Some inconvenient facts for EV cheerleaders!!

Sunlight and wind are free. So are tides, marine temperature differentials, flowing water, waves and who knows what all.
how are you going to use them? What free stuff converts all that to energy exactly? Isn't oil and coal free in the same way in the ground?
Ha ha
You can’t be serious. If there was just one bellwether of ignorance separating awareness from the delusional right, it’s AGW and the eventual world wide increase in the use of EVs .
Since EV's put more greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere than ICE's do over their lifetime, how is that going to help?
Since EV's put more greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere than ICE's do over their lifetime, how is that going to help?
he doesn't get it. His head is buried in the sand. He thinks solar panels grow on trees as do wind turbines. It is hysterical to say the least at the pure ineptitude of these fks. Psst, he doesn't know it takes............................ oil to make them. heeheeheehhee, they be stupid fir sure.
he doesn't get it. His head is buried in the sand. He thinks solar panels grow on trees as do wind turbines. It is hysterical to say the least at the pure ineptitude of these fks. Psst, he doesn't know it takes............................ oil to make them. heeheeheehhee, they be stupid fir sure.
Not only that, but the process of making the batteries causes massive ecological devastation. But hey, we can feel good about ourselves and superior because WE ARE HELPING.
Since EV's put more greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere than ICE's do over their lifetime, how is that going to help?
False statement. Show us proof. Where is the gas spewing tail pipe on an EV ? Where does the pollution come from ?
In the ground? Black gold Texas tea
Really ? It’s free. Processed oil you can burn is free underground ? You have to be shitting us. Where can I move so bubbling CRUDE OIL can be used for free. Name one plant that burns FREE OIL.
False statement. Show us proof. Where is the gas spewing tail pipe on an EV ? Where does the pollution come from ?
Glad you asked, because you obviously have no idea what mining and refining cobalt, nickel, and lithium does to the environment. Are you one of those poor deluded souls who believe that the batteries just miraculously appear on the store shelves? Check out how much TOTAL CO2 is released to make and drive an electric SUV for 2 years (that includes the amount released to generate the electricity to charge it), then get back to us.
Glad you asked, because you obviously have no idea what mining and refining cobalt, nickel, and lithium does to the environment. Are you one of those poor deluded souls who believe that the batteries just miraculously appear on the store shelves? Check out how much TOTAL CO2 is released to make and drive an electric SUV for 2 years (that includes the amount released to generate the electricity to charge it), then get back to us.
It takes increasingly less emissions of CO2, etc, as a higher percent of our power every year IS generated BY renewables.
A virtuous cycle.

It takes increasingly less emissions of CO2, etc, as a higher percent of our power every year IS generated BY renewables.
A virtuous cycle.

Okay, so your position is that IN THE FUTURE, less CO2 will be emitted generating electricity. Can you point to any scientific study that shows when that will happen? Also, you don't get to sweep under the rug and ignore the CO2 emitted by the trucks and heavy equipment that are digging up the minerals necessary to make the batteries.
Glad you asked, because you obviously have no idea what mining and refining cobalt, nickel, and lithium does to the environment. Are you one of those poor deluded souls who believe that the batteries just miraculously appear on the store shelves? Check out how much TOTAL CO2 is released to make and drive an electric SUV for 2 years (that includes the amount released to generate the electricity to charge it), then get back to us.
That’s not what you said. You said during the life of the car.
Now, you‘re changing your tune. An EV releases no pollutants DURING ITS LIFETIME.

Are you the poor deluged fool who thinks ICE cars don’t release pollutants during manufacture.

An ICE car has MANY more moving parts requiring much more pollutant generating LABOR . You think ICE cars don’t require gasoline it’s entire lifetime including oil changes and 10 times the pollution causing maintenance. You KNOW NOTHING about mechanics do you.
It takes increasingly less emissions of CO2, etc, as a higher percent of our power every year IS generated BY renewables.
A virtuous cycle.

Totally wrong. The ELECTRICITY to produce one gallon of gas drives an EV farther then that gallon of gas in an ICE car.
So your argument is a fallacy. Just reducing the amount of gasoline refined compensates for the electricity needed for an EV.

You want proof ? Exxon is hiring out for renewable energy because fossil fuel generated electricity is TOO EXPENSIVE to refine crude oil.

Ih, you didn’t know vast amounts of electricity are needed to refine crude oil ? No wonder you’re so poorly informed.

Okay, so your position is that IN THE FUTURE, less CO2 will be emitted generating electricity. Can you point to any scientific study that shows when that will happen? Also, you don't get to sweep under the rug and ignore the CO2 emitted by the trucks and heavy equipment that are digging up the minerals necessary to make the batteries.
Ha ha
The future us NOW. Even fossil fuel companies are going to renewables to run their

Even fossil fuel companies know its cheaper.

Go ahead..,search yourself. Exxon et al are going renewables.
Okay, so your position is that IN THE FUTURE, less CO2 will be emitted generating electricity. Can you point to any scientific study that shows when that will happen? Also, you don't get to sweep under the rug and ignore the CO2 emitted by the trucks and heavy equipment that are digging up the minerals necessary to make the batteries.
What I said is true regardless of time frame.

2. The demand detail Fallacy/shift the burden Fallacy
There would not be a pure answer from a study but rather from modeling, like population peak predictions.
Learn to use google shrimp. I don't want to be the substitute for your brains.

3. We can only do what we can do.
I am pessimistic. Hoping for one of those natural Solar cooling cycles (Milankovich, etc) that can delay the worst scenario until it's possible/likely we can have more time for the transition.
That’s not what you said. You said during the life of the car.
Now, you‘re changing your tune. An EV releases no pollutants DURING ITS LIFETIME.

Are you the poor deluged fool who thinks ICE cars don’t release pollutants during manufacture.

An ICE car has MANY more moving parts requiring much more pollutant generating LABOR . You think ICE cars don’t require gasoline it’s entire lifetime including oil changes and 10 times the pollution causing maintenance. You KNOW NOTHING about mechanics do you.
"The life of the car" includes its manufacture and disposal. You haven't even accounted for the tons of toxic waste all those batteries are going to be leaking into the soil when they're dumped into the landfills. Face it, you're going to have to drive an EV for a long time to ever break even on the environmental impact it will have. Of course, feel free to ignore the children digging your cobalt and lithium out of the ground. They don't matter because reasons and stuff.
What I said is true regardless of time frame.
And that right there destroys the rest of your post. I'll leave it here, but it's worthless because you insisted that it's true NOW, and it's not. The electricity to charge an EV comes largely from fossil fuels, and will for a long time.
2. The demand detail Fallacy/shift the burden Fallacy
There would not be a pure answer from a study but rather from modeling, like population peak predictions.
Learn to use google shrimp. I don't want to be the substitute for your brains.

3. We can only do what we can do.
I am pessimistic. Hoping for one of those natural Solar cooling cycles (Milankovich, etc) that can delay the worst scenario until it's possible/likely we can have more time for the transition.
Ha ha
The future us NOW. Even fossil fuel companies are going to renewables to run their

Even fossil fuel companies know its cheaper.

Go ahead..,search yourself. Exxon et al are going renewables.
Okay, tell us how much of the electricity that charges EV's comes from renewables NOW, since you want to make that argument, you're just making it easier for me to point out that an EV doesn't really do much for reducing CO2 emissions.
Okay, tell us how much of the electricity that charges EV's comes from renewables NOW, since you want to make that argument, you're just making it easier for me to point out that an EV doesn't really do much for reducing CO2 emissions.
I just gave you proof that fossil fuel companies are going to renewables. Even they know it’s CHEAPER then using fossil fuels to produce electricity.
I guess you know nothing about mechanics. ICE cars have substantially MORE PARTS. THEY OBVIOUSLY COST MORE and pollute more TO MAKE. . Why do you make such dumb comparisons.,
ICE cars pollute the rest of their lives, EVs don’t.
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Totally wrong. The ELECTRICITY to produce one gallon of gas drives an EV farther then that gallon of gas in an ICE car.
So your argument is a fallacy. Just reducing the amount of gasoline refined compensates for the electricity needed for an EV.

You want proof ? Exxon is hiring out for renewable energy because fossil fuel generated electricity is TOO EXPENSIVE to refine crude oil.

Ih, you didn’t know vast amounts of electricity are needed to refine crude oil ? No wonder you’re so poorly informed.

It's not only true...
IT'S HAPPENING unless you want to deny a higher percent of our power IS being generated by renewables EVERY year.

What an unbelievable IDIOT you are on all fronts.
I thought just tactical for Bumping up/UNWITtingly promoting OLD ridiculous Troll threads you disagree with... (ChemEngineer, ETC!)
but you knew it had to be on Facts too.


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