Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection

You definitely said that Trump’s pressure on Pence to cite the fake electors in order “win” the election was “off base” .

Are you taking it back now?
You’re an asshole with no reading comprehension skills. I did not agree with your imbecile contention that anything about what Trump did or tried was race based. You shit head. I did say that Trump was off base to ask Pence to refuse to verify the results. No contradiction. No recantation of anything.

I can’t help you read with comprehension. You’re too retarded.
I am not injecting race. ITS IS A FACT THAT TRUMP TRIED to eliminate all the black voters in Arizona Nevada Michigan Pennsylvania Georgia Wisconsin and New Mexico from picking the winner of the 2020 election so PENCE could do that for them.

That is racist and you are too damn racist to see it with your nose up Trump’s big fat white ass for five years.
Wrong. You did interject race you idiot. It’s is NOT a “fact” that anybody tried to eliminate black voters. That’s your idiot and dishonest spin and nothing more.
I did not agree with your imbecile contention that anything about what Trump did or tried was race based.
It’s not a matter of your agreement, Black voters would not count under Trump’s plan in Arizona Nevada Michigan Pennsylvania Georgia Wisconsin and New Mexico. That’s more shitty than Jim Crow And Jim Crow Laws are racist,
It’s is NOT a “fact” that anybody tried to eliminate black voters
If a black voter cast a ballot in Michigan and Trump pressured Pence to not count all voters in Michigan it means nothing other than that black ballot has been eliminatedz

White Trump voters are also eliminated but since the results for white Trump voters is a win for Trump voters they are happy and black voters are angry.

Making black voters angry to make white Trump voters happy is racist. That is fact - not injection.
If a black voter cast a ballot in Michigan and Trump pressured Pence to not count all voters in Michigan it means nothing other than that black ballot has been eliminatedz

White Trump voters are also eliminated but since the results for white Trump voters is a win for Trump voters they are happy and black voters are angry.

Making black voters angry to make white Trump voters happy is racist. That is fact - not injection.
You’re such an obvious hack. It would also eleimiante white votes if such a thin had happened. But asshole race baiters like you always focus on just blacks or other POC. Please go fuck yourself.
No Trump could not win under the EASTMAN PLAN unless Black voters would not count in Arizona Nevada Michigan Pennsylvania Georgia Wisconsin and New Mexico. That is the exact plan and the 84 fake electors were from those seven states.

And Trump told the entire world ecactly what his plan was to win,

All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN​
You’re such an obvious hack. It would also eleimiante white votes if such a thin had happened

You finally get it. The white Trump votes are not counted in those states, but the white Trump votes in the 43 other states get what they voted for - Four more years of Trump.

Black voters get shit upon by you and the rest of the Republican Party.

That is a fact.
It would also eleimiante white votes if such a thin had happened.
There you just accepted the reality that Trump did in fact pressure Mike Pence to eliminate black voters from Arizona Nevada Michigan Pennsylvania Georgia Wisconsin and New Mexico.

All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN​
Alternates aren't "fake", lying asshole.

Alternates for what? Arizona Nevada Michigan Pennsylvania Georgia Wisconsin and New Mexico all certified the Biden win on or before December 14 which meant there was no need for TRUMP alternates because the certified results cannot be changed. Trump had no challenges open after December 14,
Alternates for what? Arizona Nevada Michigan Pennsylvania Georgia Wisconsin and New Mexico all certified the Biden win on or before December 14 which meant there was no need for TRUMP alternates because the certified results cannot be changed. Trump had no challenges open after December 14,
Appointing alternates is a prerogative of the state legislatures....You're a lying asshole.
Alternates aren't "fake", lying asshole.

As president of the senate vice president Mike Pence was not handed “alternates“. He was given forged certificates that Trump had won in those seven states. Pence knew they were fakes and that is why he didn’t even acknowledge that they existed because even that may have been a violation of the constitution .

Mike Pence has explained:
Pence, in remarks at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, June 25, 2021

Mike Pence spoke at RR Library: “Now there are those in our party who believe that, in my position as presiding officer over the joint session, that I possessed the authority to reject or return electoral votes certified by the states, But the Constitution provides the vice president with no such authority before the joint session of Congress.
And the truth is, there’s almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president. The presidency belongs to the American people and the American people alone.”
No Trump could not win under the EASTMAN PLAN unless Black voters would not count in Arizona Nevada Michigan Pennsylvania Georgia Wisconsin and New Mexico. That is the exact plan and the 84 fake electors were from those seven states.

And Trump told the entire world ecactly what his plan was to win,

All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN​
Again: the objective would be to stop the counting of stolen votes and not based on the race of any voters. You can reiterate your bullshit all day and all night. It’s still bullshit, though.
And the truth is, there’s almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president. The presidency belongs to the American people and the American people alone.”

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