really a problem of their own making. Trump and Trump supporters were clearly, outspokenly anti-rioter. The rioters were anti Trump, anti-police, anti-capitalism, anti this and that. If the rioters did have a political persuasion, it certainly wasn’t voting Republican. And because the democrat party/media (same thing) position has consistently been “oppose anything Trump supports, support anything he opposes”, they were kinda stuck. They couldn’t come out agreeing with Trump that this shit was outrageous.And because they tied a lot of the rioting to “police brutality and racism”, they couldn’t then oppose them openly and appear to suddenly be supporting police brutality and racism.
So the democrat party (not the voters) had to do this weird “divert blame, ignore, and spin” when it came to the rioting. Which is why we got all those absurd claims like “it’s really white supremacists”, “mostly peaceful protests” as cars and buildings burned in the background, etc.
I agree with most everything you said, however, I must take issue with the run-of-the-mill democrat voter not agreeing with the anarchists. If that were the case, why did these voters reelect the exact same politicians that allowed the rioting in the first place? I have no use for any of them and I was a registered democrat for 50 years. I wouldn't vote for ANYONE in that communist party again and I am ashamed that I ever did.
The same politicians that allowed the rioting? They did not allow the rioting. Did trump party officials allow the rioting that has just occurred? NO they did not in my view. The question is ---what to do about it without upsetting the voter base? No decent human being wants violence but some indecent people love to be incendiary and disruptive, including trump.
You identify with violent idiots with guns who threaten people. My link was to point out what is going on right now, which DIRECTLY relates to your OP. You're a sick individual if you approve of these tactics which are incited by Dear Leader.
If democrats had shutdown the violent leftwing riots during the spring, summer and fall you would have the moral creds to complain about conservatives now

which you dont have

Who do you think sent the police in to beat the protestors. Were they acting unilaterally?

NYC for instance. Dem Mayor

Louisville, Ky; Dem Mayor

Salt Lake City; Dem Mayor

nowhere were cops ever sent in, there's that. you have to prove where they sent the cops in to break up the protestors, shit dude, not even in Milwaukee did they do that. never a fact to back your shit up you loud mouth loser.

can't access your video. I don't pay for youtube.
Who cares? Militias use to be important as every able body white male property owner was required to not only join the militia but to actively train with the weapons of war to defend the nation. The world of war has moved on. These guys are just thugs looking for a fight.
The world has moved on?
Our decades long fighting in the Middle East is essentially a fight against a militia. That militia did pretty damn well.
The Russians fought a militia in the 80’s, and wound up being pushed out.
A large part of the forces we fought in Vietnam were militia. We know how that went.
To discount the militia ( an armed populace, with or without training really) is a serious, serious miscalculation.
now mind you, I think all of this is just posturing. With all the belly aching and pissing and moaning, even by yours truly, I don’t think any type of armed conflict is going to come out of this. Things would have to seriously deteriorate for that to happen. Yes, there may be little skirmishes with armed citizens blasting rioters if that rioting shit continues, but actual “civil war”?? I highly highly doubt it.
But I will again say, to those who dismiss the seriousness of going up against an armed populace, especially one as well armed as the American citizens... huge freaking mistake. Huge.

World of war. These armed extremist using the term Militia in the historical sense, at least in American history, is a travesty and an insult to the men who served in those colonial Militias protecting their homes, cities, states and the nation.

I mean I don't care if they want to paly war games in their spare time but, we are a nation of law and order.
HAHAHAHAHA, That's rich, law and order out of a democrats mouth. Where is the law and order in defund the police? Where was the law and order for over 3 months in Portland this summer when DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs robbed, looted, burned, murdered and destroyed public property? Where was your law and order when BLM/Antifa thugs took over six blocks of Seattle for six weeks denying the rightful owners and tax paying citizens of their rights to use their property. All of these actions happened with the blessings of the democratic mayors, city councils and governors of those states. Take your hypocritical BS down the road. Lying moron.

There were no DNC support for thugs robbing looting, burning, murdering or destroying public property. The thugs all deserve to be held accountable for their actions.

I think all the Pro Fascist militias (ProFa) should sign up with the fascist wing of the GOP. It's a match made for Hell.
What do you mean there was no dnc support? Several democrat mayors and governors came out in support of these people. Granted, a lot of them came out and commiserated with BLM leaders/marchers, and weren’t out there during the actual riots. But it’s a bit of a grey area. They were hardly coming out against the looters and rioters. Whenever they did utter a peep about it, they tried to pull the “it’s not Antifa/leftists/anarchists, it’s really white supremacists and Trump supporters rioting” non sense.

Now, do I think the average joe blow democrat voter supports or agrees with the rioters? Absolutely not. I think most people despised them and wanted them dealt with. The problem was the position the democrat party and media were put in, really a problem of their own making. Trump and Trump supporters were clearly, outspokenly anti-rioter. The rioters were anti Trump, anti-police, anti-capitalism, anti this and that. If the rioters did have a political persuasion, it certainly wasn’t voting Republican. And because the democrat party/media (same thing) position has consistently been “oppose anything Trump supports, support anything he opposes”, they were kinda stuck. They couldn’t come out agreeing with Trump that this shit was outrageous.And because they tied a lot of the rioting to “police brutality and racism”, they couldn’t then oppose them openly and appear to suddenly be supporting police brutality and racism.
So the democrat party (not the voters) had to do this weird “divert blame, ignore, and spin” when it came to the rioting. Which is why we got all those absurd claims like “it’s really white supremacists”, “mostly peaceful protests” as cars and buildings burned in the background, etc.
I agree with most everything you said, however, I must take issue with the run-of-the-mill democrat voter not agreeing with the anarchists. If that were the case, why did these voters reelect the exact same politicians that allowed the rioting in the first place? I have no use for any of them and I was a registered democrat for 50 years. I wouldn't vote for ANYONE in that communist party again and I am ashamed that I ever did.
I think the media ran cover for the democrat politicians, and a lot of people bought it.
throw out that I think, the media ran cover for the democrat politicians since forever.
That's neat. But I'm still trying to figure out what this means in practice.

Hypothetically speaking, let's suppose that I didn't consider Trump a legitimate president. What exactly could I have resisted from his administration?
What legislation did Trump sign into law that would have made you rebel?

None. What could I have even rebelled against? Give me an example of how I could have done so.
Nice dodge.
You didn’t answer the question because, in reality, Trump did nothing to disrupt your life.

You dodged my question, moron. Notice my question came first.

To address your question, I wouldn’t rebel against legislation because I don’t even know what that would consist of. Which was kind of the entire point of mine that you conveniently ignored.
So you are faking bravado over some fantasy Trump legislation that either you never knew was signed into law or you never knew the effect of the legislation.
Yet you complain about how Trump’s legislation ruined the US.
Are you expecting me to take you seriously?

How am I faking bravado? Geez you’re dumb.
What Trump legislation would have made you rebel?

Let me try to spell this out for you one last time. Take any action done by the president that you don’t like and consider what would it even look like to rebel against that.

Here’s an example: I didn’t like the appointment of Barrett. How specifically would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like the assassination of Soleimani. How would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like leaving the Paris climate accord. How would I rebel against that?

Give me an example of what rebelling would look like. I don’t know how that would be done effectively.

Do you get it now? Probably not.
So you like sending US money to pay the bills of other nations and you like terrorism.
See how easy that was?

I tried to walk you through it and you couldn’t answer those simple questions.

It’a not your fault. You’re just not very bright.
Explain to me why we need to part of the Paris Climate Accords when private industry is already doing it.
Presuming you know anything about advancements in technology.

Address the point I made or I will consider you the moron that you are. I’m not interested in expanding this conversation with you as you have proven that you have the attention span of a kid with ADHD.
You cri
That's neat. But I'm still trying to figure out what this means in practice.

Hypothetically speaking, let's suppose that I didn't consider Trump a legitimate president. What exactly could I have resisted from his administration?
What legislation did Trump sign into law that would have made you rebel?

None. What could I have even rebelled against? Give me an example of how I could have done so.
Nice dodge.
You didn’t answer the question because, in reality, Trump did nothing to disrupt your life.

You dodged my question, moron. Notice my question came first.

To address your question, I wouldn’t rebel against legislation because I don’t even know what that would consist of. Which was kind of the entire point of mine that you conveniently ignored.
So you are faking bravado over some fantasy Trump legislation that either you never knew was signed into law or you never knew the effect of the legislation.
Yet you complain about how Trump’s legislation ruined the US.
Are you expecting me to take you seriously?

How am I faking bravado? Geez you’re dumb.
What Trump legislation would have made you rebel?

Let me try to spell this out for you one last time. Take any action done by the president that you don’t like and consider what would it even look like to rebel against that.

Here’s an example: I didn’t like the appointment of Barrett. How specifically would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like the assassination of Soleimani. How would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like leaving the Paris climate accord. How would I rebel against that?

Give me an example of what rebelling would look like. I don’t know how that would be done effectively.

Do you get it now? Probably not.
So you like sending US money to pay the bills of other nations and you like terrorism.
See how easy that was?

I tried to walk you through it and you couldn’t answer those simple questions.

It’a not your fault. You’re just not very bright.
Explain to me why we need to part of the Paris Climate Accords when private industry is already doing it.
Presuming you know anything about advancements in technology.

Address the point I made or I will consider you the moron that you are. I’m not interested in expanding this conversation with you as you have proven that you have the attention span of a kid with ADHD.
It will be interesting to see how politicians react to non-BLM or Antifa people doing what BLM and Antifa have done.
Unlike how the cowards reacted to BLM and Antifa, police action will be taken against those who are pro-US.
They are not "pro-US" any more than Antifa is "pro-US". Those who are violent in America are deserving of police action no matter who they are.

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