Some folks are thinking the same as me.

What exactly could I have resisted from the Trump administration if I didn't consider him a legitimate president?
If you want me to say violence I dont recommend that either for you or for trump supporters.

otherwise as I said, all you have to do is vote democrat because they were doing everything possible both legal and illegal to stop trump
No, they are not and there is no evidence that they are doing anything to stop trump except vote for Biden.
ON the other hand, trump is trying to do anything illegal to stop the voters from exercising their rights as Americans.
He asked Republican officials to stop the vote in states where he was ahead, change the vote and then threatened them (armed and violent trumpers roaming the streets), attacked the Postal Service before the vote, and has not once railed against possible violence. Actually, he has tacitly approved it. Oh, sorry. He did rail against ALL Democrats when those Antifa thugs acted out.

High time we call them what they are - TERRORISTS.
Threats and/or violence to achieve a specific political outcome.
I started this thread. The link presented speaks for itself. I cannot and do not speak for anyone but myself but I am very sympathetic to the Oath Keepers. The oath they keep is the same we swore in the past: " protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic". This is the oath that all members of government (even Obama and Biden, etc.) members of the military and LEOs are required to swear on taking office. I am ex-military and as such I was sworn to obey all lawful orders from those above me in my chain of command. Seems to me that what is being said is that some will not consider Biden as a valid part of their chain of command and therefore unable to issue lawful orders. Why I or anyone would feel a need to explain exactly what that means to anyone escapes me. Adversaries in conflict rarely consider enlightening their opponents to be a good thing.
Is this nationalistic? Yes, and proudly so.
No, they are not petty thieves. That remark is just plain ridiculous.
Think again

poll workers in deep blue districts stole millions of votes for biden

But if the spineless republicans in states like georgia and arizona had done their job of oversight crooked democrat poll workers would have been stopped before they cheated
Nobody "stole" votes for Biden and 0 evidence has been presented to prove fraud, as 46 judges threw out 46
so-called fraud cases since no evidence was presented. The accusations of fraud were included in the filings and then
there was none in the actual manuscript. You are being duped by Rudy and friends. Spinless Republicans?
They were doing their job as government officials and if they had invented fraud, as you would have them do and what trump wanted them to do, then they would be the good guys, yes? Just like all the other grifting that trump has foisted upon his ignorant, non-thinking followers. Why don't you do some reading and research before you grovel at trump's feet?
You can't associate revolutionary forces against a foreign monarch with a shitty street gang in 21st Century United States that opposes the operation of a democratic republic and is comprised of traitors.
Your lack of historical knowledge is showing. Our founding fathers would have been (and were) labeled as terrorists and traitors for being in rebellion against their King.
And I believe you are thinking of BLM, ANTFA when you mention shitty street gangs.
That's neat. But I'm still trying to figure out what this means in practice.

Hypothetically speaking, let's suppose that I didn't consider Trump a legitimate president. What exactly could I have resisted from his administration?
What legislation did Trump sign into law that would have made you rebel?

None. What could I have even rebelled against? Give me an example of how I could have done so.
Nice dodge.
You didn’t answer the question because, in reality, Trump did nothing to disrupt your life.

You dodged my question, moron. Notice my question came first.

To address your question, I wouldn’t rebel against legislation because I don’t even know what that would consist of. Which was kind of the entire point of mine that you conveniently ignored.
So you are faking bravado over some fantasy Trump legislation that either you never knew was signed into law or you never knew the effect of the legislation.
Yet you complain about how Trump’s legislation ruined the US.
Are you expecting me to take you seriously?

How am I faking bravado? Geez you’re dumb.
What Trump legislation would have made you rebel?

Let me try to spell this out for you one last time. Take any action done by the president that you don’t like and consider what would it even look like to rebel against that.

Here’s an example: I didn’t like the appointment of Barrett. How specifically would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like the assassination of Soleimani. How would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like leaving the Paris climate accord. How would I rebel against that?

Give me an example of what rebelling would look like. I don’t know how that would be done effectively.

Do you get it now? Probably not.
So you like sending US money to pay the bills of other nations and you like terrorism.
See how easy that was?
No, they are not petty thieves. That remark is just plain ridiculous.
Think again

poll workers in deep blue districts stole millions of votes for biden

But if the spineless republicans in states like georgia and arizona had done their job of oversight crooked democrat poll workers would have been stopped before they cheated
Nobody "stole" votes for Biden and 0 evidence has been presented to prove fraud, as 46 judges threw out 46
so-called fraud cases since no evidence was presented. The accusations of fraud were included in the filings and then
there was none in the actual manuscript. You are being duped by Rudy and friends. Spinless Republicans?
They were doing their job as government officials and if they had invented fraud, as you would have them do and what trump wanted them to do, then they would be the good guys, yes? Just like all the other grifting that trump has foisted upon his ignorant, non-thinking followers. Why don't you do some reading and research before you grovel at trump's feet?
Your opinion. Courts' opinion. Everyone has a right to their own opinion. Don't assume everyone will or should share yours' or that they are less knowledgeable about the subject than you.
For the deaf mentally impared .....those who do not consider Biden as lawfully elected POTUS will not be silent and quiet any more. We learned from libs what to do. Some will be peaceful in showing their dismay. Some will not be so peaceful and will do whatever they can do to make life extremely difficult for him, as well as his idiotic supporters.

In short..we will fight back...for FOUR FUCKING YEARS. Plus try to impeach him. Plus make his life miserable with constant ridicule, laughter and nose thumbing and ignoring his supposed leadership.
That sounds like fair play to me. Carry on, it won't bother anyone.
No, they are not petty thieves. That remark is just plain ridiculous.
Think again

poll workers in deep blue districts stole millions of votes for biden

But if the spineless republicans in states like georgia and arizona had done their job of oversight crooked democrat poll workers would have been stopped before they cheated
Nobody "stole" votes for Biden and 0 evidence has been presented to prove fraud, as 46 judges threw out 46
so-called fraud cases since no evidence was presented. The accusations of fraud were included in the filings and then
there was none in the actual manuscript. You are being duped by Rudy and friends. Spinless Republicans?
They were doing their job as government officials and if they had invented fraud, as you would have them do and what trump wanted them to do, then they would be the good guys, yes? Just like all the other grifting that trump has foisted upon his ignorant, non-thinking followers. Why don't you do some reading and research before you grovel at trump's feet?
Your opinion. Courts' opinion. Everyone has a right to their own opinion. Don't assume everyone will or should share yours' or that they are less knowledgeable about the subject than you.
My opinion? The courts' opinion and is the opinion that counts in our Democracy. And you are less knowledgeable
if you blindly believe trump, who has a severe social disorder and a huge ego.
What exactly could I have resisted from the Trump administration if I didn't consider him a legitimate president?
If you want me to say violence I dont recommend that either for you or for trump supporters.

otherwise as I said, all you have to do is vote democrat because they were doing everything possible both legal and illegal to stop trump
No, they are not and there is no evidence that they are doing anything to stop trump except vote for Biden.
ON the other hand, trump is trying to do anything illegal to stop the voters from exercising their rights as Americans.
He asked Republican officials to stop the vote in states where he was ahead, change the vote and then threatened them (armed and violent trumpers roaming the streets), attacked the Postal Service before the vote, and has not once railed against possible violence. Actually, he has tacitly approved it. Oh, sorry. He did rail against ALL Democrats when those Antifa thugs acted out.

High time we call them what they are - TERRORISTS.
Threats and/or violence to achieve a specific political outcome.
I would be interested to know why you think your link in any way relates to the topic. I most certainly have not threatened any mayors nor do we know who (if anyone) did. Not my job (or yours) to make stupid politicians feel safe.
What exactly could I have resisted from the Trump administration if I didn't consider him a legitimate president?
If you want me to say violence I dont recommend that either for you or for trump supporters.

otherwise as I said, all you have to do is vote democrat because they were doing everything possible both legal and illegal to stop trump
No, they are not and there is no evidence that they are doing anything to stop trump except vote for Biden.
ON the other hand, trump is trying to do anything illegal to stop the voters from exercising their rights as Americans.
He asked Republican officials to stop the vote in states where he was ahead, change the vote and then threatened them (armed and violent trumpers roaming the streets), attacked the Postal Service before the vote, and has not once railed against possible violence. Actually, he has tacitly approved it. Oh, sorry. He did rail against ALL Democrats when those Antifa thugs acted out.

High time we call them what they are - TERRORISTS.
Threats and/or violence to achieve a specific political outcome.
I would be interested to know why you think your link in any way relates to the topic. I most certainly have not threatened any mayors nor do we know who (if anyone) did. Not my job (or yours) to make stupid politicians feel safe.
Politicians who are doing their job should feel safe and that "stupid" designation is your opinion. That is why we have courts and elections.
My opinion is far more important to me than yours' or the courts.
What about the ones who believe in the squad. Do you want them executed too?
Stop trolling

I gave you an honest and direct answer

Looks like I made you uncomfortable with that one.

The reason I ask is because one of your fellow conservatives just said that they would like these innocent people to be murdered. What do you think of people who want innocents murdered?

I suspect that you don’t wish to address this honestly or openly because you’re so entrenched in “Team Red” that you will refuse to condemn anyone on your side regardless of how insane they sound.

Prove me wrong. Answer the question.
That's neat. But I'm still trying to figure out what this means in practice.

Hypothetically speaking, let's suppose that I didn't consider Trump a legitimate president. What exactly could I have resisted from his administration?
What legislation did Trump sign into law that would have made you rebel?

None. What could I have even rebelled against? Give me an example of how I could have done so.
Nice dodge.
You didn’t answer the question because, in reality, Trump did nothing to disrupt your life.

You dodged my question, moron. Notice my question came first.

To address your question, I wouldn’t rebel against legislation because I don’t even know what that would consist of. Which was kind of the entire point of mine that you conveniently ignored.
So you are faking bravado over some fantasy Trump legislation that either you never knew was signed into law or you never knew the effect of the legislation.
Yet you complain about how Trump’s legislation ruined the US.
Are you expecting me to take you seriously?

How am I faking bravado? Geez you’re dumb.
What Trump legislation would have made you rebel?

Let me try to spell this out for you one last time. Take any action done by the president that you don’t like and consider what would it even look like to rebel against that.

Here’s an example: I didn’t like the appointment of Barrett. How specifically would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like the assassination of Soleimani. How would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like leaving the Paris climate accord. How would I rebel against that?

Give me an example of what rebelling would look like. I don’t know how that would be done effectively.

Do you get it now? Probably not.
So you like sending US money to pay the bills of other nations and you like terrorism.
See how easy that was?

I tried to walk you through it and you couldn’t answer those simple questions.

It’a not your fault. You’re just not very bright.
What exactly could I have resisted from the Trump administration if I didn't consider him a legitimate president?
If you want me to say violence I dont recommend that either for you or for trump supporters.

otherwise as I said, all you have to do is vote democrat because they were doing everything possible both legal and illegal to stop trump
No, they are not and there is no evidence that they are doing anything to stop trump except vote for Biden.
ON the other hand, trump is trying to do anything illegal to stop the voters from exercising their rights as Americans.
He asked Republican officials to stop the vote in states where he was ahead, change the vote and then threatened them (armed and violent trumpers roaming the streets), attacked the Postal Service before the vote, and has not once railed against possible violence. Actually, he has tacitly approved it. Oh, sorry. He did rail against ALL Democrats when those Antifa thugs acted out.

High time we call them what they are - TERRORISTS.
Threats and/or violence to achieve a specific political outcome.
I would be interested to know why you think your link in any way relates to the topic. I most certainly have not threatened any mayors nor do we know who (if anyone) did. Not my job (or yours) to make stupid politicians feel safe.
Politicians who are doing their job should feel safe and that "stupid" designation is your opinion. That is why we have courts and elections.
Then by all means do whatever you think is necessary to make stupid politicians feel safe but it's still not my job.
What exactly could I have resisted from the Trump administration if I didn't consider him a legitimate president?
If you want me to say violence I dont recommend that either for you or for trump supporters.

otherwise as I said, all you have to do is vote democrat because they were doing everything possible both legal and illegal to stop trump
No, they are not and there is no evidence that they are doing anything to stop trump except vote for Biden.
ON the other hand, trump is trying to do anything illegal to stop the voters from exercising their rights as Americans.
He asked Republican officials to stop the vote in states where he was ahead, change the vote and then threatened them (armed and violent trumpers roaming the streets), attacked the Postal Service before the vote, and has not once railed against possible violence. Actually, he has tacitly approved it. Oh, sorry. He did rail against ALL Democrats when those Antifa thugs acted out.

High time we call them what they are - TERRORISTS.
Threats and/or violence to achieve a specific political outcome.
I would be interested to know why you think your link in any way relates to the topic. I most certainly have not threatened any mayors nor do we know who (if anyone) did. Not my job (or yours) to make stupid politicians feel safe.

You identify with violent idiots with guns who threaten people. My link was to point out what is going on right now, which DIRECTLY relates to your OP. You're a sick individual if you approve of these tactics which are incited by Dear Leader.
The oath keepers send the progs into a tizzy

View attachment 429763
No one is coming to get you either!
Seems to me that it has already come to that with armed trumpers marching around and abusing Republican officials who are just doing their job,
Of boo hoo.

how have lazy and incompetent republican officials been abused?

First they are not lazy. Competent, decent Republicans trying to do their jobs while being berated by an ignorant blob in the WH Who was never a Republican and far from decent. In Being threatened with death threats just trying to do their jobs.
That's neat. But I'm still trying to figure out what this means in practice.

Hypothetically speaking, let's suppose that I didn't consider Trump a legitimate president. What exactly could I have resisted from his administration?
What legislation did Trump sign into law that would have made you rebel?

None. What could I have even rebelled against? Give me an example of how I could have done so.
Nice dodge.
You didn’t answer the question because, in reality, Trump did nothing to disrupt your life.

You dodged my question, moron. Notice my question came first.

To address your question, I wouldn’t rebel against legislation because I don’t even know what that would consist of. Which was kind of the entire point of mine that you conveniently ignored.
So you are faking bravado over some fantasy Trump legislation that either you never knew was signed into law or you never knew the effect of the legislation.
Yet you complain about how Trump’s legislation ruined the US.
Are you expecting me to take you seriously?

How am I faking bravado? Geez you’re dumb.
What Trump legislation would have made you rebel?

Let me try to spell this out for you one last time. Take any action done by the president that you don’t like and consider what would it even look like to rebel against that.

Here’s an example: I didn’t like the appointment of Barrett. How specifically would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like the assassination of Soleimani. How would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like leaving the Paris climate accord. How would I rebel against that?

Give me an example of what rebelling would look like. I don’t know how that would be done effectively.

Do you get it now? Probably not.
So you like sending US money to pay the bills of other nations and you like terrorism.
See how easy that was?

I tried to walk you through it and you couldn’t answer those simple questions.

It’a not your fault. You’re just not very bright.
Explain to me why we need to part of the Paris Climate Accords when private industry is already doing it.
Presuming you know anything about advancements in technology.
The oath keepers send the progs into a tizzy

View attachment 429763
No one is coming to get you either!
Seems to me that it has already come to that with armed trumpers marching around and abusing Republican officials who are just doing their job,
Of boo hoo.

how have lazy and incompetent republican officials been abused?

First they are not lazy. Competent, decent Republicans trying to do their jobs while being berated by an ignorant blob in the WH Who was never a Republican and far from decent. In Being threatened with death threats just trying to do their jobs.
Those Competent, decent Republicans do what their contributors tell them to do; you and I are inconsequential.

America’s largest militia says it will refuse to recognise Biden as president and ‘resist’ his administration

Griffin Connolly and Richard Hall
November 15, 2020

A sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, which there has been no evidence for, pervaded among his supporters who marched in Washington on Saturday. (Getty Images)

A sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, which there has been no evidence for, pervaded among his supporters who marched in Washington on Saturday. (Getty Images)
The largest militia group in the US will refuse to recognise President-elect Joe Biden as the nation’s duly elected leader when he is sworn in on 20 January 2021.
The Oath Keepers, an armed right-wing organisation that boasts tens of thousands of members with law enforcement and military backgrounds, was one of several groups to demonstrate in Washington over the weekend at the “Million MAGA March” in support of Donald Trump, whom news networks project has lost the 2020 election.
“I think about half this country won’t recognise Biden as legitimate. They won’t recognise this election,” Stewart Rhodes, who founded the Oath Keepers, told The Independent on Saturday in the nation’s capital.

“What that means is that everything that comes out of his mouth will be considered not of any force or effect, anything he signs into law we won’t recognise as legitimate. We’ll be very much like the founding fathers. We’ll end up nullifying and resisting,” Mr Rhodes said.

Thousands of Trump supporters — including members of far-right groups such as the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Boys, and the Oath Keepers, as well as ordinary American citizens — participated in the march, which was pervaded by a sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Mr Trump.

Then they will be held accountable and arrested. The founding fathers were not terrorists asw these groups are.
Tell us... what terrorist activities have they engaged in?
What acts of violence?

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