Source says Obama had worst grades in Harvard

Here's the deal.

You think Money doesn't have a corrupting influence on power.

I do.

So we are worlds apart.


Seems like you've got the words "corrupt" and "ethical" mixed up when it comes to Romney.
No other President was asked by the opposition to show college records.

Bullshit! Democrap wackjobs hounded Bush about his records! Contrary to the massive Dempcrap liers BS, Bush was smarter than John Kerry. :lol:

USA Today: Who is smarter, Kerry or Bush?

While the general impression during the 2004 presidential campaign was that Democrat John Kerry was the intellectual superior to President Bush, it turns out that their grades while undergraduate students at Yale were remarkably similar. In fact, Bush's were a tad higher. His four-year average was 77; Kerry's 76. Both were C students. Kerry graduated from Yale in 1966; Bush in 1968.

But last year, when Bush and Kerry were campaigning against each other, we only knew Bush's grades, revealed in 1999 during his first presidential campaign by the New Yorker magazine. Kerry's were widely assumed to be much higher, a notion his campaign did little to quell and much to promote.

When Bush's grades were first made public in 1999, he was then the Texas governor and Republican front-runner for the 2000 presidential nomination.
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He's a dumbo.
All dumbos become senior lecturers and are offered full time positions in universities.
Media Inquiries | University of Chicago Law School

not to mention they don't make all that much how DID he afford to buy his $1.65 mansion back in 2005.....?

supposedly his (&Michelle's) income jumped significantly from about $200k to over a million due to sales from his book....but who the heck was buying his autobiography way back in 2005.....?

i also understand that Rezko had connnections to the Muslim Brotherhood....
I can't believe this shit.

Here's Obama's official transcript


Pity it's bollocks.

Have a real letterhead.


So is this official? Because if it is the Obama presidency is illegit. It says he was born in Kenya.
no...the massive WHOOSH you hear is the air that regularly flows between Conservatives' ears....which makes many of the prone to believe the shit that people like Savage, Beck, Limbaugh and the rest of the propagandists spew.

He wasn't "making a joke"......he was creating outrage amongst the weak minded.

It's a point that's pretty stupid too. As the birth certificate shennigans have shown..there is no end to what "credentials" they want the President to show.

At this point, we are past that phase. The President has been the President for over 3 years. He's not applying for the job again. He's seeking a renewel. He has a record as President.

Romney does not.

Following that logic, Romney has to be more transparent than Obama. Yea ok lol.


Did he break the law? Is this corruption?

Corruption | Define Corruption at

cor·rup·tion   /kəˈrʌpʃən/ Show Spelled[kuh-ruhp-shuhn] Show IPA
1. the act of corrupting or state of being corrupt.
2. moral perversion; depravity.
3. perversion of integrity.
4. corrupt or dishonest proceedings.
5. bribery.

Did he bribe someone?
Dishonest proceedings?
Perversion of integrity?

Being that ,oral implication is subjective, we can not base that definition of the wor in any legally binding way. We must utilize it as a legal matter. As it stands, Romney is not guilty of breaking any laws, bribery or otherwise.

if you want to say he has no inttegrity. That's your opinion. My opinion is different than yours, which means we can not have a legal discussion off this basis.

Learn the difference. It might make you a little less ridiculous.

Here's the deal.

You think Money doesn't have a corrupting influence on power.

I do.

So we are worlds apart.


Oh, we agree on that. The difference is you're cheering for one "corrupt" rich guy and clamiing the other is "corrupt" because of HIS money. I'm not votingfor the giant douche or the turd sandwich. You however, are. Then claiming you have some sort of principle.

It's actually quite funny.
I can't believe this shit.

Here's Obama's official transcript


Pity it's bollocks.

Have a real letterhead.


So is this official? Because if it is the Obama presidency is illegit. It says he was born in Kenya.

Actually read everything....C/O William the title of the classes and the grades next to them.....can't you see its a joke? ;)
Yes, i knew it was a joke. This entire thread started with a sarcastic joke and then the LOLberals got ina panty punch where a few epcot meltdowns ensued.

I'm just running with the joke here.
In a reference to allegations levied by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) who said GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid no taxes for 10 years without providing proof, radio host Rush Limbaugh told his audience on Thursday that a source who went to Harvard University with President Barack Obama told him that the President received the lowest grades in the history of the university. Limbaugh said the source further alleged that Obama’s professors would often cover for him when he did not show up to class. “It’s up to Obama to prove it,” said Limbaugh. “The allegation is out there.”

Limbaugh: A Source Told Me Obama Got Worst Grades In Harvard University’s History | Mediaite
Oh sure, and we all believe Limbaugh, don't we.. :lol:

Limbaugh didn't even finish high school, he was so stupid. His mother even said he failed.

I believe Rush as much as I believe Reid, so the burden of proof is as I understand it is, The accusation is out there, Rush doesn't need to prove anything, the burden of proof is on Obama.
Did he graduate from Harvard? If he did, he couldn't have had the worst grades in the history of the school.

Source said he had the worst grades in the history of Harvard graduates....but some of the professors 'helped' him.....

Obviously it's true....unless Barry Hussein releases his grades to prove otherwise.....:eusa_whistle:

The professors 'help' just about everyone there. Grade inflation is rampant at Harvard.
In a reference to allegations levied by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) who said GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid no taxes for 10 years without providing proof, radio host Rush Limbaugh told his audience on Thursday that a source who went to Harvard University with President Barack Obama told him that the President received the lowest grades in the history of the university. Limbaugh said the source further alleged that Obama’s professors would often cover for him when he did not show up to class. “It’s up to Obama to prove it,” said Limbaugh. “The allegation is out there.”

Limbaugh: A Source Told Me Obama Got Worst Grades In Harvard University’s History | Mediaite
Oh sure, and we all believe Limbaugh, don't we.. :lol:

Limbaugh didn't even finish high school, he was so stupid. His mother even said he failed.

I believe Rush as much as I believe Reid, so the burden of proof is as I understand it is, The accusation is out there, Rush doesn't need to prove anything, the burden of proof is on Obama.

No, the burden of proof is on Rush to prove his assertion. Obama will never have to prove anything to a high school dropout. Rush's own mother said he was a fat failure.
In a reference to allegations levied by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) who said GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid no taxes for 10 years without providing proof, radio host Rush Limbaugh told his audience on Thursday that a source who went to Harvard University with President Barack Obama told him that the President received the lowest grades in the history of the university. Limbaugh said the source further alleged that Obama’s professors would often cover for him when he did not show up to class. “It’s up to Obama to prove it,” said Limbaugh. “The allegation is out there.”

Limbaugh: A Source Told Me Obama Got Worst Grades In Harvard University’s History | Mediaite

I guess Rush doesn't know what "magna cum laude" means.

Harvard was in on the conspiracy.

I agree, sources have said he didn't attend over 75% of his classes because he was high on coke.
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In a reference to allegations levied by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) who said GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid no taxes for 10 years without providing proof, radio host Rush Limbaugh told his audience on Thursday that a source who went to Harvard University with President Barack Obama told him that the President received the lowest grades in the history of the university. Limbaugh said the source further alleged that Obama’s professors would often cover for him when he did not show up to class. “It’s up to Obama to prove it,” said Limbaugh. “The allegation is out there.”

Limbaugh: A Source Told Me Obama Got Worst Grades In Harvard University’s History | Mediaite

Oh sure, and we all believe Limbaugh, don't we.. :lol:

Limbaugh didn't even finish high school, he was so stupid. His mother even said he failed.
He's not near as stupid as the murkins who worship-parrot him.
Rush Limbaugh's House - Virtual Globetrotting
Oh sure, and we all believe Limbaugh, don't we.. :lol:

Limbaugh didn't even finish high school, he was so stupid. His mother even said he failed.

I believe Rush as much as I believe Reid, so the burden of proof is as I understand it is, The accusation is out there, Rush doesn't need to prove anything, the burden of proof is on Obama.

No, the burden of proof is on Rush to prove his assertion. Obama will never have to prove anything to a high school dropout. Rush's own mother said he was a fat failure.

Not according to Harry Reid.

He is quoted as saying:
“I am not basing this on some figment of my imagination,” Reid told Nevada reporters Wednesday. “I have had a number of people tell me that.” But he would not expand on his sources. “I don’t think the burden should be on me,” he said. “The burden should be on him. He’s the one I’ve alleged has not paid any taxes.”

So applying Liberal logic, the burden isn't on Rush, the burden should be on Obama, he is the one Rush has alleged he was the worst student in Harvard history.
The President has been the President for over 3 years. He's not applying for the job again. He's seeking a renewel. He has a record as President.

Obama now has a failing record as president. So he must now show his college transcripts in order to prove he was not the failure we now also believe he was there.
I believe Rush as much as I believe Reid, so the burden of proof is as I understand it is, The accusation is out there, Rush doesn't need to prove anything, the burden of proof is on Obama.

No, the burden of proof is on Rush to prove his assertion. Obama will never have to prove anything to a high school dropout. Rush's own mother said he was a fat failure.

Not according to Harry Reid.

He is quoted as saying:
“I am not basing this on some figment of my imagination,” Reid told Nevada reporters Wednesday. “I have had a number of people tell me that.” But he would not expand on his sources. “I don’t think the burden should be on me,” he said. “The burden should be on him. He’s the one I’ve alleged has not paid any taxes.”

So applying Liberal logic, the burden isn't on Rush, the burden should be on Obama, he is the one Rush has alleged he was the worst student in Harvard history.

Oh you think quoting some Senate silliness makes your point more accurate?
no...the massive WHOOSH you hear is the air that regularly flows between Conservatives' ears....which makes many of the prone to believe the shit that people like Savage, Beck, Limbaugh and the rest of the propagandists spew.

He wasn't "making a joke"......he was creating outrage amongst the weak minded.

It's a point that's pretty stupid too. As the birth certificate shennigans have shown..there is no end to what "credentials" they want the President to show.

At this point, we are past that phase. The President has been the President for over 3 years. He's not applying for the job again. He's seeking a renewel. He has a record as President.

Romney does not.

True, with Obama's record as President, he should shit canned immediately, thanks for clarifying that for us.

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