Some Thoughts on The Supposed Hacking of Our Election By The Russians

It's not that I think our intelligence division are traitorous, or necessarily even that I think they're partisan, it's that they're completely incompetent.

EVERYTHING they have claimed, from the labeling of the agents (by the DNC hired CrowdStrike) down to how they pieced it together (from alleged interceptions by British Agents) puts us on the low end of the curve. I'm not at all surprised to hear it either, not from the party who felt it was perfectly fine for the SOS to handle classified documents on a wide open server, and a herd of mindless sheep democrats who fall for the stupidest propaganda news.

I just hope that Trump gets rid of all the useless old fucks that are trying to handle modern technology like its a typewriter... I'm going to be quite irked if Trump can't give us some information without all the bullshit double speak shortly because I think making allegations like this needs to be backed up with more than propaganda based bullshit. Next they're going to say that all kinds of 'fake news' sites are 'interfering with elections and popular opinion' and ban them.
It's not that I think our intelligence division are traitorous, or necessarily even that I think they're partisan, it's that they're completely incompetent.

EVERYTHING they have claimed, from the labeling of the agents (by the DNC hired CrowdStrike) down to how they pieced it together (from alleged interceptions by British Agents) puts us on the low end of the curve. I'm not at all surprised to hear it either, not from the party who felt it was perfectly fine for the SOS to handle classified documents on a wide open server, and a herd of mindless sheep democrats who fall for the stupidest propaganda news.

I just hope that Trump gets rid of all the useless old fucks that are trying to handle modern technology like its a typewriter... I'm going to be quite irked if Trump can't give us some information without all the bullshit double speak shortly because I think making allegations like this needs to be backed up with more than propaganda based bullshit. Next they're going to say that all kinds of 'fake news' sites are 'interfering with elections and popular opinion' and ban them.

You guys had no problem with the intelligence agencies when they accused Mrs. Clinton of passing "Classified" documents, even though most of them were only classified retroactively...

But the minute they tell you that the Russians might have helped facilitate Trumpenfuhrer's already tainted election, then you want all those guys fired.
quite hypocritical of those on the right, upset about an unclassified document meant to be released to the public, leaked to the press the day before the scheduled release... bothers them,

when they lived by... and regurgitated and posted all the 'leaks'' here near daily, for a period of over 2 years straight, all of the Hillary server investigation leaks, the press/FOX News primarily, got daily from their ''inside source'' leaker.


They rejoiced when an fbi agent leaked that there were 600,000 emails on Weiner's laptop....

They rejoiced when an inside source said they were supposedly part of a Pedophile investigation including Hillary...

They rejoiced when they heard from their inside source that the Clinton foundation investigation was going to lock up both Hillary and Bill....

they rejoiced on all the Huma/Weiner/Clinton leaks they could get...

(though... most all of those supposed inside sourced leaks turned out NOT to be true)
Are you shitting me JoeB131 ? I was raging about Clinton's kiddy hackable wonder from the second I found out about it and I haven't stopped yet (I've even mentioned it in relation to this shit)

I was told it wasn't a big deal by the same stupid fucks in intelligence now, which is why I know they have no fucking clue what they're doing...
They rejoiced on all the illegally stolen emails that were leaked on to wikileaks...


can you spell HYPOCRITES?
It's not that I think our intelligence division are traitorous, or necessarily even that I think they're partisan, it's that they're completely incompetent.

I am fairly certain that loyalty to the Democratic Party is the primary consideration when the Democrats make their political appointments to staff every agency, hence why these agencies have become so partisan for the Democrats.

Every one of these heads of various agencies in the intel community are compromised, placing the loyalty to the nation and the Republic beneath their loyalty to the man that appointed them.
Are you shitting me JoeB131 ? I was raging about Clinton's kiddy hackable wonder from the second I found out about it and I haven't stopped yet (I've even mentioned it in relation to this shit)

I was told it wasn't a big deal by the same stupid fucks in intelligence now, which is why I know they have no fucking clue what they're doing...

The heads of these agencies were not selected due to their competence but instead for their party loyalty, which is why the Democrats regularly fail in almost EVERY ENDEAVOR they engage in.

The pick hacks, sycophants and clingers instead of good competent people 90% of the time, hence why the ACA roll out was such a disaster, why the intel community is so clueless about protecting us from cyber warfare and why ISIS has been slaughtering people in one massacre after another and the US has still not been able to remove those cretins from the face of the Earth as should have happened long before now.
They rejoiced on all the illegally stolen emails that were leaked on to wikileaks...


can you spell HYPOCRITES?

Some were celebrating the fact that they were stolen, perhaps, though it seems bizare to do such a thing.

What most of the critics of the DNC were guffawing over was what the emails revealed; a corrupt DNC leadership that had disdain for the entire political world that was not kissing Hillary Clinton's ass. They rigged their primaries against Bernie Sanders, corrupted and colluded with the press that is supposed to be neutral and objective and they have have politicized every government agency, much of this revealed in those emails.

You Democrats need to clean up your party, but you are too partisan to look at your party objectively to repair it in any way or manner at all.

You value partisan loyalty over Truth and making solid objective improvements to your party and the country, and this is going to cost your party further loss of power and influence till you decide to face Reality and stop blaming everyone from Putin to Comey to Sanders for your failures.

There is only one group responsible for the blow back on those emails; the fools that wrote them.
They rejoiced when an fbi agent leaked that there were 600,000 emails on Weiner's laptop....

Was that classified information?

They rejoiced when an inside source said they were supposedly part of a Pedophile investigation including Hillary...

I thought the pedophile investigation was focused on Weiner. (My Gawd, I cant believe I just typed those words together int he same sentence).

They rejoiced when they heard from their inside source that the Clinton foundation investigation was going to lock up both Hillary and Bill....

Well, that is not concluded yet, and I want to see ALL the corrupt sons of bitches in prison, from Senator McCain to SoS Clinton *IF* they can be proven guilty of anything.

The sad Truth of the matter is that far more of these corrupt bastards get away with their crimes than ever get caught for them.

(though... most all of those supposed inside sourced leaks turned out NOT to be true)

Why dont we wait and see where the investigations wind up before drawing conclusion, mmm?
Are you shitting me JoeB131 ? I was raging about Clinton's kiddy hackable wonder from the second I found out about it and I haven't stopped yet (I've even mentioned it in relation to this shit)

I was told it wasn't a big deal by the same stupid fucks in intelligence now, which is why I know they have no fucking clue what they're doing...

It probably wasn't a big deal, but they all acted like it was.

It wasn't. SOrry.

Now, Trump getting elected with Russian Help. The word I'm looking for is... Treason.
The gist of the conspiracy theory is that the Clinton's are aware of the pedo rings because of their associations now, and in the past - there is some connection due to the Clinton's numerous visits to pedo island. It does look pretty bad when you have them visiting the island, Podesta getting busted and only serving 18 months, then there's the bit where the Clinton Foundation rushed out to save, now convicted, child trafficker's after the Haiti earthquake. The overarching theme is that they're using the Clinton Foundation as cover for collecting payment for children.

I'm not sure how much of this I believe given what my paid PI's have come back with, but since we're now basing everything on circumstantial evidence, opinions, and rumors, this shit seems to be just as valid as what our government has tying the Russian Government to hacking the DNC. I say if they are going to push this crap, then they should also answer to the convincing arguments and "evidence" dug up in pizzagate as well.
I'm not sure how much of this I believe given what my paid PI's have come back with, but since we're now basing everything on circumstantial evidence, opinions, and rumors, this shit seems to be just as valid as what our government has tying the Russian Government to hacking the DNC. I say if they are going to push this crap, then they should also answer to the convincing arguments and "evidence" dug up in pizzagate as well.

You have paid PI's?

Jeebus, you rich honey or what? How many paid PIs do you have in your stable? :D

This whole topic is so rankly stupid and out of proportion that it is amazing evidence of just who the real idiots and corporate crony hacks are in Washington, and that is about all it is.

Wow, it's fun to watch you Wingnuts try to rationalize what the Russians did and still claim it was okay that they helped elect a guy most of us didn't want...

Maybe you should go down to a rape shelter and tell all those sluts they shouldn't have dressed like that.
It's fun to watch you guys lie and fake outrage over the messenger not the message. Libtards are just mad their anti American secrets got out.
JimBowie1958 Well I am a capitalist 1%er (ish - there's some debate on what qualifies among the Dems - go figure.)

I hired two investigators shortly after seeing the initial evidence of Pizzagate as I felt it was my civic duty to do so, (and I'll be honest in saying that I've suspected Bill was involved ever since the Podesta shit first came out; I've always felt it was an injustice the bastard only got 18 months.)

I've got one on call to look into "personal issues" and used to have one on call for "business issues" but since I'm fully retired and my husband's an RV service writer it's not exactly necessary anymore :p
Because it's total nonsense.

Why did we spend so much time fighting Obamacare? Because it was based on a lie. Why did we fight the administration on Benghazi? Because we knew it wasn't caused by a stupid video.

Oh really? We thought you did those things because you are incredibly racist.

If you weren't, you'd have made just as much of a stink when Romney did the same thing in Massachusetts as ObamaCare, and you'd have made just as much of a stink about the 65 Embassy employees that Terrorists killed during the Bush years.

But you didn't think that sort of thing was bad.... Until the Black Guy Did It.

I guess we're supposed to just sit back and watch all of the frauds that Democrats pull on the American public without saying a word about it?

Well, we never thought you'd go so far as to enlist America's enemies in order to "win" an election over the objections of the majority.
Yeah....we only went against Obama was because

  1. he's black....and
  2. Trump is a racist
  3. who didn't win the election legitimately.

All three points are based on pure fantasy.

It's difficult to imagine a grown man would actually believe any of this nonsense.
JimBowie1958 Well I am a capitalist 1%er (ish - there's some debate on what qualifies among the Dems - go figure.)

I hired two investigators shortly after seeing the initial evidence of Pizzagate as I felt it was my civic duty to do so, (and I'll be honest in saying that I've suspected Bill was involved ever since the Podesta shit first came out; I've always felt it was an injustice the bastard only got 18 months.)

I've got one on call to look into "personal issues" and used to have one on call for "business issues" but since I'm fully retired and my husband's an RV service writer it's not exactly necessary anymore :p
Well congratulations on your success and civic interest.

Pedophiles are scum and need to be shot on sight, IMO.

Good luck in those endeavors for sure.
I guess I'll die of old age before I can get a liberal to state what he thought the most damaging email revelation was. The most obvious question to ask wince they are the ones making a big stink about it but they won't touch it with a ten foot pole. That's an even bigger revelation.

None of them had anything. The difference is that you were like a hype man and any email was reacted to with Ohh''s and Ahh''s..labels of corruption, lawbreaking, and molestation. And you can't point out where any of that is in the emails. But you sure can CLAIM it.

Btw, they hacked dems and Republicans. If you think this is over and time to cheer Putin and shit on our Intel communities and they will leave Republicans alone you're short sighted as fuck. Did they hack Trump too? You don't care.
The gist of the conspiracy theory is that the Clinton's are aware of the pedo rings because of their associations now, and in the past - there is some connection due to the Clinton's numerous visits to pedo island. It does look pretty bad when you have them visiting the island, Podesta getting busted and only serving 18 months, then there's the bit where the Clinton Foundation rushed out to save, now convicted, child trafficker's after the Haiti earthquake. The overarching theme is that they're using the Clinton Foundation as cover for collecting payment for children.

I'm not sure how much of this I believe given what my paid PI's have come back with, but since we're now basing everything on circumstantial evidence, opinions, and rumors, this shit seems to be just as valid as what our government has tying the Russian Government to hacking the DNC. I say if they are going to push this crap, then they should also answer to the convincing arguments and "evidence" dug up in pizzagate as well.

Annnnnnnd, he outs himself as a crazy person.

Your PI's? Really? You mean some crazy shit you read on Alex Jones?

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