"...Sounds A Lot Like" You Know Who

Here's the better question, why do you on the right need to irrationally hate LGBTQ+ people?
I better question is why do you erroneous assume we hate queer folk?

Or, why do you naively believe.

Or why do you simply lie?

What makes you think we hate?
That is what conservatives have become. Fascists. If someone wants to call themselves gay and marry, why should we interfere? Same thing with transgenders. Being conservative should equate to more freedom for individuals not less.
Yes, why should anybody interfere with society as it has evolved, like when the...

Democrat judges changed the meaning of marriage.

Why should anyone interfere with society, freedom, and the choices anybody makes...

Democrats dictate that they must interfere in our children lives, telling 5 year old boys it is normal to be homosexual when most are naturally repulsed.

Democrats interfere in babies lives, allowing two homosexual men to adopt baby boys when babies naturally want a mother and father.

Democrats interfere recruiting drag queens to read books to children in school.

This subject is nothing but democrats and activists interfering in our lives.
I better question is why do you erroneous assume we hate queer folk?

Or, why do you naively believe.

Or why do you simply lie?

What makes you think we hate?

The absolutely hateful stuff I read on this board every day about gay and trans people.

That's why I think you hate.

And then you prove my point by writing...

Yes, why should anybody interfere with society as it has evolved, like when the...

Democrat judges changed the meaning of marriage.

Why should anyone interfere with society, freedom, and the choices anybody makes...

Democrats dictate that they must interfere in our children lives, telling 5 year old boys it is normal to be homosexual when most are naturally repulsed.

Democrats interfere in babies lives, allowing two homosexual men to adopt baby boys when babies naturally want a mother and father.

Democrats interfere recruiting drag queens to read books to children in school.

This subject is nothing but democrats and activists interfering in our lives.

In short, you hate that these people even exist... why don't you just admit it.

Hey, funny thing, I watched these cartoons of Bugs Bunny crossdressing to fool Elmer Fudd, and guess what, none of the kids I knew who watched this turned out to be gay! Amazing.
The absolutely hateful stuff I read on this board every day about gay and trans people.

That's why I think you hate.

And then you prove my point by writing...

In short, you hate that these people even exist... why don't you just admit it.

Hey, funny thing, I watched these cartoons of Bugs Bunny crossdressing to fool Elmer Fudd, and guess what, none of the kids I knew who watched this turned out to be gay! Amazing.
I am queer, and you claim I hate queers?

You did not grow up with one person that was gay? What a secluded, isolated life you lived. You have zero experience to base your opinion on.

And go ahead and link to that hate you have read. Go ahead.
Not at all. Trump allowed Russian aggression to continue against the Ukraine, even frustrated Congress' attempt to arm the Ukraine to defend herself. You know, for a guy who wasn't Putin's puppet, Trump did a lot to benefit Putin.

When I hear this kind of crap, the first thing I have to ask is, "When did you decide to be straight?" This crap that children can be "indoctrinated", like if the teacher read's "Heather has Two Mommies" to him and suddenly, he's off to the Pride Parade, is just fucking silly.

As for Mexicans... you are fine with them doing the menial jobs, you just don't want them having the same opportunities white immigrants from Europe had. The problem is they are following the law. They are presenting themselves at the border and asking for asylum. That's what our law actually calls for.

She didn't run as a "conservative", she ran as a homophobe... the hallmark of fascism is to find marginalized groups to blame for society's problems.

Actually, Italy has a parliamentary system... it's not quite democracy.

What is perverted? You see, this is one of those things I find amusing about homophobes. At the end of the day, all their arguments boil down to "God Says It's Bad" and "I Think It's Icky!"

Leaving aside the God argument, what do they do that's icky? Fellatio? Cunnilingus? Anal? Because straights so all those things.
She got the most votes. Is that democracy or not? We could split hairs all day, but nothing would change. Let's live and let live. Some you win, some you lose. Too damn bad.
That is what conservatives have become. Fascists.

If someone wants to call themselves gay and marry, why should we interfere? Same thing with transgenders. Being conservative should equate to more freedom for individuals not less.
If gay couples wish to marry, I don’t care. And inasmuch as I don’t care, my government shouldn’t care, either.

If an adult wants to change his or her gender via surgery, I couldn’t care less.

But nothing you offered has fuck all to do with fascism, you asshole.
I am queer, and you claim I hate queers?

You did not grow up with one person that was gay? What a secluded, isolated life you lived. You have zero experience to base your opinion on.

And go ahead and link to that hate you have read. Go ahead.

I've seen a lot of supposed "self-hating' gays on here.. and I don't take you seriously.

If gay couples wish to marry, I don’t care. And inasmuch as I don’t care, my government shouldn’t care, either.

If an adult wants to change his or her gender via surgery, I couldn’t care less.

But nothing you offered has fuck all to do with fascism, you asshole.

Go back
read what I said
Have someone help you with the big words
I've seen a lot of supposed "self-hating' gays on here.. and I don't take you seriously.
you have not seen jack shit and you know even less

but hey, for you to reply any other way is to show how much of a bigot you really are, you think you know people from reading their posts, and then you project onto me that I hate a group of people, yet I am a member of that group.

What is that when you judge people without knowing anything, I will help you, it starts with a B, ends with a T, rhymes with spigot.

What is it that we call people like you, sound it out, then maybe your will understand how ugly you really are.
I've seen a lot of supposed "self-hating' gays on here.. and I don't take you seriously.

Go back
read what I said
Have someone help you with the big words
Nah. You go back and try to grasp that others aren’t obliged to agree with your simplistic idiot claims. And try to craft sentences that actually do that “communication” thing. You don’t understand big words.

That’s ok. Use your usual severely limited vocabulary. We won’t laugh at you. (Yes. We will.)
you have not seen jack shit and you know even less

but hey, for you to reply any other way is to show how much of a bigot you really are, you think you know people from reading their posts, and then you project onto me that I hate a group of people, yet I am a member of that group.

What is that when you judge people without knowing anything, I will help you, it starts with a B, ends with a T, rhymes with spigot.

What is it that we call people like you, sound it out, then maybe your will understand how ugly you really are.

Naw, I infer that you are a homophobic bigot because you say shit like this..

Democrats dictate that they must interfere in our children lives, telling 5 year old boys it is normal to be homosexual when most are naturally repulsed.

Democrats interfere in babies lives, allowing two homosexual men to adopt baby boys when babies naturally want a mother and father.

Democrats interfere recruiting drag queens to read books to children in school.

Don't try to walk this back by saying you are actually gay, because you have all the credibility of Candice Owens getting on Fox News telling Carlson how shiftless the other negroes are.
Nah. You go back and try to grasp that others aren’t obliged to agree with your simplistic idiot claims. And try to craft sentences that actually do that “communication” thing. You don’t understand big words.

I understand you perfectly well.. .you hate gay people. Probably because of your own sexual insecurities. It's pretty stupid, gay dudes aren't going to hit on you.... unless you want them to.
Rightwing, succinct, and correct.

"Every Republican Should Hear New Italian PM Giorgia Meloni’s Message and Make It Their Platform

....she sounds a lot like Donald Trump, though perhaps even more honest about the problems that plague society. “Natural families” are a key to any society’s success and the vast majority of Republicans have bowed to LGBTQIA+ supremacy in one way or another.

She is awesome.
You don't understand Jack, dickhead

Again, when you can discuss the issue intelligently, get back to me.

Can you tell me why gays are bad without some iteration of "God says it's bad" and "I think it's icky" (when it's two dudes).
Naw, I infer that you are a homophobic bigot because you say shit like this..
Yet is you judfing and making determinations without knowing a thing.

Yet is you that is always insulting

Owens, never heard of her, you assume even more.

Your posts stink of bigotry, and being liberal you project
I understand you perfectly well.. .you hate gay people. Probably because of your own sexual insecurities. It's pretty stupid, gay dudes aren't going to hit on you.... unless you want them to.
Hi bitch. Working overtime to be a troll again? You’re too fucking heavy handed to be credible. I don’t care who you hit on. I don’t give a shot that your gay.

And nothing I’ve ever said suggests that I “hate gays.” So you don’t understand any such thing. You just make up shit. You’re a classic loser troll.
Hi bitch. Working overtime to be a troll again? You’re too fucking heavy handed to be credible. I don’t care who you hit on. I don’t give a shot that your gay.

And nothing I’ve ever said suggests that I “hate gays.” So you don’t understand any such thing. You just make up shit. You’re a classic loser troll.

Right, I'll be even some of your best friends are gay... whatever, dude.
Right, I'll be even some of your best friends are gay... whatever, dude.
Sorry dud. Again, I don’t give a shit that you’re gay. I don’t care that other guys may be gay. Doesn’t affect my life. And your guesswork and opinions mean even less.

You are barking up the wrong tree, ya bitch.
Sorry dud. Again, I don’t give a shit that you’re gay. I don’t care that other guys may be gay. Doesn’t affect my life. And your guesswork and opinions mean even less.

You are barking up the wrong tree, ya bitch.

yup, you don't care, unless they start demanding what you take for granted.

When you are privileged, equality seems like oppression.
yup, you don't care, unless they start demanding what you take for granted.

When you are privileged, equality seems like oppression.
You are so me of the assholes who thinks you can tell me what I think and believe. I don’t care who you blow. You’re the one working off shallow stereotypes.

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