South Dakota Resisted Shutdown, Now It's a Hotspot

I heard some idiots are out in crowds protesting the stay at home advisories. How long before they catch the virus?
It’s obvious the destruction of the US economy in service of (1) defeating Trump (2) punishing Americans for electing him and (3) advancing a laundry list of the communist ideas they have been waiting to impose.

Liberals, rejected over and over, impose their edicts through crisis and fear and secondly through court decisions.
What a crock of shit.

Interesting that you understand that Trump's abysmal performance will hurt his re-election chances

The funny thing times like these, a President USUALLY gets a HUGE bump. Bush went up to over 90% approval

All Trump had to do was stay quiet and let the "adults" do the heavy lifting...and he'd be a hero
Instead we have you....lamely and desperately defending him

Another “if” that disappointed. :) you’ll be just as disappointed in the China Virus.

. You stupidly keep asking what crimes Trump has been CONVICTED of . Conviction.. if it happens, comes down the road in the Senate
At some point you have to ask yourself what agenda is behind this coordinated, relentless push by the media to panic the population.

It’s obvious the destruction of the US economy in service of (1) defeating Trump (2) punishing Americans for electing him and (3) advancing a laundry list of the communist ideas they have been waiting to impose.

Liberals, rejected over and over, impose their edicts through crisis and fear and secondly through court decisions.

This is not about Trump, it's a global power grab. Watch this if you have time:


Okay, so they're up in arms over the fact that 300 people at a pork processing facility have tested positive. I can understand that. But some observations, particularly regarding this:

With the case numbers continuing to spike, the company was forced to announce the indefinite closure of the facility Sunday, threatening the U.S. food supply.

If the closing of the facility threatens the U.S. food supply, then undoubtedly the facility would be considered "essential". As such, it would stand to reason that those people working there would be considered "essential employees".

A "stay at home" order would've had little, if any, impact on the workers in the facility, but that seems to be the direction the article is trying to go...
They did nothing to either use Social Distancing or have PPE....

It is one or the other...
No way SD should be on any lockdown. Anyone who has ever been there knows this. You can drive an hour and see no civilization.

Ever been to Sioux Falls? Official Website of the City of Sioux Falls While only having a bit over 180K population, this is the area of the Pig Farm breakout. And the largest population center for SD. There is also a major Interstate that runs through it called I-90 and it's various north/south tributaries. It's a major trucking route that many states depend on. But to give you an idea of the population breakdown for SD:

Sioux Falls: Over 180,000
Rapid City: Over 75,000
Box Elder: Just outside Rapid City 5000. Made up of primarily Off Base Housing for Ellsworth AFB
Ellsworth Base Housing: around 2000.
Now, do the math on per capita in the Sioux Falls area.

From there, it drops to less than a thousands for the next batch but most are in the hundreds.

While Sioux Falls doesn't have the numbers or the saturation that NYC has, it's really easy to allow the Virus to get out of hand. I live in a city not much smaller than Sioux Falls and we have had deaths from it. We are in shutdown as well and the deaths have stopped. The last death was a perfectly healthy 22 year old College Athlete which proves that even the young and healthy can die from the virus. And the young and healthy are also the ones most likely to spread it. If the Governor of SD refuses to shut down then we need to completely seal off SD where no one can come or go. Then I would say, go for it, don't shut down but no truck traffic or any other traffic over I-90.
No way SD should be on any lockdown. Anyone who has ever been there knows this. You can drive an hour and see no civilization.

Ever been to Sioux Falls? Official Website of the City of Sioux Falls While only having a bit over 180K population, this is the area of the Pig Farm breakout. And the largest population center for SD. There is also a major Interstate that runs through it called I-90 and it's various north/south tributaries. It's a major trucking route that many states depend on. But to give you an idea of the population breakdown for SD:

Sioux Falls: Over 180,000
Rapid City: Over 75,000
Box Elder: Just outside Rapid City 5000. Made up of primarily Off Base Housing for Ellsworth AFB
Ellsworth Base Housing: around 2000.
Now, do the math on per capita in the Sioux Falls area.

From there, it drops to less than a thousands for the next batch but most are in the hundreds.

While Sioux Falls doesn't have the numbers or the saturation that NYC has, it's really easy to allow the Virus to get out of hand. I live in a city not much smaller than Sioux Falls and we have had deaths from it. We are in shutdown as well and the deaths have stopped. The last death was a perfectly healthy 22 year old College Athlete which proves that even the young and healthy can die from the virus. And the young and healthy are also the ones most likely to spread it. If the Governor of SD refuses to shut down then we need to completely seal off SD where no one can come or go. Then I would say, go for it, don't shut down but no truck traffic or any other traffic over I-90.

So then keep that particular city under lockdown.
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.

So let me get this straight..... S.Dakota has not imposed massive lock downs, and has 6 deaths, and a reported 1,160... and that's a "hot spot".

Ohio fully embraced the lock down state wide, and we have 361 deaths, and 7,800 reported..... but S.Dakota is the nations hot spot?

Maybe should think for yourself more, and mindlessly parrot news papers less.

When you figure in the total population versus the numbers, you get a figure that SD has a higher rate per capita than NY does or Ill. I say we should just shut down all ports of entry to SD not allowing anyone to come or go from that state and let them have their own way. Sooner of later, the problem will be taken care of. Or they can do what the other States are doing and isolate either by personal choice or law.
In fairness..comparing 9/11 and this crisis, regarding popularity..doesn't work for me..because of the essential difference in the attitude of the people. 9/11 galvanized us....This pandemic....polarizes us.
Because Trump polarizes us

No, you polarized us under Obama. All the polarization happened then. You just didn't notice it, because it was your side doing the insulting, and mocking, and bragging, and belittling. Now that you are getting a tiny taste of that thrown back in your face, you are freaking out like the children you are.

We've put up with your insults and mocking for a decade now. You didn't care about polarizing people when it was your side doing it. Now you are freaking out. Tough snot. Serves you right.

Rump is not the problem. He's a symptom. You Bigots went completely insane with the election of a Black President. I remember the death threats and the death wishes. My answer to them was always, "It doesn't matter if I like him or not, He's still President and NO ONE will threaten the life of my president regardless". It wasn't Obama that fractured the Country, it's always been fractured by bigots like you.

And no, I don't want to see harm to Rump for the same reason. I just want him out of that office and an adult to take that oath regardless of Party.
No way SD should be on any lockdown. Anyone who has ever been there knows this. You can drive an hour and see no civilization.

Ever been to Sioux Falls? Official Website of the City of Sioux Falls While only having a bit over 180K population, this is the area of the Pig Farm breakout. And the largest population center for SD. There is also a major Interstate that runs through it called I-90 and it's various north/south tributaries. It's a major trucking route that many states depend on. But to give you an idea of the population breakdown for SD:

Sioux Falls: Over 180,000
Rapid City: Over 75,000
Box Elder: Just outside Rapid City 5000. Made up of primarily Off Base Housing for Ellsworth AFB
Ellsworth Base Housing: around 2000.
Now, do the math on per capita in the Sioux Falls area.

From there, it drops to less than a thousands for the next batch but most are in the hundreds.

While Sioux Falls doesn't have the numbers or the saturation that NYC has, it's really easy to allow the Virus to get out of hand. I live in a city not much smaller than Sioux Falls and we have had deaths from it. We are in shutdown as well and the deaths have stopped. The last death was a perfectly healthy 22 year old College Athlete which proves that even the young and healthy can die from the virus. And the young and healthy are also the ones most likely to spread it. If the Governor of SD refuses to shut down then we need to completely seal off SD where no one can come or go. Then I would say, go for it, don't shut down but no truck traffic or any other traffic over I-90.

So then keep that particular city under lockdown.

And use what resources to do it? If the Governor won't, can you imagine the stink if the President were to do it with Federal Troops? Not only would public opinion be large, the paperwork would be stacked a hundred feet.
No way SD should be on any lockdown. Anyone who has ever been there knows this. You can drive an hour and see no civilization.

Ever been to Sioux Falls? Official Website of the City of Sioux Falls While only having a bit over 180K population, this is the area of the Pig Farm breakout. And the largest population center for SD. There is also a major Interstate that runs through it called I-90 and it's various north/south tributaries. It's a major trucking route that many states depend on. But to give you an idea of the population breakdown for SD:

Sioux Falls: Over 180,000
Rapid City: Over 75,000
Box Elder: Just outside Rapid City 5000. Made up of primarily Off Base Housing for Ellsworth AFB
Ellsworth Base Housing: around 2000.
Now, do the math on per capita in the Sioux Falls area.

From there, it drops to less than a thousands for the next batch but most are in the hundreds.

While Sioux Falls doesn't have the numbers or the saturation that NYC has, it's really easy to allow the Virus to get out of hand. I live in a city not much smaller than Sioux Falls and we have had deaths from it. We are in shutdown as well and the deaths have stopped. The last death was a perfectly healthy 22 year old College Athlete which proves that even the young and healthy can die from the virus. And the young and healthy are also the ones most likely to spread it. If the Governor of SD refuses to shut down then we need to completely seal off SD where no one can come or go. Then I would say, go for it, don't shut down but no truck traffic or any other traffic over I-90.

So then keep that particular city under lockdown.

And use what resources to do it? If the Governor won't, can you imagine the stink if the President were to do it with Federal Troops? Not only would public opinion be large, the paperwork would be stacked a hundred feet.

Then don’t. I don’t care. It should be a decision between the mayor and governor, but it should be left up to the people.

If you want to leave your house, leave your house.
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.
This is a tragedy. Now there's a shortage of bacon.
Yesterday it was on sale at Hyvee. Two packages for 5 bucks limit 2.
I went though self checkout and bought the limit three times

So, you;re hoarding. You're in your 50s and hoarding bacon. Sure, there's no underlying health issues with you.
6 packages on sale in the freezer is hoarding?


Typical leftist is clueless about frugality

You bought 3 times as much as you were allowed to. That's called hoarding.
That is not hoarding lol. That is being a wise shopper.

You're an idiot.

The guy with a cart full of tp feels the same. You're afraid bacon is going to run out so you panic bought and don't care if they run out as long as you get yours.

Selfish fucking assholes always make a bad situation worse.
My purchase had nothing to do with fear of shortages ya moron. I bought it because it was a good deal.
I also stocked up on charcoal because it was 2 bags for 5 dollars.

Being smart with your money is wise. Buying 10 packages of toilet paper is not being frugal.

A good deal that you felt you were obligated to more than others.

Poor baby. You mad bruh

No, I'm not your neighbor, just pointing out that during a pandemic you're kind of a selfish prick.
During a pandemic? Lol

So every year in flu season people should refrain from taking advantage of AMAZING sale prices..

View attachment 323781

No, this isn't the flu. I'm sorry you don't realize that.
No, there is no shortage of bacon. I'm not sorry you don't realize that.

I laugh at your stupidity.

I know there isn't, I'm not the one who panic bought it. I'm also not the one who is a selfish asshole that took advantage on a sale of bacon and over bought what I was allowed to and took the opportunity away from others who may be cash strapped right now.

shhhhhhhhhhhh -

the greed may get deeper in gramps freezer

Watch out, Gramp's is going to turn to horse meat before you know it.

no hamburger to be found in my local wmart - can good shelves empty- paper products - lol, yeah right - sugar hell no -

very little available, and a 2 day waiting list (on line )to get nothing -

flu season ya know -

This is just another benefit I get from not eating most meat.

I never liked the taste of most meat and thought it was gross so when I moved out of my parents house I stopped eating most meat. Funny thing, it's in my DNA. I took a DNA test and it showed that according to my DNA, I prefer veggies and grains. It also shows I don't like cilantro. Which I don't and never have. It taste like plastic to me.

l'm sure that what meat is available is very expensive now. Especially pork since the pork processing plant in SD has been shutdown.
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.
This is a tragedy. Now there's a shortage of bacon.
Yesterday it was on sale at Hyvee. Two packages for 5 bucks limit 2.
I went though self checkout and bought the limit three times

So, you;re hoarding. You're in your 50s and hoarding bacon. Sure, there's no underlying health issues with you.
6 packages on sale in the freezer is hoarding?


Typical leftist is clueless about frugality

You bought 3 times as much as you were allowed to. That's called hoarding.
That is not hoarding lol. That is being a wise shopper.

You're an idiot.

The guy with a cart full of tp feels the same. You're afraid bacon is going to run out so you panic bought and don't care if they run out as long as you get yours.

Selfish fucking assholes always make a bad situation worse.
My purchase had nothing to do with fear of shortages ya moron. I bought it because it was a good deal.
I also stocked up on charcoal because it was 2 bags for 5 dollars.

Being smart with your money is wise. Buying 10 packages of toilet paper is not being frugal.

A good deal that you felt you were obligated to more than others.

Poor baby. You mad bruh

No, I'm not your neighbor, just pointing out that during a pandemic you're kind of a selfish prick.
During a pandemic? Lol

So every year in flu season people should refrain from taking advantage of AMAZING sale prices..

View attachment 323781

No, this isn't the flu. I'm sorry you don't realize that.
No, there is no shortage of bacon. I'm not sorry you don't realize that.

I laugh at your stupidity.

I know there isn't, I'm not the one who panic bought it. I'm also not the one who is a selfish asshole that took advantage on a sale of bacon and over bought what I was allowed to and took the opportunity away from others who may be cash strapped right now.

shhhhhhhhhhhh -

the greed may get deeper in gramps freezer

Watch out, Gramp's is going to turn to horse meat before you know it.

no hamburger to be found in my local wmart - can good shelves empty- paper products - lol, yeah right - sugar hell no -

very little available, and a 2 day waiting list (on line )to get nothing -

flu season ya know -

This is just another benefit I get from not eating most meat.

I never liked the taste of most meat and thought it was gross so when I moved out of my parents house I stopped eating most meat. Funny thing, it's in my DNA. I took a DNA test and it showed that according to my DNA, I prefer veggies and grains. It also shows I don't like cilantro. Which I don't and never have. It taste like plastic to me.

l'm sure that what meat is available is very expensive now. Especially pork since the pork processing plant in SD has been shutdown.
My goodness. Your posts kill more brain cells than alcohol. Seriously?!?!?! Cilantro? My goodness.
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.
This is a tragedy. Now there's a shortage of bacon.
Yesterday it was on sale at Hyvee. Two packages for 5 bucks limit 2.
I went though self checkout and bought the limit three times

So, you;re hoarding. You're in your 50s and hoarding bacon. Sure, there's no underlying health issues with you.
6 packages on sale in the freezer is hoarding?


Typical leftist is clueless about frugality

You bought 3 times as much as you were allowed to. That's called hoarding.
That is not hoarding lol. That is being a wise shopper.

You're an idiot.

The guy with a cart full of tp feels the same. You're afraid bacon is going to run out so you panic bought and don't care if they run out as long as you get yours.

Selfish fucking assholes always make a bad situation worse.
My purchase had nothing to do with fear of shortages ya moron. I bought it because it was a good deal.
I also stocked up on charcoal because it was 2 bags for 5 dollars.

Being smart with your money is wise. Buying 10 packages of toilet paper is not being frugal.

A good deal that you felt you were obligated to more than others.

Poor baby. You mad bruh

No, I'm not your neighbor, just pointing out that during a pandemic you're kind of a selfish prick.
During a pandemic? Lol

So every year in flu season people should refrain from taking advantage of AMAZING sale prices..

View attachment 323781

No, this isn't the flu. I'm sorry you don't realize that.
No, there is no shortage of bacon. I'm not sorry you don't realize that.

I laugh at your stupidity.

I know there isn't, I'm not the one who panic bought it. I'm also not the one who is a selfish asshole that took advantage on a sale of bacon and over bought what I was allowed to and took the opportunity away from others who may be cash strapped right now.

shhhhhhhhhhhh -

the greed may get deeper in gramps freezer

Watch out, Gramp's is going to turn to horse meat before you know it.

no hamburger to be found in my local wmart - can good shelves empty- paper products - lol, yeah right - sugar hell no -

very little available, and a 2 day waiting list (on line )to get nothing -

flu season ya know -

This is just another benefit I get from not eating most meat.

I never liked the taste of most meat and thought it was gross so when I moved out of my parents house I stopped eating most meat. Funny thing, it's in my DNA. I took a DNA test and it showed that according to my DNA, I prefer veggies and grains. It also shows I don't like cilantro. Which I don't and never have. It taste like plastic to me.

l'm sure that what meat is available is very expensive now. Especially pork since the pork processing plant in SD has been shutdown.
The prices have not changed where I live. In fact bacon was just on sale a few days ago. Gonna buy a fillet to grill Sunday.

Nothing better than a good steak wrapped in bacon!
Since packing pork is about the only industry that S.D. has, and Smithfield is now closed, I guess S.D. is, for all practical purposes, locked down. But, if they feel put out about it, they can always go to the beaches in Florida, or Jazzfest in New Orleans. Then, they would be with like minded people. with similar health projections.

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