Some media clown just asked Trump if saying the Coronavirus came from China is racist.

Aren’t you a democrat? You are the definition of racist

No. I'm not a Democrat. I have voted for both left and right candidates in the past where I live. Depends on the candidate and the party's policies at the time of the election. I am not an ideologue when it comes to politics.
Another anti republican denying he’s a democrat lol

I like some of the moderate Republican planks. The current moron in the WH doesn't represent normal Repubs.
The greatest president ever?
What is more important? Political Correctness or overcoming Coronavirus?

It's a virus that originated in China. I think some believe it is Trump (yet again) being unnecessarily antagonistic. Me? I don't think he has the sophistication to even know he's been rude.
Facts are rude. If you call the guy who stole your car a "thief," then you are 100% correct, but that is rude.
China virus, China virus, China virus!


That the right way to say it.


I'm with President Trump on this.

(but then...I' am with the President in almost everything! :04: )
China virus, China virus, China virus!


That the right way to say it.


I'm with President Trump on this.

(but then...I' am with the President in almost everything! :04: )

Why wouldn't you be. Dumb arses tend to hang around together.
Wow. You're an idiot. Apparently you cannot digest complete sentences.
dude, we're talking about covid-19. not sure where you went. It came from China, hence China's virus.

Dude. LOTS of viruses come from China, hence, STUPID to just call it the "China" virus. They're all different. GET IT? Sheesh.

I'm starting to believe the Left are right that many on the right really ARE brainwashed idiots.
I don't care about the others. And any that came from china are china's to own. still pointing out facts seems to bother you. very uncharacteristic for you.
Still waiting for you to point out "a fact." Apparently you don't understand what a FACT is. Calling SARS-2 the "China" virus is like calling hurricane Irma "the Florida hurricane."

How many other viruses can you tell me what country they originated in?
well actually a storm starts over the ocean, let's take the Atlantic or the Gulf, so it would be near africa or near a central america location. you again are avoiding the points of fact. so what it's called China virus? what difference does it make to what is happening? Did someone grab your dick and rip it off because someone called it China virus? WTF son BTW there is precedence set on this topic already noted in the thread. go ahead and ignore that too.
You really don't belong on a discussion board because you apparently have a real problem with opinions or views that differ from your own, especially when they based in logical or scientific thought. You should just stand in front of a mirror debating with yourself so that you are always safely ensconced in views which don't conflict with your own and you can wholly agree with.
Dude. LOTS of viruses come from China, hence, STUPID to just call it the "China" virus. They're all different. GET IT? Sheesh.

I'm starting to believe the Left are right that many on the right really ARE brainwashed idiots.
I don't care about the others. And any that came from china are china's to own. still pointing out facts seems to bother you. very uncharacteristic for you.
Still waiting for you to point out "a fact." Apparently you don't understand what a FACT is. Calling SARS-2 the "China" virus is like calling hurricane Irma "the Florida hurricane."

How many other viruses can you tell me what country they originated in?
well actually a storm starts over the ocean, let's take the Atlantic or the Gulf, so it would be near africa or near a central america location. you again are avoiding the points of fact. so what it's called China virus? what difference does it make to what is happening? Did someone grab your dick and rip it off because someone called it China virus? WTF son BTW there is precedence set on this topic already noted in the thread. go ahead and ignore that too.
I think we should name the dumbass virus the jc456 virus.
I love it when I win. you all are so weak. never anything of value in here. your lack of country is soooooo noted.

When I hear that kind of mindless drivel, it helps me understand some of the views the Left have for "conservatives." Dear Left: not everyone on the right is a pickle brained, narrow-minded, anal retentive butthole with a 12-word vocabulary. Honest.
I don't care about the others. And any that came from china are china's to own. still pointing out facts seems to bother you. very uncharacteristic for you.
Still waiting for you to point out "a fact." Apparently you don't understand what a FACT is. Calling SARS-2 the "China" virus is like calling hurricane Irma "the Florida hurricane."

How many other viruses can you tell me what country they originated in?
well actually a storm starts over the ocean, let's take the Atlantic or the Gulf, so it would be near africa or near a central america location. you again are avoiding the points of fact. so what it's called China virus? what difference does it make to what is happening? Did someone grab your dick and rip it off because someone called it China virus? WTF son BTW there is precedence set on this topic already noted in the thread. go ahead and ignore that too.
I think we should name the dumbass virus the jc456 virus.
I love it when I win. you all are so weak. never anything of value in here. your lack of country is soooooo noted.
Lack of country? I have been concerned for our country because too many Trump minions are not taking this virus seriously enough. They are jeopardizing our country; our citizens health and our economic system.
You and your buddies are more concerned about Trump's reputation than our country's welfare. You are more concerned with blaming the virus on someone or something than taking the actions to slow and stop the virus.
I love my country and I am sad to see individuals like you given a larger voice through a Trump Presidency.

As I just said on my own group, I think we are doing the right things. HCoV-19 can only live so long in aerosol suspension or a little longer on some surfaces. By shutting down nearly all social interaction, we stand a much better chance of choking off the viruses and their dying off before they can spread to a new host and replicate.

I just read where many of the elderly in Washington that died actually got the virus from sick staff in the nursing home taking care of them who continued to work while sick.
I have no words to describe how funny that post is.:iyfyus.jpg:

Nostra, that is about par for the course for one of the most ignorant, lying, psycho, deranged, delusional cowards on the forum. That moonbeam wavers between moments of sobriety between fantasizing himself one of the rich and famous to attacking others for imagined racial wrongs, then apparently slips back into his usual stupor.

As I recall, he explains his 2nd grade illiteracy on his knowing so many languages he simply cannot keep up with them all! :auiqs.jpg: Wow.
No link, presser on now.

What a moron. The press is full of leftwing hack idiots.

yeah, those morons know what story they want to write before they ever sit down. Coming in with the mindset of taking down the president during a national crisis. Journalism schools today must be a cesspool, its a shame this was allowed to happen in our universities where they ended the ideals of journalism.
Thank you so much progressives! your so wonderful!
Another Liberal media member in the President's briefing just implied calling it "The Chinese Virus" is racist. Yea, playing racial politics is exactly what people need right now. smh Calling it the Chinese Virus IS NOT racist and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot and political hack. China is where the virus originated from.

In this case, I have to agree. Calling it the Chinese Virus is inappropriate and confusing. How will we tell it apart from all of the other SARS viruses that came from China?
Call it the Wuhan flue.
Works for me. At least that defines it as separate from the SARS-1 2003 virus that originated about 250 miles away.
Trump is not responsible for the virus. He is not responsible for the democrat hysteria. He is responsible for dealing with these burdens. He is doing a wonderful job too. He has to think two moves ahead. He picked up on the China democrat partnership to make us responsible for the outbreak right away.
All Trump wants is for everyone to believe it's not his fault, everything is great, tremendous on his part, and for all his supporters to act like him and parrot all he says.

he ran out of people to blame for it... first Obama, Biden.... and that didn't work out well so now, on lt the last week or so, Pres Trump is calling it ''The Chinese Virus''.....

He did not call COVID19 or the corona virus the CHINESE virus, until he wore out Obama/Biden....

I do not think he is doing such to be racist, he just can't go through life without having an enemy to trash and blame.

The Chinese Americans here are now being discriminated against, due to this virus already... Trump's comments only makes it worse...

but I am not certain he even understands this or cares... his goal is to deflect from himself, by having someone to blame and distract from his own or administration's failures and shortcomings imho...
“Given the Trump administration’s long record of statements and actions on immigration, immigrants and issues of race…use of this term can’t but be interpreted as xenophobic and tinged with racist overtones.”

Trump Defends Using ‘Chinese Virus’ Label, Ignoring Growing Criticism

Of course it’s racist – given the fact Trump is a racist.

How is Trump a racist you doofus? He has been in the public eye for decade after decade, been friends and a guest of Oprah, all the late night comedians, had his own shows on NBC, been a guest star on Saturday Night LIve....over and over again, been given awards and honors by Jesse Jackson and other Civil Rights groups...

And then, he decides to run for President against hilary clinton......and over night he becomes a racist.....

You guys are morons.

And, moron.......the entire press core called it the Wuhan or Chinese Virus before they decided to call Trump a racist for using it..........

this video from the Andrew Klavan podcast, starting at the 16:10 mark shows every single member of the press calling it either the Wuhan Virus, or the Chinese Virus before they decided to say it was Racist because Trump used the term Foreign virus and Chinese Virus....that is how fucking dishonest the press is and you are....

Every single member of the television press corp. you moron.......called it the Wuhan Virus or Chinese Virus.....which is where it dope.

From CNN to MSNBC and even that hag Christiana Amanpour calls it the Wuhan Virus.........

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