South Africa is still the Most Racist Country in the World!!!


Apr 22, 2007
South Africa White Genocide Escalates: International Groups Seek Solution

However the country ranks that way because of the genocidal black populations attitude and ACTIONS against the innocent, vulnerable white minority.

(1) The have affirmative action for the BLACK majority (what if the US had a policy for white against blacks and Latinos, what would you call that).
(2) They are passing land confiscation 'reforms' on white owned farm land, much in the way the mental midget in Zimbabwae did.
(3) The largest political parties in Africa, INCLUDING the ultra-racist ANC, repeatedly calls for the murder of whites and a call for arms.
(4) Racist black monsters (the ones doing these killings are monsters) are raping, torturing and murdering whites to levels that constitute genocide. The ultra-violence of these murders makes one sick. They pour boiling water down their throats, cut of arms and legs, put babies in pots of boiling oil. It's pure evil.

Funny thing is I will be called a racist or some will say apartheid caused this. Bullshit!
Whites really need to get out ASAP if they don't like being discriminated against. It never was their country to begin with. If Africa is so messed up why dont they move back to Europe?
Whites really need to get out ASAP if they don't like being discriminated against. It never was their country to begin with. If Africa is so messed up why dont they move back to Europe?

They WILLINGLY gave it to the Blacks and it's as much of their country as America is the African Americans country. African Americans scream night and day about the injustice in America, should us whites tell you to get your black asses back to Africa?

Always good to show your arrogance.
How surprising!

Somebody should tell Eric Holder that the U.S. isn't the most racist country.

He'll be so disappointed.
White Europeans built a nation from the jungles of a toilet continent. Then White Guilt took over and the African natives took control. It will soon be a toilet again.
Whites really need to get out ASAP if they don't like being discriminated against. It never was their country to begin with. If Africa is so messed up why dont they move back to Europe?

To a certain extent I'm inclined to agree with you, in that I've never understood why White people stick around in S. Africa when you take into account the undeniable anger directed towards them by Blacks. But, alas, European countries, mainly the UK and the Netherlands, have made it patently clear that they aren't in any way inclined to offer Whites in S. Africa that don't have a grandparent living in either country (if you do, you're automatically entitled to a visa) racial asylum with indefinite leave to remain. So they seem to be between a rock and a hard place, with only their overwhelming and comparatively reliable firepower keeping vengeful Blacks at bay. In any event, I think that at some time in the not-so-distant future things are going to come to a head, and White people in S. Africa will eventually have to leave as a diaspora, much the same as how Jews departed Europe after WWII. But if they've got any sense, they'll raze all the European-built infrastructure the native Blacks have come to take for granted, leaving the place much as their ancestors found it.

But make no mistake, Whites should be the least of African Blacks' concern. China will become the world's #1 superpower in our lifetime, and they aren't hiding their imperial ambitions in Africa. And the Chinese - along with every other ethnicity in the Far East - don't suffer from any form of ethnic guilt complex. Not forgetting most Asians regard Africans as sub-human. So don't be surprised if by 2040 Africans find themselves back in chains... literally.
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Whites really need to get out ASAP if they don't like being discriminated against. It never was their country to begin with. If Africa is so messed up why dont they move back to Europe?

They WILLINGLY gave it to the Blacks and it's as much of their country as America is the African Americans country. African Americans scream night and day about the injustice in America, should us whites tell you to get your black asses back to Africa?

Always good to show your arrogance.

You must not follow history much. The Africans were revolting and the whites knew their time was up. Instead of being killed they willingly gave up control.

You can tell us what you want to safely and from a distance. It doesn't mean its going to happen unless compensated. We didnt come over here of free will so its not the same thing. You personally are a little pussy so I am sure you wouldn't say anything to anyone in person. :lol:
Whites really need to get out ASAP if they don't like being discriminated against. It never was their country to begin with. If Africa is so messed up why dont they move back to Europe?

To a certain extent I'm inclined to agree with you, in that I've never understood why White people stick around in S. Africa when you take into account the undeniable anger directed towards them by Blacks. But, alas, European countries, mainly the UK and the Netherlands, have made it patently clear that they aren't in any way inclined to offer Whites in S. Africa that don't have a grandparent living in either country (if you do, you're automatically entitled to a visa) racial asylum with indefinite leave to remain. So they seem to be between a rock and a hard place, with only their overwhelming and comparatively reliable firepower keeping vengeful Blacks at bay. In any event, I think that at some time in the not-so-distant future things are going to come to a head, and White people in S. Africa will eventually have to leave as a diaspora, much the same as how Jews departed Europe after WWII. But if they've got any sense, they'll raze all the European-built infrastructure the native Blacks have come to take for granted, leaving the place much as their ancestors found it.

But make no mistake, Whites should be the least of African Blacks' concern. China will become the world's #1 superpower in our lifetime, and they aren't hiding their imperial ambitions in Africa. And the Chinese - along with every other ethnicity in the Far East - don't suffer from any form of ethnic guilt complex. Not forgetting most Asians regard Africans as sub-human. So don't be surprised if by 2040 Africans find themselves back in chains... literally.

I see Chinas moves in Africa but I think you mistake the intentions. You and a lot of others are most likely going to be surprised at what happens. There are a lot of African and Chinese partnerships going on that are not reported as everyone wants to paint the Chinese as the boogey man since white influence is dwindling. You wont ever see chains again. You can take that to the bank.
Wales is more racist than the US, according to a KKK wizard who lives there among "true white supremacists.
You know that the northern Chinese actually have white skin.

That doesn't mean they have a white mindset. They were subject to the same conditions that produced "white" people. A vast majority of Asians are brown skinned. Dont let what you see on TV fool you.
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The incredibly long and odious history of oppression against white people in South Africa is shameful!

South Africa sounds like a very interesting place! At least they are thinning human numbers there. This beautiful Earth needs the genocide.
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You know that the northern Chinese actually have white skin.

That doesn't mean they have a white mindset. They were subject to the same conditions that produced "white" people. A vast majority of Asians are brown skinned. Dont let what you see on TV fool you.

Many Europeans and the majority of Caucasians for that matter have brown skin. And what is this white mind set I am supposed to have; I need to know what I am supposed to think?
You know that the northern Chinese actually have white skin.

That doesn't mean they have a white mindset. They were subject to the same conditions that produced "white" people. A vast majority of Asians are brown skinned. Dont let what you see on TV fool you.

Many Europeans and the majority of Caucasians for that matter have brown skin. And what is this white mind set I am supposed to have; I need to know what I am supposed to think?

Thats because some Europeans are mixed, Black, or not white. Caucasians doesn't mean white. White is a subset of the Caucasians. I'm speaking of those that dont have the ability to produce enough melanin in their skin due to environmental factors.
South Africa sounds like a very interesting place! At least they are thinning human numbers there. This beautiful Earth needs the genocide.

The board notes that you find white genocide interesting and a good thing.
South Africa sounds like a very interesting place! At least they are thinning human numbers there. This beautiful Earth needs the genocide.

The board notes that you find white genocide interesting and a good thing.

I certainly do. "The board" can also note that I find genocide OF ANY RACE interesting and a good thing. It's so good for the Earth, you know? :)
South Africa sounds like a very interesting place! At least they are thinning human numbers there. This beautiful Earth needs the genocide.

The board notes that you find white genocide interesting and a good thing.

The board notes that you are a whining racist asshole.

I don't think there is much of a difference between you and him. You both are racist.

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