Some kind of Civil War is coming.

Like those guys who tried to kidnap my governor. What sentence would you give to a person who tried to kidnap your daughter?

You mean the FBI agents who engineered the whole thing? Yeah they SHOULD go to prison for the rest of their lives.
Like those guys who tried to kidnap my governor. What sentence would you give to a person who tried to kidnap your daughter?
I'm tired about hearing these people that have served years and years for crime and then found innocent and get millions of dollars from the state for the wrongful imprisonment. This is a joke especially the murderers. Anybody convicted of murder should be executed the next day. I don't want to support them for life in prison. They're just adding salt to the wound.
Well under 30% Support for Biden in the Hispanic community
In a poll taking 2 days ago Hispanic support for Biden on key issues varied from 71 to 66 % . So my question is where are you getting your figures ? They're wrong.
Last year Jewish support for Biden was 80%,
Even American Jewish support for Biden is Closer to 60% than 70%
Last year your support providing was 80%, it's now at 63%.
Dan Bongino Show and Foxsnews and OAN & NEWSMAX shows
Fox News is an entertainment station it's not real news. Your survey is definitely biased.
Last year Jewish support for Biden was 80%,

Last year your support providing was 80%, it's now at 63%.

Fox News is an entertainment station it's not real news. Your survey is definitely biased.
No more Biased than if it were from Shep Smith or Sonny Wallace

Some kind of Civil War is coming.​

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Dalio is well known but the world of business and finance. This is an interesting take from him. Hopefully he is incorrect.

Moonglow is hiding under his bed and C_Clayton_Jones is holding him
No, there is not. We will just have the silly assholes that insist on violence arrested and committed to asylums where they belong.
Medicare and Medicaid are not welfare. We were forced to pay into it so when it's needed it's there as a benefit. Like any other insurance, you pay for it whether you use it or not.
I know but I do love seeing hypocritical republicans taking advantage of programs they trashed and wanted eliminated their entire lives, until they needed it.

Now they at least see why we forced them to pay in. It’s kind of a I told you so moment.

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