"...Sounds A Lot Like" You Know Who

So when do you go out to the Walmart and start stoning your neighbors for working on the Sabbath in defiance of God's commands? Come on, Guy, God's law isn't a buffet line. You either follow all the rules, or you follow none of them.

Or you realize that the people who wrote the bible were bronze age savages and keep it in that context. That works, too.

Unless you happen to be gay.
I don't care if you're queer. You're not gonna teach my child that it's as normal as heterosexuality.
Sounds right out of the Trump playbook

Build resentment to gays, Muslims, immigrants
THEY are the reason you are suffering
Sounds right out of the Trump playbook

Build resentment to gays, Muslims, immigrants
THEY are the reason you are suffering
No one has any resentment to immigrants. Muslims and queers, yeah. They're anti-American. Immigrants for the most part at patriotic. You must be talking about illegals. Liar.
Sounds right out of the Trump playbook

Build resentment to gays, Muslims, immigrants
THEY are the reason you are suffering
People like you are the biggest reason we are suffering. You enable the people destroying this country. You should shave your ass and walk backwards. There might be an award in it.
I don't care if you're queer. You're not gonna teach my child that it's as normal as heterosexuality.

Uh, first, I'm straight.
Secondly, teaching kids to be homophobes is setting them up for failure.

20 years ago, I worked with a young woman who was fired when some bible thumping moron in her department found out she was gay.
Today, they'd fire the Bible thumper.
Uh, first, I'm straight.
Secondly, teaching kids to be homophobes is setting them up for failure.

20 years ago, I worked with a young woman who was fired when some bible thumping moron in her department found out she was gay.
Today, they'd fire the Bible thumper.
So you're a Christophobe.
So you're a Christophobe.

Wouldn't know... most of you Christians are about 100% opposite of what Jesus said. If you guys practiced what Jesus said - compassion for the poor and treating people decently - instead of what he didn't say - hating gays and Mexicans, we might actually have a basis to talk.

If you kept your silly bronze age superstitions in your churches, I wouldn't have a problem with you. It's when you try to impose them on the rest of us, I have an issue. You guys have a long history of abusing people who don't believe what you believe. It's why the Founders (right after they protected slavery and badly defined militias to include gun nuts) actually got one right and established a separation of church and state.
Wouldn't know... most of you Christians are about 100% opposite of what Jesus said. If you guys practiced what Jesus said - compassion for the poor and treating people decently - instead of what he didn't say - hating gays and Mexicans, we might actually have a basis to talk.

If you kept your silly bronze age superstitions in your churches, I wouldn't have a problem with you. It's when you try to impose them on the rest of us, I have an issue. You guys have a long history of abusing people who don't believe what you believe. It's why the Founders (right after they protected slavery and badly defined militias to include gun nuts) actually got one right and established a separation of church and state.
/-----/ " compassion for the poor and treating people decently - instead of what he didn't say - hating gays and Mexicans,"
I can't stop laughing.
1. Republicans give more to charity than democRATs.
2. The poor did better under Trump than now with Banana Republic Joe.

WIPING OUT WAGES: Average American Household Has Lost $7,200 in Income Under Biden​

3. democRATs like you bash Conservatives 24/7 as proven by your hate filled post.
4. There were no Mexicans 2.000 years ago as we know them today, mostly local tribes that weren't from Spain. Besides, no one in the Middle East even knew it existed. So how would Jesus even preach about treating Mexicans fairly?

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1. Republicans give more to charity than democRATs.
2. The poor did better under Trump than now with Banana Republic Joe.
3. democRATs like you bash Conservatives 24/7 as proven by your hate filled post.
4. There were no Mexicans 2.000 years ago as we know them today, mostly local tribes that weren't from Spain. Besides, no one in the Middle East even knew it existed. So how would Jesus even preach about treating Mexicans fairly?

1) Charities are scams... you don't cut programs to the poor to give tax cuts to billionaires and then feel good because they gave a little back to a charity that spent more on parties than assistance.

2) You guys keep pretending 2020 didn't happen. No one was doing well by 2020... poor or middle class.

3) The sad thing is, you deserve to be bashed.. you don't stand for anything anymore but devotion to Trump. Free Trade, Family values, libertrianism... all have fallen to worship of Trump.

4) If Jesus didn't have a position on Mexicans, then why do you Christians spend so much time hating on them? Also, Jesus was God, wouldn't he have known there were Mexicans? I mean, unless you are a Mormon, where you think Jesus made a pit stop to talk to the White Native Americans before going back to Heaven.
1) Charities are scams... you don't cut programs to the poor to give tax cuts to billionaires and then feel good because they gave a little back to a charity that spent more on parties than assistance.

2) You guys keep pretending 2020 didn't happen. No one was doing well by 2020... poor or middle class.

3) The sad thing is, you deserve to be bashed.. you don't stand for anything anymore but devotion to Trump. Free Trade, Family values, libertrianism... all have fallen to worship of Trump.

4) If Jesus didn't have a position on Mexicans, then why do you Christians spend so much time hating on them? Also, Jesus was God, wouldn't he have known there were Mexicans? I mean, unless you are a Mormon, where you think Jesus made a pit stop to talk to the White Native Americans before going back to Heaven.
1. Not all charities are scams, just the ones run by democRATs.
What programs to the poor were ever cut? Name them and the amount.
2. Name one person who claims 2020 didn't happen. I know you mean Covid, but that wasn't anyone's fault.
3. I stand for plenty, national security, plentiful cheap fuel, low inflation, a balanced budget, plus more.
4. The last one is just a word salad, a meaningless dribble that makes no sense. BTW, we don't hate on Mexicans. We hate on criminals who smuggle drugs, sex traffickers, and illegals sneaking over the border. If you can make that simple distinction, there is nothing more I can say to you.
better under trump.jpg
[watch me prove that the opponents of the Right are brainless]

Let's see if you have even two cerebral neurons to rub together: what part of her recommendations do you disagree with, and why?

LOOK! The fascists were right wing all along! :heehee:
1. Not all charities are scams, just the ones run by democRATs.
What programs to the poor were ever cut? Name them and the amount.
2. Name one person who claims 2020 didn't happen. I know you mean Covid, but that wasn't anyone's fault.
3. I stand for plenty, national security, plentiful cheap fuel, low inflation, a balanced budget, plus more.
4. The last one is just a word salad, a meaningless dribble that makes no sense. BTW, we don't hate on Mexicans. We hate on criminals who smuggle drugs, sex traffickers, and illegals sneaking over the border. If you can make that simple distinction, there is nothing more I can say to you.
View attachment 702621
Trump charities. :heehee:
Trump charities. :heehee:
/----/ You are still pushing that hit piece on Trump?
Wouldn't know... most of you Christians are about 100% opposite of what Jesus said. If you guys practiced what Jesus said - compassion for the poor and treating people decently - instead of what he didn't say - hating gays and Mexicans, we might actually have a basis to talk.

If you kept your silly bronze age superstitions in your churches, I wouldn't have a problem with you. It's when you try to impose them on the rest of us, I have an issue. You guys have a long history of abusing people who don't believe what you believe. It's why the Founders (right after they protected slavery and badly defined militias to include gun nuts) actually got one right and established a separation of church and state.
Christians give more than anyone to help the poor. You're ignorant of the Bible, ignorant of Christians, ignorant of what Jesus said, etc. You don't believe or follow him, but you use him as a club to beat others and spread your vile hate and lies.

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