South Carolina schools may teach gun safety and training

Seriously, this is where liberalism turns nutty. I would ask my fellow liberals to look at the larger picture.

I concede that such training is possibly (if not likely) to have some bad consequences down the road. The kid who gets picked on in 3rd period by Jeff or Jill, will have access to a firearm in 6th period where Jeff or Jill may be in the same class. I further concede that with our cartoonish society and the volumes of mis-information on the web about the consequences of serious actions are characterized as everything from nominal to downright cool, it's probably not the gold of ideas to bring weapons into the schools with a seal of approval from the administration.

All that is conceded. What wins the day however are the facts that we live in a dangerous society so learning about the weapons that contribute to that danger is identical to girls learning about barrier contraception. Its really a matter of self defense. On the same theme as self defense, purchasing a gun and not knowing the first thing on how to use/maintain it maybe more dangerous in some cases for the owner than an intruder breaking into their residence. So why not? Thirdly, when your choices are other topics such as Clothing and Textiles, Pottery, or Football, there is some currency to learning real-world lessons; harsh though they may be.

I can think of a lot of things that I'd rather have taught in school but this isn't a loser of an idea out of the gate. Execution is, as always, the most important thing.
Guns aren't for defense. If you want to teach self-defense by all means do. Guns are for killing things, period.

And I will use the deadly force of a firearm to defend my home and family. To say they aren't for defense is blatantly ignorant or simply lying.
Deadly force to protect your house from what, an attacking foreign army? A band of roaming terrorists? Exactly what is going to come after you that you would need to kill? The kid next door or the drug addict looking for cash and jewelry? Do tell John Wayne.

If the meth head comes into my house when I and my family are there, you betcha!! I will not risk the lives of my loved ones on the hope that he will not harm us.
Why would a drug addict harm you? He's looking for cash and shit to sell now isn't he? Is your shit worth a human life?

The sanctity of my home is worth defending with deadly force. And how do you know, for certain, that the drug addict will not harm me? Are you saying that you are 100% sure of what an addict will do while they are committing a felony?

Once again, if you follow all the safety rules you will not injury or kill anyone by accident.
Well if the cops can't handle a gun I'm not sure who can?

The question is not whether a cop can handle a gun or not. The question is whether you can kill or injury someone by accident when you follow all the safety rules.
And I have already proven that you can. You seem to think that there is some magical way to handle a firearm so that it never points at a living thing, and there isn't.

And if there is no round in the chamber, you have added another layer of safety.

As I said pages ago, the defective gun did not chamber the 1st round by itself.
I'll make sure to tell all those cops out there that the only safe way to carry a gun is unloaded and always pointed at noting at all at all times. I'm sure they will have no problems performing this magical act of yours.
Guns aren't for defense. If you want to teach self-defense by all means do. Guns are for killing things, period.

And I will use the deadly force of a firearm to defend my home and family. To say they aren't for defense is blatantly ignorant or simply lying.
Deadly force to protect your house from what, an attacking foreign army? A band of roaming terrorists? Exactly what is going to come after you that you would need to kill? The kid next door or the drug addict looking for cash and jewelry? Do tell John Wayne.

If the meth head comes into my house when I and my family are there, you betcha!! I will not risk the lives of my loved ones on the hope that he will not harm us.
Why would a drug addict harm you? He's looking for cash and shit to sell now isn't he? Is your shit worth a human life?

The sanctity of my home is worth defending with deadly force. And how do you know, for certain, that the drug addict will not harm me? Are you saying that you are 100% sure of what an addict will do while they are committing a felony?
Answer the question, is your shit worthy of a human life?
Seriously, this is where liberalism turns nutty. I would ask my fellow liberals to look at the larger picture.

I concede that such training is possibly (if not likely) to have some bad consequences down the road. The kid who gets picked on in 3rd period by Jeff or Jill, will have access to a firearm in 6th period where Jeff or Jill may be in the same class. I further concede that with our cartoonish society and the volumes of mis-information on the web about the consequences of serious actions are characterized as everything from nominal to downright cool, it's probably not the gold of ideas to bring weapons into the schools with a seal of approval from the administration.

All that is conceded. What wins the day however are the facts that we live in a dangerous society so learning about the weapons that contribute to that danger is identical to girls learning about barrier contraception. Its really a matter of self defense. On the same theme as self defense, purchasing a gun and not knowing the first thing on how to use/maintain it maybe more dangerous in some cases for the owner than an intruder breaking into their residence. So why not? Thirdly, when your choices are other topics such as Clothing and Textiles, Pottery, or Football, there is some currency to learning real-world lessons; harsh though they may be.

I can think of a lot of things that I'd rather have taught in school but this isn't a loser of an idea out of the gate. Execution is, as always, the most important thing.
Guns aren't for defense. If you want to teach self-defense by all means do. Guns are for killing things, period.

And I will use the deadly force of a firearm to defend my home and family. To say they aren't for defense is blatantly ignorant or simply lying.
Deadly force to protect your house from what, an attacking foreign army? A band of roaming terrorists? Exactly what is going to come after you that you would need to kill? The kid next door or the drug addict looking for cash and jewelry? Do tell John Wayne.

But this does not change anything about the fact that, contrary to your claim, a gun can be used for defense.
Who are you going to need to kill? The locks on the doors are for defense. The gun is for killing something. Don't mix the two up.

I am going to need to kill anyone who presents a threat to myself, my family, or the sanctity of my home. THAT is defensive use of a firearm.
Once again, if you follow all the safety rules you will not injury or kill anyone by accident.
Well if the cops can't handle a gun I'm not sure who can?

The question is not whether a cop can handle a gun or not. The question is whether you can kill or injury someone by accident when you follow all the safety rules.
And I have already proven that you can. You seem to think that there is some magical way to handle a firearm so that it never points at a living thing, and there isn't.

And if there is no round in the chamber, you have added another layer of safety.

As I said pages ago, the defective gun did not chamber the 1st round by itself.
I'll make sure to tell all those cops out there that the only safe way to carry a gun is unloaded and always pointed at noting at all at all times. I'm sure they will have no problems performing this magical act of yours.

Nice nonstatement. I'm sorry you dislike the accuracy of my statement, but it is true. Following all the safety rules will prevent accidental shooting deaths & injuries.
And I will use the deadly force of a firearm to defend my home and family. To say they aren't for defense is blatantly ignorant or simply lying.
Deadly force to protect your house from what, an attacking foreign army? A band of roaming terrorists? Exactly what is going to come after you that you would need to kill? The kid next door or the drug addict looking for cash and jewelry? Do tell John Wayne.

If the meth head comes into my house when I and my family are there, you betcha!! I will not risk the lives of my loved ones on the hope that he will not harm us.
Why would a drug addict harm you? He's looking for cash and shit to sell now isn't he? Is your shit worth a human life?

The sanctity of my home is worth defending with deadly force. And how do you know, for certain, that the drug addict will not harm me? Are you saying that you are 100% sure of what an addict will do while they are committing a felony?
Answer the question, is your shit worthy of a human life?

I did. The sanctity of my home is worth using deadly force to protect.

Have you ever been robbed?? Afterwards, did your home feel safe? If you cannot feel safe at home, where is it that you WILL feel safe? Ever talked to someone who lost a loved one to a criminal assault? Ask them if they would think it worth it to shoot the criminal first. My family and myself are very much worth taking a human life to protect. And the biggest point is that I am not going out looking for this, it was forced on my when my home was invaded.
Seriously, this is where liberalism turns nutty. I would ask my fellow liberals to look at the larger picture.

I concede that such training is possibly (if not likely) to have some bad consequences down the road. The kid who gets picked on in 3rd period by Jeff or Jill, will have access to a firearm in 6th period where Jeff or Jill may be in the same class. I further concede that with our cartoonish society and the volumes of mis-information on the web about the consequences of serious actions are characterized as everything from nominal to downright cool, it's probably not the gold of ideas to bring weapons into the schools with a seal of approval from the administration.

All that is conceded. What wins the day however are the facts that we live in a dangerous society so learning about the weapons that contribute to that danger is identical to girls learning about barrier contraception. Its really a matter of self defense. On the same theme as self defense, purchasing a gun and not knowing the first thing on how to use/maintain it maybe more dangerous in some cases for the owner than an intruder breaking into their residence. So why not? Thirdly, when your choices are other topics such as Clothing and Textiles, Pottery, or Football, there is some currency to learning real-world lessons; harsh though they may be.

I can think of a lot of things that I'd rather have taught in school but this isn't a loser of an idea out of the gate. Execution is, as always, the most important thing.
Guns aren't for defense. If you want to teach self-defense by all means do. Guns are for killing things, period.

And I will use the deadly force of a firearm to defend my home and family. To say they aren't for defense is blatantly ignorant or simply lying.
Deadly force to protect your house from what, an attacking foreign army? A band of roaming terrorists? Exactly what is going to come after you that you would need to kill? The kid next door or the drug addict looking for cash and jewelry? Do tell John Wayne.

But this does not change anything about the fact that, contrary to your claim, a gun can be used for defense.
Who are you going to need to kill? The locks on the doors are for defense. The gun is for killing something. Don't mix the two up.

A locked home can still be broken in to by a criminal. If locked doors stopped criminals there wouldn't not be over 2 million burglaries a year.
Deadly force to protect your house from what, an attacking foreign army? A band of roaming terrorists? Exactly what is going to come after you that you would need to kill? The kid next door or the drug addict looking for cash and jewelry? Do tell John Wayne.

If the meth head comes into my house when I and my family are there, you betcha!! I will not risk the lives of my loved ones on the hope that he will not harm us.
Why would a drug addict harm you? He's looking for cash and shit to sell now isn't he? Is your shit worth a human life?

The sanctity of my home is worth defending with deadly force. And how do you know, for certain, that the drug addict will not harm me? Are you saying that you are 100% sure of what an addict will do while they are committing a felony?
Answer the question, is your shit worthy of a human life?

I did. The sanctity of my home is worth using deadly force to protect.

Have you ever been robbed?? Afterwards, did your home feel safe? If you cannot feel safe at home, where is it that you WILL feel safe? Ever talked to someone who lost a loved one to a criminal assault? Ask them if they would think it worth it to shoot the criminal first. My family and myself are very much worth taking a human life to protect. And the biggest point is that I am not going out looking for this, it was forced on my when my home was invaded.
Answer the question, is your shit worthy of a human life?
Guns aren't for defense. If you want to teach self-defense by all means do. Guns are for killing things, period.

And I will use the deadly force of a firearm to defend my home and family. To say they aren't for defense is blatantly ignorant or simply lying.
Deadly force to protect your house from what, an attacking foreign army? A band of roaming terrorists? Exactly what is going to come after you that you would need to kill? The kid next door or the drug addict looking for cash and jewelry? Do tell John Wayne.

But this does not change anything about the fact that, contrary to your claim, a gun can be used for defense.
Who are you going to need to kill? The locks on the doors are for defense. The gun is for killing something. Don't mix the two up.

A locked home can still be broken in to by a criminal. If locked doors stopped criminals there wouldn't not be over 2 million burglaries a year.
Answer the question, is your shit worthy of a human life?
If the meth head comes into my house when I and my family are there, you betcha!! I will not risk the lives of my loved ones on the hope that he will not harm us.
Why would a drug addict harm you? He's looking for cash and shit to sell now isn't he? Is your shit worth a human life?

The sanctity of my home is worth defending with deadly force. And how do you know, for certain, that the drug addict will not harm me? Are you saying that you are 100% sure of what an addict will do while they are committing a felony?
Answer the question, is your shit worthy of a human life?

I did. The sanctity of my home is worth using deadly force to protect.

Have you ever been robbed?? Afterwards, did your home feel safe? If you cannot feel safe at home, where is it that you WILL feel safe? Ever talked to someone who lost a loved one to a criminal assault? Ask them if they would think it worth it to shoot the criminal first. My family and myself are very much worth taking a human life to protect. And the biggest point is that I am not going out looking for this, it was forced on my when my home was invaded.
Answer the question, is your shit worthy of a human life?

I already answered. I will protect myself, my loved ones, and the sanctity of my home.

You have not answered whether or not you are 100% sure what a drug addict will due while committing a felony.
And I will use the deadly force of a firearm to defend my home and family. To say they aren't for defense is blatantly ignorant or simply lying.
Deadly force to protect your house from what, an attacking foreign army? A band of roaming terrorists? Exactly what is going to come after you that you would need to kill? The kid next door or the drug addict looking for cash and jewelry? Do tell John Wayne.

But this does not change anything about the fact that, contrary to your claim, a gun can be used for defense.
Who are you going to need to kill? The locks on the doors are for defense. The gun is for killing something. Don't mix the two up.

A locked home can still be broken in to by a criminal. If locked doors stopped criminals there wouldn't not be over 2 million burglaries a year.
Answer the question, is your shit worthy of a human life?

Read my answers. I posted them already.
Well if the cops can't handle a gun I'm not sure who can?

The question is not whether a cop can handle a gun or not. The question is whether you can kill or injury someone by accident when you follow all the safety rules.
And I have already proven that you can. You seem to think that there is some magical way to handle a firearm so that it never points at a living thing, and there isn't.

And if there is no round in the chamber, you have added another layer of safety.

As I said pages ago, the defective gun did not chamber the 1st round by itself.
I'll make sure to tell all those cops out there that the only safe way to carry a gun is unloaded and always pointed at noting at all at all times. I'm sure they will have no problems performing this magical act of yours.

Nice nonstatement. I'm sorry you dislike the accuracy of my statement, but it is true. Following all the safety rules will prevent accidental shooting deaths & injuries.
Your statement is just as valid as me says the number one rule of gun safety is for no one to every touch one, at which point there can be on accidental shootings because no gun in the world would be loaded since no one could load them. It's nonsense. You just don't want to admit than even following the rules accidents will still happen and people will still die.
Why would a drug addict harm you? He's looking for cash and shit to sell now isn't he? Is your shit worth a human life?

The sanctity of my home is worth defending with deadly force. And how do you know, for certain, that the drug addict will not harm me? Are you saying that you are 100% sure of what an addict will do while they are committing a felony?
Answer the question, is your shit worthy of a human life?

I did. The sanctity of my home is worth using deadly force to protect.

Have you ever been robbed?? Afterwards, did your home feel safe? If you cannot feel safe at home, where is it that you WILL feel safe? Ever talked to someone who lost a loved one to a criminal assault? Ask them if they would think it worth it to shoot the criminal first. My family and myself are very much worth taking a human life to protect. And the biggest point is that I am not going out looking for this, it was forced on my when my home was invaded.
Answer the question, is your shit worthy of a human life?

I already answered. I will protect myself, my loved ones, and the sanctity of my home.

You have not answered whether or not you are 100% sure what a drug addict will due while committing a felony.
Answer the question, is your shit worthy of a human life?
The sanctity of my home is worth defending with deadly force. And how do you know, for certain, that the drug addict will not harm me? Are you saying that you are 100% sure of what an addict will do while they are committing a felony?
Answer the question, is your shit worthy of a human life?

I did. The sanctity of my home is worth using deadly force to protect.

Have you ever been robbed?? Afterwards, did your home feel safe? If you cannot feel safe at home, where is it that you WILL feel safe? Ever talked to someone who lost a loved one to a criminal assault? Ask them if they would think it worth it to shoot the criminal first. My family and myself are very much worth taking a human life to protect. And the biggest point is that I am not going out looking for this, it was forced on my when my home was invaded.
Answer the question, is your shit worthy of a human life?

I already answered. I will protect myself, my loved ones, and the sanctity of my home.

You have not answered whether or not you are 100% sure what a drug addict will due while committing a felony.
Answer the question, is your shit worthy of a human life?

Already answered.
Deadly force to protect your house from what, an attacking foreign army? A band of roaming terrorists? Exactly what is going to come after you that you would need to kill? The kid next door or the drug addict looking for cash and jewelry? Do tell John Wayne.

But this does not change anything about the fact that, contrary to your claim, a gun can be used for defense.
Who are you going to need to kill? The locks on the doors are for defense. The gun is for killing something. Don't mix the two up.

A locked home can still be broken in to by a criminal. If locked doors stopped criminals there wouldn't not be over 2 million burglaries a year.
Answer the question, is your shit worthy of a human life?

Read my answers. I posted them already.
No, you have not answered. It's a yes or no question.

Think of it this way. Let's say that you get robbed but no one is home at the time. When you get home you find the guy's wallet so you know who did it. Are you then going to go over, shoot him, and take your shit back?
The question is not whether a cop can handle a gun or not. The question is whether you can kill or injury someone by accident when you follow all the safety rules.
And I have already proven that you can. You seem to think that there is some magical way to handle a firearm so that it never points at a living thing, and there isn't.

And if there is no round in the chamber, you have added another layer of safety.

As I said pages ago, the defective gun did not chamber the 1st round by itself.
I'll make sure to tell all those cops out there that the only safe way to carry a gun is unloaded and always pointed at noting at all at all times. I'm sure they will have no problems performing this magical act of yours.

Nice nonstatement. I'm sorry you dislike the accuracy of my statement, but it is true. Following all the safety rules will prevent accidental shooting deaths & injuries.
Your statement is just as valid as me says the number one rule of gun safety is for no one to every touch one, at which point there can be on accidental shootings because no gun in the world would be loaded since no one could load them. It's nonsense. You just don't want to admit than even following the rules accidents will still happen and people will still die.

You are welcome to show me an example of someone being killed or injured by a gun while all the safety rules were being followed.
Answer the question, is your shit worthy of a human life?

I did. The sanctity of my home is worth using deadly force to protect.

Have you ever been robbed?? Afterwards, did your home feel safe? If you cannot feel safe at home, where is it that you WILL feel safe? Ever talked to someone who lost a loved one to a criminal assault? Ask them if they would think it worth it to shoot the criminal first. My family and myself are very much worth taking a human life to protect. And the biggest point is that I am not going out looking for this, it was forced on my when my home was invaded.
Answer the question, is your shit worthy of a human life?

I already answered. I will protect myself, my loved ones, and the sanctity of my home.

You have not answered whether or not you are 100% sure what a drug addict will due while committing a felony.
Answer the question, is your shit worthy of a human life?

Already answered.
Nope. Answer the question I asked and not with your NRA spin.
It's pretty damn hard to get an Sexually Transmitted Disease without the Sexually part.
You can get type1 herpies from kissing. You can get crabs from infected bed sheets. My father in-law got AIDS from an infected patient he was transporting while an EMT (the patient had a psychotic episode, ripped out an IV from his arm, spraying blood across my father in-law's face).

And yeah, you can be killed by someone else with a gun, quite easily in fact. It allows even toddlers to kill, but then again, that's all a gun is for.
Guns are also for sport.
But this does not change anything about the fact that, contrary to your claim, a gun can be used for defense.
Who are you going to need to kill? The locks on the doors are for defense. The gun is for killing something. Don't mix the two up.

A locked home can still be broken in to by a criminal. If locked doors stopped criminals there wouldn't not be over 2 million burglaries a year.
Answer the question, is your shit worthy of a human life?

Read my answers. I posted them already.
No, you have not answered. It's a yes or no question.

Think of it this way. Let's say that you get robbed but no one is home at the time. When you get home you find the guy's wallet so you know who did it. Are you then going to go over, shoot him, and take your shit back?

Don't be daft. That is not "defending", that is revenge. Not the same thing.
And I have already proven that you can. You seem to think that there is some magical way to handle a firearm so that it never points at a living thing, and there isn't.

And if there is no round in the chamber, you have added another layer of safety.

As I said pages ago, the defective gun did not chamber the 1st round by itself.
I'll make sure to tell all those cops out there that the only safe way to carry a gun is unloaded and always pointed at noting at all at all times. I'm sure they will have no problems performing this magical act of yours.

Nice nonstatement. I'm sorry you dislike the accuracy of my statement, but it is true. Following all the safety rules will prevent accidental shooting deaths & injuries.
Your statement is just as valid as me says the number one rule of gun safety is for no one to every touch one, at which point there can be on accidental shootings because no gun in the world would be loaded since no one could load them. It's nonsense. You just don't want to admit than even following the rules accidents will still happen and people will still die.

You are welcome to show me an example of someone being killed or injured by a gun while all the safety rules were being followed.
I have, several times now.

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