Sorry, Gun Nuts: Hitler Actually Relaxed Most Gun Laws

Sorry, Gun Nuts: Hitler Actually Relaxed Most Gun Laws

Here's the deal, oh, sweet, stupid gun nuts: Have a history lesson. Gun control laws had nothing to do with the rise of the Nazis or the Holocaust. In fact, they were initially part of the Treaty of Versailles at the end of World War I, punishing Germany by eliminating private ownership of guns. In the Weimar Republic, new laws liberalized gun ownership, allowing hunting rifles and more. The other gun control laws in Germany post-WWI were specifically put in to prevent armed takeover of the government by groups like the Nazi Party, which did not, in fact, stage a coup, but used electoral power to solidify its hold on the government (along with the Gestapo and the repression of demonized Communist groups). In fact, Hitler and the Third Reich opened up gun ownership even more, even if they did ban all Jews from owning guns. Yeah, the 1938 law said "a hunting license entitles the holder to carry firearms and handguns." That was new. It also lowered the age of gun ownership from 20 to 18 and changed one-year permits to three-year.

Oh, by the way, the law also took away any "stabbing weapons" from Jews. And if the Jews had been more strongly armed and attacked the government, all that would have happened is that even more people would have turned on them because the propaganda that said that evil Jews wanted to enslave the country would have appeared to be proven true. No, the Holocaust wouldn't have been worse. But it would still have happened. (This leaves out the enormous amount of armed Jewish resistance against the Nazis.)

The Rude Pundit understands that there's a lot of people out there who like to fellate their guns and call it love. He understands that there's so many who are jonesing for that first rampaging black man to come bursting in during a race riot so they can finally find out what really happens when Bushmaster fire hits human flesh. He understands that there's a whole lot of people invested in chasing the phantoms of resistance, as if they could actually survive if the government turns on us.

If you think you need to be armed with assault weapons because you might have to fight a government that wants to take your assault weapons away through laws passed by a legally-elected body, you are a traitor and kind of a dick. And if that's the best you've got for your argument on why you need to have military style weapons, then you, dear, dumb friend, are believing a whole heaping shovelful of lies.

Come, fantasize for a moment about something other than Jesus with a strap-on shaped like a Ruger reaming your asshole. Fantasize that many non-Jewish Germans opposed Hitler and wanted to rise up against him. You know what would have happened? The enormous Nazi army would have massacred them. The Third Reich existed because the German people wanted it to exist. Give it up.

Fantasize now that the American government wants you dead. Fantasize about the sound of that drone carrying missiles. It's a nearly silent whoosh. You hear it? You think your semi-automatic whatever could stop it? Now imagine being turned into blood vapor.

Really, though, it's never gonna happen. And neither is the race war. And chances are pretty damn good that you're never gonna get to point a gun at anyone other than a family member or yourself.

But, if nothing else, give up the Nazi analogy. Considering all the Nazi shit that shows up at gun shows in an approving way, you just look like hypocritical yahoos attempting to be smart, and that's just fuckin' pathetic.

Let me get this straight, you point out that the laws actually restricted Jews, Jehovah Witnesses, Gays, Gypsies, and miscellaneous other minorities, were prevented from owning guns in Nazi Germany, and you use this argument to justify gun control in modern America, and you call me a nut because I oppose laws like this.

Want to tell me again how you are not a fascist?
There is one thing I've learned in reading the threads on this site: many of the people who are pro-guns are not really interested in the 2nd Amendment, they are salivating to kill be judge, jury and kill someone they don't just experience the thrill and power of killing someone, anyone...they'll manufacture any reason they think that will allow them to get away with it.

Yup. We have approx 80,000,000 people in this nation that believe in the 2nd Amendment and own firearms and who according to you, many of them are salivating to kill someone. That being the case let's say even 1% of them are like you say, we'd have what? 800,000 thousand killings a year committed by legal gun owners. Hmmm, seems to me you're full of crap. Seems to me you're an idiot bloviating on a topic you know absolutely nothing about. I always wonder how people that are so blatantly stupid make it to adulthood.
The stupidity, and the shamelss willingness to openly share that blatant stupidy with others, shown by the anti-gun nutters here amazes me. I remember a time when people where actually too embarressed to show people how stupid they were. Guess those days are long gone. Seeing by the dumbass things said by the anti-gun nutters here I can only assume that nowadays the liberals have no shame left and don't care how many people see how stupid they really are.
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More from Wikipedia:
After 1945, the Allied Forces commanded the complete disarming of Germany. Even German police officers were initially not allowed to carry firearms. Private ownership of firearms was not allowed until after 1956.
Because that's just ONE of the things you do when you Defeat and Occupy a country: You Restrict Firearms.

I wonder why the Neo-Cons you guys worshiped didn't do this in Iraq - were they just ignorant morons who refused to learn from history?
There is some truth to the paranoia about the government attacking you with arms. That is why we need to start by taking Dick Cheney's shotgun away from him.
There is one thing I've learned in reading the threads on this site: many of the people who are pro-guns are not really interested in the 2nd Amendment, they are salivating to kill be judge, jury and kill someone they don't just experience the thrill and power of killing someone, anyone...they'll manufacture any reason they think that will allow them to get away with it.

Yup. We have approx 80,000,000 people in this nation that believe in the 2nd Amendment and own firearms and who according to you, many of them are salivating to kill someone. That being the case let's say even 1% of them are like you say, we'd have what? 800,000 thousand killings a year committed by legal gun owners. Hmmm, seems to me you're full of crap. Seems to me you're an idiot bloviating on a topic you know absolutely nothing about. I always wonder how people that are so blatantly stupid make it to adulthood.

First, your logic is very faulty. Second, your post is very ironic.
There is one thing I've learned in reading the threads on this site: many of the people who are pro-guns are not really interested in the 2nd Amendment, they are salivating to kill be judge, jury and kill someone they don't just experience the thrill and power of killing someone, anyone...they'll manufacture any reason they think that will allow them to get away with it.

Well, you're not too fucking bright, are you?
The stupidity, and the shamelss willingness to openly share that blatant stupidy with others, shown by the anti-gun nutters here amazes me. I remember a time when people where actually too embarressed to show people how stupid they were. Guess those days are long gone. Seeing by the dumbass things said by the anti-gun nutters here I can only assume that nowadays the liberals have no shame left and don't care how many people see how stupid they really are.

This post is even more ironic than the last one.
There is one thing I've learned in reading the threads on this site: many of the people who are pro-guns are not really interested in the 2nd Amendment, they are salivating to kill be judge, jury and kill someone they don't just experience the thrill and power of killing someone, anyone...they'll manufacture any reason they think that will allow them to get away with it.

Yup. We have approx 80,000,000 people in this nation that believe in the 2nd Amendment and own firearms and who according to you, many of them are salivating to kill someone. That being the case let's say even 1% of them are like you say, we'd have what? 800,000 thousand killings a year committed by legal gun owners. Hmmm, seems to me you're full of crap. Seems to me you're an idiot bloviating on a topic you know absolutely nothing about. I always wonder how people that are so blatantly stupid make it to adulthood.

First, your logic is very faulty. Second, your post is very ironic.

You're the idiot that stated many gun owners salivate over killing someone and look for any reason they can to do it and get away with it. I think your exact words were; "many of the people who are pro-guns are salivating to kill be judge, jury and kill someone they don't just experience the thrill and power of killing someone, anyone...they'll manufacture any reason they think that will allow them to get away with it". Now as for logic, you stated many, I went with 1%, which is far, far, far, far from many, and said if what you said was true, we should have at LEAST this many killings committed by legal firarms owners, thinking that if you own a firearm you ARE a supporter of the 2nd Amendment and I showed your statement to be exactly what it is, pure, unadulterated horseshit, nothing but the rantings of a lunatic and a moron. Piss off now darling, you've proven yourself to be a moron and the opinions of morons are worthless.
The stupidity, and the shamelss willingness to openly share that blatant stupidy with others, shown by the anti-gun nutters here amazes me. I remember a time when people where actually too embarressed to show people how stupid they were. Guess those days are long gone. Seeing by the dumbass things said by the anti-gun nutters here I can only assume that nowadays the liberals have no shame left and don't care how many people see how stupid they really are.

This post is even more ironic than the last one.

You're obviously in the group I was directing this statment at. Thanks for responding.

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