Something You Will NOT Hear From The Impeached President trump

Something You Will NOT Hear From The Impeached President trump

“Over 140 global leaders and experts on Thursday issued an open letter urging world powers to guarantee that both a coronavirus vaccine and any treatment for Covid-19, when available, be free for everyone in order to put the ‘the interests of all humanity’ ahead of those of the wealthiest corporations and governments.”

But no one will ever hear the impeached president trump make any statement asking for anything so subversive to the United States’ predatory capitalism. And it would go against all modern U.S. business models to require an American corporation to donate the potential profits from a vaccine to cure or prevent this deadly disease, simply to save a few thousand lives of those who could not afford to pay for the serum, or have health insurance coverage.

Corporate altruism can only go so far, when it starts dipping into stockholders' dividends and upper management’s bonuses, FVCK HUMAN LIFE! It’s the only fair way of looking at the situation.

Take Jeff Bezos for example. So far, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Bezos’ wealth increased $30 billion, but even while his Amazon warehouse employees must remain on the job, unable to maintain social distancing for their own safety, and have been called “heroes” by the company, “Generous Jeff” decided that $30 billion wasn’t enough. So, the warehouse workers will lose that $2-an-hour pay increase and the double overtime pay come the end of May. And those essential, front-line workers at the Amazon-owned Whole Foods supermarkets, their $2 hourly raises will evaporate on June 1.

It been apparent that most Republican voters, a sizable number of Democratic voters, and a varying number of centrists have long held the opinion human life (except that of the unborn for conservatives) was a lesser priority than corporate profits. Why else are they so willing to uselessly sacrifice the lives of their children in endless wars designed to profit the billionaire stockholders in the defense industry? These voters consistently elect politicians that fight against safety regulations for automobiles, the workplace, for manufactured products, etc., or support policies that limit their effectiveness.

So, given the past history of our government and leaders of Big Business, it is foolish for anyone to believe they would abandon decades of policies that created and protect the predatory capitalism, that made so very few incredibly wealthy, and cost the lives of so many thousands.

No, any vaccine developed to cure or prevent the COVID-19 virus will be costly to American patients.

Since the impeached president trump and his lies became the beacon that guides the thoughts of conservatives, it is a complete waste of time to return to one’s thread only to read the mindless prattle the conservatives spew when responding. Now, it’s post the OP, then move on.

140+ Global Leaders Call for Free "People's Vaccine" to Put Human Lives Above Corporate Greed in Fight Against Covid-19

'Slap in the Face': As Bezos Wealth Jumps $30 Billion Amid Pandemic, Amazon to End $2 Per Hour Hazard Pay for Workers

Well, hopefully we'll have a new President by the time there is a vaccine and we'll do what's best for humans.
“Over 140 global leaders and experts on Thursday issued an open letter urging world powers to guarantee that both a coronavirus vaccine and any treatment for Covid-19, when available, be free for everyone in order to put the ‘the interests of all humanity’ ahead of those of the wealthiest corporations and governments.”

But no one will ever hear the impeached president trump make any statement asking for anything so subversive to the United States’ predatory capitalism. And it would go against all modern U.S. business models to require an American corporation to donate the potential profits from a vaccine to cure or prevent this deadly disease, simply to save a few thousand lives of those who could not afford to pay for the serum, or have health insurance coverage.

Can you tell me what Saturday's Powerball numbers will be too?
Something You Will NOT Hear From The Impeached President trump

“Over 140 global leaders and experts on Thursday issued an open letter urging world powers to guarantee that both a coronavirus vaccine and any treatment for Covid-19, when available, be free for everyone in order to put the ‘the interests of all humanity’ ahead of those of the wealthiest corporations and governments.”

But no one will ever hear the impeached president trump make any statement asking for anything so subversive to the United States’ predatory capitalism. And it would go against all modern U.S. business models to require an American corporation to donate the potential profits from a vaccine to cure or prevent this deadly disease, simply to save a few thousand lives of those who could not afford to pay for the serum, or have health insurance coverage.

Corporate altruism can only go so far, when it starts dipping into stockholders' dividends and upper management’s bonuses, FVCK HUMAN LIFE! It’s the only fair way of looking at the situation.

Take Jeff Bezos for example. So far, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Bezos’ wealth increased $30 billion, but even while his Amazon warehouse employees must remain on the job, unable to maintain social distancing for their own safety, and have been called “heroes” by the company, “Generous Jeff” decided that $30 billion wasn’t enough. So, the warehouse workers will lose that $2-an-hour pay increase and the double overtime pay come the end of May. And those essential, front-line workers at the Amazon-owned Whole Foods supermarkets, their $2 hourly raises will evaporate on June 1.

It been apparent that most Republican voters, a sizable number of Democratic voters, and a varying number of centrists have long held the opinion human life (except that of the unborn for conservatives) was a lesser priority than corporate profits. Why else are they so willing to uselessly sacrifice the lives of their children in endless wars designed to profit the billionaire stockholders in the defense industry? These voters consistently elect politicians that fight against safety regulations for automobiles, the workplace, for manufactured products, etc., or support policies that limit their effectiveness.

So, given the past history of our government and leaders of Big Business, it is foolish for anyone to believe they would abandon decades of policies that created and protect the predatory capitalism, that made so very few incredibly wealthy, and cost the lives of so many thousands.

No, any vaccine developed to cure or prevent the COVID-19 virus will be costly to American patients.

Since the impeached president trump and his lies became the beacon that guides the thoughts of conservatives, it is a complete waste of time to return to one’s thread only to read the mindless prattle the conservatives spew when responding. Now, it’s post the OP, then move on.

140+ Global Leaders Call for Free "People's Vaccine" to Put Human Lives Above Corporate Greed in Fight Against Covid-19

'Slap in the Face': As Bezos Wealth Jumps $30 Billion Amid Pandemic, Amazon to End $2 Per Hour Hazard Pay for Workers

Well, hopefully we'll have a new President by the time there is a vaccine and we'll do what's best for humans.
You've been wasting time wishing for another president for 3 1/2 years. When he gets reelected will you finally give it up ?
Something You Will NOT Hear From The Impeached President trump

“Over 140 global leaders and experts on Thursday issued an open letter urging world powers to guarantee that both a coronavirus vaccine and any treatment for Covid-19, when available, be free for everyone in order to put the ‘the interests of all humanity’ ahead of those of the wealthiest corporations and governments.”

But no one will ever hear the impeached president trump make any statement asking for anything so subversive to the United States’ predatory capitalism. And it would go against all modern U.S. business models to require an American corporation to donate the potential profits from a vaccine to cure or prevent this deadly disease, simply to save a few thousand lives of those who could not afford to pay for the serum, or have health insurance coverage.

Corporate altruism can only go so far, when it starts dipping into stockholders' dividends and upper management’s bonuses, FVCK HUMAN LIFE! It’s the only fair way of looking at the situation.

Take Jeff Bezos for example. So far, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Bezos’ wealth increased $30 billion, but even while his Amazon warehouse employees must remain on the job, unable to maintain social distancing for their own safety, and have been called “heroes” by the company, “Generous Jeff” decided that $30 billion wasn’t enough. So, the warehouse workers will lose that $2-an-hour pay increase and the double overtime pay come the end of May. And those essential, front-line workers at the Amazon-owned Whole Foods supermarkets, their $2 hourly raises will evaporate on June 1.

It been apparent that most Republican voters, a sizable number of Democratic voters, and a varying number of centrists have long held the opinion human life (except that of the unborn for conservatives) was a lesser priority than corporate profits. Why else are they so willing to uselessly sacrifice the lives of their children in endless wars designed to profit the billionaire stockholders in the defense industry? These voters consistently elect politicians that fight against safety regulations for automobiles, the workplace, for manufactured products, etc., or support policies that limit their effectiveness.

So, given the past history of our government and leaders of Big Business, it is foolish for anyone to believe they would abandon decades of policies that created and protect the predatory capitalism, that made so very few incredibly wealthy, and cost the lives of so many thousands.

No, any vaccine developed to cure or prevent the COVID-19 virus will be costly to American patients.

Since the impeached president trump and his lies became the beacon that guides the thoughts of conservatives, it is a complete waste of time to return to one’s thread only to read the mindless prattle the conservatives spew when responding. Now, it’s post the OP, then move on.

140+ Global Leaders Call for Free "People's Vaccine" to Put Human Lives Above Corporate Greed in Fight Against Covid-19

'Slap in the Face': As Bezos Wealth Jumps $30 Billion Amid Pandemic, Amazon to End $2 Per Hour Hazard Pay for Workers.
Well, hopefully we'll have a new President by the time there is a vaccine and we'll do what's best for humans.
Tards have made it clear they havent learned their lesson yet nor have they suffered enough. And neither have those of us on the right gotten tired of winning yet.

I'm afraid you're gonna have to deal with another 4 years of President Trump
But no one will ever hear the impeached president trump
He hasn't even been impeached. Lol
Why are you even saying as if he was "impeached"?

Oh right, you have some ax to grind about that "Orange Man Bad". Lol
How typical you are...and your post shows it clearly just how tuned out you are.
Have a nice day! :)

He was impeached. But then found not guilty by the senate.
He is impeached.

And completely exonerated.
OMG. Once a President is impeached, it is permanent.
Bill Clinton was impeached but not removed from office.
Donald Trump was impeached but not removed from office.
Get it?
Something You Will NOT Hear From The Impeached President trump

“Over 140 global leaders and experts on Thursday issued an open letter urging world powers to guarantee that both a coronavirus vaccine and any treatment for Covid-19, when available, be free for everyone in order to put the ‘the interests of all humanity’ ahead of those of the wealthiest corporations and governments.”

But no one will ever hear the impeached president trump make any statement asking for anything so subversive to the United States’ predatory capitalism. And it would go against all modern U.S. business models to require an American corporation to donate the potential profits from a vaccine to cure or prevent this deadly disease, simply to save a few thousand lives of those who could not afford to pay for the serum, or have health insurance coverage.

Corporate altruism can only go so far, when it starts dipping into stockholders' dividends and upper management’s bonuses, FVCK HUMAN LIFE! It’s the only fair way of looking at the situation.

Take Jeff Bezos for example. So far, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Bezos’ wealth increased $30 billion, but even while his Amazon warehouse employees must remain on the job, unable to maintain social distancing for their own safety, and have been called “heroes” by the company, “Generous Jeff” decided that $30 billion wasn’t enough. So, the warehouse workers will lose that $2-an-hour pay increase and the double overtime pay come the end of May. And those essential, front-line workers at the Amazon-owned Whole Foods supermarkets, their $2 hourly raises will evaporate on June 1.

It been apparent that most Republican voters, a sizable number of Democratic voters, and a varying number of centrists have long held the opinion human life (except that of the unborn for conservatives) was a lesser priority than corporate profits. Why else are they so willing to uselessly sacrifice the lives of their children in endless wars designed to profit the billionaire stockholders in the defense industry? These voters consistently elect politicians that fight against safety regulations for automobiles, the workplace, for manufactured products, etc., or support policies that limit their effectiveness.

So, given the past history of our government and leaders of Big Business, it is foolish for anyone to believe they would abandon decades of policies that created and protect the predatory capitalism, that made so very few incredibly wealthy, and cost the lives of so many thousands.

No, any vaccine developed to cure or prevent the COVID-19 virus will be costly to American patients.

Since the impeached president trump and his lies became the beacon that guides the thoughts of conservatives, it is a complete waste of time to return to one’s thread only to read the mindless prattle the conservatives spew when responding. Now, it’s post the OP, then move on.

140+ Global Leaders Call for Free "People's Vaccine" to Put Human Lives Above Corporate Greed in Fight Against Covid-19

'Slap in the Face': As Bezos Wealth Jumps $30 Billion Amid Pandemic, Amazon to End $2 Per Hour Hazard Pay for Workers


That's "Acquitted President Trump" to you, zipperhead.

Welcome to four more years of MAGA. Hope you don't choke on it but if you do, I hope someone close by knows how to do the Heimlich Maneuver.
Please refer to post #25.
Something You Will NOT Hear From The Impeached President trump

“Over 140 global leaders and experts on Thursday issued an open letter urging world powers to guarantee that both a coronavirus vaccine and any treatment for Covid-19, when available, be free for everyone in order to put the ‘the interests of all humanity’ ahead of those of the wealthiest corporations and governments.”

But no one will ever hear the impeached president trump make any statement asking for anything so subversive to the United States’ predatory capitalism. And it would go against all modern U.S. business models to require an American corporation to donate the potential profits from a vaccine to cure or prevent this deadly disease, simply to save a few thousand lives of those who could not afford to pay for the serum, or have health insurance coverage.

Corporate altruism can only go so far, when it starts dipping into stockholders' dividends and upper management’s bonuses, FVCK HUMAN LIFE! It’s the only fair way of looking at the situation.

Take Jeff Bezos for example. So far, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Bezos’ wealth increased $30 billion, but even while his Amazon warehouse employees must remain on the job, unable to maintain social distancing for their own safety, and have been called “heroes” by the company, “Generous Jeff” decided that $30 billion wasn’t enough. So, the warehouse workers will lose that $2-an-hour pay increase and the double overtime pay come the end of May. And those essential, front-line workers at the Amazon-owned Whole Foods supermarkets, their $2 hourly raises will evaporate on June 1.

It been apparent that most Republican voters, a sizable number of Democratic voters, and a varying number of centrists have long held the opinion human life (except that of the unborn for conservatives) was a lesser priority than corporate profits. Why else are they so willing to uselessly sacrifice the lives of their children in endless wars designed to profit the billionaire stockholders in the defense industry? These voters consistently elect politicians that fight against safety regulations for automobiles, the workplace, for manufactured products, etc., or support policies that limit their effectiveness.

So, given the past history of our government and leaders of Big Business, it is foolish for anyone to believe they would abandon decades of policies that created and protect the predatory capitalism, that made so very few incredibly wealthy, and cost the lives of so many thousands.

No, any vaccine developed to cure or prevent the COVID-19 virus will be costly to American patients.

Since the impeached president trump and his lies became the beacon that guides the thoughts of conservatives, it is a complete waste of time to return to one’s thread only to read the mindless prattle the conservatives spew when responding. Now, it’s post the OP, then move on.

140+ Global Leaders Call for Free "People's Vaccine" to Put Human Lives Above Corporate Greed in Fight Against Covid-19

'Slap in the Face': As Bezos Wealth Jumps $30 Billion Amid Pandemic, Amazon to End $2 Per Hour Hazard Pay for Workers

Go hide under your bed, coward.
Something You Will NOT Hear From The Impeached President trump

“Over 140 global leaders and experts on Thursday issued an open letter urging world powers to guarantee that both a coronavirus vaccine and any treatment for Covid-19, when available, be free for everyone in order to put the ‘the interests of all humanity’ ahead of those of the wealthiest corporations and governments.”

But no one will ever hear the impeached president trump make any statement asking for anything so subversive to the United States’ predatory capitalism. And it would go against all modern U.S. business models to require an American corporation to donate the potential profits from a vaccine to cure or prevent this deadly disease, simply to save a few thousand lives of those who could not afford to pay for the serum, or have health insurance coverage.

Corporate altruism can only go so far, when it starts dipping into stockholders' dividends and upper management’s bonuses, FVCK HUMAN LIFE! It’s the only fair way of looking at the situation.

Take Jeff Bezos for example. So far, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Bezos’ wealth increased $30 billion, but even while his Amazon warehouse employees must remain on the job, unable to maintain social distancing for their own safety, and have been called “heroes” by the company, “Generous Jeff” decided that $30 billion wasn’t enough. So, the warehouse workers will lose that $2-an-hour pay increase and the double overtime pay come the end of May. And those essential, front-line workers at the Amazon-owned Whole Foods supermarkets, their $2 hourly raises will evaporate on June 1.

It been apparent that most Republican voters, a sizable number of Democratic voters, and a varying number of centrists have long held the opinion human life (except that of the unborn for conservatives) was a lesser priority than corporate profits. Why else are they so willing to uselessly sacrifice the lives of their children in endless wars designed to profit the billionaire stockholders in the defense industry? These voters consistently elect politicians that fight against safety regulations for automobiles, the workplace, for manufactured products, etc., or support policies that limit their effectiveness.

So, given the past history of our government and leaders of Big Business, it is foolish for anyone to believe they would abandon decades of policies that created and protect the predatory capitalism, that made so very few incredibly wealthy, and cost the lives of so many thousands.

No, any vaccine developed to cure or prevent the COVID-19 virus will be costly to American patients.

Since the impeached president trump and his lies became the beacon that guides the thoughts of conservatives, it is a complete waste of time to return to one’s thread only to read the mindless prattle the conservatives spew when responding. Now, it’s post the OP, then move on.

140+ Global Leaders Call for Free "People's Vaccine" to Put Human Lives Above Corporate Greed in Fight Against Covid-19

'Slap in the Face': As Bezos Wealth Jumps $30 Billion Amid Pandemic, Amazon to End $2 Per Hour Hazard Pay for Workers

A lot of those non Progs that are not deplorables sure to seem to be a lot more violent for some reason. More like predatory humans. If you are a citizen of the United States, worry about our nation first. Because the primal ways of tribalism will take root if we have an economic collapse.
Well, hopefully we'll have a new President by the time there is a vaccine and we'll do what's best for humans.

So, you're hoping that it will take almost five years for this vaccine to be developed? That would be far too late for it to do any good. Long before then, everyone will have been exposed, one way or another, to this virus, everyone who is going to get sick from it will have done so, everyone who is going to die from it will have died, and everyone who remains will have developed natural immunity to it.
Bullshit, we've been paying for the entire worlds economy for decades.

And our trade imbalance proves it. World Socialism had ripped us off enough. Fuckem

That's how you've become the richest nation in the world? By allowing other nations to rip you off.

Trumpists are the dumbest people in the world.
Bullshit, we've been paying for the entire worlds economy for decades.

And our trade imbalance proves it. World Socialism had ripped us off enough. Fuckem

That's how you've become the richest nation in the world? By allowing other nations to rip you off.

Trumpists are the dumbest people in the world.

Well, it took someone like Trump to slap some sense in to the libtardos and give patriots back their self esteem. Face it, own it, you Socialists over played your hand and we're taking the United States back. It's called MAGA, look it up.
Something You Will NOT Hear From The Impeached President trump

“Over 140 global leaders and experts on Thursday issued an open letter urging world powers to guarantee that both a coronavirus vaccine and any treatment for Covid-19, when available, be free for everyone in order to put the ‘the interests of all humanity’ ahead of those of the wealthiest corporations and governments.”

But no one will ever hear the impeached president trump make any statement asking for anything so subversive to the United States’ predatory capitalism. And it would go against all modern U.S. business models to require an American corporation to donate the potential profits from a vaccine to cure or prevent this deadly disease, simply to save a few thousand lives of those who could not afford to pay for the serum, or have health insurance coverage.

Corporate altruism can only go so far, when it starts dipping into stockholders' dividends and upper management’s bonuses, FVCK HUMAN LIFE! It’s the only fair way of looking at the situation.

Take Jeff Bezos for example. So far, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Bezos’ wealth increased $30 billion, but even while his Amazon warehouse employees must remain on the job, unable to maintain social distancing for their own safety, and have been called “heroes” by the company, “Generous Jeff” decided that $30 billion wasn’t enough. So, the warehouse workers will lose that $2-an-hour pay increase and the double overtime pay come the end of May. And those essential, front-line workers at the Amazon-owned Whole Foods supermarkets, their $2 hourly raises will evaporate on June 1.

It been apparent that most Republican voters, a sizable number of Democratic voters, and a varying number of centrists have long held the opinion human life (except that of the unborn for conservatives) was a lesser priority than corporate profits. Why else are they so willing to uselessly sacrifice the lives of their children in endless wars designed to profit the billionaire stockholders in the defense industry? These voters consistently elect politicians that fight against safety regulations for automobiles, the workplace, for manufactured products, etc., or support policies that limit their effectiveness.

So, given the past history of our government and leaders of Big Business, it is foolish for anyone to believe they would abandon decades of policies that created and protect the predatory capitalism, that made so very few incredibly wealthy, and cost the lives of so many thousands.

No, any vaccine developed to cure or prevent the COVID-19 virus will be costly to American patients.

Since the impeached president trump and his lies became the beacon that guides the thoughts of conservatives, it is a complete waste of time to return to one’s thread only to read the mindless prattle the conservatives spew when responding. Now, it’s post the OP, then move on.

140+ Global Leaders Call for Free "People's Vaccine" to Put Human Lives Above Corporate Greed in Fight Against Covid-19

'Slap in the Face': As Bezos Wealth Jumps $30 Billion Amid Pandemic, Amazon to End $2 Per Hour Hazard Pay for Workers

Another post here got me to thinking.

Who are these 140 global leaders?

If they’re global leaders why are they begging for stuff?

How many of these “global leaders” exist simply due to the donations the US gives them?

Is a leader of a welfare nation a global leader? Are they any kind of leader we should give a shit about?

How can you be a global leader begging for US hand outs while demanding free vaccinations?
“Over 140 global leaders and experts on Thursday issued an open letter urging world powers to guarantee that both a coronavirus vaccine and any treatment for Covid-19, when available, be free for everyone in order to put the ‘the interests of all humanity’ ahead of those of the wealthiest corporations and governments.”

But no one will ever hear the impeached president trump make any statement asking for anything so subversive to the United States’ predatory capitalism. And it would go against all modern U.S. business models to require an American corporation to donate the potential profits from a vaccine to cure or prevent this deadly disease, simply to save a few thousand lives of those who could not afford to pay for the serum, or have health insurance coverage.

Can you tell me what Saturday's Powerball numbers will be too?

Interestingly enough, I just saw a news report on operation warp speed and at the end they discussed the president considering ways to make the vaccine free for everyone
Well, hopefully we'll have a new President by the time there is a vaccine and we'll do what's best for humans.

So, you're hoping that it will take almost five years for this vaccine to be developed? That would be far too late for it to do any good. Long before then, everyone will have been exposed, one way or another, to this virus, everyone who is going to get sick from it will have done so, everyone who is going to die from it will have died, and everyone who remains will have developed natural immunity to it.
He will not be reelected.
So, you're hoping that it will take almost five years for this vaccine to be developed?
He will not be reelected.

It takes a lot of courage to write a letter and urge others to foot the bill for something.
Something You Will NOT Hear From The Impeached President trump

“Over 140 global leaders and experts on Thursday issued an open letter urging world powers to guarantee that both a coronavirus vaccine and any treatment for Covid-19, when available, be free for everyone in order to put the ‘the interests of all humanity’ ahead of those of the wealthiest corporations and governments.”

But no one will ever hear the impeached president trump make any statement asking for anything so subversive to the United States’ predatory capitalism. And it would go against all modern U.S. business models to require an American corporation to donate the potential profits from a vaccine to cure or prevent this deadly disease, simply to save a few thousand lives of those who could not afford to pay for the serum, or have health insurance coverage.

Corporate altruism can only go so far, when it starts dipping into stockholders' dividends and upper management’s bonuses, FVCK HUMAN LIFE! It’s the only fair way of looking at the situation.

Take Jeff Bezos for example. So far, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Bezos’ wealth increased $30 billion, but even while his Amazon warehouse employees must remain on the job, unable to maintain social distancing for their own safety, and have been called “heroes” by the company, “Generous Jeff” decided that $30 billion wasn’t enough. So, the warehouse workers will lose that $2-an-hour pay increase and the double overtime pay come the end of May. And those essential, front-line workers at the Amazon-owned Whole Foods supermarkets, their $2 hourly raises will evaporate on June 1.

It been apparent that most Republican voters, a sizable number of Democratic voters, and a varying number of centrists have long held the opinion human life (except that of the unborn for conservatives) was a lesser priority than corporate profits. Why else are they so willing to uselessly sacrifice the lives of their children in endless wars designed to profit the billionaire stockholders in the defense industry? These voters consistently elect politicians that fight against safety regulations for automobiles, the workplace, for manufactured products, etc., or support policies that limit their effectiveness.

So, given the past history of our government and leaders of Big Business, it is foolish for anyone to believe they would abandon decades of policies that created and protect the predatory capitalism, that made so very few incredibly wealthy, and cost the lives of so many thousands.

No, any vaccine developed to cure or prevent the COVID-19 virus will be costly to American patients.

Since the impeached president trump and his lies became the beacon that guides the thoughts of conservatives, it is a complete waste of time to return to one’s thread only to read the mindless prattle the conservatives spew when responding. Now, it’s post the OP, then move on.

140+ Global Leaders Call for Free "People's Vaccine" to Put Human Lives Above Corporate Greed in Fight Against Covid-19

'Slap in the Face': As Bezos Wealth Jumps $30 Billion Amid Pandemic, Amazon to End $2 Per Hour Hazard Pay for Workers

Well, hopefully we'll have a new President by the time there is a vaccine and we'll do what's best for humans.

You think it will take until 2025 to develop a vaccine?
Well, hopefully we'll have a new President by the time there is a vaccine and we'll do what's best for humans.

So, you're hoping that it will take almost five years for this vaccine to be developed? That would be far too late for it to do any good. Long before then, everyone will have been exposed, one way or another, to this virus, everyone who is going to get sick from it will have done so, everyone who is going to die from it will have died, and everyone who remains will have developed natural immunity to it.
He will not be reelected.
Trump will destroy Biden as the man is incapable of completing a sentence. Imagine his taking the oath of office. It would take at least half an hour.
“Over 140 global leaders and experts on Thursday issued an open letter urging world powers to guarantee that both a coronavirus vaccine and any treatment for Covid-19, when available, be free for everyone in order to put the ‘the interests of all humanity’ ahead of those of the wealthiest corporations and governments.”

But no one will ever hear the impeached president trump make any statement asking for anything so subversive to the United States’ predatory capitalism. And it would go against all modern U.S. business models to require an American corporation to donate the potential profits from a vaccine to cure or prevent this deadly disease, simply to save a few thousand lives of those who could not afford to pay for the serum, or have health insurance coverage.

Can you tell me what Saturday's Powerball numbers will be too?

Interestingly enough, I just saw a news report on operation warp speed and at the end they discussed the president considering ways to make the vaccine free for everyone
Omg. Are yiu saying the left is inventing a story to hurt trump? Not possible @@@!! Lololol

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