South Carolina schools may teach gun safety and training

The answer is no. If you dont realize you've lost the argument then you are too stupid for words.
Oh but you already agreed even with following the rules that guns can be defective and accidents will happen correct?
Do accidents happen due to defective manufacture? Yes. Any manufactured item can be defective and it can lead to an accident.
And so what?
So, that's why I'm right and he's wrong. You can do everything right, and still manage to shoot yourself or someone else. That's what happens when guns are around.

No, you can't. I realize you are really, really stupid, so I will try to use small words in the hope that they might sink through that thick skull to your walnut-sized brain: if you do not have a round chambered, the gun CANNOT AND WILL NOT FIRE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Were those words small enough, dimbulb?
There are guns that fire by themselves. You lose.
There are no guns that fire by themselves. Even the vid you posted showed someone doing something to make the gun fire.
Seriously, go home. Quit posting here.
I know, if there is no round in the chamber, what is going to shoot?
Revolvers always fire without a round in the chamber because revolvers don't have chambers. Revolvers have cylinders. Even if you empty the cylinder bore that's lined up with the barrel, a double-action trigger will still discharge a round since a double-action trigger rotates the cylinder as the trigger is pulled.

Likewise most belt-fed weapons fire without a round in the chamber because most belt-fed systoms don't have chambers, they have feed treys. A feed trey is not like a chamber because the round on the feed trey cannot be fired from it's imediate state; the firearm has to strip the round off the belt first.
That's idiotic. A sophomore Ha-Ha.
The charge hole on the revolver is analogous to the chamber.
If you think you scored some kind of point here you're an idiot.
How about this? Does a projectile come out of the gun when there is no bullets in the gun? Yes or no? :D
A projectile can come out of a gun while no bullets are in the gun if a non-bullet projectile such as a pebble gets unknowingly lodged in the barrel and then the gun is loaded with blanks and fired. This is similer to how Brandon Lee died.
A pebble coming out of a gun is a projetile.
Are you this stupid in real life?

And that is not how Brandon Lee died. He died because of ignorance, which is a leading cause of gun related deaths. The crew created their own "dummy" rounds for a scene using primed brass and bullets. But the primer itself creates enough force, in that case, to push the bullet out and it struck Lee and he died.
I know, if there is no round in the chamber, what is going to shoot?
Revolvers always fire without a round in the chamber because revolvers don't have chambers. Revolvers have cylinders. Even if you empty the cylinder bore that's lined up with the barrel, a double-action trigger will still discharge a round since a double-action trigger rotates the cylinder as the trigger is pulled.

Likewise most belt-fed weapons fire without a round in the chamber because most belt-fed systoms don't have chambers, they have feed treys. A feed trey is not like a chamber because the round on the feed trey cannot be fired from it's imediate state; the firearm has to strip the round off the belt first.
That's idiotic. A sophomore Ha-Ha.
The charge hole on the revolver is analogous to the chamber.
If you think you scored some kind of point here you're an idiot.
It's analgeous, yes, but it's not actualy a chamber, so my answer fits the question.

We score points on this forum?
A pebble coming out of a gun is a projetile.
Anything the gun expells is a projectile, including the spent casing out the side. A blunderbus can be loaded with literaly any material to be used as projectiles. A person expelled from their car during an crash is a projectile. You would do well to learn the definitions of words before using them.

And that is not how Brandon Lee died. He died because of ignorance, which is a leading cause of gun related deaths. The crew created their own "dummy" rounds for a scene using primed brass and bullets. But the primer itself creates enough force, in that case, to push the bullet out and it struck Lee and he died.
The primer created enough force to push the bullet into the barrel. Later, blanks were loaded. When the gun fired the blank, that propelled the bullet.
The rules are very simple - see a gun, don't not "handle" it, and run for your life. That is all the Gun Safety any child needs in this day and age. Got it?

That statement was just as stupid the first time you posted it as it is the tenth time you regurgitated it.
Which part? The don't not handle it
The rules are very simple - see a gun, don't not "handle" it, and run for your life. That is all the Gun Safety any child needs in this day and age. Got it?

That statement was just as stupid the first time you posted it as it is the tenth time you regurgitated it.
Nothing stupid about it. It works the same for A-bombs and Anthrax.
I would make a com
The rules are very simple - see a gun, don't not "handle" it, and run for your life. That is all the Gun Safety any child needs in this day and age. Got it?

That statement was just as stupid the first time you posted it as it is the tenth time you regurgitated it.
Nothing stupid about it. It works the same for A-bombs and Anthrax.
It isn't? Work with me then. Define what 'don't not "handle" means'?
I care because I'm trying to explain to WinterBorn that even if all the gun safety rules are followed there will still be accidental shootings, period,
The gun might still be discharged negligently, yes, but "if all gun safety rules are followed" then the gun would be pointed in a safe direction, and thus no one would be harmed.
The answer is no. If you dont realize you've lost the argument then you are too stupid for words.
Oh but you already agreed even with following the rules that guns can be defective and accidents will happen correct?
Do accidents happen due to defective manufacture? Yes. Any manufactured item can be defective and it can lead to an accident.
And so what?
So, that's why I'm right and he's wrong. You can do everything right, and still manage to shoot yourself or someone else. That's what happens when guns are around.

No, you can't. I realize you are really, really stupid, so I will try to use small words in the hope that they might sink through that thick skull to your walnut-sized brain: if you do not have a round chambered, the gun CANNOT AND WILL NOT FIRE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Were those words small enough, dimbulb?
There are guns that fire by themselves. You lose.

Lets see if I can't help you with your reading comprehension.

"No, you can't. I realize you are really, really stupid, so I will try to use small words in the hope that they might sink through that thick skull to your walnut-sized brain: if you do not have a round chambered, the gun CANNOT AND WILL NOT FIRE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES."

So if you follow all the safety rules.....
Butt hurt much?
Your "point" was off point and nugatory. If that's the best argument you can come up with, manufactured items occasionally are defective, then you lost this argument soundly.
The argument is, which I've won BTW, can you follow all the gun safety rules and still shoot someone or yourself? And the answer is yes.
You can follow safe-sex rules and still get an STD. What's your point?[/QUOTE]

Excuse me?? I would love to see how you think you have won that argument.
The better idea, especially for kids, is Just Say No. Clear? No child needs to know how to handle a gun because no child should be touching a gun, ever. It is unnecessary.
Wow, that's exactly what religious radicals say about sex-ed. You are a certified moron, to be sure.
I know, if there is no round in the chamber, what is going to shoot?
Revolvers always fire without a round in the chamber because revolvers don't have chambers. Revolvers have cylinders. Even if you empty the cylinder bore that's lined up with the barrel, a double-action trigger will still discharge a round since a double-action trigger rotates the cylinder as the trigger is pulled.

Likewise most belt-fed weapons fire without a round in the chamber because most belt-fed systoms don't have chambers, they have feed treys. A feed trey is not like a chamber because the round on the feed trey cannot be fired from it's imediate state; the firearm has to strip the round off the belt first.

First of all, revolvers do have chambers. Most have 6 of them in the cylinder.

Second, while the double action cylinder will revolve when the trigger is pulled, it requires significant pressure to do so. Typical double action revolvers require 6 lbs of trigger pull to rotate the cylinder. Not something that will happen when the gun is dropped, carried, or even thrown.

And the rules I posted (NRA Safety Rules) stated not to have a round under the hammer in a single action revolver unless it was one of the modern transfer-bar safety guns.
You can follow safe-sex rules and still get an STD. What's your point?

Excuse me?? I would love to see how you think you have won that argument.
Well it's simple. I just asked you for your point. You didn't give your point. Therefore you lost.

I thought I was quoting the previous post concerning you winning the argument about following all the safety rules and still having a gun kill or injure you.
How about this? Does a projectile come out of the gun when there is no bullets in the gun? Yes or no? :D
A projectile can come out of a gun while no bullets are in the gun if a non-bullet projectile such as a pebble gets unknowingly lodged in the barrel and then the gun is loaded with blanks and fired. This is similer to how Brandon Lee died.

And the old adage of "Treat every firearm as if it were loaded" would apply.
And the old adage of "Treat every firearm as if it were loaded" would apply.
Some on this thread might think my pebble example is stupid, but damnit my first experience with firearms was in army bct and getting mud and crap inside the barrel while crawling around doing all that hoah shit and then firing a blank and sending a piece of bullshit down range is a very real hazard.

Run on sentences ftw.
And the old adage of "Treat every firearm as if it were loaded" would apply.
Some on this thread might think my pebble example is stupid, but damnit my first experience with firearms was in army bct and getting mud and crap inside the barrel while crawling around doing all that hoah shit and then firing a blank and sending a piece of bullshit down range is a very real hazard.

Run on sentences ftw.

Yes, blank rounds can be deadly at close range. As for Brandon Lee, I thought his head injury was from the wadding, not from a bullet? Oh well, the results were the same.
Yes, blank rounds can be deadly at close range. As for Brandon Lee, I thought his head injury was from the wadding, not from a bullet? Oh well, the results were the same.
IIRC, the gun in question was a revolver. It was loaded with rounds which had bulkets and primers for close-up screen shots. In one take the camera watched the shooter pull the trigger. This ignighted the primer and caused what little powder residue that remained in the casing to produce just enough force to push the bullet into the barrel.

In a later take of that same scene, the same gun was loaded with blanks to film a gun fight. While filming, the actor using the gun fired a blank as he was supposed to. That blank fired the bullet lodged inside the barrel and killed Brandon.

It's a good example of the kind of injury one can cause by not showing proper respect for firearms as we do for electricity. IMO basic gun handeling & saftey should have always been part of the manditory highschool curriculum.

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