Sooo, ghetto kids and Liberal wackos will storm the steps of D.C. on Saturday..huh?

Hey dummy, the weapon was shipped to a local FFL dealer and a background check was done. He could have purchased the same weapon form any local dealer that had it in stock. He didn't avoid a background check by buying it online.

Yes I get that dummy - but any idiot can go to GunSource or ArmsList and buy anything they want from an unlicensed dealer with no BG check.

Screw Internet sales - add waiting periods - NOTHING to anyone under 21 - add thorough mental BG checks - improve databases across state lines -

Your objection is what?

More lies, all interstate gun sales have to go through FFL dealers and BG checks.

Most guns are purchased locally. And you can buy anything at a gun show. And the NRA does not want that stopped.

90% of sales at gun shows are done by FFL dealers. Most private sellers don't want to pay the fees charged by the shows for tables. You claimed to hold an FFL, how many guns have you transfered without a background check?

It was years ago. So, I doubt I could be accurate. And, I will take the 5th.
For sale:

Yes I get that dummy - but any idiot can go to GunSource or ArmsList and buy anything they want from an unlicensed dealer with no BG check.

Screw Internet sales - add waiting periods - NOTHING to anyone under 21 - add thorough mental BG checks - improve databases across state lines -

Your objection is what?

More lies, all interstate gun sales have to go through FFL dealers and BG checks.

Most guns are purchased locally. And you can buy anything at a gun show. And the NRA does not want that stopped.

90% of sales at gun shows are done by FFL dealers. Most private sellers don't want to pay the fees charged by the shows for tables. You claimed to hold an FFL, how many guns have you transfered without a background check?

It was years ago. So, I doubt I could be accurate. And, I will take the 5th.
For sale:

May you enter by the Traitor's Gate.
We should all be proud of these bright young kids! I am!

Yeah, you just love cuddling with anti Americans assholes. Where's the publicity for the kids that disagree?


Anti-American? Still with the right-wing BS? There is no reason to question the patriotism of these kids and their supporters. It is the gun crazies who threaten our nation and their fellow Americans, yet try to wrap themselves in a flag that they don't believe in.

They want to deny basic Civil Rights of their fellow citizens based on lies and the deceit of democrats......

well, I do see someone who would like to deny civil rights. And yes, it is based on lies and deceit. But not of democrats. It is you, me con troll.
So here is the actuality, me boy. From a professional who has spent years training other professionals on how to respond to an active shooter scenario. This, me boy, is in fact the truth. See if you can read what he has to say. Because this is no chicken hawk. This is a person who knows of what he speaks:

"Wayne LaPierre, the head of the National Rifle Association (NRA), has famously claimed that “the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun.”
Much of today’s opposition to stronger gun safety regulations rests on the gun lobby’s Hobbesian vision of self-sufficient, heavily-armed citizens standing up to vicious thugs. This Die Hard argument is constantly parroted by politicians and conservative pundits. But the statistical reality is that for every justifiable homicide in the United States—for every lethal shooting in defense of life or property—guns are used to commit 34 murders and 78 suicides, and are the cause of two accidental deaths, according to an analysis of FBI data by The Washington Post.

LaPierre, a career lobbyist, has no clue what it’s like to use a firearm in anger. But The Nation spoke to several people who do—including combat veterans and former law enforcement officers—and who believe that the NRA’s heroic gunslinger mythology is a dangerous fantasy that bears little resemblance to reality. Retired Army Sergeant Rafael Noboa y Rivera, who led a combat team in Iraq, says that most soldiers only function effectively after they’ve been exposed to fire a number a times. “I think there’s this fantasy world of gunplay in the movies, but it doesn’t really happen that way,” he says. “When I heard gunfire [in Iraq], I didn’t immediately pick up my rifle and react. I first tried to ascertain where the shooting was coming from, where I was in relation to the gunfire and how far away it was. I think most untrained people are either going to freeze up, or just whip out their gun and start firing in that circumstance,” Noboa said. “I think they would absolutely panic.”

Those interviewed for this article agreed that the key distinction isn’t between “good guys” and “bad guys,” because intentions are less important than the rigorous—and continuous—training that it takes to effectively handle firearms in high-stress situations.

Dr. Pete Blair, an associate professor of criminal justice at Texas State University and director of the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training Center (ALERRT), has studied mass shooting incidents and trains law enforcement personnel to respond to active-shooter situations. The cops who go through his course conduct live-fire exercises using real firearms which are re-chambered to fire “soap rounds” that leave only welts when they hit.
But these courses offer only a shadow of what’s required, says David Chipman, a former agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Chipman, who spent several years on the agency’s SWAT team, says, “Training for a potentially deadly encounter meant, at a minimum, qualifying four times a year throughout my 25-year career. And this wasn’t just shooting paper—it meant doing extensive tactical exercises. And when I was on the SWAT team we had to undergo monthly tactical training.”

Tactical officers typically receive training in “judgmental shooting,” which includes knowing when it’s prudent to hold their fire, and “blue-on-blue awareness,” which drills into them the importance of considering whether other cops are present, including officers who aren’t in uniform. They’re trained to overcome tunnel vision by looking not only at their target but also maintaining an awareness of who or what is behind it.

“The notion that you have a seal of approval just because you’re not a criminal—that you walk into a gun store and you’re ready for game-day—is ridiculous,” says Chipman.

A case in Texas two weeks ago highlights the risks of civilians intervening in chaotic situations. Police saythat as two carjackers struggled with the owner of a car at a gas station in northeast Houston, a witness decided to take action into his own hands. He fired several shots, but missed the perpetrators and shot the owner of the car in the head. He then picked up his shell casings and fled the scene. Police are still looking for the shooter.

The potential for that kind of outcome is why most police agencies strongly recommend that concealed carry holders only use their weapons as an absolute last resort, and not intervene in robberies or other crimes in which they’re not directly involved. David Chipman notes that even police officers are told that if they encounter a crime in progress while off-duty, “maybe the best thing to do at that time is not to take lethal action but instead try to be the best witness you can be.”

Not pulling a weapon is often the wisest course of action in active-shooter situations. While a number of conservatives declared that Oregon’s Umpqua Community College, the scene of a mass shooting last week, was a gun-free zone, the truth is that several concealed carry holders were present, and they wisely decided to leave their guns holstered. Veteran John Parker later explained to MSNBC, “We could have opened ourselves up to be potential targets ourselves, and not knowing where SWAT was… if we had our guns ready to shoot, they could think that we were bad guys.”

Mike Huckabee’s words, “sitting duck zones.” But Barker later admitted that his methodology entailed analyzing “10 shootings I found listed on some timeline somewhere.… I honestly don’t even remember where.” And Pete Blair from Texas State notes that by definition, shootings with fewer than four casualties aren’t “mass shootings,” and incidents with as many as 18 casualties are exceedingly rare. Blair acknowledges the possibility that shooters may be more likely to seek out places they see as soft targets, like gun-free zones, but adds, “Trying to prove that is difficult to do.”

a study for the FBI that looked at 185 mass shooting events over a 13-year period. It found that while around one-in-five were stopped by civilians before police arrived, in only one case was it done by a typical “good guy with a gun” (professionals—an off-duty cop and an armed security guard—used their guns to stop two others). In most cases Blair and his colleague studied, civilians ended a rampage by tackling the assailant.

None of this has prevented the gun manufacturers’ lobby from insisting that more guns make a society safer. And many Americans have come to believe it. According to thePew Research Center, the share of gun owners who cite “protection” as “the main reason they own a gun” almost doubled between 1999 and 2013, from 26 percent to 48 percent.

But a large body of empirical evidence finds the opposite to be true. Last year, epidemiologists at the University of California, San Francisco, conducted an extensive analysis of data from 16 previous peer-reviewed studies, and found that having access to a firearm makes a person almost twice as likely to become the victim of a homicide and three times more likely to commit suicide. Previous research has shown thatcountries with higher rates of gun ownership also have higher rates of gun deaths andstates with more guns have higher homicide rates. (The gun lobby’s side of the scholarly debate rests largely on the discredited and allegedly fraudulent work of economist John Lott.)

Rafael Noboa y Rivera scoffed at the idea, adding that he’s personally wary of “untrained yahoos” who “think they’re Wyatt Earp.”

“Despite what we see on TV, the presence of a firearm is a greater risk, especially in the hands of an untrained person,” says David Chipman, the former ATF agent. “Someone can always say, ‘If your mother is being raped by 5 people, wouldn’t you want her to have a gun?’ Well, OK, if you put it that way, I’d say yes, but that’s not a likely scenario. The question is: If you see someone running out of a gas station with a gun in their hand, do you want an untrained person jumping out and opening fire. For me, the answer is clearly ‘no.’”
Tactical Experts Destroy the NRA’s Heroic Gunslinger Fantasy
Excellent cut and paste. Proves nothing when a bunch of fascist get together and and circle jerk about crime and evil guns. lol.

So, you do not believe actual experienced trainers of those that must face armed shooters. Because you think they are Fascists. So, got it. You are brain dead.
To those with actual working minds, this is far from the only article out there written by actual experienced trainers of professionals facing mass shooters. All say about the same thing. Now, while con trolls like the nra version, what those trainers call the gunslinger theory, all say it is stupid. Does not apply in the real world. But as an NRA troll, and a totally inexperienced nut case, there is no reason to believe you. Just like me, you need a source that is experienced. Which, of course, you do not bother with. Because you are afraid and just want to believe some one will pull a gun and save your ass. Luckily for you, it is very unlikely you will ever need help.

Except for the real world mass shooter events where civilians with little to no traingin actually did shoot mass shooters.......

Deputies: Osceola pastor shot church janitor in self-defense

According to deputies, Parangan pulled out a handgun and fired multiple shots at Pastor Terry Howell, who took out his own weapon and fired back, striking Parangan.

Howell was not injured, but Parangan was taken to Osceola Regional Medical Center in critical condition.

Deputies said several church employees witnessed the incident and gave similar statements.

I know you have a non working brain. But we were talking about mass shootings, not a gun fight between two guys. See the difference, me boy?

this Psychiatrist was not an off duty cop.....

Penn. psychiatric center shooting intended mass killing: DA

The Pennsylvania patient accused of killing his caseworker in a psychiatric center shooting carried dozens of bullets — and he would have likely continued shooting if a doctor didn’t fire back, officials said.

Richard Plotts, 49, is expected to be charged with murder for allegedly opening fire at Sister Marie Lenahan Wellness Center in Darby Thursday.

After he killed his caseworker, 53-year-old Theresa Hunt, and shot his psychiatrist, Lee Silverman, the wounded doctor fired back, stopping the attack, District Attorney Jack Whelan said in a Friday press conference.

This is tough for you, me boy, obviously. Again this was one guy who shot one person. Again, it is not a mass shooting.

Plotts had 39 more bullets on him. He intended a mass shooting, Whelan said.

This Uber driver is not a cop....

An Uber driver with a concealed handgun prevented a mass shooting in Chicago

A driver with the ride-hailing service Uber put a stop to a potential mass shooting in Chicago over the weekend.

Here's the Chicago Tribune, citing Assistant State's Attorney Barry Quinn:

A group of people had been walking in front of the driver around 11:50 p.m. in the 2900 block of North Milwaukee Avenue when Everardo Custodio, 22, began firing into the crowd, Quinn said.

The driver pulled out a handgun and fired six shots at Custodio, hitting him several times, according to court records. Responding officers found Custodio lying on the ground, bleeding, Quinn said. No other injuries were reported.

Uh, a potential mass shooting is not a mass shooting. Again, you are simply lying.

The Orlando night club shooter....faced 300 unarmed people and killed 49...this shooter was shot by a concealed carry permit a night club two weeks after Orlando...

Really, you need to stop lying, me con troll. The orlando night club shooter was killed after he did his shooting, and after a 3 hour standoff, by Orlando police Department Police Officers.
Orlando nightclub shooting - Wikipedia

This past Sunday, exactly two weeks to the day after the Pulse attack, there was a mass shooting outside a night club in South Carolina. I’m sure you haven’t heard about it, and for two good reasons. The first reason is that the attempted murderer was unsuccessful in killing any of his victims. The second reason is because the attempted murderer was stopped by a concealed carrier at the club drawing his weapon and putting a bullet into the bad guy.

The reason no one heard about it was that it was again, me boy, NOT A MASS SHOOTING.
So, a number of lies. Really, you are a shit. I hate people who lie and waste my time. Which is about all you do.

Does your nurse know you have left your room again and are playing on the computer? Tell her that she needs to stop playing Angry Birds or whatever game she is playing and put you back to bed........

Really, me boy. Just because you are caught lying again is no reason for nut case post. Being a con troll with a pea brain is a drag I know. But really, learning to tell the truth is simple enough. For thinking people. OOPS, I forgot. That excludes you.
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders...they will beg to be protected from themselves and the very same lowlifes they stand shoulder to shoulder with....haha
Think about can’t make this shit up. Do we really need to wonder why nobody sane can take these Loons serious?
Ghetto kids?
Parkland is a high economic suburban area shit for brains.
But I love to sense your fear by how many threads have been made on this rally and movement
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders...they will beg to be protected from themselves and the very same lowlifes they stand shoulder to shoulder with....haha
Think about can’t make this shit up. Do we really need to wonder why nobody sane can take these Loons serious?
Ghetto kids?
Parkland is a high economic suburban area shit for brains.
But I love to sense your fear by how many threads have been made on this rally and movement
Yes, but the poor con troll simply was happy to find a sentence that put down the students. At least in his little mind. Problem is, they could care less about him or his type. Just another immaterial con troll.
Interstate Gun Sales
Federal law for interstate gun sales and other transfers – those occurring between two people who are not Federal Firearm Licensees (FFLs) who live in different states — is pretty straightforward. A person who is not an FFL cannot acquire a handgun from anyone – an FFL or any other person – who lives in another state. A person (the “transferee”) acquiring a long gun must do so through a licensed dealer (FFL). It can be an FFL in any state, the transfer must comply with the laws of the FFL’s and the transferee’s states.

Buying and Selling a Firearm: Online and Interstate Gun Sales | OutdoorHub

Your ignorance is so profound you are a waste of my time.

Up your game Gomer

Private Gun Sale Laws by State - FindLaw
Internet Gun Sales and Background Checks, Explained
Universal Background Checks | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

Years ago, I got a FFL because I was bird hunting a lot and buying guns, primarily for myself. But I also handled a couple of guns I sold to friends. No problem at all. So, if you know the correct person, or if you know of a gun show in your area, you should have no problem buying the gun you want. Because, of course, the NRA wants lots of guns and ammo bought and sold.

Correctamundo my friend. I went to the gun show in Boise last year and at least 20% of the sellers were unlicensed and willing to sell to anyone over 18.

There was one dude walking around packing a literal arsenal - I said "hey, what you got and do you need a BG check?"

Nope was the response - "What you need - I got EVERYTHING!?"
Interstate Gun Sales
Federal law for interstate gun sales and other transfers – those occurring between two people who are not Federal Firearm Licensees (FFLs) who live in different states — is pretty straightforward. A person who is not an FFL cannot acquire a handgun from anyone – an FFL or any other person – who lives in another state. A person (the “transferee”) acquiring a long gun must do so through a licensed dealer (FFL). It can be an FFL in any state, the transfer must comply with the laws of the FFL’s and the transferee’s states.

Buying and Selling a Firearm: Online and Interstate Gun Sales | OutdoorHub

Your ignorance is so profound you are a waste of my time.

Up your game Gomer

Private Gun Sale Laws by State - FindLaw
Internet Gun Sales and Background Checks, Explained
Universal Background Checks | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

None of your links disprove what I said about interstate sales, all MUST go through FFL dealers who conduct background checks.

Like Emma, I call BS! ^ ^ ^


These kids need to be marching on the DNC headquarters....and demand that they stop releasing violent gun offenders back into their neighborhoods...but since the racist democrats don't care about black lives, except every two years...this is a wasted effort....if they want to see what a gun free America would look like, especially their neighborhoods...they just need to look at Mexico.....where the police and military with their drug cartel allies murder innocent men, women and children in the 10s of thousands every year......because the people their are disarmed and helpless....

I have thought about that too.
--26 out of 27 of the most deadly mass shooters have come from homes where the biological father was absent. That is a statistic that no sane society should ignore.

--The police went to the Parkland shooters home because of disturbances 39 times. That is 39 times!!!! Wouldn't you think that would give people some pause for thought?

--The FBI KNEW Cruz was a problem and they totally dropped the ball. If they had not, he likely would never have made it to the school that day. Have any heads rolled? I haven't heard of it if they have.

--Cruz's temporary volunteer foster mom had to call police three times when he lived with her and she finally had to send him to live with other of his relatives. She knew he had bought the murder weapon and, during the waiting period, notified the Sheriff's office not to allow him to take possession. They told her they had no basis to deny him possession (after those 39 visits they made to the Cruz home.) There were many other warning signs as well.
Nikolas Cruz's Caretaker Claims She Warned Authorities That Parkland Suspect Was 'Ticking Time Bomb'

--An armed security guard was on the scene but he stayed outside with however many Sheriff's deputies, sheltered in place, and listening to the gunfire inside of the school. And they let Cruz walk right past them with other kids and leave the premises. How can anybody anywhere justify that?

And despite dangerous and unstable people out there, they still keep arresting them and then putting them back out on the street. Especially if they are illegal (which Cruz wasn't.)

So. . . .

Is any of that being addressed in today's demonstration in DC and around the country? Nope, it's all about the guns. Dumb.
Interstate Gun Sales
Federal law for interstate gun sales and other transfers – those occurring between two people who are not Federal Firearm Licensees (FFLs) who live in different states — is pretty straightforward. A person who is not an FFL cannot acquire a handgun from anyone – an FFL or any other person – who lives in another state. A person (the “transferee”) acquiring a long gun must do so through a licensed dealer (FFL). It can be an FFL in any state, the transfer must comply with the laws of the FFL’s and the transferee’s states.

Buying and Selling a Firearm: Online and Interstate Gun Sales | OutdoorHub

Your ignorance is so profound you are a waste of my time.

Up your game Gomer

Private Gun Sale Laws by State - FindLaw
Internet Gun Sales and Background Checks, Explained
Universal Background Checks | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

None of your links disprove what I said about interstate sales, all MUST go through FFL dealers who conduct background checks.

Like Emma, I call BS! ^ ^ ^


So who’s the new “face” of the DNC...the chick with the dick in VA or little wack-job Emma with a gender that is to be determined?
Interstate Gun Sales
Federal law for interstate gun sales and other transfers – those occurring between two people who are not Federal Firearm Licensees (FFLs) who live in different states — is pretty straightforward. A person who is not an FFL cannot acquire a handgun from anyone – an FFL or any other person – who lives in another state. A person (the “transferee”) acquiring a long gun must do so through a licensed dealer (FFL). It can be an FFL in any state, the transfer must comply with the laws of the FFL’s and the transferee’s states.

Buying and Selling a Firearm: Online and Interstate Gun Sales | OutdoorHub

Your ignorance is so profound you are a waste of my time.

Up your game Gomer

Private Gun Sale Laws by State - FindLaw
Internet Gun Sales and Background Checks, Explained
Universal Background Checks | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

None of your links disprove what I said about interstate sales, all MUST go through FFL dealers who conduct background checks.

Like Emma, I call BS! ^ ^ ^


So who’s the new “face” of the DNC...the chick with the dick in VA or little wack-job Emma with a gender that is to be determined?

You can take your pick - Minimally 75 kids from Parkland interviewed and all every bit as brilliant.

Don't watch - It'll trigger you Bigly :)
Interstate Gun Sales
Federal law for interstate gun sales and other transfers – those occurring between two people who are not Federal Firearm Licensees (FFLs) who live in different states — is pretty straightforward. A person who is not an FFL cannot acquire a handgun from anyone – an FFL or any other person – who lives in another state. A person (the “transferee”) acquiring a long gun must do so through a licensed dealer (FFL). It can be an FFL in any state, the transfer must comply with the laws of the FFL’s and the transferee’s states.

Buying and Selling a Firearm: Online and Interstate Gun Sales | OutdoorHub

Your ignorance is so profound you are a waste of my time.

Up your game Gomer

Private Gun Sale Laws by State - FindLaw
Internet Gun Sales and Background Checks, Explained
Universal Background Checks | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

None of your links disprove what I said about interstate sales, all MUST go through FFL dealers who conduct background checks.

Like Emma, I call BS! ^ ^ ^


So who’s the new “face” of the DNC...the chick with the dick in VA or little wack-job Emma with a gender that is to be determined?

You can take your pick - Minimally 75 kids from Parkland interviewed and all every bit as brilliant.

Don't watch - It'll trigger you Bigly :)

Only LefTards get all giddy when unwise children speak about shit they know nothing about...sane, logical, wise, intelligent adults just laugh inside.

None of your links disprove what I said about interstate sales, all MUST go through FFL dealers who conduct background checks.

Like Emma, I call BS! ^ ^ ^


So who’s the new “face” of the DNC...the chick with the dick in VA or little wack-job Emma with a gender that is to be determined?

You can take your pick - Minimally 75 kids from Parkland interviewed and all every bit as brilliant.

Don't watch - It'll trigger you Bigly :)

Only LefTards get all giddy when unwise children speak about shit they know nothing about...sane, logical, wise, intelligent adults just laugh inside.

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