Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection

Oh look, you get caught lying again...

That list does not show the areas I talked about. Try again stupid. It shows state totals.
Retard, mail-in ballots are returned in envelopes that have names and signatures.

But I'll accept your concession that there is no proof at all that anyone voted in the name of a dead person, as you absurdly claimed.
Why were the envelopes destroyed? That is illegal.
Trump pressured Pence to throw out all the legitimate votes from Arizona Nevada Michigan Pennsylvania Georgia Wisconsin and New Mexico so he couid win. Are you ok with what Trump wouid do to Trump voters if Pence agreed to disenfranchise all those voters?
He asked Pence to reject the slates of electors thought to have been stolen. I’m very satisfied that Pence said “no.”
All the people that believed the Russian hoax are insurrectionists.

why is it ‘insurrection’ to investigate a pro-Putin candidate at a time when Putin is known to be tied to interference in our elections before Trump arrived?

I have not seen reports that Obama attempted to block any Trump votes from being counted so Clinton wins 2016 instead of Trump.
He asked Pence to reject the slates of electors thought to have been stolen. I’m very satisfied that Pence said “no.”

Trump attempted an insurrection on Jan6 and Pence stopped it. It is still an attempted insurrection by Trump to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of black voters. Why do you still support a racist Trump if you think Pence was right to stop him?
Trump attempted an insurrection on Jan6 and Pence stopped it. It is still an attempted insurrection by Trump to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of black voters. Why do you still support a racist Trump if you think Pence was right to stop him?
Wrong. There was no insurrection, attempted or otherwise. Repeating your idiotic claim doesn’t support it. It does reinforce that you’re an idiot, though. There is no basis to call Trump a racist at all. Never has been. I support Trump, but unlike you lefttard simpletons, I can distinguish between support (on the one hand) and slavish fawning devotion (in the other). In his request to Pence, I deem Trump to have been off-base. I’m very proud of Pence for having fidelity to his oath as he saw his duties.
There was no insurrection, attempted or otherwise
What do you prefer to call DJT’s attempt to win the election by disenfranchising all the legally cast ballots from Arizona Nevada Michigan Pennsylvania Georgia Wisconsin and New Mexico.

Trump did not intend to physically harm those rejected voters by not counting their votes but he was prepared to do harm to their voting rights and their will that DJT no longer be president.

It certainly could be defined as a revolt against the democratic process which determines who we are to be governed by.

But if you prefer another word that defines what Trump and hus fake electors plot should be called let’s hear it.
What do you prefer to call DJT’s attempt to win the election by disenfranchising all the legally cast ballots from Arizona Nevada Michigan Pennsylvania Georgia Wisconsin and New Mexico.

Trump did not intend to physically harm those rejected voters by not counting their votes but he was prepared to do harm to their voting rights and their will that DJT no longer be president.

It certainly could be defined as a revolt against the democratic process which determines who we are to be governed by.

But if you prefer another word that defines what Trump and hus fake electors plot should be called let’s hear it.
I say your question is meaningless and based on fantasy. You’re either high or retarded. Maybe both.
say your question is meaningless and based on fantasy.
The fake electors that Trump sent to Mike Pence that would have disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of black American voters is not a fantasy. They are real. It was a committed plot involving Congress members that would’ve harmed not only all the people who voted for Biden in 2020 but it would have harmed every American since the founding including those who gave their lives throughout our history so that we can live in a democracy.

Trump tried to turn it into one man’s decision who gets to be president. That ain’t democracy.
The fake electors that Trump sent to Mike Pence that would have disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of black American voters is not a fantasy. They are real. It was a committed plot involving Congress members that would’ve harmed not only all the people who voted for Biden in 2020 but it would have harmed every American since the founding including those who gave their lives throughout our history so that we can live in a democracy.

Trump tried to turn it into one man’s decision who gets to be president. That ain’t democracy.
I say he would have been known as UBERMAN! And he’d be defending Lies, Injustice and the Nazi way.
I say you are a racist because your smart ass answers to a simple question shows if Trump managed to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of black voters you wouldn’t condemn it and rise against it. You would enjoy it. Just like DJT says.

All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN
I say you are a racist because your smart ass answers to a simple question Trump managed to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of black voters he wouldn’t condemn it and rise against it he would enjoy it. Just like he says.

All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN
Nobody cares what you say, you asshole.
My work is done when you can’t answer a simple question. You attack the question and the questioner.
Your “work” was done before you began, ya pathetic hack bitch troll moron. And your question wasn’t simple. It was simplistic. There’s a difference.
You are in recurs more saying Trump’s egregious attempt to disenfranchise abd thus harm hundreds of thousands of black voters is “off base”….
What would that post have meant if you could coherently communicate? Meh. Doesn’t matter. You’re an asshole idiot either way.

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