Sorry President Trump, January 6th Is Not An Election Do Over

President Trump and his supporters are trying to turn the Jan. 6 congressional session for counting electoral college votes into something that it is not and was never intended to be: a forum for litigating Trumpā€™s claims of voter fraud. The Constitution and the Electoral Count Act of 1887 intended the Jan. 6 session to address a narrow question: Are the electoral votes received by Congress ones cast by electors the states appointed?

Republican congressmen who try to use that day to dispute the election will find themselves running afoul of the law.

Don't panic. Jumpin' Joe will either get confirmed or launched I mean it's one or the other. Its been REAL quiet on the Trump front so that tells me that the Trumpsters have been very busy planning a surprise reception for ole Joe & his supporters, a surprise that they'll never forget! The question is, will it be a pleasant surprise or a surprise that will drop ole Joe & his supporters to their knees for the eight count???

Trumps already on his back for the eight count !! One Term Loser, ex game show host ! One and done GTFO !!
Jumpin Joe got this !
Jumping Joe the pedoā€™s days are numbered. Anyone want to place bets as to what happens first? 1) he gets COVID and croaks 2) Pelosi starts the process to claim he is unfit and inserts a replacement?
Pedo that is rich coming from someone who supports a pussy grabbing . Rapist

Trump Rape Accuser ā€˜Stunned' at DOJ No-Show for Court Hearing
Biden raped a staffer or did you forget that? He also exposed himself to members of the secret service...nevermind his pedo creepiness. But then lefties love pedoā€™s so Iā€™m not exactly shocked that you protect them.
Not suprised the left would go after a rape victim to protect an elitist career politician. Iā€™m suprised they didnā€™t just knock her off like they did Seth Rich though. I guess ruining her life for speaking out is more fun.
lying And ruining lifeā€™s you would know all about ..
Lefties sure jump through hoops to protect corrupt democrats and pedophiles. Pedo Joe even raised a crackhead incestuous pedophile and rapist to follow in his foot steps and you will suck his balls too...

Only pedo is your Orange Jesus!
one term loser !! Enjoy January 6th
Pedo Joeā€™s days are numbered doubt he even lasts 6 mos. The democrats are not going to let that drooling child molesting baffoon run anything. lol.
Iā€™ll take joe !!!
View attachment 435064
Of course you would he is a dementia laden half wit. As are his supporters. That has already been established.

What has happened to Fat Donnie?

Seems all he does now is golf and complain about decorating Mara Lago
Biden just told the world that Harris is actually the president elect. Guess the cat is out of the bag now. Even the drooling baffoon knows he is a fraud.
The fact that most Trump supporters have no idea how the process actually works is more telling. Most of them truly believe that Trump will be declared President at the end of the day on January 6th.....hate to break it to ya..but. :auiqs.jpg:
He wouldnā€™t be declared President on the 6th, the electoral votes would be officially contested.
He been trying to avoid this crack-pot kinda shit for a while now.
I don't know how he threads this needle with the Trumpsters.

One theory I've seen is that he'll allow the Trumpster congressmen to bitch and moan all they want in speeches on the sixth to keep them in good graces with the base.

I guess that could work, who knows.
He been trying to avoid this crack-pot kinda shit for a while now.
I don't know how he threads this needle with the Trumpsters.

One theory I've seen is that he'll allow the Trumpster congressmen to bitch and moan all they want in speeches on the sixth to keep them in good graces with the base.

I guess that could work, who knows.

He's desperately trying to have a career after this is over.

Personally I think it's a vain hope.
He been trying to avoid this crack-pot kinda shit for a while now.
I don't know how he threads this needle with the Trumpsters.

One theory I've seen is that he'll allow the Trumpster congressmen to bitch and moan all they want in speeches on the sixth to keep them in good graces with the base.

I guess that could work, who knows.

He's desperately trying to have a career after this is over.

Personally I think it's a vain hope.
Well, they're all going to have the Trump Stinkā„¢ on them.

But we both know there will be a job market for them in TrumpWorld. They'll be fine.
He been trying to avoid this crack-pot kinda shit for a while now.
I don't know how he threads this needle with the Trumpsters.

One theory I've seen is that he'll allow the Trumpster congressmen to bitch and moan all they want in speeches on the sixth to keep them in good graces with the base.

I guess that could work, who knows.

He's desperately trying to have a career after this is over.

Personally I think it's a vain hope.
Well, they're all going to have the Trump Stinkā„¢ on them.

But we both know there will be a job market for them in TrumpWorld. They'll be fine.
A job, yes. Not a political career.
He been trying to avoid this crack-pot kinda shit for a while now.
I don't know how he threads this needle with the Trumpsters.

One theory I've seen is that he'll allow the Trumpster congressmen to bitch and moan all they want in speeches on the sixth to keep them in good graces with the base.

I guess that could work, who knows.

He's desperately trying to have a career after this is over.

Personally I think it's a vain hope.
Well, they're all going to have the Trump Stinkā„¢ on them.

But we both know there will be a job market for them in TrumpWorld. They'll be fine.
A job, yes. Not a political career.
Yeah, could be. I'm tempted to say that they'd have plenty of room in the GOP, but there's really no way of knowing which direction the party will go.
President Trump and his supporters are trying to turn the Jan. 6 congressional session for counting electoral college votes into something that it is not and was never intended to be: a forum for litigating Trumpā€™s claims of voter fraud. The Constitution and the Electoral Count Act of 1887 intended the Jan. 6 session to address a narrow question: Are the electoral votes received by Congress ones cast by electors the states appointed?

Republican congressmen who try to use that day to dispute the election will find themselves running afoul of the law.

Don't panic. Jumpin' Joe will either get confirmed or launched I mean it's one or the other. Its been REAL quiet on the Trump front so that tells me that the Trumpsters have been very busy planning a surprise reception for ole Joe & his supporters, a surprise that they'll never forget! The question is, will it be a pleasant surprise or a surprise that will drop ole Joe & his supporters to their knees for the eight count???

Trumps already on his back for the eight count !! One Term Loser, ex game show host ! One and done GTFO !!
Jumpin Joe got this !
Jumping Joe the pedoā€™s days are numbered. Anyone want to place bets as to what happens first? 1) he gets COVID and croaks 2) Pelosi starts the process to claim he is unfit and inserts a replacement?
Pedo that is rich coming from someone who supports a pussy grabbing . Rapist

Trump Rape Accuser ā€˜Stunned' at DOJ No-Show for Court Hearing
Biden raped a staffer or did you forget that? He also exposed himself to members of the secret service...nevermind his pedo creepiness. But then lefties love pedoā€™s so Iā€™m not exactly shocked that you protect them.
Not suprised the left would go after a rape victim to protect an elitist career politician. Iā€™m suprised they didnā€™t just knock her off like they did Seth Rich though. I guess ruining her life for speaking out is more fun.
lying And ruining lifeā€™s you would know all about ..
Lefties sure jump through hoops to protect corrupt democrats and pedophiles. Pedo Joe even raised a crackhead incestuous pedophile and rapist to follow in his foot steps and you will suck his balls too...

Only pedo is your Orange Jesus!
one term loser !! Enjoy January 6th
Pedo Joeā€™s days are numbered doubt he even lasts 6 mos. The democrats are not going to let that drooling child molesting baffoon run anything. lol.
Trump was a dreadful mistake and a dreadful president, he was voted out of office accordingly, and appropriately so, consistent with the will of the majority of the people.
President Trump and his supporters are trying to turn the Jan. 6 congressional session for counting electoral college votes into something that it is not and was never intended to be: a forum for litigating Trumpā€™s claims of voter fraud. The Constitution and the Electoral Count Act of 1887 intended the Jan. 6 session to address a narrow question: Are the electoral votes received by Congress ones cast by electors the states appointed?

Republican congressmen who try to use that day to dispute the election will find themselves running afoul of the law.

Don't panic. Jumpin' Joe will either get confirmed or launched I mean it's one or the other. Its been REAL quiet on the Trump front so that tells me that the Trumpsters have been very busy planning a surprise reception for ole Joe & his supporters, a surprise that they'll never forget! The question is, will it be a pleasant surprise or a surprise that will drop ole Joe & his supporters to their knees for the eight count???

Trumps already on his back for the eight count !! One Term Loser, ex game show host ! One and done GTFO !!
Jumpin Joe got this !
Jumping Joe the pedoā€™s days are numbered. Anyone want to place bets as to what happens first? 1) he gets COVID and croaks 2) Pelosi starts the process to claim he is unfit and inserts a replacement?
Pedo that is rich coming from someone who supports a pussy grabbing . Rapist

Trump Rape Accuser ā€˜Stunned' at DOJ No-Show for Court Hearing
Biden raped a staffer or did you forget that? He also exposed himself to members of the secret service...nevermind his pedo creepiness. But then lefties love pedoā€™s so Iā€™m not exactly shocked that you protect them.
Not suprised the left would go after a rape victim to protect an elitist career politician. Iā€™m suprised they didnā€™t just knock her off like they did Seth Rich though. I guess ruining her life for speaking out is more fun.
lying And ruining lifeā€™s you would know all about ..
Lefties sure jump through hoops to protect corrupt democrats and pedophiles. Pedo Joe even raised a crackhead incestuous pedophile and rapist to follow in his foot steps and you will suck his balls too...

Only pedo is your Orange Jesus!
one term loser !! Enjoy January 6th
Pedo Joeā€™s days are numbered doubt he even lasts 6 mos. The democrats are not going to let that drooling child molesting baffoon run anything. lol.
Iā€™ll take joe !!!
View attachment 435064
Of course you would he is a dementia laden half wit. As are his supporters. That has already been established.

What has happened to Fat Donnie?

Seems all he does now is golf and complain about decorating Mara Lago
Biden just told the world that Harris is actually the president elect. Guess the cat is out of the bag now. Even the drooling baffoon knows he is a fraud.
You know what I always found funny about our Vice Presidents?

Mike Pence always refers to Trump as ā€œMr Presidentā€ or ā€œPresident Trumpā€ NEVER Don or Donald

Biden always called Obama ā€œBarackā€ while Harris calls Biden ā€œJoeā€

Reveals a lot about the relationship
President Trump and his supporters are trying to turn the Jan. 6 congressional session for counting electoral college votes into something that it is not and was never intended to be: a forum for litigating Trumpā€™s claims of voter fraud. The Constitution and the Electoral Count Act of 1887 intended the Jan. 6 session to address a narrow question: Are the electoral votes received by Congress ones cast by electors the states appointed?

Republican congressmen who try to use that day to dispute the election will find themselves running afoul of the law.

Don't panic. Jumpin' Joe will either get confirmed or launched I mean it's one or the other. Its been REAL quiet on the Trump front so that tells me that the Trumpsters have been very busy planning a surprise reception for ole Joe & his supporters, a surprise that they'll never forget! The question is, will it be a pleasant surprise or a surprise that will drop ole Joe & his supporters to their knees for the eight count???

Trumps already on his back for the eight count !! One Term Loser, ex game show host ! One and done GTFO !!
Jumpin Joe got this !
Jumping Joe the pedoā€™s days are numbered. Anyone want to place bets as to what happens first? 1) he gets COVID and croaks 2) Pelosi starts the process to claim he is unfit and inserts a replacement?
Pedo that is rich coming from someone who supports a pussy grabbing . Rapist

Trump Rape Accuser ā€˜Stunned' at DOJ No-Show for Court Hearing
Biden raped a staffer or did you forget that? He also exposed himself to members of the secret service...nevermind his pedo creepiness. But then lefties love pedoā€™s so Iā€™m not exactly shocked that you protect them.
Not suprised the left would go after a rape victim to protect an elitist career politician. Iā€™m suprised they didnā€™t just knock her off like they did Seth Rich though. I guess ruining her life for speaking out is more fun.
lying And ruining lifeā€™s you would know all about ..
Lefties sure jump through hoops to protect corrupt democrats and pedophiles. Pedo Joe even raised a crackhead incestuous pedophile and rapist to follow in his foot steps and you will suck his balls too...

Only pedo is your Orange Jesus!
one term loser !! Enjoy January 6th
Pedo Joeā€™s days are numbered doubt he even lasts 6 mos. The democrats are not going to let that drooling child molesting baffoon run anything. lol.
Iā€™ll take joe !!!
View attachment 435064
Of course you would he is a dementia laden half wit. As are his supporters. That has already been established.

lol ... it has not been 'established ' because it's not true. it's only projection - coming from your psychopathic demented leader.
President Trump and his supporters are trying to turn the Jan. 6 congressional session for counting electoral college votes into something that it is not and was never intended to be: a forum for litigating Trumpā€™s claims of voter fraud. The Constitution and the Electoral Count Act of 1887 intended the Jan. 6 session to address a narrow question: Are the electoral votes received by Congress ones cast by electors the states appointed?

Republican congressmen who try to use that day to dispute the election will find themselves running afoul of the law.

Don't panic. Jumpin' Joe will either get confirmed or launched I mean it's one or the other. Its been REAL quiet on the Trump front so that tells me that the Trumpsters have been very busy planning a surprise reception for ole Joe & his supporters, a surprise that they'll never forget! The question is, will it be a pleasant surprise or a surprise that will drop ole Joe & his supporters to their knees for the eight count???

Trumps already on his back for the eight count !! One Term Loser, ex game show host ! One and done GTFO !!
Jumpin Joe got this !
Jumping Joe the pedoā€™s days are numbered. Anyone want to place bets as to what happens first? 1) he gets COVID and croaks 2) Pelosi starts the process to claim he is unfit and inserts a replacement?
Pedo that is rich coming from someone who supports a pussy grabbing . Rapist

Trump Rape Accuser ā€˜Stunned' at DOJ No-Show for Court Hearing
Biden raped a staffer or did you forget that? He also exposed himself to members of the secret service...nevermind his pedo creepiness. But then lefties love pedoā€™s so Iā€™m not exactly shocked that you protect them.
Not suprised the left would go after a rape victim to protect an elitist career politician. Iā€™m suprised they didnā€™t just knock her off like they did Seth Rich though. I guess ruining her life for speaking out is more fun.
lying And ruining lifeā€™s you would know all about ..
Lefties sure jump through hoops to protect corrupt democrats and pedophiles. Pedo Joe even raised a crackhead incestuous pedophile and rapist to follow in his foot steps and you will suck his balls too...

Only pedo is your Orange Jesus!
one term loser !! Enjoy January 6th
Pedo Joeā€™s days are numbered doubt he even lasts 6 mos. The democrats are not going to let that drooling child molesting baffoon run anything. lol.
Iā€™ll take joe !!!
View attachment 435064
Of course you would he is a dementia laden half wit. As are his supporters. That has already been established.

What has happened to Fat Donnie?

Seems all he does now is golf and complain about decorating Mara Lago
Biden just told the world that Harris is actually the president elect. Guess the cat is out of the bag now. Even the drooling baffoon knows he is a fraud.
You know what I always found funny about our Vice Presidents?

Mike Pence always refers to Trump as ā€œMr Presidentā€ or ā€œPresident Trumpā€ NEVER Don or Donald

Biden always called Obama ā€œBarackā€ while Harris calls Biden ā€œJoeā€

Reveals a lot about the relationship

what do you expect from a dude who calls his wife, ' mother ' ...
President Trump and his supporters are trying to turn the Jan. 6 congressional session for counting electoral college votes into something that it is not and was never intended to be: a forum for litigating Trumpā€™s claims of voter fraud. The Constitution and the Electoral Count Act of 1887 intended the Jan. 6 session to address a narrow question: Are the electoral votes received by Congress ones cast by electors the states appointed?

Republican congressmen who try to use that day to dispute the election will find themselves running afoul of the law.

Don't panic. Jumpin' Joe will either get confirmed or launched I mean it's one or the other. Its been REAL quiet on the Trump front so that tells me that the Trumpsters have been very busy planning a surprise reception for ole Joe & his supporters, a surprise that they'll never forget! The question is, will it be a pleasant surprise or a surprise that will drop ole Joe & his supporters to their knees for the eight count???

Trumps already on his back for the eight count !! One Term Loser, ex game show host ! One and done GTFO !!
Jumpin Joe got this !
Jumping Joe the pedoā€™s days are numbered. Anyone want to place bets as to what happens first? 1) he gets COVID and croaks 2) Pelosi starts the process to claim he is unfit and inserts a replacement?
Pedo that is rich coming from someone who supports a pussy grabbing . Rapist

Trump Rape Accuser ā€˜Stunned' at DOJ No-Show for Court Hearing
Biden raped a staffer or did you forget that? He also exposed himself to members of the secret service...nevermind his pedo creepiness. But then lefties love pedoā€™s so Iā€™m not exactly shocked that you protect them.
Not suprised the left would go after a rape victim to protect an elitist career politician. Iā€™m suprised they didnā€™t just knock her off like they did Seth Rich though. I guess ruining her life for speaking out is more fun.
lying And ruining lifeā€™s you would know all about ..
Lefties sure jump through hoops to protect corrupt democrats and pedophiles. Pedo Joe even raised a crackhead incestuous pedophile and rapist to follow in his foot steps and you will suck his balls too...

Only pedo is your Orange Jesus!
one term loser !! Enjoy January 6th
Pedo Joeā€™s days are numbered doubt he even lasts 6 mos. The democrats are not going to let that drooling child molesting baffoon run anything. lol.
Iā€™ll take joe !!!
View attachment 435064
Of course you would he is a dementia laden half wit. As are his supporters. That has already been established.

What has happened to Fat Donnie?

Seems all he does now is golf and complain about decorating Mara Lago
Biden just told the world that Harris is actually the president elect. Guess the cat is out of the bag now. Even the drooling baffoon knows he is a fraud.
You know what I always found funny about our Vice Presidents?

Mike Pence always refers to Trump as ā€œMr Presidentā€ or ā€œPresident Trumpā€ NEVER Don or Donald

Biden always called Obama ā€œBarackā€ while Harris calls Biden ā€œJoeā€

Reveals a lot about the relationship

what do you expect from a dude who calls his wife, ' mother ' ...

Can you imagine Trump allowing ANYONE to address him as an equal?
President Trump and his supporters are trying to turn the Jan. 6 congressional session for counting electoral college votes into something that it is not and was never intended to be: a forum for litigating Trumpā€™s claims of voter fraud. The Constitution and the Electoral Count Act of 1887 intended the Jan. 6 session to address a narrow question: Are the electoral votes received by Congress ones cast by electors the states appointed?

Republican congressmen who try to use that day to dispute the election will find themselves running afoul of the law.

Don't panic. Jumpin' Joe will either get confirmed or launched I mean it's one or the other. Its been REAL quiet on the Trump front so that tells me that the Trumpsters have been very busy planning a surprise reception for ole Joe & his supporters, a surprise that they'll never forget! The question is, will it be a pleasant surprise or a surprise that will drop ole Joe & his supporters to their knees for the eight count???

Trumps already on his back for the eight count !! One Term Loser, ex game show host ! One and done GTFO !!
Jumpin Joe got this !
Jumping Joe the pedoā€™s days are numbered. Anyone want to place bets as to what happens first? 1) he gets COVID and croaks 2) Pelosi starts the process to claim he is unfit and inserts a replacement?
Pedo that is rich coming from someone who supports a pussy grabbing . Rapist

Trump Rape Accuser ā€˜Stunned' at DOJ No-Show for Court Hearing
Biden raped a staffer or did you forget that? He also exposed himself to members of the secret service...nevermind his pedo creepiness. But then lefties love pedoā€™s so Iā€™m not exactly shocked that you protect them.
Not suprised the left would go after a rape victim to protect an elitist career politician. Iā€™m suprised they didnā€™t just knock her off like they did Seth Rich though. I guess ruining her life for speaking out is more fun.
lying And ruining lifeā€™s you would know all about ..
Lefties sure jump through hoops to protect corrupt democrats and pedophiles. Pedo Joe even raised a crackhead incestuous pedophile and rapist to follow in his foot steps and you will suck his balls too...

Only pedo is your Orange Jesus!
one term loser !! Enjoy January 6th
Pedo Joeā€™s days are numbered doubt he even lasts 6 mos. The democrats are not going to let that drooling child molesting baffoon run anything. lol.
Iā€™ll take joe !!!
View attachment 435064
Of course you would he is a dementia laden half wit. As are his supporters. That has already been established.

What has happened to Fat Donnie?

Seems all he does now is golf and complain about decorating Mara Lago
Biden just told the world that Harris is actually the president elect. Guess the cat is out of the bag now. Even the drooling baffoon knows he is a fraud.
You know what I always found funny about our Vice Presidents?

Mike Pence always refers to Trump as ā€œMr Presidentā€ or ā€œPresident Trumpā€ NEVER Don or Donald

Biden always called Obama ā€œBarackā€ while Harris calls Biden ā€œJoeā€

Reveals a lot about the relationship

what do you expect from a dude who calls his wife, ' mother ' ...

Can you imagine Trump allowing ANYONE to address him as an equal?

lol .. that can't be - since he is THE chosen one.
President Trump and his supporters are trying to turn the Jan. 6 congressional session for counting electoral college votes into something that it is not and was never intended to be: a forum for litigating Trumpā€™s claims of voter fraud. The Constitution and the Electoral Count Act of 1887 intended the Jan. 6 session to address a narrow question: Are the electoral votes received by Congress ones cast by electors the states appointed?

Republican congressmen who try to use that day to dispute the election will find themselves running afoul of the law.

One does not run afoul of the law by following The Constitution.
President Trump and his supporters are trying to turn the Jan. 6 congressional session for counting electoral college votes into something that it is not and was never intended to be: a forum for litigating Trumpā€™s claims of voter fraud. The Constitution and the Electoral Count Act of 1887 intended the Jan. 6 session to address a narrow question: Are the electoral votes received by Congress ones cast by electors the states appointed?

Republican congressmen who try to use that day to dispute the election will find themselves running afoul of the law.

One does not run afoul of the law by following The Constitution.
Trump and his supporters are not following the Constitution.

Trump lost the election consistent with the Constitution; the consequence of a fair, honest, lawful election where the overwhelming majority of the voters saw fit to vote Trump out of office.

To seek to overturn the election fails to both follow the Constitution and the will of the American people.
President Trump and his supporters are trying to turn the Jan. 6 congressional session for counting electoral college votes into something that it is not and was never intended to be: a forum for litigating Trumpā€™s claims of voter fraud. The Constitution and the Electoral Count Act of 1887 intended the Jan. 6 session to address a narrow question: Are the electoral votes received by Congress ones cast by electors the states appointed?

Republican congressmen who try to use that day to dispute the election will find themselves running afoul of the law.

One does not run afoul of the law by following The Constitution.
Trump and his supporters are not following the Constitution.

Trump lost the election consistent with the Constitution; the consequence of a fair, honest, lawful election where the overwhelming majority of the voters saw fit to vote Trump out of office.

To seek to overturn the election fails to both follow the Constitution and the will of the American people.

You have zero credibility.

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