Someone wants to use the 14th Amendment to fix the 2024 election for Dems.

No, they can't. Impeachment removes the person from office. It doesn't prevent the voters from sending them back. Even criminal convictions can't do that.

Ask Marion Barry.

Holy fuck, you don't know shit about the Constitution...

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States:
Of course you ignore this because it detracts from your "Destroy the country as long as Trump and his ilk die first" fetish.
Oh, did I miss something good? A little under the weather here, but surely I would have had a good laughed if you had mentioned anything about the country being destroyed (especially by Soros in the last 10 years or so of his life). After all, worrying about the country as we know it, and it being destroyed, is not something trump people actually seem too worried about, especially if they could get rid of sections of the constitution, at the same time. It seems like exact as some of his supporters wish, and some are fanatical enough that if it took the death of a bunch of trumpers to bring it about, so be it.

Having nothing against you personally, I am glad I mentioned that. It is very important you guys know who you are dealing with, meeting with, training with, if you are out there on the fringe. You could follow somebody into a planned unforeseen trap, sacrificial lambs for the cause of somebody who thinks martyrs are of benefit to the cause and the one springing could easily be a friend or supposed comrade. Or, could be just really stupid leadership, as I have seen that a lot over the years. Just something on your side to think about.
Boy are you wrong. Problem with Democrats is you are incapable of learning. Here it is, I realize your lie will make no difference to you

You must be a Republican. You realize of course that a trans-boy is really a girl who still ministates and can have babies, right?
So you think Maxine Watters, Pramila Jayapal, Bennie Thompson, Jamie Raskin ... all need to be removed from office? Really?


Aw...did I hurt your wittle, wittle fewlings?

This guy is basically calling for a Court mandated coup.

The Disqualification Clause is clear — let’s use it

Does he really think 1/2 the country would accept this lying down and let the Dems get super majorities in both houses?

This is a call for civil war, plain and simple.
/——/ Here’s a surprise

You must be a Republican. You realize of course that a trans-boy is really a girl who still ministates and can have babies, right?

So just to be clear, you're now arguing the only reason Democrats put tampons in boys lockers is because of "trans boys." If I show another example of Democrats not grasping fake girls don't menstruate you'll slam Democrats.

Of course you won't. That's straight out of the leftist playbook. Nit pick an example with something that ONLY apppiles to THAT example and ignore every other time Democrats do it.

This is so overdone and tired at this point. Grow up
The courts would stop if before if you had filed a proper lawsuit with a compelling argument. Not my fault Trump's legal team has their head up their asses.

The election happened and you corrupt assholes tried to trash tens of millions of votes based on your feelings and not facts.

More excuses.
Holy fuck, you don't know shit about the Constitution...

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States:

Is the President an officer of the United States?
Oh, did I miss something good? A little under the weather here, but surely I would have had a good laughed if you had mentioned anything about the country being destroyed (especially by Soros in the last 10 years or so of his life). After all, worrying about the country as we know it, and it being destroyed, is not something trump people actually seem too worried about, especially if they could get rid of sections of the constitution, at the same time. It seems like exact as some of his supporters wish, and some are fanatical enough that if it took the death of a bunch of trumpers to bring it about, so be it.

Having nothing against you personally, I am glad I mentioned that. It is very important you guys know who you are dealing with, meeting with, training with, if you are out there on the fringe. You could follow somebody into a planned unforeseen trap, sacrificial lambs for the cause of somebody who thinks martyrs are of benefit to the cause and the one springing could easily be a friend or supposed comrade. Or, could be just really stupid leadership, as I have seen that a lot over the years. Just something on your side to think about.

More wall of text.

"it's only bad when Trump "supposedly" does it. Everyone else can be bastards and ruin the country"

That's what I see when TDS idiots like you fixate on trump while the ship sinks for other reasons.
More wall of text.

"it's only bad when Trump "supposedly" does it. Everyone else can be bastards and ruin the country"

That's what I see when TDS idiots like you fixate on trump while the ship sinks for other reasons.
That is better than you guys wanting salvage value and bottom feeding.
So just to be clear, you're now arguing the only reason Democrats put tampons in boys lockers is because of "trans boys." If I show another example of Democrats not grasping fake girls don't menstruate you'll slam Democrats.

Of course you won't. That's straight out of the leftist playbook. Nit pick an example with something that ONLY apppiles to THAT example and ignore every other time Democrats do it.

This is so overdone and tired at this point. Grow up
It's the state of Washington. I only slam dopes like you. If it were my choice, the girls families would be required to provide for her regardless of how she dresses.
That is better than you guys wanting salvage value and bottom feeding.

It's people like you I hope live long enough to see the damage you are causing.

But as long as you get Trump and his supporters, you can die peacefully.
More excuses.
You’re the one backtracking from your original argument.

“it’s the same thing” is an excuse.

You accuse Dems if doing something (which they aren’t even doing just wrote an OpEd) your party did only far worse.
It's the state of Washington. I only slam dopes like you. If it were my choice, the girls families would be required to provide for her regardless of how she dresses.

Nice deflection there, Joe Biden. Watch the door! Sorry, too late ...
It's people like you I hope live long enough to see the damage you are causing.

But as long as you get Trump and his supporters, you can die peacefully.
He won't be president, but I am not sure that he will be "gotten" and it certainly will not be me.
He won't be president, but I am not sure that he will be "gotten" and it certainly will not be me.

So you see 91 indictments in 4 States and you don't see Democrats as trying to "get" Trump. And you aren't a "Democrat."

Wow, stupid sure isn't an impediment to being a mod. Christ

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