Some here said this didn't happen

Allen West is a veteran and you Zombies crucify him, even call him racist names.. HYPOCRISY HYPOCRISY HYPOCRISY-- Always the same with you losers.. which is why no one gives a damn what you beanheads think.
Liberals just don't get that not everyone in the world
is as in love with abortion,birth control,and homosexuality as they are.
We do realize that this stuff is the cornerstone of the Democrat party.

Notice how they always have to break out certain visual symbols that conservatives value,to try and pull at the heart strings and manipulate people with.

Oh lookie...this vet is gay. Now you are required to respect and listen to all gay people. :lol:
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So if you boo a member of a protected group = national media coverage?

fascism doesn't need to start from the national government but can start by the hands of the majority.

Heck yeah. We see it right here on this board every day.
Most people find this disturbing and wrong. I do not know anyone that would do this. Normal people do not show this kind of disrespect. Conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat does't make a difference. This was done by an organized group of fake Christians. People who take the name Christian but don't follow the teachings of Christ. They are fake people who live a lie. They harm those who follow and preach the teachings of Christ. But hey, there are no doubt those at this site who support Westboro.
What we need is an injured veteran to get on stage in full KKK cloak and hood and give a speech on race relations. Then say I'm an injured vet and you have to agree with me.

The sad truth of it is he'd probably be more right.:eek: The avg white male won't say that blacks are killing twice as many whites or the wrongs that are done to us.

Every single day we're forced to hear how we're the bad guy. It is sad....Race relations are a two way street. Two sides.

Gay vet = KKK member Oooooooooooooooooooooooookaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
Liberals just don't get that not everyone in the world
is as in love with abortion,birth control,and homosexuality as they are.
We do realize that this stuff is the cornerstone of the Democrat party.

That isn't the point. The point is, this man lost his leg for his country and losers booed him.

So if a man that lost his leg in Iraq spoke out about banning all abortion, you would of course support him because he was an injured vet right? How about if an injured vet made racist comments? He is forgiven because he is an injured vet?

People disagree on Homosexuality. To claim because some one was an injured vet makes their comments correct is bullshit. And YOU know it.
Good. I'd boo too. Fags do not belong in the military especially when you read the Pentgram's report on the number of male on male sexual assaults.

I guess straight men shouldn't be allowed either if we are going to use that argument.

I can't feature any scenario where a straight man would rape another straight man and not be gay. Does not compute.

More women are sexually assaulted by far than men ;)
So should we not allow straight men?
Liberals just don't get that not everyone in the world
is as in love with abortion,birth control,and homosexuality as they are.
We do realize that this stuff is the cornerstone of the Democrat party.

That isn't the point. The point is, this man lost his leg for his country and losers booed him.

So if a man that lost his leg in Iraq spoke out about banning all abortion, you would of course support him because he was an injured vet right? How about if an injured vet made racist comments? He is forgiven because he is an injured vet?

People disagree on Homosexuality. To claim because some one was an injured vet makes their comments correct is bullshit. And YOU know it.

I didn't say it makes him correct.
I said I wouldn't boo him.

Sorry, I see a young guy come out missing a leg and he would have to say quite a bit before I booed him.
Allen West is a veteran and you Zombies crucify him, even call him racist names.. HYPOCRISY HYPOCRISY HYPOCRISY-- Always the same with you losers.. which is why no one gives a damn what you beanheads think.

You obviously do. It seems to really piss you off. If you don't care, why so mad?
Allen West is a veteran and you Zombies crucify him, even call him racist names.. HYPOCRISY HYPOCRISY HYPOCRISY-- Always the same with you losers.. which is why no one gives a damn what you beanheads think.

You obviously do. It seems to really piss you off. If you don't care, why so mad?

Funny how you have the ability to read my moods over a computer Miss Piggy.. :lol:
Allen West is a veteran and you Zombies crucify him, even call him racist names.. HYPOCRISY HYPOCRISY HYPOCRISY-- Always the same with you losers.. which is why no one gives a damn what you beanheads think.

You obviously do. It seems to really piss you off. If you don't care, why so mad?

Funny how you have the ability to read my moods over a computer Miss Piggy.. :lol:

You are like an open book.
Crazy outbursts, personal attacks, lunacy. It is especially easy when you revert to attacks about someone's appearance.

Of course one always looks good when they steal photos off of photobucket.

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