Some PA Ballots Were Received BEFORE They Were mailed


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Einstein call your office, if you were a Democrat, lol.

Pennsylvania data shows that some of the mail in ballots were returned BEFORE they were mailed, on the same day or next day. I marked such ballots as "Suspicious" (RED) in the plot. There are 109421 (3.53%) "Suspicious" ballots. @DatElefan @Peoples_Pundit @shylockh ImageImage
Great work. Clearly massive vote fraud.

The moment when Michigan counted 149,772 votes in 5 seconds and less than 6,000 of them were for Trump. @melisandrePro @APhilosophae @JackPosobiec

(check my work please - it's almost 3am) Image

Software glitch going on here in Virginia.
4.42am - "We've counted 3,368,181 votes!"
5.12am - "Wait, no, we've only counted 3,199,165 votes" Image

Even the unsuspecting states managed to lose (and find) 12K votes somehow (looking at you Arkansas, AR). I'm not sure if this is 'just to be expected' or whether it's down to more glitches. Whatever, the numbers for #Election2020 make no sense to me (and I see a lot of numbers) Image
Einstein call your office, if you were a Democrat, lol.

Pennsylvania data shows that some of the mail in ballots were returned BEFORE they were mailed, on the same day or next day. I marked such ballots as "Suspicious" (RED) in the plot. There are 109421 (3.53%) "Suspicious" ballots. @DatElefan @Peoples_Pundit @shylockh ImageImage
11,000 Fraudulent Ballots! More than enough to rig a race, plus some other trickery.
It’s just another coincidence. I’m sure any and all “glitches and irregularities” here went in bidens favor as well. Just another coincidence.

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