South Dakota Resisted Shutdown, Now It's a Hotspot

I heard some idiots are out in crowds protesting the stay at home advisories. How long before they catch the virus?
We all need to catch and develop a herd immunity. I had it and now I feel great and safe. You scared, Assfaceias?
Uhhh..not to rain on your parade..and congratz on your recovery...but there is some buzz...that there is no 'herd immunity' for this one. Either people might be relapsing...or being reinfected..they don't know yet.

From my link above:

The first rumblings of significant relapse or reinfection problems were heard in late February in Japan and China, leading doctors to suspect the coronavirus can go dormant and lurk in the body until the antibodies created to combat it have dissipated.
Another complication is that scientists believe there are at least two strains of the Wuhan coronavirus, one of them more virulent and dangerous than the other. The significance of the second strain is still hotly debated among epidemiologists, but it could complicate the lives of patients who recover from one strain and are subsequently exposed to the other — a significant danger for patients
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.
This is a tragedy. Now there's a shortage of bacon.
Yesterday it was on sale at Hyvee. Two packages for 5 bucks limit 2.
I went though self checkout and bought the limit three times

So, you;re hoarding. You're in your 50s and hoarding bacon. Sure, there's no underlying health issues with you.
6 packages on sale in the freezer is hoarding?


Typical leftist is clueless about frugality

You bought 3 times as much as you were allowed to. That's called hoarding.
That is not hoarding lol. That is being a wise shopper.

You're an idiot.

The guy with a cart full of tp feels the same. You're afraid bacon is going to run out so you panic bought and don't care if they run out as long as you get yours.

Selfish fucking assholes always make a bad situation worse.
My purchase had nothing to do with fear of shortages ya moron. I bought it because it was a good deal.
I also stocked up on charcoal because it was 2 bags for 5 dollars.

Being smart with your money is wise. Buying 10 packages of toilet paper is not being frugal.

A good deal that you felt you were obligated to more than others.

Poor baby. You mad bruh

No, I'm not your neighbor, just pointing out that during a pandemic you're kind of a selfish prick.
During a pandemic? Lol

So every year in flu season people should refrain from taking advantage of AMAZING sale prices..

View attachment 323781

No, this isn't the flu. I'm sorry you don't realize that.
No, there is no shortage of bacon. I'm not sorry you don't realize that.

I laugh at your stupidity.

I know there isn't, I'm not the one who panic bought it. I'm also not the one who is a selfish asshole that took advantage on a sale of bacon and over bought what I was allowed to and took the opportunity away from others who may be cash strapped right now.

shhhhhhhhhhhh -

the greed may get deeper in gramps freezer

Watch out, Gramp's is going to turn to horse meat before you know it.

no hamburger to be found in my local wmart - can good shelves empty- paper products - lol, yeah right - sugar hell no -

very little available, and a 2 day waiting list (on line )to get nothing -

flu season ya know -

This is just another benefit I get from not eating most meat.

I never liked the taste of most meat and thought it was gross so when I moved out of my parents house I stopped eating most meat. Funny thing, it's in my DNA. I took a DNA test and it showed that according to my DNA, I prefer veggies and grains. It also shows I don't like cilantro. Which I don't and never have. It taste like plastic to me.

l'm sure that what meat is available is very expensive now. Especially pork since the pork processing plant in SD has been shutdown.

I'm not a vegetarian but I don't eat a lot of meat. I think going vegetarian at this time is not a half bad idea. It's just that other sources of protein also may be hard to come by in the future unless you kill it yourself.

I'm not sure if I have that Cilantro gene as well. I like it, but sometimes it does seem to be soapy tasting.

I'm not a vegetarian.

Put just about any seafood in front of me and it's gone. Fast. Especially crab, shrimp and salmon.

I don't like most meat and don't eat most meat. I eat seafood. I'll eat some poultry at the holidays but that's about it.

I never set out to not eat most meat. I just don't like the taste and find most of it gross. I don't know anyone who will eat something they don't like the taste.

It's just what I like. I found out from that DNA test that it's because of my DNA.

There is no test for DNA that can tell much of anything, except how you match with similar other in terms of ancestry. And there is NO ancestry that does not like meat.
The human body can not produce its own proteins, so you have to consume it, and it can only come from meat, eggs, or dairy. And eggs and dairy were not available to our ancestors. Fish is meat, so there is no distinction there. You have just somehow altered and conditioned your own mind, and it has nothing to do with genetics or DNA. Any human who does not eat meat will die.

The test is for the likely preference to certain foods and which foods are best for my body type and DNA. Which the test said veggies and grains. It didn't say meat. While one of my friends has meat listed that.

It flat out said my DNA says I don't like cilantro and it's right. I never have. It also says I prefer salty over sweets. Which is correct. It also says says I'm more likely to not be lactose intolerant and it's correct. It also says I have a 50/50 chance of perfering vanilla or chocolate ice cream. Which is wrong. I HATE chocolate ice cream. I like vanilla with something in it.

If you want to dispute it take it up with
Sounds like you got scammed to me lol
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.
This is a tragedy. Now there's a shortage of bacon.
Yesterday it was on sale at Hyvee. Two packages for 5 bucks limit 2.
I went though self checkout and bought the limit three times

So, you;re hoarding. You're in your 50s and hoarding bacon. Sure, there's no underlying health issues with you.
6 packages on sale in the freezer is hoarding?


Typical leftist is clueless about frugality

You bought 3 times as much as you were allowed to. That's called hoarding.
That is not hoarding lol. That is being a wise shopper.

You're an idiot.

The guy with a cart full of tp feels the same. You're afraid bacon is going to run out so you panic bought and don't care if they run out as long as you get yours.

Selfish fucking assholes always make a bad situation worse.
My purchase had nothing to do with fear of shortages ya moron. I bought it because it was a good deal.
I also stocked up on charcoal because it was 2 bags for 5 dollars.

Being smart with your money is wise. Buying 10 packages of toilet paper is not being frugal.

A good deal that you felt you were obligated to more than others.

Poor baby. You mad bruh

No, I'm not your neighbor, just pointing out that during a pandemic you're kind of a selfish prick.
During a pandemic? Lol

So every year in flu season people should refrain from taking advantage of AMAZING sale prices..

View attachment 323781

No, this isn't the flu. I'm sorry you don't realize that.
No, there is no shortage of bacon. I'm not sorry you don't realize that.

I laugh at your stupidity.

I know there isn't, I'm not the one who panic bought it. I'm also not the one who is a selfish asshole that took advantage on a sale of bacon and over bought what I was allowed to and took the opportunity away from others who may be cash strapped right now.

shhhhhhhhhhhh -

the greed may get deeper in gramps freezer

Watch out, Gramp's is going to turn to horse meat before you know it.

no hamburger to be found in my local wmart - can good shelves empty- paper products - lol, yeah right - sugar hell no -

very little available, and a 2 day waiting list (on line )to get nothing -

flu season ya know -

This is just another benefit I get from not eating most meat.

I never liked the taste of most meat and thought it was gross so when I moved out of my parents house I stopped eating most meat. Funny thing, it's in my DNA. I took a DNA test and it showed that according to my DNA, I prefer veggies and grains. It also shows I don't like cilantro. Which I don't and never have. It taste like plastic to me.

l'm sure that what meat is available is very expensive now. Especially pork since the pork processing plant in SD has been shutdown.

I'm not a vegetarian but I don't eat a lot of meat. I think going vegetarian at this time is not a half bad idea. It's just that other sources of protein also may be hard to come by in the future unless you kill it yourself.

I'm not sure if I have that Cilantro gene as well. I like it, but sometimes it does seem to be soapy tasting.

I'm not a vegetarian.

Put just about any seafood in front of me and it's gone. Fast. Especially crab, shrimp and salmon.

I don't like most meat and don't eat most meat. I eat seafood. I'll eat some poultry at the holidays but that's about it.

I never set out to not eat most meat. I just don't like the taste and find most of it gross. I don't know anyone who will eat something they don't like the taste.

It's just what I like. I found out from that DNA test that it's because of my DNA.

There is no test for DNA that can tell much of anything, except how you match with similar other in terms of ancestry. And there is NO ancestry that does not like meat.
The human body can not produce its own proteins, so you have to consume it, and it can only come from meat, eggs, or dairy. And eggs and dairy were not available to our ancestors. Fish is meat, so there is no distinction there. You have just somehow altered and conditioned your own mind, and it has nothing to do with genetics or DNA. Any human who does not eat meat will die.

The test is for the likely preference to certain foods and which foods are best for my body type and DNA. Which the test said veggies and grains. It didn't say meat. While one of my friends has meat listed that.

It flat out said my DNA says I don't like cilantro and it's right. I never have. It also says I prefer salty over sweets. Which is correct. It also says says I'm more likely to not be lactose intolerant and it's correct. It also says I have a 50/50 chance of perfering vanilla or chocolate ice cream. Which is wrong. I HATE chocolate ice cream. I like vanilla with something in it.

If you want to dispute it take it up with

I like chocolate ice cream. How dare you.
In a pandemic if you're only allowed one per customer it's probably for a good reason, ya' selfish fuck.
Has nothing to do with a pandemic lol. In a pandemic they don't put things on sale that are in short supply. And the limit wasnt 1. Because, you know....theres no shortage.....

“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.
This is a tragedy. Now there's a shortage of bacon.
Yesterday it was on sale at Hyvee. Two packages for 5 bucks limit 2.
I went though self checkout and bought the limit three times

So, you;re hoarding. You're in your 50s and hoarding bacon. Sure, there's no underlying health issues with you.
6 packages on sale in the freezer is hoarding?


Typical leftist is clueless about frugality

You bought 3 times as much as you were allowed to. That's called hoarding.
That is not hoarding lol. That is being a wise shopper.

You're an idiot.

The guy with a cart full of tp feels the same. You're afraid bacon is going to run out so you panic bought and don't care if they run out as long as you get yours.

Selfish fucking assholes always make a bad situation worse.
My purchase had nothing to do with fear of shortages ya moron. I bought it because it was a good deal.
I also stocked up on charcoal because it was 2 bags for 5 dollars.

Being smart with your money is wise. Buying 10 packages of toilet paper is not being frugal.

A good deal that you felt you were obligated to more than others.

Poor baby. You mad bruh

No, I'm not your neighbor, just pointing out that during a pandemic you're kind of a selfish prick.
During a pandemic? Lol

So every year in flu season people should refrain from taking advantage of AMAZING sale prices..

View attachment 323781

No, this isn't the flu. I'm sorry you don't realize that.
No, there is no shortage of bacon. I'm not sorry you don't realize that.

I laugh at your stupidity.

I know there isn't, I'm not the one who panic bought it. I'm also not the one who is a selfish asshole that took advantage on a sale of bacon and over bought what I was allowed to and took the opportunity away from others who may be cash strapped right now.

shhhhhhhhhhhh -

the greed may get deeper in gramps freezer

Watch out, Gramp's is going to turn to horse meat before you know it.

no hamburger to be found in my local wmart - can good shelves empty- paper products - lol, yeah right - sugar hell no -

very little available, and a 2 day waiting list (on line )to get nothing -

flu season ya know -

This is just another benefit I get from not eating most meat.

I never liked the taste of most meat and thought it was gross so when I moved out of my parents house I stopped eating most meat. Funny thing, it's in my DNA. I took a DNA test and it showed that according to my DNA, I prefer veggies and grains. It also shows I don't like cilantro. Which I don't and never have. It taste like plastic to me.

l'm sure that what meat is available is very expensive now. Especially pork since the pork processing plant in SD has been shutdown.

I'm not a vegetarian but I don't eat a lot of meat. I think going vegetarian at this time is not a half bad idea. It's just that other sources of protein also may be hard to come by in the future unless you kill it yourself.

I'm not sure if I have that Cilantro gene as well. I like it, but sometimes it does seem to be soapy tasting.

I'm not a vegetarian.

Put just about any seafood in front of me and it's gone. Fast. Especially crab, shrimp and salmon.

I don't like most meat and don't eat most meat. I eat seafood. I'll eat some poultry at the holidays but that's about it.

I never set out to not eat most meat. I just don't like the taste and find most of it gross. I don't know anyone who will eat something they don't like the taste.

It's just what I like. I found out from that DNA test that it's because of my DNA.

There is no test for DNA that can tell much of anything, except how you match with similar other in terms of ancestry. And there is NO ancestry that does not like meat.
The human body can not produce its own proteins, so you have to consume it, and it can only come from meat, eggs, or dairy. And eggs and dairy were not available to our ancestors. Fish is meat, so there is no distinction there. You have just somehow altered and conditioned your own mind, and it has nothing to do with genetics or DNA. Any human who does not eat meat will die.

The test is for the likely preference to certain foods and which foods are best for my body type and DNA. Which the test said veggies and grains. It didn't say meat. While one of my friends has meat listed that.

It flat out said my DNA says I don't like cilantro and it's right. I never have. It also says I prefer salty over sweets. Which is correct. It also says says I'm more likely to not be lactose intolerant and it's correct. It also says I have a 50/50 chance of perfering vanilla or chocolate ice cream. Which is wrong. I HATE chocolate ice cream. I like vanilla with something in it.

If you want to dispute it take it up with
Sounds like you got scammed to me lol

Says the hoarding crook.
In a pandemic if you're only allowed one per customer it's probably for a good reason, ya' selfish fuck.
Has nothing to do with a pandemic lol. In a pandemic they don't put things on sale that are in short supply. And the limit wasnt 1. Because, you know....theres no shortage.....


How do you know? How many pandemics have you been in? They may have had some old bacon they needed to get rid of that has 2 days left of it's shelf life.
In a pandemic if you're only allowed one per customer it's probably for a good reason, ya' selfish fuck.
Has nothing to do with a pandemic lol. In a pandemic they don't put things on sale that are in short supply. And the limit wasnt 1. Because, you know....theres no shortage.....


How do you know? How many pandemics have you been in? They may have had some old bacon they needed to get rid of that has 2 days left of it's shelf life.
How do I know? Because I get weekly flyers from the store and the same basic things are ALWAYS on sale every week to pull customers from the competition.
Every week without missing a beat... hamburger 1.99 lb limit 2
Bacon 2 for five limit 2
Kingsford charcoal 2 for 5 limit 2
They also give double gas points on those days if you spend 25.00 or more in the meat department.

At any point feel free to stop pretending like you know what the fuck you're talking about and move on.
In a pandemic if you're only allowed one per customer it's probably for a good reason, ya' selfish fuck.
Has nothing to do with a pandemic lol. In a pandemic they don't put things on sale that are in short supply. And the limit wasnt 1. Because, you know....theres no shortage.....


How do you know? How many pandemics have you been in? They may have had some old bacon they needed to get rid of that has 2 days left of it's shelf life.
How do I know? Because I get weekly flyers from the store and the same basic things are ALWAYS on sale every week to pull customers from the competition.

What does that have to do with you knowing anything about pandemics? Or taking away cheap food from people who just lost their collective jobs?

Every week without missing a beat... hamburger 1.99 lb limit 2
Bacon 2 for five limit 2
Kingsford charcoal 2 for 5 limit 2
They also give double gas points on those days if you spend 25.00 or more in the meat department.

At any point feel free to stop pretending like you know what the fuck you're talking about and move on.

I'm not pretending, I'm just curious why you're hoarding food, crook.
In a pandemic if you're only allowed one per customer it's probably for a good reason, ya' selfish fuck.
Has nothing to do with a pandemic lol. In a pandemic they don't put things on sale that are in short supply. And the limit wasnt 1. Because, you know....theres no shortage.....


How do you know? How many pandemics have you been in? They may have had some old bacon they needed to get rid of that has 2 days left of it's shelf life.
How do I know? Because I get weekly flyers from the store and the same basic things are ALWAYS on sale every week to pull customers from the competition.

What does that have to do with you knowing anything about pandemics? Or taking away cheap food from people who just lost their collective jobs?

Every week without missing a beat... hamburger 1.99 lb limit 2
Bacon 2 for five limit 2
Kingsford charcoal 2 for 5 limit 2
They also give double gas points on those days if you spend 25.00 or more in the meat department.

At any point feel free to stop pretending like you know what the fuck you're talking about and move on.

I'm not pretending, I'm just curious why you're hoarding food, crook.
You keep running in circles. And you're making yourself look foolish.
Buying 6 packages of ANY consumable is not hoarding ya moron. The world is burning all around you and you're focused on my FOUR EXTRA packages of bacon.... let that sink in.

Ps... Hoarding is:

A persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them.

Class dismissed
Last edited:

Lol! All these pussies with no arguments.
Tell us again how “China did everything right”. LMAO!!!
China did everything right in their response to this pandemic. Quote another lie next time will you?
Dumbest thing ever posted on the innerwebs. :abgg2q.jpg:
“China did everything right” —-BWK

Well China did a more severe lock down than anyone else, except maybe South Korea.
The only thing to fault is the first week delay, and that is understandable given the economic impact and the need to be sure.
Do you believe they did “everything right”?

After the first week delay, then they seemed to be trying to figure out what was right, and do it.
But we have to remember they had no one else to look at as to how it was going to go down.
For example, if everyone was going to get it anyway, then a lock down would be pointless.
It still not entirely clear.
But we can see from the China peak, that a lockdown does greatly slow it down, so that hospitals can keep up, and that saves lives.
Whether or not China is still lying about the actual figures, I do not know.
You are incorrect. Key is for everyone not to get it at the SAME TIME but to flatten out the bell curve. And you do know China is lying.
It occurs to me to wonder (if you believe Thailands numbers) how a place that has a city like Bangkok (population 8.8 million) and they have very few deaths.

While I am sure much of the city is O.K., there are places where people are stacked on top of each other in third world conditions.

If New York can't keep it does Bangkok.

Just wonderin'
2nd day in a row with a decline in cases.

Oh, and no deaths......New Fucking York will never get THERE.

Sorry folks but it might be that your HOT SPOT is already flaming out.
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.

Do you really imagine a few deaths is a problem? How many times do you think we can shut down the economy to prevent a few hundred deaths?

It's teh flu

Sweden is still wide open, they're fine
Are they?

Sweden's relatively relaxed approach to controlling the spread of the coronavirus has come under fire in international media and from many locals in the capital Stockholm, where more than half the country's deaths have been recorded. Now, 22 researchers have publicly criticized the strategy and called on politicians to make changes.

Harsh criticism from research scientists

In an opinion piece published today in Dagens Nyheter, the group of researchers from a range of top Swedish universities and research institutes make harsh criticism of the Swedish Public Health Agency and their present coronavirus strategy. They say that elected politicians must now intervene with "swift and radical measures."

The researchers say the agency has claimed on four different occasions that the spread of infection has levelled out, despite evidence to the contrary. They point out the slowdown in infections and deaths in Finland, which has implemented much more restrictive measures.

Major public events such as the start of the Swedish soccer season are postponed and the physical buildings of universities are closed, but otherwise everyday life continues. Schools remain open.

Sweden deaths much higher than neighboring nations
The criticism comes as the Swedish death total hits new heights. 1,033 people have now died from COVID-19 in Sweden, according to the Swedish Public Health Agency. That's an increase of 114 in the past 24 hours. The daily update also confirms that 11,445 people have tested positive in Sweden with 915 receiving or having received intensive care treatment.
MORE FROM FORBESWhy Sweden's Coronavirus Approach Is So Different From OthersBy David Nikel
The researchers highlight Finland, which has recorded ten times fewer deaths than Sweden on a per-person basis. Sweden's deaths as a percentage of population is also much higher than Denmark and Norway, which have also introduced strict measures.

The group highlighted the last three days before the Easter vacation began. In the period April 7-9: "10.2 people per million inhabitants died of COVID-19 each day in Sweden. In Italy, the figure was 9.7. In Denmark it was 2.9, in Norway 2.0 and in Finland 0.9," stated the letter.
Not taking it seriously enough
While Swedish authorities have stopped short of implementing many of the emergency measures seen in neighbouring countries, they do recommend that people stay at home and avoid unnecessary travel.

According to Aftonbladet, Jan Lötvall, a professor at the University of Gothenburg, said that Swedish people have not understood the seriousness of the situation because they have received unclear messaging from health authorities and elected officials.

The researchers now want rapid change. They suggest that schools and restaurants should be closed as in Finland. In addition, healthcare professionals working with the elderly must use proper infection control equipment and a mass testing of health personnel must be carried out.

Yeah, I've about had it with this Sweden disinformation. They must be hearing it on Fox or Sinclair. :rolleyes-41:

“ Sweden's relatively relaxed approach to controlling the spread of the coronavirus has come under fire in international media”

This is the real problem yet again....the all out attack by the rootless , globalist Marxist media. Who cares what’s “under fire” by the media except leftist serfs?

We have a media problem which leads to most of the other problems we face.
The exponential rise of cases in SD has began. Heck of a job, Kristi.

‘It Really Is the Perfect Storm’: Coronavirus Comes for Rural America

“One of the negatives of living in a rural community is you think it protects you somehow,” says Leibrand, who for years has also been the health officer—a sort of local surgeon general—of the county, a sprawling expanse of rich alluvial farmland, exurban bedroom communities and steep Cascade peaks midway between Seattle and Vancouver, British Columbia. “We get a little bit cavalier, a little lazy about social distancing.” On April 1, Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota—one of five states, all in the central heartland, without stay-at-home orders—defended her decision to leave South Dakotans “free to exercise their rights to work, to worship, and to play” by saying, “South Dakota is not New York City, and our sense of personal responsibility, our resiliency and our already sparse population density put us in a great position to manage this virus” without resorting to the “draconian” measures taken elsewhere.

Complacency is fast fading, however, as rural residents realize that, far from being immune, they may be uniquely vulnerable when the epidemic reaches them. Even as Noem spoke, Covid-19 was spreading at a Sioux Falls meatpacking plant that subsequently closed after more than 300 workers fell sick, and local officials across the state begged her to issue shutdown and shelter-in-place orders."

Happy Easter berg...oh I forgot. Sorry.

Anyhow SD has had a total of 6 deaths. NYC which did institute draconian measures has had 16000.

Care to apply some Pharisee logic there?

Is this your definition of “exponential? Yesterday 180 new cases. Today 143. In what world is that exponential growth?

oy vey
What were the figure for the last week?

Berg-stein Claimed an “exponential growth.” He was hoping and wishing.
You can't claim it's not with only 2 data points. Can you provide more to prove your point?

Where did you get that rule? How many data points did the op provide?
So, not so good at math then?

Look, you wanna contradict what he said or not?

No more deaths and new cases dropped yet again today in SD. You want any more assistance in “exponential growth” just let me know.
It occurs to me to wonder (if you believe Thailands numbers) how a place that has a city like Bangkok (population 8.8 million) and they have very few deaths.

While I am sure much of the city is O.K., there are places where people are stacked on top of each other in third world conditions.

If New York can't keep it does Bangkok.

Just wonderin'

Simple answer to a not so simple problem.
Tourism-driven Thailand softens 'compulsory' self-isolation language
“For now, we are recommending people to exercise home quarantine. But if you don’t follow that, then we will use the law to take you to government quarantine centers,” said Sukhum Kanchanapimai, the health ministry’s permanent secretary.

Notice a difference here? If you don't do self isolation you will be fined the equiv of 630 dollars and taken to a government quarantine center. You think Thailand is a normal government? It's a mix of social democracy, federal republic, Military Rule and Kingdom.
The exponential rise of cases in SD has began. Heck of a job, Kristi.

‘It Really Is the Perfect Storm’: Coronavirus Comes for Rural America

“One of the negatives of living in a rural community is you think it protects you somehow,” says Leibrand, who for years has also been the health officer—a sort of local surgeon general—of the county, a sprawling expanse of rich alluvial farmland, exurban bedroom communities and steep Cascade peaks midway between Seattle and Vancouver, British Columbia. “We get a little bit cavalier, a little lazy about social distancing.” On April 1, Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota—one of five states, all in the central heartland, without stay-at-home orders—defended her decision to leave South Dakotans “free to exercise their rights to work, to worship, and to play” by saying, “South Dakota is not New York City, and our sense of personal responsibility, our resiliency and our already sparse population density put us in a great position to manage this virus” without resorting to the “draconian” measures taken elsewhere.

Complacency is fast fading, however, as rural residents realize that, far from being immune, they may be uniquely vulnerable when the epidemic reaches them. Even as Noem spoke, Covid-19 was spreading at a Sioux Falls meatpacking plant that subsequently closed after more than 300 workers fell sick, and local officials across the state begged her to issue shutdown and shelter-in-place orders."

Happy Easter berg...oh I forgot. Sorry.

Anyhow SD has had a total of 6 deaths. NYC which did institute draconian measures has had 16000.

Care to apply some Pharisee logic there?

Is this your definition of “exponential? Yesterday 180 new cases. Today 143. In what world is that exponential growth?

oy vey
What were the figure for the last week?

Berg-stein Claimed an “exponential growth.” He was hoping and wishing.
You can't claim it's not with only 2 data points. Can you provide more to prove your point?

Where did you get that rule? How many data points did the op provide?
So, not so good at math then?

Look, you wanna contradict what he said or not?

No more deaths and new cases dropped yet again today in SD. You want any more assistance in “exponential growth” just let me know.
Still.going up steadily. Also need the governor say S.D. would not "reopen" anytime soon as their peak is predicted for mid June.

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