South Carolina schools may teach gun safety and training

That example comes from army basic training.

Oh really? So basically you learned about this and to watch out for it in a class-type setting or a learning environment. Hmm. Interesting. I'll bet they also taught you that you should check your weapon for such things and always make sure it is clean as a whistle so that such accidents do not happen? Right?

I think this just adds to the point that educating people about guns is a GOOD thing. :)
As long as the education is see a gun don't touch it run, I'm all for it. That should take 20 minutes or so.
So as long as they do it your way, it's OK?
Yep. There's not a reason in the world why a child need ever handle a gun. There is nothing they need to kill.

If you mean a 4 year old child, I will go along with that. If you mean a 16 year old child, you are simply wrong.

I've been around guns all my life. Although I have very few memories at 4, I suspect since my dad owned his own gun shop before I was born I was around them then.
It's pretty damn hard to get an Sexually Transmitted Disease without the Sexually part.
You can get type1 herpies from kissing. You can get crabs from infected bed sheets. My father in-law got AIDS from an infected patient he was transporting while an EMT (the patient had a psychotic episode, ripped out an IV from his arm, spraying blood across my father in-law's face).

And yeah, you can be killed by someone else with a gun, quite easily in fact. It allows even toddlers to kill, but then again, that's all a gun is for.
Guns are also for sport.
Guns are for killing things. The fact that we use them for fun and games doesn't change why they were invented. We do that with swords too but they weren't designed for spectator sports.

Sport can sometimes include killing things. Ever hear of hunting? Yes, that is considered a "sport" even though I'm sure that drives you bat shit crazy. :lol:
Yes it does, because it's not a sport. Sports like that are what the Romans used to watch while Christians covered in pitch were used as human torches. We should be well beyond that by now.

:lol: What? THAT is not hunting.
Oh good Lord, so you are just grasping at straws here then? What IS your point?
That example comes from army basic training.

Oh really? So basically you learned about this and to watch out for it in a class-type setting or a learning environment. Hmm. Interesting. I'll bet they also taught you that you should check your weapon for such things and always make sure it is clean as a whistle so that such accidents do not happen? Right?

I think this just adds to the point that educating people about guns is a GOOD thing. :)
As long as the education is see a gun don't touch it run, I'm all for it. That should take 20 minutes or so.

well, thankfully everyone isn't a pussy like you.
I own guns. I use them to kill things, which they are wonderful at, exactly as designed.

Somehow, I doubt that. :)
That example comes from army basic training.

Oh really? So basically you learned about this and to watch out for it in a class-type setting or a learning environment. Hmm. Interesting. I'll bet they also taught you that you should check your weapon for such things and always make sure it is clean as a whistle so that such accidents do not happen? Right?

I think this just adds to the point that educating people about guns is a GOOD thing. :)
As long as the education is see a gun don't touch it run, I'm all for it. That should take 20 minutes or so.

well, thankfully everyone isn't a pussy like you.
I own guns. I use them to kill things, which they are wonderful at, exactly as designed.

Yes, they are designed quite well for me to kill someone who invades my home and endangers myself and my loved ones. That would be a defensive use of a firearm.

My children, both daughters, hunt. They didn't do that until they were old enough based on MY determination. A second reason is so they could defend themselves if I wasn't there and when they were old enough to live on their own.
Oh good Lord, so you are just grasping at straws here then? What IS your point?
That example comes from army basic training.

Oh really? So basically you learned about this and to watch out for it in a class-type setting or a learning environment. Hmm. Interesting. I'll bet they also taught you that you should check your weapon for such things and always make sure it is clean as a whistle so that such accidents do not happen? Right?

I think this just adds to the point that educating people about guns is a GOOD thing. :)
As long as the education is see a gun don't touch it run, I'm all for it. That should take 20 minutes or so.
So as long as they do it your way, it's OK?
Yep. There's not a reason in the world why a child need ever handle a gun. There is nothing they need to kill.

Guns exist. They aren't going anywhere. Most people are going to be exposed to a gun at some time during their lifetimes. The smart thing to do is to educate people so that less accidents happen and so that people have a healthy respect for them. It's no different than anything else.
Hunting also allows someone to provide steroid and antibiotic free, lean meat for their family, friends and even food banks and other charitable organizations.
Oh really? So basically you learned about this and to watch out for it in a class-type setting or a learning environment. Hmm. Interesting. I'll bet they also taught you that you should check your weapon for such things and always make sure it is clean as a whistle so that such accidents do not happen? Right?

I think this just adds to the point that educating people about guns is a GOOD thing. :)
As long as the education is see a gun don't touch it run, I'm all for it. That should take 20 minutes or so.
So as long as they do it your way, it's OK?
Yep. There's not a reason in the world why a child need ever handle a gun. There is nothing they need to kill.

If you mean a 4 year old child, I will go along with that. If you mean a 16 year old child, you are simply wrong.

I've been around guns all my life. Although I have very few memories at 4, I suspect since my dad owned his own gun shop before I was born I was around them then.
As I said, a gun nut. You like them and hate anyone who thinks they no longer necessary.
I know, if there is no round in the chamber, what is going to shoot?
Revolvers always fire without a round in the chamber because revolvers don't have chambers. Revolvers have cylinders. Even if you empty the cylinder bore that's lined up with the barrel, a double-action trigger will still discharge a round since a double-action trigger rotates the cylinder as the trigger is pulled.

Likewise most belt-fed weapons fire without a round in the chamber because most belt-fed systoms don't have chambers, they have feed treys. A feed trey is not like a chamber because the round on the feed trey cannot be fired from it's imediate state; the firearm has to strip the round off the belt first.
That's idiotic. A sophomore Ha-Ha.
The charge hole on the revolver is analogous to the chamber.
If you think you scored some kind of point here you're an idiot.
It's analgeous, yes, but it's not actualy a chamber, so my answer fits the question.

We score points on this forum?
Yes and you score a zero for being a dishonest ignorant fucktard.
That example comes from army basic training.

Oh really? So basically you learned about this and to watch out for it in a class-type setting or a learning environment. Hmm. Interesting. I'll bet they also taught you that you should check your weapon for such things and always make sure it is clean as a whistle so that such accidents do not happen? Right?

I think this just adds to the point that educating people about guns is a GOOD thing. :)
As long as the education is see a gun don't touch it run, I'm all for it. That should take 20 minutes or so.
So as long as they do it your way, it's OK?
Yep. There's not a reason in the world why a child need ever handle a gun. There is nothing they need to kill.

Guns exist. They aren't going anywhere. Most people are going to be exposed to a gun at some time during their lifetimes. The smart thing to do is to educate people so that less accidents happen and so that people have a healthy respect for them. It's no different than anything else.
The healthy respect, especially for children, is don't touch the fucking thing and run for your life.
That example comes from army basic training.

Oh really? So basically you learned about this and to watch out for it in a class-type setting or a learning environment. Hmm. Interesting. I'll bet they also taught you that you should check your weapon for such things and always make sure it is clean as a whistle so that such accidents do not happen? Right?

I think this just adds to the point that educating people about guns is a GOOD thing. :)
As long as the education is see a gun don't touch it run, I'm all for it. That should take 20 minutes or so.
So as long as they do it your way, it's OK?
Yep. There's not a reason in the world why a child need ever handle a gun. There is nothing they need to kill.

If you mean a 4 year old child, I will go along with that. If you mean a 16 year old child, you are simply wrong.
What does a 16-year-old need to kill?
That example comes from army basic training.

Oh really? So basically you learned about this and to watch out for it in a class-type setting or a learning environment. Hmm. Interesting. I'll bet they also taught you that you should check your weapon for such things and always make sure it is clean as a whistle so that such accidents do not happen? Right?

I think this just adds to the point that educating people about guns is a GOOD thing. :)
As long as the education is see a gun don't touch it run, I'm all for it. That should take 20 minutes or so.
So as long as they do it your way, it's OK?
Yep. There's not a reason in the world why a child need ever handle a gun. There is nothing they need to kill.

Since you have no business dictating what my children need, fuck off and mind your own business. It's a private matter and people like you have said what happens privately isn't anyone else's business.

Your problem is you think as long as it's done your way, it's the only way. Bit arrogant for such a good for nothing like you. I taught my children gun safety from an early age just like my dad who owned his own gun dealership did with me and my brother.
Another gun nut, who wants everyone else to like them as well.
It's pretty damn hard to get an Sexually Transmitted Disease without the Sexually part.
You can get type1 herpies from kissing. You can get crabs from infected bed sheets. My father in-law got AIDS from an infected patient he was transporting while an EMT (the patient had a psychotic episode, ripped out an IV from his arm, spraying blood across my father in-law's face).

And yeah, you can be killed by someone else with a gun, quite easily in fact. It allows even toddlers to kill, but then again, that's all a gun is for.
Guns are also for sport.
Guns are for killing things. The fact that we use them for fun and games doesn't change why they were invented. We do that with swords too but they weren't designed for spectator sports.

Sport can sometimes include killing things. Ever hear of hunting? Yes, that is considered a "sport" even though I'm sure that drives you bat shit crazy. :lol:
Yes it does, because it's not a sport. Sports like that are what the Romans used to watch while Christians covered in pitch were used as human torches. We should be well beyond that by now.

So we should be beyond killing things for food? Or is it only bad when you do the killing instead of paying someone to kill a caged and abused animal, and sending it to your store all nicely wrapped?

And population control of wild animals should be accomplished without killing them? How about the removal of invasive species that are destroying, not only farmer's crops, but the local environment as well? Should we be beyond that as well?

Your logic is laughable.
The number of people who actually need guns to do their job, especially when we aren't at war, could be counted on my hands and toes. And this high school class isn't about becoming a professional hunter or a soldier now is it? No, it's about the NRA turning out even more kids who like guns, period.
Hunting also allows someone to provide steroid and antibiotic free, lean meat for their family, friends and even food banks and other charitable organizations.
Very few people hunt for meat, and no one has to. What a clean hamburger, raises a cow, I'm not going to stop you.

Hunters that leave the meat in the field are rare. Every hunter I know eats the meat or gives it to someone.
You can get type1 herpies from kissing. You can get crabs from infected bed sheets. My father in-law got AIDS from an infected patient he was transporting while an EMT (the patient had a psychotic episode, ripped out an IV from his arm, spraying blood across my father in-law's face).

Guns are also for sport.
Guns are for killing things. The fact that we use them for fun and games doesn't change why they were invented. We do that with swords too but they weren't designed for spectator sports.

Sport can sometimes include killing things. Ever hear of hunting? Yes, that is considered a "sport" even though I'm sure that drives you bat shit crazy. :lol:
Yes it does, because it's not a sport. Sports like that are what the Romans used to watch while Christians covered in pitch were used as human torches. We should be well beyond that by now.

So we should be beyond killing things for food? Or is it only bad when you do the killing instead of paying someone to kill a caged and abused animal, and sending it to your store all nicely wrapped?

And population control of wild animals should be accomplished without killing them? How about the removal of invasive species that are destroying, not only farmer's crops, but the local environment as well? Should we be beyond that as well?

Your logic is laughable.
The number of people who actually need guns to do their job, especially when we aren't at war, could be counted on my hands and toes. And this high school class isn't about becoming a professional hunter or a soldier now is it? No, it's about the NRA turning out even more kids who like guns, period.

No, it's about being well versed with regard to one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights. This country was built with bullets! :asshole:
That example comes from army basic training.

Oh really? So basically you learned about this and to watch out for it in a class-type setting or a learning environment. Hmm. Interesting. I'll bet they also taught you that you should check your weapon for such things and always make sure it is clean as a whistle so that such accidents do not happen? Right?

I think this just adds to the point that educating people about guns is a GOOD thing. :)
As long as the education is see a gun don't touch it run, I'm all for it. That should take 20 minutes or so.

well, thankfully everyone isn't a pussy like you.
I own guns. I use them to kill things, which they are wonderful at, exactly as designed.

Yes, they are designed quite well for me to kill someone who invades my home and endangers myself and my loved ones. That would be a defensive use of a firearm.
No, it isn't. You are probably shooting someone who poses no threat to you at all. Let's say that you are home, hear a noise, take your gun to check it out and find a junkie leaving the house with your cash in his hand. You tell him to drop the cash and he rums and doesn't. Are you going to shoot him for breaking in, for the cash he's stolen, yes or no?
You can get type1 herpies from kissing. You can get crabs from infected bed sheets. My father in-law got AIDS from an infected patient he was transporting while an EMT (the patient had a psychotic episode, ripped out an IV from his arm, spraying blood across my father in-law's face).

Guns are also for sport.
Guns are for killing things. The fact that we use them for fun and games doesn't change why they were invented. We do that with swords too but they weren't designed for spectator sports.

Sport can sometimes include killing things. Ever hear of hunting? Yes, that is considered a "sport" even though I'm sure that drives you bat shit crazy. :lol:
Yes it does, because it's not a sport. Sports like that are what the Romans used to watch while Christians covered in pitch were used as human torches. We should be well beyond that by now.

So we should be beyond killing things for food? Or is it only bad when you do the killing instead of paying someone to kill a caged and abused animal, and sending it to your store all nicely wrapped?

And population control of wild animals should be accomplished without killing them? How about the removal of invasive species that are destroying, not only farmer's crops, but the local environment as well? Should we be beyond that as well?

Your logic is laughable.
The number of people who actually need guns to do their job, especially when we aren't at war, could be counted on my hands and toes. And this high school class isn't about becoming a professional hunter or a soldier now is it? No, it's about the NRA turning out even more kids who like guns, period.

The class is about teaching high school kids, who chose this elective class, how to safely handle firearms.
Oh really? So basically you learned about this and to watch out for it in a class-type setting or a learning environment. Hmm. Interesting. I'll bet they also taught you that you should check your weapon for such things and always make sure it is clean as a whistle so that such accidents do not happen? Right?

I think this just adds to the point that educating people about guns is a GOOD thing. :)
As long as the education is see a gun don't touch it run, I'm all for it. That should take 20 minutes or so.

well, thankfully everyone isn't a pussy like you.
I own guns. I use them to kill things, which they are wonderful at, exactly as designed.

Yes, they are designed quite well for me to kill someone who invades my home and endangers myself and my loved ones. That would be a defensive use of a firearm.
No, it isn't. You are probably shooting someone who poses no threat to you at all. Let's say that you are home, hear a noise, take your gun to check it out and find a junkie leaving the house with your cash in his hand. You tell him to drop the cash and he rums and doesn't. Are you going to shoot him for breaking in, for the cash he's stolen, yes or no?

This is a better example than the one where the junkie leaves his wallet.

As a matter of fact, no I am not shooting him as he runs away.
Hunting also allows someone to provide steroid and antibiotic free, lean meat for their family, friends and even food banks and other charitable organizations.
Very few people hunt for meat, and no one has to. What a clean hamburger, raises a cow, I'm not going to stop you.

Hunters that leave the meat in the field are rare. Every hunter I know eats the meat or gives it to someone.
And their need to do this thing? Oh right, there isn't any, they just have turned what used to be for survival into fun and games. Shoot something then sit around the campfire and drink a few beers.
Hunting also allows someone to provide steroid and antibiotic free, lean meat for their family, friends and even food banks and other charitable organizations.
Very few people hunt for meat, and no one has to. What a clean hamburger, raises a cow, I'm not going to stop you.

Hunters that leave the meat in the field are rare. Every hunter I know eats the meat or gives it to someone.

He's full of it. Lol! Most hunters LOVE the meat. That is a big part of the reason why they hunt. Many also donate their kills thought such charities like this.

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