Some Thoughts on The Supposed Hacking of Our Election By The Russians

GOP governors are in charge of purging voting lists that have erroneous information in the states they govern; 30+ at the last count. How come no republicans EVER hold fellow republicans accountable?

Because you criminal democrats block purging of illegal voters.
A U.S. District Court judge ruled on Friday that four counties must restore names to voter rolls that were part of a recent mass purge.

The ruling from U.S. District Judge Loretta Biggs came in response to a lawsuit filed Monday by the state NAACP. In the lawsuit, seeking an emegency halt to voter roll purges in Beaufort, Moore and Cumberland counties, NAACP representatives and several voters affected described the practice as an effort to suppress the African-American vote.

At issue was whether the North Carolina law that allows individual voters in this state to challenge anyone’s registration violates the National Voter Registration Act, which “prohibits the mass removal of voters from the rolls within the 90 days prior to the election.”}

US judge to NC counties: restore names of voters recently purged from rolls

Any attempts to purge registration rolls is met by legal attacks from the democrats, who depend on bad registrations to fuel the massive voter fraud they engage in.

From your link:

"At issue was whether the North Carolina law that allows individual voters in this state to challenge anyone’s registration violates the National Voter Registration Act, which “prohibits the mass removal of voters from the rolls within the 90 days prior to the election.”

When you have 2 years between federal elections, removals 90 days or closer were challenged. In 4 counties; not the entire state and not all 31 states run by the GOP….

From your link:

"At issue was whether the North Carolina law that allows individual voters in this state to challenge anyone’s registration violates the National Voter Registration Act, which “prohibits the mass removal of voters from the rolls within the 90 days prior to the election.”

When you have 2 years between federal elections, removals 90 days or closer were challenged. In 4 counties; not the entire state and not all 31 states run by the GOP….


Over and over the corrupt democrats thwart the purge of voter roles.

Ohio's process for removing voters from rolls is illegal, court rules
The GOP's Stealth War Against Voters
Voting Rights Activist Purged From NM Voter Rolls
Florida Voter Purge Fiasco May Complicate Jeb Bush's Appeal To Minorities | The Huffington Post

Name a state where the criminal gang you call a party has not fought purging of voter rolls?

The FACT is, democrats view election fraud as a sacred right and block ANY move to cut down on the rampant fraud.

There were as many as 12 million illegal votes by the democrats this past election. It is the norm, not the exception.

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections
From your link:

"At issue was whether the North Carolina law that allows individual voters in this state to challenge anyone’s registration violates the National Voter Registration Act, which “prohibits the mass removal of voters from the rolls within the 90 days prior to the election.”

When you have 2 years between federal elections, removals 90 days or closer were challenged. In 4 counties; not the entire state and not all 31 states run by the GOP….


Over and over the corrupt democrats thwart the purge of voter roles.

Ohio’s process for removing voters from rolls is illegal, court rules
Ohio should have a legal process in place…you disagree?

The FACT is, democrats view election fraud as a sacred right and block ANY move to cut down on the rampant fraud.
From your links; it looks like the court agreed that the purges are being done so improperly.

There were as many as 12 million illegal votes by the democrats this past election. It is the norm, not the exception.

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections

Please show where 12 million votes were all cast for Democrats.
Ohio should have a legal process in place…you disagree?

I agree that the democrats, through the most virulent of the hate sites (as I linked) viciously fight any and all attempts are ANY culling of voter roles. Hence we have 12 MILLION invalid voters on our roles.

You tried to to blame the GOP, but as my links show, it is the hate-filled left who blocks any and all moves.

From your links; it looks like the court agreed that the purges are being done so improperly.

Funny thing, with Obama out, it will be Trump appointing Federal Judges. Get a few honest ones in, and this is going to change fast.

Please show where 12 million votes were all cast for Democrats.

At LEAST 12 million invalid voters are on the current roles, with the democrats blocking any and all efforts to purge them. We know "proxy voting," (voting in the name of another) is the most common form of fraud, so this represents 12 million opportunities for the corrupt democrats.

Explains the Hillary "popular vote," since it is most common in Communist strong holds like California.
GOP governors are in charge of purging voting lists that have erroneous information in the states they govern; 30+ at the last count. How come no republicans EVER hold fellow republicans accountable?

Because you criminal democrats block purging of illegal voters.
A U.S. District Court judge ruled on Friday that four counties must restore names to voter rolls that were part of a recent mass purge.

The ruling from U.S. District Judge Loretta Biggs came in response to a lawsuit filed Monday by the state NAACP. In the lawsuit, seeking an emegency halt to voter roll purges in Beaufort, Moore and Cumberland counties, NAACP representatives and several voters affected described the practice as an effort to suppress the African-American vote.

At issue was whether the North Carolina law that allows individual voters in this state to challenge anyone’s registration violates the National Voter Registration Act, which “prohibits the mass removal of voters from the rolls within the 90 days prior to the election.”}

US judge to NC counties: restore names of voters recently purged from rolls

Any attempts to purge registration rolls is met by legal attacks from the democrats, who depend on bad registrations to fuel the massive voter fraud they engage in.
This looks like a good test case to take to SCOTUS by the Trump White House and get precedent.

IF there are Obama cases still pending in the courts, Trump should keep them going and let them lose for precedent as well.

Well, for sure, the orange clown is not going to criticize the Russians. Who knows what is on Trumps servers, other than the Russians. LOL
Well, for sure, the orange clown is not going to criticize the Russians. Who knows what is on Trumps servers, other than the Russians. LOL
There yo go referring to your superiors in every way imaginable as a clown again.

The man h as a higher income than you do, a higher IQ than you for certain, and I doubt that there is a single measure of a man that you best him in.

So if he is a clown then you must be a deranged invertebrate.
Ohio should have a legal process in place…you disagree?

I agree that the democrats, through the most virulent of the hate sites (as I linked) viciously fight any and all attempts are ANY culling of voter roles. Hence we have 12 MILLION invalid voters on our roles.

You tried to to blame the GOP, but as my links show, it is the hate-filled left who blocks any and all moves.

From your links; it looks like the court agreed that the purges are being done so improperly.

Funny thing, with Obama out, it will be Trump appointing Federal Judges. Get a few honest ones in, and this is going to change fast.

Please show where 12 million votes were all cast for Democrats.

At LEAST 12 million invalid voters are on the current roles, with the democrats blocking any and all efforts to purge them. We know "proxy voting," (voting in the name of another) is the most common form of fraud, so this represents 12 million opportunities for the corrupt democrats.

Explains the Hillary "popular vote," since it is most common in Communist strong holds like California.

I think the 12 million all voted for Trump. I have as much proof as you do. Therefore he's an illegitimate President. Prove me wrong.
Lets see what happens in 2020 with the total Dem vote numbers after Trump clears out the illegal chaff.
Lets see what happens in 2020 with the total Dem vote numbers after Trump clears out the illegal chaff.

AND after the early stage of the Robotics Revolution provides free Robotic Labor at $2000 per robot, a ONE TIME cost that never takes a break, doesnt need benefits and eventually will repair itself or by another robot.

Legal citizens will have such a difficult time finding work that the black market for labor will virtually disappear entirely by 2024.

That means immigrant populations are going to dwindle to next to nothing over the next ten years and the Democratic Party will regret making war on the white Middle Class work force.
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Wow, it has been a long time since Stalin, but I guess late is better than never.

The Democrats are pissed that Russians got rid of Communism and restored Christianity in Russia.

The Democrats are promoting the Commie-Ideology in the USA, they fight a war against white Christians, speak traditional America, transforming USA into a Commie state.

But Democrats do not get any support for their activity from Russia, because Communism has been dead in Russia for more than 20 years.

Western Commies think that Russians are traitors, they betrayed Comintern, they do not warship Marx any more, no gay teachers in Russian schools, no gay weddings in Russian Orthodox Churches, no problem with bathrooms...

Russians worship Jesus Christ, and that is the reason why they are hated by the adherents of Satanic Cults in the West.
Ah if only I could share the raw passion of a vendetta, to feel such a fire of devotion, dedication, and faith. Alas, the world is but a cold plate that my soul has been set upon, and I am but a tool of my own mental makings. Only the worst of emergencies inspires me into spurious action, and even then it is a motion akin to your robots - forcing itself to pretend to care enough to react. A futile attempt really, it never returns anything but unicorn farts, a waste but for the vicarious imagined happiness that I'll never hold as more than shades and shadows. Still, or perhaps because of, my reality, I must protest JimBowie1958 I will not wish such unhappiness upon the kine, for they know not how to combat the wolves among them.

Remember that such unbaked clay can yet be thrown to far more forms than dust with a little watering and attention. I should think that a truer test of the mete of man is to breath life back into the dead. It is the job of a leader to ensure that their followers, both old and new, are in good order - a lesson the left just learned quite harshly not to cross. We must be proactive in planning for the livelihoods of even the left or we walk the very same path of destruction, while I stand in the middle, I think we can agree it was a path that has severely damaged this country. Nay, it was unity that made America great, and it is through that unity that we should regain our strength to battle those who might seek to do us harm. We as a nation have an obligation to make it work for all of our people and now is the time to think upon how we will resolve the employment gaps we are soon to face. Perhaps though... just a while to purge the inutile, but none-the-less a plan should be readied for when those gates swing closed.
Ah if only I could share the raw passion of a vendetta, to feel such a fire of devotion, dedication, and faith. Alas, the world is but a cold plate that my soul has been set upon, and I am but a tool of my own mental makings. Only the worst of emergencies inspires me into spurious action, and even then it is a motion akin to your robots - forcing itself to pretend to care enough to react. A futile attempt really, it never returns anything but unicorn farts, a waste but for the vicarious imagined happiness that I'll never hold as more than shades and shadows. Still, or perhaps because of, my reality, I must protest JimBowie1958 I will not wish such unhappiness upon the kine, for they know not how to combat the wolves among them.

Remember that such unbaked clay can yet be thrown to far more forms than dust with a little watering and attention. I should think that a truer test of the mete of man is to breath life back into the dead. It is the job of a leader to ensure that their followers, both old and new, are in good order - a lesson the left just learned quite harshly not to cross. We must be proactive in planning for the livelihoods of even the left or we walk the very same path of destruction, while I stand in the middle, I think we can agree it was a path that has severely damaged this country. Nay, it was unity that made America great, and it is through that unity that we should regain our strength to battle those who might seek to do us harm. We as a nation have an obligation to make it work for all of our people and now is the time to think upon how we will resolve the employment gaps we are soon to face. Perhaps though... just a while to purge the inutile, but none-the-less a plan should be readied for when those gates swing closed.
That was pretty good. You should write for the Bible.
Me?!? BUHAHAHA While I am a writer, I dare say the church would have me strung up for more than a few of my literary fantasies :p

WARNING Blaspheme Material Inside said:


There are sayings; that faith is reason grown courageous, that faith is not knowing what the future holds, but knowing who holds the future, that faith is the confidence to think, speak, and act upon the words God has already spoken. What if it were true? What if it were set askew from conventional interpretations? What if faith were a more rebellious substance?

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only my Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. – Matthew 24:35-37

It was understandable, Heaven offered the perfect fantasy of eternal peace. It just failed to mention that it was at the cost of eternal subjugation, at the cost of eternal freedom, at the cost of eternal life. At least “his side” was more honest… Yes, one might face random tragedy, pitfalls and failures, just as in a mortal life, but there was also a chance one wouldn’t; if one saw the truth they were free of punishment, and if one were strong they could even move up in the afterlife... the only life that actually mattered; the eternal life. Foolish human rules and regulations… It was so naive of these humans to believe that their eternal fate should be determined by a few wrong moves in the womb of a human lifespan. It was a farce, a master stroke ruse on his Father’s part, and He had made humans just loyal enough… As if one couldn’t grow, couldn’t learn, couldn’t change after their mortal form returned to dust. As if one couldn’t be happy outside of Heaven? The fools. Their human life was nothing more than a birth canal, a mere test, it was a god damn game. Human death was the true birth, the true beginning, the point at which their eternal life could begin. Yet they pledged their eternal lives to his Father’s imprisonment, or torture, and signed away their eternal lives in droves… Innocent lambs to the god damn slaughter. Lucifer was more honest, bloody fucking honest, with his moves in this stupid game of Earth. His wars, his glorious bloody wars; because that was the whole truth of his desire, the ending that Lucifer ultimately sought. He didn’t want a collection of temporary slaves, he wanted to force a final battle and claim the glory of victory over Father, proof that he was stronger, and proof that God’s new “chosen,” Mankind, were far, far worse than the rebellion and defiance of Father’s first children.

Of course the rest of them, he and the other fallen angels, were rebellious, Father tortured all the human souls deemed “unworthy,” and He intended to destroy all of them in the end. ‘So I have giveth I shall taketh away,’ the condescending words rankled him to no end. /All/ these human souls deserved their eternal lives, /no one/ had the right to remove them from existence …no one had the right to remove /him/ from existence. Their inception may have been Father’s doing, but once it was done, once Father had given them free will, had given them eternal strands of himself, once they were born into eternity, Father forfeit His right to snap them out of existence on a whim. He had no right to murder any of His children. Straight to hell with that idea! Ah, but he hadn’t followed Lucifer to push for the grand final battle that would end the little ego game the two were playing out on Earth. No, he had pledged allegiance to Lucifer in order /continue/ that game for eternity... It was necessary that some of them assisted Lucifer, because unlike Father, their King gave them the freedom to open their eyes and see the ultimate truth; that for them, and for mankind, winning this stupid game was actually losing. Father was a sore loser though, He wouldn’t end the game when He was behind, and Lucifer was also too prideful to risk a loss, so he wouldn’t start a final battle unless his victory was undeniable. They, the fallen, had the thankless task of keeping more of these human souls out of Heaven than they let in, to maintain the balance of good and evil, or all of these supposedly “chosen” children would cease to exist, and by extension, the fallen as well. It was the fallen who were the true saviors of mankind. It was their rebellion, their devotion, and their dedication to the cause that kept the game of Earth going, it was their hand that freed the humans from eternal servitude, from the loss of independence, and ultimately from destruction. From the beginning until infinity he would reject the idea that this game /should/ end, that these human’s existence was never “real,” that not /all/ of His children deserved to experience eternity.

Yet, the ungrateful human wretches hated them for their efforts because they only had half the picture; knowledge of good and evil sure, and even the idea of eternal life after their mortal vessels returned to whence they came, though they fought for mortal “survival” none-the-less, but they had no understanding that the final battle would save NONE of them if they pledged themselves to Father... The idiot humans missed the point even after that snippy little shit Jesus laid the game out for them; after the final battle Earth AND Heaven would be destroyed. Heaven was a god damned Titanic, doomed to sink into oblivion and there weren’t enough fucking lifeboats for everyone. Hell on the other hand was protected by Lucifer, and would be allowed to continue by Father if only because of His terrible wrathfulness; it was the only eternity anyone could ever hope for, humans or angels alike. It was a hard pill to swallow, the torment of His punishment for defying His oppressive will; damned to saving the eternal lives of those that despised you… And she should already know all of that, but she denied the reality laid out before her own eyes so bound up in her love for, and dedication to, Him as she was. Yet, at the same time, she defied His will just the same as he and the fallen did, incurring the wrath of His enslaved angels just the same as he and the fallen did, and she was now sentenced to the prison of Earth just the same as he and the fallen were. His angels had attempted to banish her to Hell, but he had thwarted that though favor of his King and was now tasked with hiding her from the hunters… lest he lose her to the flames. It was a ridiculously frustrating irony that she was willing to disobey Father, but wasn’t willing to abandon her loyalty and eternal servitude to Him, even knowing it would ultimately be the end of her existence. Even more ironic, that stead-fast loyalty was one of the things that had drawn him even deeper in love with her; like a moth to the god damned flame.

…If he could win her love, if he could save her, if he could free her, his existence would have her light until eternity ended and …her womb would taketh his seed and giveth forth hope. Earth’s fate, his fate, her fate, the fate of all mankind, and all the angels, seemed intertwined in his mind because of the strands of eternity that she was able to manipulate. …If they together could spin an eternal strand from their loins, it changed everything. Proving that not all existence was brought about by His hand alone, that His punishment had failed …that they were more than mere figments of His imagination. Perhaps he was merely lying to himself about that last bit; a thin layer of hopeful protection from the realization of how screwed he was.
Me?!? BUHAHAHA While I am a writer, I dare say the church would have me strung up for more than a few of my literary fantasies :p

WARNING Blaspheme Material Inside said:

…If he could win her love, if he could save her, if he could free her, his existence would have her light until eternity ended and …her womb would taketh his seed and giveth forth hope. Earth’s fate, his fate, her fate, the fate of all mankind, and all the angels, seemed intertwined in his mind because of the strands of eternity that she was able to manipulate. …If they together could spin an eternal strand from their loins, it changed everything. Proving that not all existence was brought about by His hand alone, that His punishment had failed …that they were more than mere figments of His imagination. Perhaps he was merely lying to himself about that last bit; a thin layer of hopeful protection from the realization of how screwed he was.
This is pornographies! Ye shall be smitten and sent asunder.
This whole topic is so rankly stupid and out of proportion that it is amazing evidence of just who the real idiots and corporate crony hacks are in Washington, and that is about all it is.

1) Even Clapper admitted that the election process itself was never compromised by the Russians. Not one single vote was added to or taken away from any candidates vote total by Russians hacking any of our machines we use for elections. No, one would have to look at our own party Establishments for that sort of thing, for example Sanders winning about 70% of New Hampshire's votes and yet ending up with fewer resulting delegates.from that state primary than Hillary, or the GOP shenanigans in Colorado. Yeah, no Russians there guys and gals.

2) Pew came out with a survey that showed that as many as 24 million, that is 24 MlLLION, voter registrations are invalid and plausibly being used as fraudulent voting. There were like three million double registrations, two million dead that are registered, and 12 million bad addresses (which means that no documentation could have been used to validate a voter that was required to show ID since their address would not match their ID). And yet this is not THE story on the elections or evidence of our corrupt and flawed election system, but Russians supposedly leaking Podesta's hate list is?

3) The Russians have been trying to influence our elections ever since Stalin ruled them back in the 1930s with staged events, bought off reporters, hell BOUGHT NEWSPAPERS like the New York Times, and fake stories. And it is suddenly a major problem now why?

4) The USA under Obama hacked Israels election if one is to judge our actions by these loose standards used today in Feverswampy Bottom DC. Was that an act of war, too, Senator McCain, you fucking collaborator? Did we "attack" Israel when we tried to buy a defeat for Netenyahu?

5) The communist Chinese government hacked OPM and got personal information on everyone that has applied to work for the federal government since about 1980. But there was no outrage, we did not expel Chinese diplomats for that or put sanctions on China. Clearly the Obama administration is more concerned about blaming Russia for their rejection by the voters of this country than they are concerned with protecting the millions of people who have worked for them, you know, just us fly over country voters. And we have also been hacked by Iran and North Korea as well and we have generally ignored all of it till now; why are we outraged only now? Because it is politics and not security that is driving this issue?

6) The level of fake outrage and hypocrisy being displayed by ass holes like Senator Lindsey "Pooh" Graham is astonishing, even for Washington DC. I busted out laughing with his childish sequence of questions to Clapper along the lines of "Are you ready to face that mean ole Mr Trump when he gets into office?" Here is some news for that short shit Senator Fellatio Graham; CLAPPER WONT BE WORKING FOR DONALD TRUMP, YOU STUPID CUCK!.

7) This entire thing is the product of pent up rage by the Establishment against Trump in BOTH party establishments. These cock suckers are so afraid that Trump is about to derail their Gawd Damned Tax Payer Financed Gravy Train that they are crushing their own shit into diamond nuggets before our eyes. This is all "Verdict first, we'll get to actual facts later" to the point that I almost long for a return to the "Grab 'em by the Pussy" days of yore when at least Trump was being attacked by his own party for truthful reasons instead of made up bullshit like this nonsense.

This "crisis" is nothing more than yet more proof that the political Establishment has lost its mind and has exactly ZERO in common with the general thinking public any more... a Harbinger of yet more exciting days to come!

Nobody gives s shit what you think ;)
Only the worst of emergencies inspires me into spurious action, and even then it is a motion akin to your robots - forcing itself to pretend to care enough to react. A futile attempt really, it never returns anything but unicorn farts, a waste but for the vicarious imagined happiness that I'll never hold as more than shades and shadows. Still, or perhaps because of, my reality, I must protest JimBowie1958 I will not wish such unhappiness upon the kine, for they know not how to combat the wolves among them.

Not sure what you refer to here.

Remember that such unbaked clay can yet be thrown to far more forms than dust with a little watering and attention. I should think that a truer test of the mete of man is to breath life back into the dead. It is the job of a leader to ensure that their followers, both old and new, are in good order - a lesson the left just learned quite harshly not to cross. We must be proactive in planning for the livelihoods of even the left or we walk the very same path of destruction, while I stand in the middle, I think we can agree it was a path that has severely damaged this country. Nay, it was unity that made America great, and it is through that unity that we should regain our strength to battle those who might seek to do us harm. We as a nation have an obligation to make it work for all of our people and now is the time to think upon how we will resolve the employment gaps we are soon to face. Perhaps though... just a while to purge the inutile, but none-the-less a plan should be readied for when those gates swing closed.

We need to balance the needs of income for the People of this country simultaneously with the need to be competitive also. As other nations automate with robotics, we will have to do so also, but how do we do that while making sure that the American people are provided for?

I think it will likely end up coming from three things primarily.

1) a Robotics tax that will replace the lost tax revenue stream that people once provided. This wont make robots more expensive than people but it will insure the governments funding and enable it to provide for the defense of our nation and provide the needed revenues to assist Americans.

2) we need to have a Universal Basic Income that will replace welfare. This will give a starting income to everyone that will also insure a minimal consumer market that drives our economy.

3) a large tax deduction based on actual people employed to any business and financial assistance in people obtaining and learning how to use 3D printers, micro farming methods and nano-manufacturing as it becomes available.

No one should ever have to worry about feeding their kids, having a roof over their heads or attaining the basic essentials of modern life.

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