South Dakota Resisted Shutdown, Now It's a Hotspot

Lol! All these pussies with no arguments.
Tell us again how “China did everything right”. LMAO!!!
China did everything right in their response to this pandemic. Quote another lie next time will you?
Don’t change your quote you liar. And their response was to bribe the WHO and lie about their numbers. You lying foreigner loser.
Really? What is your proof?

And my quote does not say what yours says. Which makes you a liar.

Trump is the ultimate fail for pandemic responses, while China did a great job.
Love it. BWK doubles down on his idiocy.
“China did everything right” —-BWK
Lol! "Idiocy?" You are so screwed with your argument. You rely on total lies, which you've been pedaling the whole time. Do you really think people can't read my OP, as opposed to your lies? Of course they can. You act like a child who is a spoiled loser, so you repeat the same thing over and over just like one. Dude, you either have some kind of mental issues that compels you to continually lie, or you are a child who had his toy taken from him. This is the level of child like intelligence and mental instability. You should seek help.
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.
This is a tragedy. Now there's a shortage of bacon.
Yesterday it was on sale at Hyvee. Two packages for 5 bucks limit 2.
I went though self checkout and bought the limit three times

So, you;re hoarding. You're in your 50s and hoarding bacon. Sure, there's no underlying health issues with you.
6 packages on sale in the freezer is hoarding?


Typical leftist is clueless about frugality

You bought 3 times as much as you were allowed to. That's called hoarding.
That is not hoarding lol. That is being a wise shopper.

You're an idiot.

The guy with a cart full of tp feels the same. You're afraid bacon is going to run out so you panic bought and don't care if they run out as long as you get yours.

Selfish fucking assholes always make a bad situation worse.
My purchase had nothing to do with fear of shortages ya moron. I bought it because it was a good deal.
I also stocked up on charcoal because it was 2 bags for 5 dollars.

Being smart with your money is wise. Buying 10 packages of toilet paper is not being frugal.

A good deal that you felt you were obligated to more than others.

Poor baby. You mad bruh

No, I'm not your neighbor, just pointing out that during a pandemic you're kind of a selfish prick.
During a pandemic? Lol

So every year in flu season people should refrain from taking advantage of AMAZING sale prices..

View attachment 323781

No, this isn't the flu. I'm sorry you don't realize that.
No, there is no shortage of bacon. I'm not sorry you don't realize that.

I laugh at your stupidity.

I know there isn't, I'm not the one who panic bought it. I'm also not the one who is a selfish asshole that took advantage on a sale of bacon and over bought what I was allowed to and took the opportunity away from others who may be cash strapped right now.

shhhhhhhhhhhh -

the greed may get deeper in gramps freezer

Watch out, Gramp's is going to turn to horse meat before you know it.

no hamburger to be found in my local wmart - can good shelves empty- paper products - lol, yeah right - sugar hell no -

very little available, and a 2 day waiting list (on line )to get nothing -

flu season ya know -

This is just another benefit I get from not eating most meat.

I never liked the taste of most meat and thought it was gross so when I moved out of my parents house I stopped eating most meat. Funny thing, it's in my DNA. I took a DNA test and it showed that according to my DNA, I prefer veggies and grains. It also shows I don't like cilantro. Which I don't and never have. It taste like plastic to me.

l'm sure that what meat is available is very expensive now. Especially pork since the pork processing plant in SD has been shutdown. least not here in fact, I was just browsing Albertson's flyer ---Boneless chicken breast..1.97 a pound....Asst. pork chops 1.77 pound..Choice Tri-tip roast4.97 a lb---yee haw!..salmon fillet 6.97 a lb!...

I'm just saying...don't believe the hype. I went to the store today...everyone being careful to give eachother room--and found everything back on the shelves--including sanitizer. Yes, we are obeying the stay at home order..but quite's just not that much of an imposition.

Lol! All these pussies with no arguments.
Tell us again how “China did everything right”. LMAO!!!
China did everything right in their response to this pandemic. Quote another lie next time will you?
Don’t change your quote you liar. And their response was to bribe the WHO and lie about their numbers. You lying foreigner loser.
Really? What is your proof?

And my quote does not say what yours says. Which makes you a liar.

Trump is the ultimate fail for pandemic responses, while China did a great job.
Love it. BWK doubles down on his idiocy.
“China did everything right” —-BWK
Lol! "Idiocy?" You are so screwed with your argument. You rely on total lies, which you've been pedaling the whole time. Do you really think people can't read my OP, as opposed to your lies? Of course they can. You act like a child who is a spoiled loser, so you repeat the same thing over and over just like one. Dude, you either have some kind of mental issues that compels you to continually lie, or you are a child who had his toy taken from him. This is the level of child like intelligence and mental instability. You should seek help.
“China did everything right” — BWK

Back pedal all you like. That quote will be with you for life.

Lol! All these pussies with no arguments.
Tell us again how “China did everything right”. LMAO!!!
China did everything right in their response to this pandemic. Quote another lie next time will you?
Don’t change your quote you liar. And their response was to bribe the WHO and lie about their numbers. You lying foreigner loser.
Really? What is your proof?

And my quote does not say what yours says. Which makes you a liar.

Trump is the ultimate fail for pandemic responses, while China did a great job.
Love it. BWK doubles down on his idiocy.
“China did everything right” —-BWK
Lol! "Idiocy?" You are so screwed with your argument. You rely on total lies, which you've been pedaling the whole time. Do you really think people can't read my OP, as opposed to your lies? Of course they can. You act like a child who is a spoiled loser, so you repeat the same thing over and over just like one. Dude, you either have some kind of mental issues that compels you to continually lie, or you are a child who had his toy taken from him. This is the level of child like intelligence and mental instability. You should seek help.
“China did everything right” — BWK

Back pedal all you like. That quote will be with you for life.
No, it's with you. Get help.

Lol! All these pussies with no arguments.
Tell us again how “China did everything right”. LMAO!!!
China did everything right in their response to this pandemic. Quote another lie next time will you?
Dumbest thing ever posted on the innerwebs. :abgg2q.jpg:
“China did everything right” —-BWK

Well China did a more severe lock down than anyone else, except maybe South Korea.
The only thing to fault is the first week delay, and that is understandable given the economic impact and the need to be sure.
Do you believe they did “everything right”?

After the first week delay, then they seemed to be trying to figure out what was right, and do it.
But we have to remember they had no one else to look at as to how it was going to go down.
For example, if everyone was going to get it anyway, then a lock down would be pointless.
It still not entirely clear.
But we can see from the China peak, that a lockdown does greatly slow it down, so that hospitals can keep up, and that saves lives.
Whether or not China is still lying about the actual figures, I do not know.
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.
This is a tragedy. Now there's a shortage of bacon.
Yesterday it was on sale at Hyvee. Two packages for 5 bucks limit 2.
I went though self checkout and bought the limit three times

So, you;re hoarding. You're in your 50s and hoarding bacon. Sure, there's no underlying health issues with you.
6 packages on sale in the freezer is hoarding?


Typical leftist is clueless about frugality

You bought 3 times as much as you were allowed to. That's called hoarding.
That is not hoarding lol. That is being a wise shopper.

You're an idiot.

The guy with a cart full of tp feels the same. You're afraid bacon is going to run out so you panic bought and don't care if they run out as long as you get yours.

Selfish fucking assholes always make a bad situation worse.
My purchase had nothing to do with fear of shortages ya moron. I bought it because it was a good deal.
I also stocked up on charcoal because it was 2 bags for 5 dollars.

Being smart with your money is wise. Buying 10 packages of toilet paper is not being frugal.

A good deal that you felt you were obligated to more than others.

Poor baby. You mad bruh

No, I'm not your neighbor, just pointing out that during a pandemic you're kind of a selfish prick.
During a pandemic? Lol

So every year in flu season people should refrain from taking advantage of AMAZING sale prices..

View attachment 323781

No, this isn't the flu. I'm sorry you don't realize that.
No, there is no shortage of bacon. I'm not sorry you don't realize that.

I laugh at your stupidity.

I know there isn't, I'm not the one who panic bought it. I'm also not the one who is a selfish asshole that took advantage on a sale of bacon and over bought what I was allowed to and took the opportunity away from others who may be cash strapped right now.

shhhhhhhhhhhh -

the greed may get deeper in gramps freezer

Watch out, Gramp's is going to turn to horse meat before you know it.

no hamburger to be found in my local wmart - can good shelves empty- paper products - lol, yeah right - sugar hell no -

very little available, and a 2 day waiting list (on line )to get nothing -

flu season ya know -

This is just another benefit I get from not eating most meat.

I never liked the taste of most meat and thought it was gross so when I moved out of my parents house I stopped eating most meat. Funny thing, it's in my DNA. I took a DNA test and it showed that according to my DNA, I prefer veggies and grains. It also shows I don't like cilantro. Which I don't and never have. It taste like plastic to me.

l'm sure that what meat is available is very expensive now. Especially pork since the pork processing plant in SD has been shutdown.
The prices have not changed where I live. In fact bacon was just on sale a few days ago. Gonna buy a fillet to grill Sunday.

Nothing better than a good steak wrapped in bacon!

You told us already, you hoarded it.
6 whole packages lol

You're an idiot and you have NO IDEA what the word means.

Why did the store put a limit on the bacon? Why did you buy more than you needed of food that was on sale while people are losing their jobs? What an asshole.
I have a family to feed. We are home EVERYDAY because of this stupid shit. One package is part of one meal. The bacon will last about 2 weeks.

Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize you're the only one put out by the virus, ya' selfish fuck.

When you go shopping do you only buy one of everything and end up shopping every day because of it or do you buy enough to avoid the store for a couple weeks?

In a pandemic if you're only allowed one per customer it's probably for a good reason, ya' selfish fuck.

And there is no shortage of bacon tard. If there was it wouldn't have been on sale. Use that walnut between your ears for once would ya.

I have no idea if there is a shortage of bacon at your store or that they wanted to spread the savings since it was on sale to multiple families. But no, you had to butt your big fat ass in and take more. Ya' selfish fat fuck.

Go bother someone else with your childish ignorance.

Maybe be a stand up guy for a change. Maybe once a crook, always a crook.
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Reactions: BWK

Lol! All these pussies with no arguments.
Tell us again how “China did everything right”. LMAO!!!
China did everything right in their response to this pandemic. Quote another lie next time will you?
Don’t change your quote you liar. And their response was to bribe the WHO and lie about their numbers. You lying foreigner loser.
Really? What is your proof?

And my quote does not say what yours says. Which makes you a liar.

Trump is the ultimate fail for pandemic responses, while China did a great job.
Love it. BWK doubles down on his idiocy.
“China did everything right” —-BWK
Lol! "Idiocy?" You are so screwed with your argument. You rely on total lies, which you've been pedaling the whole time. Do you really think people can't read my OP, as opposed to your lies? Of course they can. You act like a child who is a spoiled loser, so you repeat the same thing over and over just like one. Dude, you either have some kind of mental issues that compels you to continually lie, or you are a child who had his toy taken from him. This is the level of child like intelligence and mental instability. You should seek help.
“China did everything right” — BWK

Back pedal all you like. That quote will be with you for life.
No, it's with you. Get help.
“China did everything right” — BWK

Lol! All these pussies with no arguments.
Tell us again how “China did everything right”. LMAO!!!
China did everything right in their response to this pandemic. Quote another lie next time will you?
Dumbest thing ever posted on the innerwebs. :abgg2q.jpg:
“China did everything right” —-BWK

Well China did a more severe lock down than anyone else, except maybe South Korea.
The only thing to fault is the first week delay, and that is understandable given the economic impact and the need to be sure.

They only locked down wuhan.....

And we have no real stats from them, how teh fuck would you know what the chinese did?

outside wuhan, as far as we know their response was less robust than ours. And they let those dirty fucks leave the country too
If you don't know what they did, then how do you know "they only locked down Wuhan?"

Lol! All these pussies with no arguments.
Tell us again how “China did everything right”. LMAO!!!
China did everything right in their response to this pandemic. Quote another lie next time will you?
Dumbest thing ever posted on the innerwebs. :abgg2q.jpg:
“China did everything right” —-BWK

Well China did a more severe lock down than anyone else, except maybe South Korea.
The only thing to fault is the first week delay, and that is understandable given the economic impact and the need to be sure.
Do you believe they did “everything right”?

After the first week delay, then they seemed to be trying to figure out what was right, and do it.
But we have to remember they had no one else to look at as to how it was going to go down.
For example, if everyone was going to get it anyway, then a lock down would be pointless.
It still not entirely clear.
But we can see from the China peak, that a lockdown does greatly slow it down, so that hospitals can keep up, and that saves lives.
Whether or not China is still lying about the actual figures, I do not know.
Do you believe they did “everything right”?
I heard some idiots are out in crowds protesting the stay at home advisories. How long before they catch the virus?
We all need to catch and develop a herd immunity. I had it and now I feel great and safe. You scared, Assfaceias?
Uhhh..not to rain on your parade..and congratz on your recovery...but there is some buzz...that there is no 'herd immunity' for this one. Either people might be relapsing...or being reinfected..they don't know yet.


Lol! All these pussies with no arguments.
Tell us again how “China did everything right”. LMAO!!!
China did everything right in their response to this pandemic. Quote another lie next time will you?
Dumbest thing ever posted on the innerwebs. :abgg2q.jpg:
“China did everything right” —-BWK

Well China did a more severe lock down than anyone else, except maybe South Korea.
The only thing to fault is the first week delay, and that is understandable given the economic impact and the need to be sure.

They only locked down wuhan.....

And we have no real stats from them, how teh fuck would you know what the chinese did?

outside wuhan, as far as we know their response was less robust than ours. And they let those dirty fucks leave the country too
If you don't know what they did, then how do you know "they only locked down Wuhan?"

Because it's much easier to see a quarantine in a giant place province of China then their opaque stats? lol

Plenty of random people around who can confirm somehting like that. Their efficacy in dealing with the virus no1 knows but CCP elites and spies.

Lol! All these pussies with no arguments.
Tell us again how “China did everything right”. LMAO!!!
China did everything right in their response to this pandemic. Quote another lie next time will you?
Dumbest thing ever posted on the innerwebs. :abgg2q.jpg:
“China did everything right” —-BWK

Well China did a more severe lock down than anyone else, except maybe South Korea.
The only thing to fault is the first week delay, and that is understandable given the economic impact and the need to be sure.

They only locked down wuhan.....

And we have no real stats from them, how teh fuck would you know what the chinese did?

outside wuhan, as far as we know their response was less robust than ours. And they let those dirty fucks leave the country too
If you don't know what they did, then how do you know "they only locked down Wuhan?"
“China did everything right” —- BWK

LOL they infected 184 countries. Idiot.

Lol! All these pussies with no arguments.
Tell us again how “China did everything right”. LMAO!!!
China did everything right in their response to this pandemic. Quote another lie next time will you?
Don’t change your quote you liar. And their response was to bribe the WHO and lie about their numbers. You lying foreigner loser.
Really? What is your proof?

And my quote does not say what yours says. Which makes you a liar.

Trump is the ultimate fail for pandemic responses, while China did a great job.
Love it. BWK doubles down on his idiocy.
“China did everything right” —-BWK
Lol! "Idiocy?" You are so screwed with your argument. You rely on total lies, which you've been pedaling the whole time. Do you really think people can't read my OP, as opposed to your lies? Of course they can. You act like a child who is a spoiled loser, so you repeat the same thing over and over just like one. Dude, you either have some kind of mental issues that compels you to continually lie, or you are a child who had his toy taken from him. This is the level of child like intelligence and mental instability. You should seek help.
You are a virgin

“China did everything right” —- BWK

Lol! All these pussies with no arguments.
Tell us again how “China did everything right”. LMAO!!!
China did everything right in their response to this pandemic. Quote another lie next time will you?
Don’t change your quote you liar. And their response was to bribe the WHO and lie about their numbers. You lying foreigner loser.
Really? What is your proof?

And my quote does not say what yours says. Which makes you a liar.

Trump is the ultimate fail for pandemic responses, while China did a great job.
Love it. BWK doubles down on his idiocy.
“China did everything right” —-BWK
Lol! "Idiocy?" You are so screwed with your argument. You rely on total lies, which you've been pedaling the whole time. Do you really think people can't read my OP, as opposed to your lies? Of course they can. You act like a child who is a spoiled loser, so you repeat the same thing over and over just like one. Dude, you either have some kind of mental issues that compels you to continually lie, or you are a child who had his toy taken from him. This is the level of child like intelligence and mental instability. You should seek help.
“China did everything right” — BWK

Back pedal all you like. That quote will be with you for life.
No, it's with you. Get help.
“China did everything right” —- BWK

are you denying you said that? Liar. Go on and deny it.
I heard some idiots are out in crowds protesting the stay at home advisories. How long before they catch the virus?
We all need to catch and develop a herd immunity. I had it and now I feel great and safe. You scared, Assfaceias?
Uhhh..not to rain on your parade..and congratz on your recovery...but there is some buzz...that there is no 'herd immunity' for this one. Either people might be relapsing...or being reinfected..they don't know yet.

Dude, i broke AzogtheDefiler again. You may want to check back tomorrow.
I heard some idiots are out in crowds protesting the stay at home advisories. How long before they catch the virus?
We all need to catch and develop a herd immunity. I had it and now I feel great and safe. You scared, Assfaceias?
Uhhh..not to rain on your parade..and congratz on your recovery...but there is some buzz...that there is no 'herd immunity' for this one. Either people might be relapsing...or being reinfected..they don't know yet.

Dude, i broke AzogtheDefiler again. You may want to check back tomorrow.
Broke? You seem obsessed with me? LOL

You also said you would stop responding to my posts? You poor lonely man.
“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.
This is a tragedy. Now there's a shortage of bacon.
Yesterday it was on sale at Hyvee. Two packages for 5 bucks limit 2.
I went though self checkout and bought the limit three times

So, you;re hoarding. You're in your 50s and hoarding bacon. Sure, there's no underlying health issues with you.
6 packages on sale in the freezer is hoarding?


Typical leftist is clueless about frugality

You bought 3 times as much as you were allowed to. That's called hoarding.
That is not hoarding lol. That is being a wise shopper.

You're an idiot.

The guy with a cart full of tp feels the same. You're afraid bacon is going to run out so you panic bought and don't care if they run out as long as you get yours.

Selfish fucking assholes always make a bad situation worse.
My purchase had nothing to do with fear of shortages ya moron. I bought it because it was a good deal.
I also stocked up on charcoal because it was 2 bags for 5 dollars.

Being smart with your money is wise. Buying 10 packages of toilet paper is not being frugal.

A good deal that you felt you were obligated to more than others.

Poor baby. You mad bruh

No, I'm not your neighbor, just pointing out that during a pandemic you're kind of a selfish prick.
During a pandemic? Lol

So every year in flu season people should refrain from taking advantage of AMAZING sale prices..

View attachment 323781

No, this isn't the flu. I'm sorry you don't realize that.
No, there is no shortage of bacon. I'm not sorry you don't realize that.

I laugh at your stupidity.

I know there isn't, I'm not the one who panic bought it. I'm also not the one who is a selfish asshole that took advantage on a sale of bacon and over bought what I was allowed to and took the opportunity away from others who may be cash strapped right now.

shhhhhhhhhhhh -

the greed may get deeper in gramps freezer

Watch out, Gramp's is going to turn to horse meat before you know it.

no hamburger to be found in my local wmart - can good shelves empty- paper products - lol, yeah right - sugar hell no -

very little available, and a 2 day waiting list (on line )to get nothing -

flu season ya know -

This is just another benefit I get from not eating most meat.

I never liked the taste of most meat and thought it was gross so when I moved out of my parents house I stopped eating most meat. Funny thing, it's in my DNA. I took a DNA test and it showed that according to my DNA, I prefer veggies and grains. It also shows I don't like cilantro. Which I don't and never have. It taste like plastic to me.

l'm sure that what meat is available is very expensive now. Especially pork since the pork processing plant in SD has been shutdown.

I'm not a vegetarian but I don't eat a lot of meat. I think going vegetarian at this time is not a half bad idea. It's just that other sources of protein also may be hard to come by in the future unless you kill it yourself.

I'm not sure if I have that Cilantro gene as well. I like it, but sometimes it does seem to be soapy tasting.

I'm not a vegetarian.

Put just about any seafood in front of me and it's gone. Fast. Especially crab, shrimp and salmon.

I don't like most meat and don't eat most meat. I eat seafood. I'll eat some poultry at the holidays but that's about it.

I never set out to not eat most meat. I just don't like the taste and find most of it gross. I don't know anyone who will eat something they don't like the taste.

It's just what I like. I found out from that DNA test that it's because of my DNA.

There is no test for DNA that can tell much of anything, except how you match with similar other in terms of ancestry. And there is NO ancestry that does not like meat.
The human body can not produce its own proteins, so you have to consume it, and it can only come from meat, eggs, or dairy. And eggs and dairy were not available to our ancestors. Fish is meat, so there is no distinction there. You have just somehow altered and conditioned your own mind, and it has nothing to do with genetics or DNA. Any human who does not eat meat will die.

The test is for the likely preference to certain foods and which foods are best for my body type and DNA. Which the test said veggies and grains. It didn't say meat. While one of my friends has meat listed that.

It flat out said my DNA says I don't like cilantro and it's right. I never have. It also says I prefer salty over sweets. Which is correct. It also says says I'm more likely to not be lactose intolerant and it's correct. It also says I have a 50/50 chance of perfering vanilla or chocolate ice cream. Which is wrong. I HATE chocolate ice cream. I like vanilla with something in it.

If you want to dispute it take it up with

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