Some revolutions are good some revolutions are bad


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
This revolution is very, very bad because it is led by people who:

1) Hate the United States Constitution, the freedoms it guarantees, and want to get rid of it.

2) Hate all police and want to replace them with paramilitary forces controlled by leftist groups (think S.A. or S.S.)

3) Hate gunowners and want to take away their guns

4) Hate religious people and continue forever the Covid-19 restrictions that we can't go to church

5) Hate free speech and want to eliminate it

6) Hate American heroes and want to destroy all their statues and memorials

This is NOT about one black man getting killed by a cop.

The leftists are out there trying to make all their wet dreams come true, and they've barely started.

The Democrat mayors, police chiefs, and attorney generals are allowing it to happen.
This is NOT about one black man getting killed by a cop.
Correct. It goes much deeper, and centuries back, in multiple contexts - whether some want to see it or not.
Yeah, back to the Commie French Revolution. That's not happening in the US on today's citizen's watch. Nope! Sorry bitches! There's still enough Americans around to hold this country.
This is NOT about one black man getting killed by a cop.
Correct. It goes much deeper, and centuries back, in multiple contexts - whether some want to see it or not.

Black people have had all the same opportunities as everyone else in America.

It's not white people's fault that so many of them fail.

I say, if they hate living in America, there's plenty of other places to go.
This is NOT about one black man getting killed by a cop.
Correct. It goes much deeper, and centuries back, in multiple contexts - whether some want to see it or not.
Yeah, back to the Commie French Revolution. That's not happening in the US on today's citizen's watch. Nope! Sorry bitches! There's still enough Americans around to hold this country.
My goodness, you guys must have to work hard to not pay attention like this.

I wonder how many revolutions were successful because the establishment had no idea what was going on.
Some people (including me) feel that ALL revolutions are "bad."

Revolutions seem to bring in bad consequences.

1. The American Revolution eventually resulted in the horrific Civil War in which at least 700,000 American boys died.

2. The French Revolution brought about the Reign of Terror.

3. The Russian Revolution allowed Marshal Stalin to reign.

4. The Chinese Revolution allowed the Red Guard nightmare.

The better solution to injustice seems to be evolution. In the 19th century while many European countries were experiencing violent revolutions, ENGLAND was slowly but surely expanding democracy in a peaceful manner.
And DEMOCRAT Governors are allowing it and Fed and State Democrat legislators are applauding it.
This is NOT about one black man getting killed by a cop.
Correct. It goes much deeper, and centuries back, in multiple contexts - whether some want to see it or not. goes deeper than that.
It's about communists trying to cause a revolution and using racism as an excuse.
Every time BLM stops's just a campaign for Trump's re-election.

I didn't even know the democrat party has taken the knee for the death cult. Does not surprise me one bit. Anything for power and to hell with civilization.
Some people (including me) feel that ALL revolutions are "bad."

Revolutions seem to bring in bad consequences.

1. The American Revolution eventually resulted in the horrific Civil War in which at least 700,000 American boys died.

2. The French Revolution brought about the Reign of Terror.

3. The Russian Revolution allowed Marshal Stalin to reign.

4. The Chinese Revolution allowed the Red Guard nightmare.

The better solution to injustice seems to be evolution. In the 19th century while many European countries were experiencing violent revolutions, ENGLAND was slowly but surely expanding democracy in a peaceful manner.

So how do we make the blacks evolve?
This is NOT about one black man getting killed by a cop.
Correct. It goes much deeper, and centuries back, in multiple contexts - whether some want to see it or not.

Centuries??? The U.S. allowed slavery from 1776 (1783 if you count when the war of independence was won) to 1863. That is 87 years if you use 1776 as the start date and 80 years if you use the latter. So where do you get CENTURIES???

Being removed by THEIR OWN PEOPLE and sent to the Americas was the BEST thing that ever happened to the ancestors of African Blacks. Also, since 1964 we've given Blacks huge Welfare payments and AFFIRMATIVE ACTION which is RACIST. You are a Virtue Signaling JOKE.
This is NOT about one black man getting killed by a cop.
Correct. It goes much deeper, and centuries back, in multiple contexts - whether some want to see it or not.

Centuries??? The U.S. allowed slavery from 1776 (1783 if you count when the war of independence was won) to 1863. That is 87 years if you use 1776 as the start date and 80 years if you use the latter. So where do you get CENTURIES???

Being removed by THEIR OWN PEOPLE and sent to the Americas was the BEST thing that ever happened to the ancestors of African Blacks. Also, since 1964 we've given Blacks huge Welfare payments and AFFIRMATIVE ACTION which is RACIST. You are a Virtue Signaling JOKE.
And there go. Willful ignorance is bliss.
This is NOT about one black man getting killed by a cop.
Correct. It goes much deeper, and centuries back, in multiple contexts - whether some want to see it or not.

Centuries??? The U.S. allowed slavery from 1776 (1783 if you count when the war of independence was won) to 1863. That is 87 years if you use 1776 as the start date and 80 years if you use the latter. So where do you get CENTURIES???

Being removed by THEIR OWN PEOPLE and sent to the Americas was the BEST thing that ever happened to the ancestors of African Blacks. Also, since 1964 we've given Blacks huge Welfare payments and AFFIRMATIVE ACTION which is RACIST. You are a Virtue Signaling JOKE.
And there go. Willful ignorance is bliss.

No rational response then, huh? I posted facts. How does it feel to be Consuelo with irrational, misguided White Guilt?
This is NOT about one black man getting killed by a cop.
Correct. It goes much deeper, and centuries back, in multiple contexts - whether some want to see it or not.
That is a mere pretext for what these guys really want.

They don't care about "racism" or "injustice" going back hundreds of years. They are out to dismantle the United States of America.

This is Frankfurt school 101.

Charlottesville was not about Robert E. Lee. They're real target was Thomas Jefferson (Monticello). And now we have people calling for all Thomas Jefferson statues and memorials to be removed.

You know it's true.

These scumbags cannot be tolerated. They are communist revolutionaries hell-bent on taking us down and the Democrat party is harboring them for political gain.

I speak the truth and you know it.

This revolution is very, very bad because it is led by people who:

1) Hate the United States Constitution, the freedoms it guarantees, and want to get rid of it.

2) Hate all police and want to replace them with paramilitary forces controlled by leftist groups (think S.A. or S.S.)

3) Hate gunowners and want to take away their guns

4) Hate religious people and continue forever the Covid-19 restrictions that we can't go to church

5) Hate free speech and want to eliminate it

6) Hate American heroes and want to destroy all their statues and memorials

This is NOT about one black man getting killed by a cop.

The leftists are out there trying to make all their wet dreams come true, and they've barely started.

The Democrat mayors, police chiefs, and attorney generals are allowing it to happen.

The boogeymen you illustrate exist in your mind. Seek therapy.

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