Source says Obama had worst grades in Harvard

Did you expect anythign different from LOLberals? They love a good double standard. They dont even have the intellectual prowess to realize they are doing it. Which is the sadest part of all.
Nice work. Now, lets see the evidence for Romney's corruption that led to his obscene wealth.


That's what i thought. You're blowing fucking smoke out your ass.

Either provide evidence to back your claim or stop making false claims.

Blowing smoke what?

Google broke?

The Secret Behind Romney
AP: Romney-Owned Offshore Company Was Invisible for Many Years - Rebecca Kaplan -
Comments: Romney Failed to Disclose Swiss Bank Account Income - ABC News

Tired of this link game.
What I said above is true, harping on this type of thing turns independents off and makes them more sympathetic toward Obama.

I didn't seek out the full transcript of what Rush said, but having listened to him enough, it probably was something along the lines of talking about how ridiculous it is that the left tries to use Harry Reid's statement of an anonymous source saying that Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years as a reason why Romney should bow to them and give them whatever they want. So then, probably, he made an equally ridiculous statement, saying that he heard from a source that Obama has the worst grades of any Harvard graduate ever to illustrate that the left would completely dismiss the claim as ridiculous and not nearly enough reason for Obama to release his college transcripts.

Double standard confirmed.

I don't deny the double standard at all I'm just trying to open some of the people's who dislike Obama eyes to how their rhetoric on this playes out in the minds of independants.

Talking about it here won't make a difference. And it's really no different than the left going after Romney based on taxes, using that to accuse him of being unamerican, evil businessman, wants to screw over the little guy. What say you about that?

I don't think the right is going after Obama for his transcripts at all. You just see that here on this sight which has plenty of far righties.
Try to grasp what Sarcasm and irony means.

I have a full grasp of sarcasm and irony. What I said above is true, harping on this type of thing turns independents off and makes them more sympathetic toward Obama.

We don't need his transcripts to prove his failures as a President, we just need the economic and employment data under his stewardship to do that.
If your a independent this late in the election then you are to fucking stupid to make up your mind. Thats my take on that.......Sort of how Moderate just means to big of a pussy to stand up for what they believe in.

Dude calm down and take a few deep breaths.

I'm a registered independant....that doesn't change whether I support Romney or Obama.

My postings have been crystal clear on my opinions of Obama's Presidency but I'll reiterate them for you. I feel he has completely failed on the domestic front from passing Obamacare to our GDP growth still being lower than normal and our unemployment being higher than normal. I feel he has had some good decisions and some bad decisions as far as foreign policy goes.

At this point I do not want 4 more years of Obama but that doesn't mean I have to act like a jackanapes about things as insignificant as a college transcript.
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you see...I don't give a shit what Romney has in the bank....I give a shit what he stands for corporatism and greed... He's a fuckin' slimy used car salesman.

So you just have an opinion. That's very nice and all, but the world is full of assholes, I mean opinions.

As for standing for corporatism. You think Obama does not stand fo r corporatism?? :lmao:

well...who's the one campaigning in favor of it? Who's the one saying "corporations ARE people, my friend"? Who's the one who outsourced American jobs?

You see, THAT'S the real reason people want to see his tax has nothing to do with "envy"... it has everything to do with character.

I happen to believe thar Romney has none. I work with all kinds of people on a daily basis and I have a pretty good bullshit detector. He reeks of it.

I dont care what these politicans say. they are liars. Obama says what you want to hear and then does the opposite. Romney is just right up front that he wants to maintain the corporatist environment.

As for outsourcing jobs, Obama has outsourced private sector jobs using our tax dollars. At least Romney "may" have been involved in it in teh private sector. Obama has absolutely NO ground to stand on shipping our tax dollars to foreign places to foster outsourcing.

So you think Romney is full of shit, which i agree with, but your bullshit detector fails fuckign miserably to realize Obama is also completely full of shit??? If anything, your detector is fucking broken, dude.

Obama says one thing and does another adn to you - NO PROBLEM!!! Romney says it just like he means it adn you think your detector is good? :lmao:

Get a clue, dude.
I didn't seek out the full transcript of what Rush said, but having listened to him enough, it probably was something along the lines of talking about how ridiculous it is that the left tries to use Harry Reid's statement of an anonymous source saying that Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years as a reason why Romney should bow to them and give them whatever they want. So then, probably, he made an equally ridiculous statement, saying that he heard from a source that Obama has the worst grades of any Harvard graduate ever to illustrate that the left would completely dismiss the claim as ridiculous and not nearly enough reason for Obama to release his college transcripts.

Double standard confirmed.

I don't deny the double standard at all I'm just trying to open some of the people's who dislike Obama eyes to how their rhetoric on this playes out in the minds of independants.

Talking about it here won't make a difference. And it's really no different than the left going after Romney based on taxes, using that to accuse him of being unamerican, evil businessman, wants to screw over the little guy. What say you about that?

I don't think the right is going after Obama for his transcripts at all. You just see that here on this sight which has plenty of far righties.

I'm talking about the same topic in two threads. Here is my take on it.

Lets compare the two

Hiding a college transcript v hiding tax returns

Hiding a college transcript could be used to cover up
- getting a bad grade
- dropped and incomplete classes
- being allowed to withdraw from a class after the drop date

Hiding a tax return cold be used to cover up
- participation in a taxpayer amnesty program (admission of being guilty of a crime)
- tax penalties paid for not paying taxes on time
- fees received for lobbying Congress

Anyone got anything else?

EXACTLY do you have anything else?

Who cares about Obama's transcrips or Romney's Tax returns.....neither one really will tell us anything important about how obama has been over the last 4 years or how romney might be over the next 4.

That's what i thought. You're blowing fucking smoke out your ass.

Either provide evidence to back your claim or stop making false claims.

Blowing smoke what?

Google broke?

The Secret Behind Romney
AP: Romney-Owned Offshore Company Was Invisible for Many Years - Rebecca Kaplan -
Comments: Romney Failed to Disclose Swiss Bank Account Income - ABC News

Tired of this link game.


Did he break the law? Is this corruption?

Corruption | Define Corruption at

cor·rup·tion   /kəˈrʌpʃən/ Show Spelled[kuh-ruhp-shuhn] Show IPA
1. the act of corrupting or state of being corrupt.
2. moral perversion; depravity.
3. perversion of integrity.
4. corrupt or dishonest proceedings.
5. bribery.

Did he bribe someone?
Dishonest proceedings?
Perversion of integrity?

Being that ,oral implication is subjective, we can not base that definition of the wor in any legally binding way. We must utilize it as a legal matter. As it stands, Romney is not guilty of breaking any laws, bribery or otherwise.

if you want to say he has no inttegrity. That's your opinion. My opinion is different than yours, which means we can not have a legal discussion off this basis.

Learn the difference. It might make you a little less ridiculous.
I can't believe this shit.

Here's Obama's official transcript


Pity it's bollocks.

Have a real letterhead.

So you just have an opinion. That's very nice and all, but the world is full of assholes, I mean opinions.

As for standing for corporatism. You think Obama does not stand fo r corporatism?? :lmao:

well...who's the one campaigning in favor of it? Who's the one saying "corporations ARE people, my friend"? Who's the one who outsourced American jobs?

You see, THAT'S the real reason people want to see his tax has nothing to do with "envy"... it has everything to do with character.

I happen to believe thar Romney has none. I work with all kinds of people on a daily basis and I have a pretty good bullshit detector. He reeks of it.

I dont care what these politicans say. they are liars. Obama says what you want to hear and then does the opposite. Romney is just right up front that he wants to maintain the corporatist environment.

As for outsourcing jobs, Obama has outsourced private sector jobs using our tax dollars. At least Romney "may" have been involved in it in teh private sector. Obama has absolutely NO ground to stand on shipping our tax dollars to foreign places to foster outsourcing.

So you think Romney is full of shit, which i agree with, but your bullshit detector fails fuckign miserably to realize Obama is also completely full of shit??? If anything, your detector is fucking broken, dude.

Obama says one thing and does another adn to you - NO PROBLEM!!! Romney says it just like he means it adn you think your detector is good? :lmao:

Get a clue, dude.

what tax dollars? link?....explanation?........anything?
Did you expect anythign different from LOLberals? They love a good double standard. They dont even have the intellectual prowess to realize they are doing it. Which is the sadest part of all.

Using the words liberals and intellectual in the same sentence is pretty funny
What would you do shed tears on me you bitch? Actually yes I did read his book of lies but apparently you did not....Wost library book ever.

Shed tears on you?

Oh man.

And didn't read the book.

The book you read was "I HATZ OBAMA" by Orly Taitz.
One of The differences between me and you other then me liking women and not crying all the time is that I actually research my positions and you just get fed what your masters tell you.

You liking women? That's rich.

Like not reading Obama's book..I seriously doubt you've ever had a girlfriend. That's basically hard for a fat, pompous, pimply faced adult who lives in Mom's basement listening to Megadeth.

I've had plenty of girlfriends..been married, divorced, and now live with a woman in brooklyn.

And listening to Rush 24/7 while visiting stormfront is not "research"'s self brain washing.

As for crying..yeah..your posts make me laugh so hard..tears come pathetic son of a bitch.
Let me reiterate. If there was anything illegal or particularly damaging to Romney in his tax returns, it would be front page news. The whole demand for release is a ploy to make it look as if Romney has something to hide.
It seems like a foolish move to me, considering that obama hides practically everything about his private life, but with the Media solidly in his corner, I suppose the obama campaign thinks the ploy will be a winner.
That's what i thought. You're blowing fucking smoke out your ass.

Either provide evidence to back your claim or stop making false claims.

Blowing smoke what?

Google broke?

The Secret Behind Romney
AP: Romney-Owned Offshore Company Was Invisible for Many Years - Rebecca Kaplan -
Comments: Romney Failed to Disclose Swiss Bank Account Income - ABC News

Tired of this link game.


Did he break the law? Is this corruption?

Corruption | Define Corruption at

cor·rup·tion   /kəˈrʌpʃən/ Show Spelled[kuh-ruhp-shuhn] Show IPA
1. the act of corrupting or state of being corrupt.
2. moral perversion; depravity.
3. perversion of integrity.
4. corrupt or dishonest proceedings.
5. bribery.

Did he bribe someone?
Dishonest proceedings?
Perversion of integrity?

Being that ,oral implication is subjective, we can not base that definition of the wor in any legally binding way. We must utilize it as a legal matter. As it stands, Romney is not guilty of breaking any laws, bribery or otherwise.

if you want to say he has no inttegrity. That's your opinion. My opinion is different than yours, which means we can not have a legal discussion off this basis.

Learn the difference. It might make you a little less ridiculous.

Here's the deal.

You think Money doesn't have a corrupting influence on power.

I do.

So we are worlds apart.

Shed tears on you?

Oh man.

And didn't read the book.

The book you read was "I HATZ OBAMA" by Orly Taitz.
One of The differences between me and you other then me liking women and not crying all the time is that I actually research my positions and you just get fed what your masters tell you.

You liking women? That's rich.

Like not reading Obama's book..I seriously doubt you've ever had a girlfriend. That's basically hard for a fat, pompous, pimply faced adult who lives in Mom's basement listening to Megadeth.

I've had plenty of girlfriends..been married, divorced, and now live with a woman in brooklyn.

And listening to Rush 24/7 while visiting stormfront is not "research"'s self brain washing.

As for crying..yeah..your posts make me laugh so hard..tears come pathetic son of a bitch.
You ignorant bitch Rush isn't on 24/7 and stalking isn't considered having girlfriends. Maybe you need to actually read obummers book before you make more of a jackass out of yourself. You don't even have to use your welfare money to buy it just take you gay lover to the library and have him find the book and read it to you.

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