Some media clown just asked Trump if saying the Coronavirus came from China is racist.

What is more important? Political Correctness or overcoming Coronavirus?

It's a virus that originated in China. I think some believe it is Trump (yet again) being unnecessarily antagonistic. Me? I don't think he has the sophistication to even know he's been rude.
Why do you ignore the fact Trump was responding to China lying about this starting with our military?

You are siding with the Chicoms over the USA. Pathetic.

Oh, the Chinese can take their share of the blame for sure. I don't trust any of the numbers coming out of China. Italy's numbers seem askew, too. Maybe they're reporting all deaths linked with flu/colds etc not just those with Coronavirus. Korea seems to be keeping a lid on it.
China can take all the blame, shit for brains. How is anyone else responsible?
the Chinese vision places the socialist system above the Chinese people...and calls on them to depend on it to improve their lives. it is profoundly different from Trump's vision for America, my friends!
my friends, Mr Trump and President Xi both have a deep sense of national pride and have presented clear vision in the future direction of their countries. the distance between their ideal worlds is vastly greater than you people think. they are mutually exclusive.

if one vision succeeds, the other will fail. it seems to me, my friends, that China is succeeding while America is failing
What is more important? Political Correctness or overcoming Coronavirus?

It's a virus that originated in China. I think some believe it is Trump (yet again) being unnecessarily antagonistic. Me? I don't think he has the sophistication to even know he's been rude.
Why do you ignore the fact Trump was responding to China lying about this starting with our military?

You are siding with the Chicoms over the USA. Pathetic.

Oh, the Chinese can take their share of the blame for sure. I don't trust any of the numbers coming out of China. Italy's numbers seem askew, too. Maybe they're reporting all deaths linked with flu/colds etc not just those with Coronavirus. Korea seems to be keeping a lid on it.
China can take all the blame, shit for brains. How is anyone else responsible?
You are a big blamer and not one for accountability. I call that person a loser.
We can only control what we do. We cannot control what others do.
China could have stopped the virus at the start but they did not.
It could happen again from many countries.
The US was not as prepared as we should be to address a potential pandemic. That is not all Trump's fault but he did not help by disbanding the pandemic team in 2018.
Once we get through this we cannot count on what other countries do, we have to focus on what we can do.
The focus has to be for everyone and every institution in the US did right and did wrong going into the pandemic. We then need to make changes so we will be better prepared next time.
Assholes who only want to blame will get in the way
You know....what this President has to put up day in and day out, when facing those creatures foaming at the mouth, corrupt, faked clowns that call themselves "press" is almost unbelievable!

President Trump must have superhuman strength, may he be always blessed and protected!:thup:

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It has a name Coronavirus......why would anyone call it Chinese virus?
So did "Swine flu"......why didn't everyone refer to it as H1N!?

The origin of the virus is China. Wu Han was the fist major outbreak. Are we supposed to ignore now the plain facts of things because some leftist toadstools want to bitch about something?
Or we could call it COVID 19

Why is our President creating a new name for it?

1. He is a racist
2. He wants to deflect blame for how he handled it
3. He doesn’t know the name is Coronavirus
"Chinese" is not a race. "Mexican" is not a race. "Jew" is not a race. "Muslim" is not a race.

Asian is a race. It includes humans from a large number of countries, including China, Japan, the Korea's, etc.

The Corona Virus originated in China through no fault of anyone in particular, then it spread locally and AROUND THE WORLD through the negligence (or lack of appropriate diligence) of the Chinese government, and it now plagues the world (though not so much China anymore).

There is nothing "racist" about identifying this virus according to its origin - the COUNTRY (not the "race") of China.

Thank you for your kind attention. Fuck you very much.

I know that, when I want a good , informative lecture on racism, I turn to the first old, white Trump cultist I can find.


No, the child president is not saying this stupid shit for "accuracy". He is doing it to appeal to his cult. Any other reason you give is a shameless lie.
Trump is the President
We look to him for leadership

Why would he confuse things by calling it China Virus?
Trump hasn't confused anything. China is responsible for the outbreak by concealing, ignoring and then lying about it in it's vital early stages. would be a shame if China was to have to bear some responsibility for what it inflicted on the world.

Pull your Pampers up, you whiny jackass.

“China is responsible for the outbreak by concealing, ignoring and then lying about it in it's vital early stages.”

Isn’t that exactly what our President tried to do?
You want to catch it and you can tell us all about it?
I'll take my chances- never had a flu shot- had it twice in the last 10 years- the only thing you need to fear is fear itself- and the lies of the media and godvernment.
Trump is the President
We look to him for leadership

Why would he confuse things by calling it China Virus?
Trump hasn't confused anything. China is responsible for the outbreak by concealing, ignoring and then lying about it in it's vital early stages. would be a shame if China was to have to bear some responsibility for what it inflicted on the world.

Pull your Pampers up, you whiny jackass.
The Chinese people are to blame too, not just their government.

You must be so excited.
isn't wuhan in china? just curious why that bothers you? And it's amazing how unclean China actually is huh?

Why are Democrats so intent on protecting Communist China? Who cares what we call it? smh

Are you really this stupid that you don’t even know you are a racist dog?
Asian people cares. That is why they called it Covid 19.

Do you know the difference of ALL Asians? I don’t.

So if any of you racist piece of shit attack an Asian in the streets because that is already happening. That is acceptable? Why not bring ropes?

Trumpy supporters are the most ignorant and dummiest form of Americans in this planet.

I DON’T LIKE RACIST DOG SHIT PEOPLE. WE have enough problems as it is then you and this unfit fucking president and you promoting racism.

You expect Trump will be attacked.
Please provide links to these attacks that have been proven they were caused by this virus originating in China.

See post #105. Read do not stare at it.
Um, one link was from early Feb..................

The other two are opinion pieces who have less evidence than your post.

You lose.

Please up your pathetic game, Loser.:iyfyus.jpg:

One link? How about the other 2?

Trump just started his xenophobic racist attacks against Asian. That means more attacks are coming. Pay attention.

You are defending the ugly part of American racism behavior where you belong. We have enough problems as it is. Then you have this moron adding saying nonsense. That is why they called it Covid-19.

I’m sure you don’t care how Trump offended the Asian American communities. Good for Trump.

You are a pathetic loser like Trump.
So you don’t want to question Trump ineptness?
Remember your boy downplayed and mocking this CV for 2 weeks before he get serious. That shows how dumb is this president.
No ask real questions! Like hey 90% interracial violence is blacks attacking whites,, what are you doing about it? Latinos are lowering wages in black neighborhoods what are you doing about it.. those are real questions,, not kungflu lol

You are dumb.

Do you are going to start hatred against Asians? Good for you. Why not bring ropes?
Why don't YOU bring links to support your claim Asians have been attacked in the US because the Coronavirus came from China?

Pay attention read your thread coming from me. I already gave you links asians are being attacked because of ignorance and racism. And those are just what was recorded.
Aww do they need a hug? They can always go home ..

Why? Millions of them born and grew up here since the 30s.

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