Sorry, Gun Nuts: Hitler Actually Relaxed Most Gun Laws

I have done none of that, you lying sack of shit. I proved the OP's passionate defense of Nazism is bullshit.

Yup, every time you cry about legitimate law making and citizens having to open laws we have here you open up with "nazi" and "socialist" and "boot licking" and so forth and so on.
More lies from a pathological liar. Not at all surprising.

All are invited to daveman's history on the board for a wonderful example of pathology of falsehood.
I have done none of that, you lying sack of shit. I proved the OP's passionate defense of Nazism is bullshit.

Where is the OP defending Nazis?

That's a pretty major leap of logic without a kernel of evidence.
Logic? You know nothing of logic.

I don't know Reptile logic no.

Or insect logic.

But human logic? I do know it.

And while your logic passes the insect and reptile tests.

It does not pass the human test.
TeaP members have trouble speaking, so here is the youtube video from June 2010 to help them.

[ame=]NPR: How To Speak Tea Bag - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry, Gun Nuts: Hitler Actually Relaxed Most Gun Laws

Here's the deal, oh, sweet, stupid gun nuts: Have a history lesson. Gun control laws had nothing to do with the rise of the Nazis or the Holocaust. In fact, they were initially part of the Treaty of Versailles at the end of World War I, punishing Germany by eliminating private ownership of guns. In the Weimar Republic, new laws liberalized gun ownership, allowing hunting rifles and more. The other gun control laws in Germany post-WWI were specifically put in to prevent armed takeover of the government by groups like the Nazi Party, which did not, in fact, stage a coup, but used electoral power to solidify its hold on the government (along with the Gestapo and the repression of demonized Communist groups). In fact, Hitler and the Third Reich opened up gun ownership even more, even if they did ban all Jews from owning guns. Yeah, the 1938 law said "a hunting license entitles the holder to carry firearms and handguns." That was new. It also lowered the age of gun ownership from 20 to 18 and changed one-year permits to three-year.

Oh, by the way, the law also took away any "stabbing weapons" from Jews. And if the Jews had been more strongly armed and attacked the government, all that would have happened is that even more people would have turned on them because the propaganda that said that evil Jews wanted to enslave the country would have appeared to be proven true. No, the Holocaust wouldn't have been worse. But it would still have happened. (This leaves out the enormous amount of armed Jewish resistance against the Nazis.)

The Rude Pundit understands that there's a lot of people out there who like to fellate their guns and call it love. He understands that there's so many who are jonesing for that first rampaging black man to come bursting in during a race riot so they can finally find out what really happens when Bushmaster fire hits human flesh. He understands that there's a whole lot of people invested in chasing the phantoms of resistance, as if they could actually survive if the government turns on us.

If you think you need to be armed with assault weapons because you might have to fight a government that wants to take your assault weapons away through laws passed by a legally-elected body, you are a traitor and kind of a dick. And if that's the best you've got for your argument on why you need to have military style weapons, then you, dear, dumb friend, are believing a whole heaping shovelful of lies.

Come, fantasize for a moment about something other than Jesus with a strap-on shaped like a Ruger reaming your asshole. Fantasize that many non-Jewish Germans opposed Hitler and wanted to rise up against him. You know what would have happened? The enormous Nazi army would have massacred them. The Third Reich existed because the German people wanted it to exist. Give it up.

Fantasize now that the American government wants you dead. Fantasize about the sound of that drone carrying missiles. It's a nearly silent whoosh. You hear it? You think your semi-automatic whatever could stop it? Now imagine being turned into blood vapor.

Really, though, it's never gonna happen. And neither is the race war. And chances are pretty damn good that you're never gonna get to point a gun at anyone other than a family member or yourself.

But, if nothing else, give up the Nazi analogy. Considering all the Nazi shit that shows up at gun shows in an approving way, you just look like hypocritical yahoos attempting to be smart, and that's just fuckin' pathetic.


You don't see anything wrong with playing the Hitler card?
I do!

The FOX/Rush/Sean wingnuts should stop playing it immediately.
If you think you need to be armed with assault weapons because you might have to fight a government that wants to take your assault weapons away through laws passed by a legally-elected body, you are a traitor and kind of a dick


When I see this in bold and someone truly believing in what they are typing, I'm almost speechless. What in the heck???? Where in the hell did we go wrong to even have one US Citizen state and believe in what he just stated above?

I guess you missed the legally-elected body part.
It is the people who would pass such laws and lemmings like yourself who support government authoritarianism and oppression who are the traitors and far worse than a dick. Are you really this much of a coward?

Perhaps you would be more comfortable living in Cuba.
I guess you missed the legally-elected body part.

Why do you assume I missed it. It's irrelevant. Being legally elected has nothing to do with the ability to be treasonous. I guess you missed out on the education part.

In whose opinion? At that point, not the law's. So if it's just your opinion, you are correct: it's irrelevant.
I guess he doesn't dave. :lol:

More likely, he recognizes that he has a losing argument.
I've never used the Nazi's gun laws argument, you retard.

Nevertheless, you're just going to have to accept that not everyone joins you in mindless, slavish worship of your little tin god.

You must have a guilty conscience - nobody has accused you.

As The Right-Wing Media Compare Obama To Hitler, Fox Stokes Fears Over Civil War | Blog | Media Matters for America

Illinois bishop compares Obama actions to Hitler's | Fox News

Ohio GOP Congressional Candidate Compares Obama To Hitler, Stalin, And Mao | Mediaite

Hank Williams Jr. Compares Obama To Hitler, Gets Pulled From 'Monday Night Football' (VIDEO)

Fox's Napolitano Cites Stalin And Hitler To Attack Proposals For Stronger Gun Laws.

Fox Guest Lars Larson Compares Mandating Assault Weapon Registration To "Nazi Germany" Asking, "Your Papers, Please."

Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Invokes Hitler, Stalin, Mao In CNN Gun Rant.

Fox Guest Compares Gun Laws To Nazi Policies. On the January 7 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends, co-host Steve Doocy suggested to former Marine Joshua Boston that people "are worried that the federal government will come after your guns." Boston responded that similar policies were implemented with "Stalin, in Cambodia, and then of course the Third Reich."

Beck: The "End Of The Progressive Road" Is "Nazis Or Communists" Or White Supremacists

Beck On People Who Say Hitler's Atrocities Couldn't Happen Here: "Well, Did The Germans Think That It Could?"

O'Reilly Said Liberals Who Support Stronger Gun Laws Are "Totalitarians," Compared Them To Hitler.

Dumbass. :lol:
daveman compares our democratic Rule of Law country to Nazi Germany, compares our elected officials to Nazis. That is pure crazy evil on daveman's part. He sounds as wack as bripat.

I have done none of that, you lying sack of shit. I proved the OP's passionate defense of Nazism is bullshit.

Where is the OP defending Nazis?

That's a pretty major leap of logic without a kernel of evidence.
He's a retard, still butthurt from Obama's landslide victory.
Your argument is illogical. When people connect the two events, the purpose is two point out the effects of disarming a group of people. It doesn't matter whether the group of people are Jewish or another part of the population. Disarmed citizens are put at a disadvantage, they are at the mercy of those who have arms. Your post accomplishes nothing, you are attempting to disprove the connection between disarming people and the dangers associated with it. The problem with your logic lies in the fact that you are grossly overgeneralizing and drawing an invalid conclusion based on false logic. Lets not forget that Hitler believed that the pure German people, the Aryans, were the master race, therefore, why would he attempt to disarm the masters?
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Repressive governments go out of their way to disarm the public. The founding fathers realized this, thus the second amendment.

I was talking to an eldery Czech friend. He was surprised at the right to bear arms enshrined in the US Constitution. He told me that in the communist era, the last thing the government wanted were armed citizens. They were sure that if an invasion took place, the armed citizens would invariably turn on the police and the StP, the Czech version of the KGB.
No wait you can't he murdered them.
Sorry, but you twisted and skewed the historical accuracy of this whole thread. Maybe someday, in someway a liberal will be honest.
Sorry dumbass Hitler only relaxed the laws for certain citizens not for Germans in general. The dems want the same thing here. They, those in power and those that support those in power, stay armed, the rest of us nope. Try to remember what happened to the people in Germany that the retrictive guns laws effected dumbass. If you think the govt has the right to ignore the Constitution, or to change it to suit their agenda, without going through the proper, Constitutionally mandated, processes for changing it, you are some kind of traitor and a dick.
There is one thing I've learned in reading the threads on this site: many of the people who are pro-guns are not really interested in the 2nd Amendment, they are salivating to kill be judge, jury and kill someone they don't just experience the thrill and power of killing someone, anyone...they'll manufacture any reason they think that will allow them to get away with it.
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There is one thing I've learned in reading the threads on this site: many of the people who are pro-guns are not really interested in the 2nd Amendment, they are salivating to kill be judge, jury and kill someone they don't just experience the thrill and power of killing someone, anyone...they'll manufacture any reason they think that will allow them to get away with it.

No, that's just another assumption. Most people want to keep the means to protect their most fundamental rights. I don't have life insurance because I want to die, and I DO NOT own a gun because I want to kill... You people really do have a narrow mind :) It's really less about guns and more about understanding the darker side of human nature.
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There is one thing I've learned in reading the threads on this site: many of the people who are pro-guns are not really interested in the 2nd Amendment, they are salivating to kill be judge, jury and kill someone they don't just experience the thrill and power of killing someone, anyone...they'll manufacture any reason they think that will allow them to get away with it.

No, that's just another assumption. Most people want to keep the means to protect their most fundamental rights. I don't have life insurance because I want to die, and I DO NOT own a gun because I want to kill... You people really do have a narrow mind :) It's really less about guns and more about understanding the darker side of human nature.

I didn't say everyone who was pro-gun was like that, I said 'many.' Based on what I've read on many threads here, many pro-gun people express glee, excitement, passion, etc., at the idea of blowing someone away. It gives the impression they'd just love it if someone broke into their home so they could blow someone away (given the posts in the thread about the olympic athlete who killed his girlfriend), or to be in a situation like the father who killed the guy who was responsible for the accident where his boys died, or to blow anyone away who threatens their own security in some way. They'd love to blow away a mugger on the street, or kill a child molester, etc. All without waiting for the law to take its course because they don't believe the law does what it should do. They believe in vigilante justice and want to be a part of it. It's exciting to them and makes them feel powerful. That's what I read in many posts here. It isn't about having a narrow mind. In fact, it is not even something I had thought about before coming to this site. Previously I believed that most pro-gun people were about the constitution, but I see from being here, it is really something very different. It was an epiphany.

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