South Carolina schools may teach gun safety and training

Yes, it's called,........................................wait for it,....................................REALITY. Want to know where milk and eggs come from, because very few people own cows and chickens but somehow they still manage to have milk and eggs in the house. Remarkable.

So just let the various animals over populate, eat until the area is denuded, and let them (and other animals) starve?

Meat does not come from the store. It comes from slaughterhouses that are about as humane as the Nazi concentration camps. It comes from huge farms that have to inject steroids and antibiotics and other chemicals in order to produce what you buy.

And there is a big problem with feral swine devouring crops. Should we try using harsh words to stop them?
No child needs to have anything to do with population control or slaughterhouses. See how great that works, for them?

Why not? Should we not teach them the reality of how the world works? Unless you are talking about small children, at which point you have crossed the line into the ridiculous where this threat is concerned.
They have plenty of time to learn how the world works without using something designed for just one purpose, killing things.

And they have years before they are going hunting. But they can hunt before they are adults. They can join in on a very long tradition, learn an alternative to the slaughterhouse source for meat, and help the environment at the same time.
Some "traditions" we no longer need, like children hunting for example.
So just let the various animals over populate, eat until the area is denuded, and let them (and other animals) starve?

Meat does not come from the store. It comes from slaughterhouses that are about as humane as the Nazi concentration camps. It comes from huge farms that have to inject steroids and antibiotics and other chemicals in order to produce what you buy.

And there is a big problem with feral swine devouring crops. Should we try using harsh words to stop them?
No child needs to have anything to do with population control or slaughterhouses. See how great that works, for them?

Why not? Should we not teach them the reality of how the world works? Unless you are talking about small children, at which point you have crossed the line into the ridiculous where this threat is concerned.
They have plenty of time to learn how the world works without using something designed for just one purpose, killing things.

And they have years before they are going hunting. But they can hunt before they are adults. They can join in on a very long tradition, learn an alternative to the slaughterhouse source for meat, and help the environment at the same time.
Some "traditions" we no longer need, like children hunting for example.

How about we let their parents decide?
Sure. I think gun safety should be optional though as many kids probably won't have to deal with guns in their lives. They all have a penis or vagina though.
Why do you want children to remain ignorant to the dangers of firearms?
So guns are dangerous now?
About like cars. Don't know what you're doing around one and bad things happen. Know what you're doing and things will be fine.
What was your point again?
And driver's ed is optional in school. What's your point?
Obviousy beyond your capacity to understand.
Leftist fanatics have been trying for years to keep people, especially children, away from any hint that guns might actually be useful for good purposes. They have striven unceasingly to keep people terrified at even the slightest mention of a gun, and making sure that no one would have the slightest idea what to do if they actually see a gun (in a gun store or a friend's hands etc.).

Now South Carolina is proposing that children get basic gun and safety training in school - something that used to be common at schools just a few generations ago.

If it passes, this would undermine the left's entire agenda of keeping people terrified of guns. If people - especially children - start realizing that guns are no more dangerous than automobiles or power saws, the leftists will have no end of difficulty restricting or banning them. And if normal people find that guns can actually make societies safer when criminals become afraid of assaulting or robbing a person who might have one and knows how to use it... they might start finding they have no use for leftists any more.

Count on this initiative to be fought with everything the leftists can bring to bear: Insults, screaming, fear, lying, etc. (In other words, they will act as they always do. Only more so.)


SC Schools May Teach Gun Training

SC Schools May Teach Gun Training
House bill calls for 3-week study of 2nd Amendment

By Arden Dier, Newser Staff
Posted Jan 9, 2015 8:12 AM CST

(Newser) – Two new bills could bring gun education, including gun training, to South Carolina students. The first is from Rep. Alan Clemmons, who tells WCIV that teachers don't focus enough on the Second Amendment, and that a lack of knowledge about guns and gun safety implies "the gun is an evil object." He cites the example of a student who got into trouble after writing a story about shooting a dinosaur. Zero-tolerance policies are misguided, says Clemmons, whose bill would have students spend three weeks learning about guns and gun safety each year, based on a curriculum backed by the NRA, the Greenville News reports.

Some aren't keen about involving the NRA in state education, but that's hardly the only element of contention. Clemmons' bill would also create a Second Amendment Awareness Day in all state schools, as well as a poster or essay contest with the theme "The Right to Bear Arms: One American Right Protecting All Others," to be held on Dec. 15. The date has drawn criticism because it's one day after the Sandy Hook school shooting anniversary, though Clemmons says he's open to changing it.
I'll bet they won't begin to teach sex education.
Explain how you are not at least partly at faut when your child dies because you chose to keep him ignorant.
Because kids shouldn't be around loaded guns left unattended.
And how are you not at all at fault because you refused to give your child the knowledge necessary to safe;y handle being around a loaded gun?
Because I'm not putting my kid around loaded guns.
You have no way of making sure your kids will never be around loaded guns.
I thusly ask again:
How are you not at all at fault because you refused to give your child the knowledge necessary to safe;y handle being around a loaded gun?[
Believe it or not, there are many American households without a gun. The home I grew up in was such a home. If my friends had a gun in any of their homes, it was never discussed even among us kids. The neighborhood is still safe and secure. We, along with many many of our fellow citizens were never and have never felt threatened, intimidated, outraged or superior enough to insist on living in a gun culture beyond that of sport shooting.

Guns nor irresponsible gun ownership was not a problem until the advent of the cheap, concealable hand gun, the notorious Saturday Night Special.

And yet, we grew up just fine.
Utter bullshit.
I grew up in a home with a gun. Most of my friends now grew up in homes with lots of guns, some of them their own they got as gifts when they were 10years old.
As long as there have been guns there have been inexpensive guns, wrongly tagged "Saturday Night Specials". I suppose the elites think poor people have no right to self defense.
Gun violence didnt become more problemmatic until 1968 with th Gun Control Act, and later with the rise in drug gangs.
Nope, since you couldn't answer the first. You can however jump in on the woman whose 2-year-old shot her dead in the Wal-Mart just after Christmas? What did she do wrong that said rules would have changed? And here's a hint, there is a rule that applies and she didn't follow it and I'll bet most other women don't either.

Actually, he DID answer it, at least three times. You wishing he didn't has no bearing on the facts, boy!
Lol tough guy? You're a liberal, which means you're a pussy. I bet you would shit yourself if you had to shoot a gun. I'll give you a word of advice, start with a cap gun. There not as loud.
Actually, the real pussies are those too frightened to go out without a gun
I don't always carry, just when I go to the liberal side of town. You know the slums.
So, now the big tough guy is afraid of liberals

Must be tough to go through life in fear
Haven't met one on here i'm afraid of, but say if I'm in a great liberal town like Detroit. You may want to carry, but where I live no need to carry.

You must be pretty skeered if you need a gun gun to go out in public

Most of us chickenshit liberals can go through life without it
Police Teen shot dead by shopper in attempted robbery had missed out on limited-edition shoes Fox News
I guess it's braver just to lie down and die.
It's wonderful that the schools in South Carolina have the time and the money to deepen the gun culture! Their arts and extra-curricular activities must be the envy of the nation! With all that spare time to teach kids to love guns, their love of the arts must know no bounds!
What a shithead you are.
No one ever died because they werent familiar with art or music. But plenty of kids have died because they misused guns out of ignorance.
In the old days many schools maintained a range and a rifle team. And guess what, no one went rampaging through a school shooting people.
The educational priorities are upside down if gun education trumps arts education.

Educators agree with gusto that arts education is necessary for the intellectual well being of students in every grade. Arts education helps deal with leadership skills, conflict resolution and upward social mobility. In other words, arts education accomplishes much of what we expect from general education.

Inculcating students in the gun culture is all well and good so long as actual education isn't the sacrificial lamb in the bargain.

Why are you making the automatic assumption that arts will be dropped in favor of a full time gun safety class?

It will be, at most, one semester. It is an elective. Lighten up on the strawman arguments.
Because they have already cut funding to art, extra curricular activities, special needs education and handicap accessibility. What manner of educator allows the priorities to shift from these programs to gun culture inculcation?
You havent showed they did any of that. Which part of that did you miss?
It's wonderful that the schools in South Carolina have the time and the money to deepen the gun culture! Their arts and extra-curricular activities must be the envy of the nation! With all that spare time to teach kids to love guns, their love of the arts must know no bounds!
What a shithead you are.
No one ever died because they werent familiar with art or music. But plenty of kids have died because they misused guns out of ignorance.
In the old days many schools maintained a range and a rifle team. And guess what, no one went rampaging through a school shooting people.
The educational priorities are upside down if gun education trumps arts education.

Educators agree with gusto that arts education is necessary for the intellectual well being of students in every grade. Arts education helps deal with leadership skills, conflict resolution and upward social mobility. In other words, arts education accomplishes much of what we expect from general education.

Inculcating students in the gun culture is all well and good so long as actual education isn't the sacrificial lamb in the bargain.
Arts breeds queers. Especially liberal arts.
There you go, folks ... Right Wing philosophy.
It's wonderful that the schools in South Carolina have the time and the money to deepen the gun culture! Their arts and extra-curricular activities must be the envy of the nation! With all that spare time to teach kids to love guns, their love of the arts must know no bounds!
What a shithead you are.
No one ever died because they werent familiar with art or music. But plenty of kids have died because they misused guns out of ignorance.
In the old days many schools maintained a range and a rifle team. And guess what, no one went rampaging through a school shooting people.
The educational priorities are upside down if gun education trumps arts education.

Educators agree with gusto that arts education is necessary for the intellectual well being of students in every grade. Arts education helps deal with leadership skills, conflict resolution and upward social mobility. In other words, arts education accomplishes much of what we expect from general education.

Inculcating students in the gun culture is all well and good so long as actual education isn't the sacrificial lamb in the bargain.
Arts breeds queers. Especially liberal arts.
There you go, folks ... Right Wing philosophy.
Can you demonstrate he is wrong?
So.....any more examples of accidental shooting deaths that you think wouldn't be prevented by following the basic safety rules?
When I get bored, I'll post them. I'm not that bored and heading off for a drink.

Translation: "I concede."
Because there are none.
Every accidental shooting I am familiar with, and that's a bunch, happened because people violated the two basic gun safety rules: keep the pointed in a safe direction, keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. Every single one.
So.....any more examples of accidental shooting deaths that you think wouldn't be prevented by following the basic safety rules?
When I get bored, I'll post them. I'm not that bored and heading off for a drink.

Translation: "I concede."
Because there are none.
Every accidental shooting I am familiar with, and that's a bunch, happened because people violated the two basic gun safety rules: keep the pointed in a safe direction, keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. Every single one.

There also seems to be a lot of injuries when the loaded weapon goes off while they are "cleaning it".
the two basic gun safety rules: keep the pointed in a safe direction, keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
Those are certainly the two most important rules.

Slightly further down the list, but also very important, are:

3.) When not actively ready to shoot, always check the gun to make sure it's not loaded.
4.) After checking, then always treat the gun like it IS loaded.
So.....any more examples of accidental shooting deaths that you think wouldn't be prevented by following the basic safety rules?
When I get bored, I'll post them. I'm not that bored and heading off for a drink.

Translation: "I concede."
Because there are none.
Every accidental shooting I am familiar with, and that's a bunch, happened because people violated the two basic gun safety rules: keep the pointed in a safe direction, keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. Every single one.

There also seems to be a lot of injuries when the loaded weapon goes off while they are "cleaning it".
That actually doesnt happen. Or not a lot. What often happens is police show up and find the guy dead from GSW. He's got a wife and life insurance so cause of death becomes "accidentally shot while cleaning gun."

And even where it does happen, again, finger off trigger, gun pointed in safe direction would have prevented the problem.
the two basic gun safety rules: keep the pointed in a safe direction, keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
Those are certainly the two most important rules.

Slightly further down the list, but also very important, are:

3.) When not actively ready to shoot, always check the gun to make sure it's not loaded.
4.) After checking, then always treat the gun like it IS loaded.
I never do those things.
What I tell people, and I am an NRA-certified instructor, is that if follow both rules I laid out, they'll never have a problem. If they follow only one they might have a problem but it will be minor.

Some people add:
Be sure of your target and what lies beyond, and
Match the caliber of the gun, ammunition box, and headstamp.
Both good pieces of advice but for total beginners not absolutely necessary.

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