Some Inconvenient Facts About Social Security


Who proposed sunsetting Medicare and Social Security?
Social Security works and has been working for over 80 years. No “Ponzi Scheme“lasts that long.

Working Americans and their employers have paid into it and deserve their benefits
a ponzi scheme certainly could so long as it could continue to take money from people
Devils advocate here.
Which rich?
Being a liberal I agree wholly with the idea that there are many ultra rich folks who do not pay their fair share of taxes. See Bernie’s example of a guy who pays a lower income tax rate than his secretary. That’s income tax though .

Wage earners, even those you may consider rich, pay their fair share as their taxes are taken like everyone else before anything even hits their accounts. They pay their 35 or 37 percent income and the max payroll tax.

Why should they be on the hook for a SS fix when they’re doing everything right?

There’s gotta be a way to raise revenue from those ultra rich who avoid taxes altogether.
What I am saying is, I don't care if they have to use general revenue funds. I don't have anything against any income group, including the extremely wealthy. I do care more about people that paid into the SS system, under the promise by the government, they would be able to count on that return at retirement time, than those that don't need it. I don't care where they get the money, and won't accept the SS money was raided continually, as equal to fulfilling the obligation. It isn't and the government will be held to fulfill it's obligation to those that were forced to pay in, or be voted out of office. It is as simple as that.
a ponzi scheme certainly could so long as it could continue to take money from people
Are you involved in this "Ponzi scheme". ????

I am.

I will be collecting in 20 months.
Me hopes that you fucktards on the right have ZERO success in denying my rightful claim.
Are you involved in this "Ponzi scheme". ????

I am.

I will be collecting in 20 months.
Me hopes that you fucktards on the right have ZERO success in denying my rightful claim.
of course i am paying the tax

nobody is trying to deny you anything…but you should know, you have no “right” to SS.
of course i am paying the tax

nobody is trying to deny you anything…but you should know, you have no “right” to SS.

No, but you have a right to vote against any legislator who tries to take it away
No, but you have a right to vote against any legislator who tries to take it away
They can simply refuse to fund the shortfall out of the general fund and insist it survive on its own. You know, like you've been saying it will forever do.
They can simply refuse to fund the shortfall out of the general fund and insist it survive on its own. You know, like you've been saying it will forever do.

Let them start to stiff Social Security recipients and answer to the voters
Let them start to stiff Social Security recipients and answer to the voters
And then, guess what? They have to change the program, something you apparently don't think we need to do now, when it would be much easier to do.
Rick Scott. The head of the RNC
Let's quick "FactCheck" that:
“Here’s what’s happening,” Scott said. “No one that I know of wants to sunset Medicare or Social Security, but what we’re doing is we don’t even talk about it.
Wait, further up they say:
Under Point Six, which aims to shrink the size of the federal government, Scott writes, “All federal legislation sunsets in 5 years. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again.” Scott also writes that he would: “Force Congress to issue a report every year telling the public what they plan to do when Social Security and Medicare go bankrupt.”

The idea of sunset provisions — which the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service defines as a “concept [that] provides for programs and agencies to terminate automatically on a periodic basis unless explicitly renewed by law” — is not new. President George W. Bush called for the creation of a federal sunset commission in his fiscal year 2006 budget, and Rep. Kevin Brady, now Republican leader of the House Committee on Ways and Means, and other Republicans in Congress have repeatedly introduced sunset commission bills, or bills that include sunset measures.

Scott never specifically mentioned Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid in his call for sunsetting all federal legislation in five years, but he has acknowledged that they would be included. Scott says his aim would be to “fix,” not end, the programs. But as the New York Times wrote, it “would leave the fate of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security to the whims of a Congress that rarely passes anything so expansive.”
Now, what was the question again?:
Who proposed sunsetting Medicare and Social Security?
And what question is supposedly addressing?:

Democrats Misleadingly Claim ‘Republicans’ Plan’ Would ‘End’ Social Security, Medicare

By Robert Farley
Well that's a statement, not a question, and "End" is definitely not "sunsetting" regardless. So screw whatever weird sidetrack Robert Farley has derailed himself upon here and let's proceed with our silly business..
Scott continuing from above:
"Medicare goes bankrupt in four years. Social Security goes bankrupt in 12 years. I think we ought to figure out how we preserve those programs. Every program that we care about, we ought to stop and take the time to preserve those programs.”

We wrote at the time that Scott went too far in claiming that Medicare will go “bankrupt” in four years and Social Security in 12 years. Government trustees project that certain Medicare and Social Security trust funds would become depleted by then, but payments would continue, albeit at a reduced rate.
Wait. So you mean Scott just flat out lied again about Social Security and Medicare going "bankrupt" but you're worried about whether he specifically mentioned Medicare or Social Security or Medicaid or all three at once by name while suggesting "sunsetting" (not 'Ending') every federal program every five years? Talk about burying the lead!
Let's quick "FactCheck" that:

Wait, further up they say:

Now, what was the question again?:

And what question is supposedly addressing?:

Well that's a statement, not a question, and "End" is definitely not "sunsetting" regardless. So screw whatever weird sidetrack Robert Farley has derailed himself upon here and let's proceed with our silly business..
Scott continuing from above:

Wait. So you mean Scott just flat out lied again about Social Security and Medicare going "bankrupt" but you're worried about whether he specifically mentioned Medicare or Social Security or Medicaid or all three at once by name while suggesting "sunsetting" (not 'Ending') every federal program every five years? Talk about burying the lead!
Sunsetting means it ENDS, and had to be reaurhorized
Sunsetting means it ENDS, and had to be reaurhorized

Republicans want to be able to hold SS hostage every five years

Unless you cut the following social spending we will allow SS to expire

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