Some Thoughts on The Supposed Hacking of Our Election By The Russians

This whole topic is so rankly stupid and out of proportion that it is amazing evidence of just who the real idiots and corporate crony hacks are in Washington, and that is about all it is.

1) Even Clapper admitted that the election process itself was never compromised by the Russians. Not one single vote was added to or taken away from any candidates vote total by Russians hacking any of our machines we use for elections. No, one would have to look at our own party Establishments for that sort of thing, for example Sanders winning about 70% of New Hampshire's votes and yet ending up with fewer resulting delegates.from that state primary than Hillary, or the GOP shenanigans in Colorado. Yeah, no Russians there guys and gals.

2) Pew came out with a survey that showed that as many as 24 million, that is 24 MlLLION, voter registrations are invalid and plausibly being used as fraudulent voting. There were like three million double registrations, two million dead that are registered, and 12 million bad addresses (which means that no documentation could have been used to validate a voter that was required to show ID since their address would not match their ID). And yet this is not THE story on the elections or evidence of our corrupt and flawed election system, but Russians supposedly leaking Podesta's hate list is?

3) The Russians have been trying to influence our elections ever since Stalin ruled them back in the 1930s with staged events, bought off reporters, hell BOUGHT NEWSPAPERS like the New York Times, and fake stories. And it is suddenly a major problem now why?

4) The USA under Obama hacked Israels election if one is to judge our actions by these loose standards used today in Feverswampy Bottom DC. Was that an act of war, too, Senator McCain, you fucking collaborator? Did we "attack" Israel when we tried to buy a defeat for Netenyahu?

5) The communist Chinese government hacked OPM and got personal information on everyone that has applied to work for the federal government since about 1980. But there was no outrage, we did not expel Chinese diplomats for that or put sanctions on China. Clearly the Obama administration is more concerned about blaming Russia for their rejection by the voters of this country than they are concerned with protecting the millions of people who have worked for them, you know, just us fly over country voters. And we have also been hacked by Iran and North Korea as well and we have generally ignored all of it till now; why are we outraged only now? Because it is politics and not security that is driving this issue?

6) The level of fake outrage and hypocrisy being displayed by ass holes like Senator Lindsey "Pooh" Graham is astonishing, even for Washington DC. I busted out laughing with his childish sequence of questions to Clapper along the lines of "Are you ready to face that mean ole Mr Trump when he gets into office?" Here is some news for that short shit Senator Fellatio Graham; CLAPPER WONT BE WORKING FOR DONALD TRUMP, YOU STUPID CUCK!.

7) This entire thing is the product of pent up rage by the Establishment against Trump in BOTH party establishments. These cock suckers are so afraid that Trump is about to derail their Gawd Damned Tax Payer Financed Gravy Train that they are crushing their own shit into diamond nuggets before our eyes. This is all "Verdict first, we'll get to actual facts later" to the point that I almost long for a return to the "Grab 'em by the Pussy" days of yore when at least Trump was being attacked by his own party for truthful reasons instead of made up bullshit like this nonsense.

This "crisis" is nothing more than yet more proof that the political Establishment has lost its mind and has exactly ZERO in common with the general thinking public any more... a Harbinger of yet more exciting days to come!

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Mikael Thalen ‏@MikaelThalen 47m47 minutes ago
Statement from President-elect Donald Trump on Friday meeting with Intelligence Community leaders


So the pertinent points:

1) there was no affect on the election by whatever was done.

2) there is no evidence of any voting machine being affected also.

3) The Democrats are essentially the responsible party for being unable to rebuff attempts at hacking into their system because that party is run by juvenile idiots.

4) The Democrats are going to have to find some other excuse now instead of accepting the blame for being the party of losers this year that failed to carry their own historical core constituency, white working class males. .
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You are spamming now because you have been answered: go to the intel agencies.

So, by affirmative silence, you admit that you support Putin, Russia, Trump, and the anti-democratic forces in America.

So noted and recorded.

ps: I get to do whatever I want, bub. :lol:

No dope. My silence doesn't mean anything you want it to mean, but it means that I am waiting for you to answer what I have asked you.

In the post #29 you claimed that Russian help Trump by hacking.

Clinton lost to a candidate just as bad as is she. The Russians helped by hacking.

My simple question in regards to your claim, and I am asking you for the six time, is - what exactly Russians hacked?
OMFG! The main body of "evidence" in the report they just released ( Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections ) is based on the propaganda that RT put out ... we're a damned disgrace >.<

I could tell you some stories, but methinks they may be classifed.

Suffice it to say that the Chinese and Russian counter intel folks know exactly who all our agents are and we have practiced the same kind of stupidity in protecting critical classified information that the Democrats did with their own servers.

The management of our intel community are a freaking bad sad JOKE.
OMFG! The main body of "evidence" in the report they just released ( Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections ) is based on the propaganda that RT put out ... we're a damned disgrace >.<

I could tell you some stories, but methinks they may be classifed.

Suffice it to say that the Chinese and Russian counter intel folks know exactly who all our agents are and we have practiced the same kind of stupidity in protecting critical classified information that the Democrats did with their own servers.

The management of our intel community are a freaking bad sad JOKE.
Not sure what is funny, Mindwars.

Our intelligence leadership sadly underestimated, for example, Soviet military expenditures for decades by an estimated 50% to 100% margin.

The Chicoms hacked into OPM and now have all the personnel files on everyone that has ever applied for a federal job, which includes our agents and analysts.

I could go on further and delve into about 8 more examples I know of where our USIC leadership, which consists mostly of political hacks, sycophants and incompetents, have totally screwed up and left their own personnel as well as the nation vulnerable and exposed to our enemies.

If the President is a pro-Open Borders zealot, the USIC will gladly produce reports and surveys that show that Open Borders improves national security, improves the nations health and slices ice cream perfectly. I mean it is just stupid how these whores just sell themselves out with each administration. It is a disgrace.

Why would you suppose that the leaders of our USIC are any better than the whores at the DOJ, the FBI or the SEC?

Naive people in the USA think that these bastards are patriots and would gladly give their lives in less than a heartbeat for their country.

Now *that* is laughable.
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I guess I'll die of old age before I can get a liberal to state what he thought the most damaging email revelation was. The most obvious question to ask wince they are the ones making a big stink about it but they won't touch it with a ten foot pole. That's an even bigger revelation.

Meh, the emails weren't the problem.. the fake news and tampering with voting machines was.
Because it's total nonsense.

Why did we spend so much time fighting Obamacare? Because it was based on a lie. Why did we fight the administration on Benghazi? Because we knew it wasn't caused by a stupid video.

Oh really? We thought you did those things because you are incredibly racist.

If you weren't, you'd have made just as much of a stink when Romney did the same thing in Massachusetts as ObamaCare, and you'd have made just as much of a stink about the 65 Embassy employees that Terrorists killed during the Bush years.

But you didn't think that sort of thing was bad.... Until the Black Guy Did It.

I guess we're supposed to just sit back and watch all of the frauds that Democrats pull on the American public without saying a word about it?

Well, we never thought you'd go so far as to enlist America's enemies in order to "win" an election over the objections of the majority.
I could go on further and delve into about 8 more examples I know of where our USIC leadership, which consists mostly of political hacks, sycophants and incompetents, have totally screwed up and left their own personnel as well as the nation vulnerable and exposed to our enemies.

So now the intelligence community is the enemy? Really? Guys who put their lives on the line every day?

How far you guys will sink before you will admit you made a mistake... and your guy isn't even in office yet. It's going to get a lot worse when he really is in a position to screw things up.
4) The Democrats are going to have to find some other excuse now instead of accepting the blame for being the party of losers this year that failed to carry their own historical core constituency, white working class males. .

Democrats haven't won White Working Class males since 1964, I'm not sure how they are their 'historical" constituency. White Working Class males have voted Republicans every since Tricky Dick told them that negro wanted half their cookie.

And they keep scratching their big monkey craniums every year, wondering why they can't get good paying jobs and they have less and less rights at work.
Please define "hacked". What do you really think happened? I hear that term a LOT with very little explanation of what really is meant.
Read what the intel agencies said. You will stay disagree and stay with your cognitive dissonance.
See, here's reality. The term "hacked" in this context applies to electronic data storage and transmission. There is no way anyone can "hack" an election. Therefore, it is extremely suspect when democrat sycophants start going on about someone "hacking" our election. It leads inevitably to the conclusion that they have no idea what they're talking about and are only parroting an emotional term they read on one of their favorite political hate sites. That's why I continually ask those who say it to define what they think actually happened. Guess what? I have yet to get a definitive answer from anyone, which naturally leads to the conclusion that they really don't know, and thus it is impossible to have an actual discussion about it.
All this means is Hillary has fooled em again. And they thought she was done for. Not as long as people keep falling for her scams.

FYI, Hillary is exploring her options on running for Mayor of New York.

The woman could be behind bars or locked up in a rubber-room and she'd still want to run for some political office.
This whole thing puts Hillary's cavalier attitude towards email security in a new light, doesn't it? We heard ad infinitum that her use of a poorly secured personal server for official Sec State communications was no big deal, yet now the Russians are everywhere and hacking everything.
She's not alone. Obama was briefed this week on the inteligence findings and he or his office already leaked it to NBC.

Trump Questions Info On Russian Hacking Ahead Of Intel Briefing
Seems Racheal 'Man-brow' on MSNBC doesn't have any problem with 'sensitive' information being leaked.
The night before the finding were to be released 'Man-brow' spent a hour 'leaking; what was in the report. Someone had leaked the information to NBC
When Trump Tweeted there should be an investigation into how NBC got the report a day before it's released and leaked it 'Man-brow's' response to Trump, on her show was: "This is Washington. Get used to it".
Let's stipulate that 'the Russians' did hack the DNC and that ignoramus Podesta's computer.
What was found was proof positive of fucking stupid and corrupt the DNC were/are.
So Bobby 'snitched' to mommy that Jimmy had done something 'bad'. Good for Bobby!
Next time Jimmy might not do something 'bad' for at least fear of getting caught never mind actually having enough moral integrity not to do something 'bad' next time.
Obama KNEW all about the hacking that was/is endemic in Washington. The creep believed Hillary was a lock so he kept the truth from the American voters.
Question: Had Hillary won who in their right mind believes the Lib MSM would have covered any 'hacking' issues for a second?
Fucking Gold Star!
I have a quick question for you Trumpsters. Would you believe the Russians hacked us and influenced the election if Trump is convinced it happened ? Or would you still deny it?
Did you know that Obama did all he could to influence the Israeli election so Netti would lose? Did you know he made several statements while in Europe against Brexit? Did you know he supported and likely instigated the coup in Ukraine? Did you know he started a war in Libya, without congressional approval an impeachable offense, to remove a secular dictator. He has done the same thing in Syria, and similar things in Egypt. He also supported Cankles effort in the coup in Honduras. No doubt there is much more, but since the government is all about covering up, lying, and deceiving we may never know the extent of his criminal acts.

Stop deflecting and answer the damn question. Anytime someone brings something up about King Trump you conservatives deflect and bring shit up about Obama and Hillary.

I didn't mention one thing about Obama and Hilary.

And it wrong for anyone to interfere in anyone's elections. But if someone interfered in ours, we can't let that slide. Especially since its coming from a frenemy of ours.
I am not a con and you labeling me as one, only proves how simple minded you are.

Trump is a life long Dem and holds many progressive big government beliefs...yet progs find him unacceptable ONLY because the MSM and D party tell them to. They are like trained monkeys.

Trump frankly is neither a Republican or a Democrat- he has been both in his life- but Trump is for Trump- he isn't for either party.

I found Trump unacceptable because of who Trump is- and his lack of relevant experience.

But he has been elected.

I hope I turn out to have been completely wrong and he turns out to be a great President.
It's over. - Joe Biden January 7, 2017
I have a quick question for you Trumpsters. Would you believe the Russians hacked us and influenced the election if Trump is convinced it happened ? Or would you still deny it?
Did you know that Obama did all he could to influence the Israeli election so Netti would lose? Did you know he made several statements while in Europe against Brexit? Did you know he supported and likely instigated the coup in Ukraine? Did you know he started a war in Libya, without congressional approval an impeachable offense, to remove a secular dictator. He has done the same thing in Syria, and similar things in Egypt. He also supported Cankles effort in the coup in Honduras. No doubt there is much more, but since the government is all about covering up, lying, and deceiving we may never know the extent of his criminal acts.

Stop deflecting and answer the damn question. Anytime someone brings something up about King Trump you conservatives deflect and bring shit up about Obama and Hillary.

I didn't mention one thing about Obama and Hilary.

And it wrong for anyone to interfere in anyone's elections. But if someone interfered in ours, we can't let that slide. Especially since its coming from a frenemy of ours.
I am not a con and you labeling me as one, only proves how simple minded you are.

Trump is a life long Dem and holds many progressive big government beliefs...yet progs find him unacceptable ONLY because the MSM and D party tell them to. They are like trained monkeys.

Trump frankly is neither a Republican or a Democrat- he has been both in his life- but Trump is for Trump- he isn't for either party.

I found Trump unacceptable because of who Trump is- and his lack of relevant experience.

But he has been elected.

I hope I turn out to have been completely wrong and he turns out to be a great President.
It's over. - Joe Biden January 7, 2017
At least the female SS detailed to protect Biden won't have to stand by his private pool and watch him swim naked while making 'misogynistic' comments to them anymore.
Fucking filthy creep!
4) The Democrats are going to have to find some other excuse now instead of accepting the blame for being the party of losers this year that failed to carry their own historical core constituency, white working class males. .

Democrats haven't won White Working Class males since 1964, I'm not sure how they are their 'historical" constituency. White Working Class males have voted Republicans every since Tricky Dick told them that negro wanted half their cookie.

And they keep scratching their big monkey craniums every year, wondering why they can't get good paying jobs and they have less and less rights at work.
White working class males who are unionized vote Democrat.
Seems Racheal 'Man-brow' on MSNBC doesn't have any problem with 'sensitive' information being leaked.
The night before the finding were to be released 'Man-brow' spent a hour 'leaking; what was in the report. Someone had leaked the information to NBC
When Trump Tweeted there should be an investigation into how NBC got the report a day before it's released and leaked it 'Man-brow's' response to Trump, on her show was: "This is Washington. Get used to it".

Pretty much.

Wow, if Trump is going to lose his shit every time a staffer leaks something to the press to make him look bad, it's going to be a very long 4 years for him.... or a very short time until he gets impeached.
The election was hacked is the fact.
The briefing today will instruct Trump to step up or get cut down.
Jaking off in public again. What else is new, huh?

Wow, the intel briefing solidified Trumps claims, highlighted the VOID of evidence behind the claim that the Russians hacked our elections and made any thinking person realize to what extent Obama has politicized our national intelligence community to kiss his ass at the blow of a whistle.

The Jakes of the world are going extinct, thank Gawd.
Wow, the intel briefing solidified Trumps claims, highlighted the VOID of evidence behind the claim that the Russians hacked our elections and made any thinking person realize to what extent Obama has politicized our national intelligence community to kiss his ass at the blow of a whistle.

The Jakes of the world are going extinct, thank Gawd.

Right. Because a President having an acrimonious relationship with the intelligence community and discounting anything they say that might challenge his ego, that's going to totally have good results.
Seems Racheal 'Man-brow' on MSNBC doesn't have any problem with 'sensitive' information being leaked.
The night before the finding were to be released 'Man-brow' spent a hour 'leaking; what was in the report. Someone had leaked the information to NBC
When Trump Tweeted there should be an investigation into how NBC got the report a day before it's released and leaked it 'Man-brow's' response to Trump, on her show was: "This is Washington. Get used to it".
Someone needs to show Madcow the inside of a prison cell and tell here to get used to it.

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