SpaceX Rocket...Explodes

Uh, yeah, it is about what he's doing.

Musk got talked into buying Twitter after being egged on by a bunch of like minded cultists. He hastily signed a merger agreement and then tried to back out. We said he was making a mistake by dicking around with the Twitter agreement and all you little cultists said he's such a perfect litttle genius that he couldn't possibly be making any mistakes and he knows exactly what he was doing.

We were right and you cultists can't ever admit it.

He also said he was a free speech absolutist and that's why he wanted to buy Twitter. We said that'll never work and is a stupid idea. We were right because it took a few weeks before he realized he can't run Twitter as a free speech absolutists and had to start taking down content that was perfectly legal but that he didn't want to support it on his platform.

We were right and you cultists can't ever admit it.

The problem with you is that you can't think for yourself. Your too weak minded to do it, which is why you're prone to hero worship and cultist behavior. You let other people think for you, lazy asshole.

Twitter isn't dead, your side just keeps saying it is.

He's still not the censoring fucks that were there before. An improvement is an improvement, but to you it's a defect because your side only survives if it silences the other.

Every accusation you make of the cultist variety just shows YOU can't think for yourself. Your lefty "betters" have given you the talking points, and you run with it like the good little SS propagandist you are.

You aren't even a Goebbels, you are a Freitche at best.
The government phuked up getting people into space. We depended on Russia to do that for near a decade. So just on that Musk is owed.
Musk has gotten a ton of money for commercial crew. I have no complaints about it. Their commercial crew program was rational and justifiable.

The mission plan for Starship is complete stupidity.
It's censorship when someone you don't like does it. It's moderating when someone you do like does it.

It's the same fucking thing, loser. You just call it different things to excuse it.

He's clearly not against censorship because if he was, he wouldn't be doing it.

So you admit you misquoted me, i.e. you fucking lied.

Fucking hypocrite.

It's not the same. The bans he's done so far were for tracking his jet, violent threats, and praising hitler.

Not questioning vaccines like before, not questioning trans dogma like before, not using the wrong pronouns like before.
Musk has gotten a ton of money for commercial crew. I have no complaints about it. Their commercial crew program was rational and justifiable.

The mission plan for Starship is complete stupidity.

Says the man that probably sits behind a desk and pushes paper every day.
Twitter isn't dead, your side just keeps saying it is.

He's still not the censoring fucks that were there before. An improvement is an improvement, but to you it's a defect because your side only survives if it silences the other.

Every accusation you make of the cultist variety just shows YOU can't think for yourself. Your lefty "betters" have given you the talking points, and you run with it like the good little SS propagandist you are.

You aren't even a Goebbels, you are a Freitche at best.
Musk's plan to save Twitter relies on a subscription model, which is a terrible idea. If you think they're in a good place, you aren't paying attention.

The fact is that you and Musk lied about censoring.

I see you haven't admitted that we were right and you never will despite it being clearly true.
So you admit you misquoted me, i.e. you fucking lied.

Fucking hypocrite.

It's not the same. The bans he's done so far were for tracking his jet, violent threats, and praising hitler.

Not questioning vaccines like before, not questioning trans dogma like before, not using the wrong pronouns like before.
I didn't misquote you. You just change words to make yourself feel better.

Praising Hitler and tracking his jet is protected speech and that's just the tip of the iceberg. That's still censorship.
Musk's plan to save Twitter relies on a subscription model, which is a terrible idea. If you think they're in a good place, you aren't paying attention.

The fact is that you and Musk lied about censoring.

I see you haven't admitted that we were right and you never will despite it being clearly true.

You didn't show anyone lying. He lifted many previous policies on stifling unpopular speech compared to the last management group.

Now that it's a private company, success for Twitter is whatever Musk wants it to be. Not being publicly traded means it's only responsible to him.

That you have to claim "victory" less than a year after the purchase of Twitter was closed and before the moon landing deadline has even passed just shows how pathetic you are.
I didn't misquote you. You just change words to make yourself feel better.

Praising Hitler and tracking his jet is protected speech and that's just the tip of the iceberg. That's still censorship.

I said what I said.

By government? Yes. But the real issue was where the line was drawn, which was the primary complaint from, Musk and the right in the first place.

The real result is there is LESS censorship on Twitter, and the remaining moderation is far less partisan.

Which is why you are really angry.
I said what I said.

By government? Yes. But the real issue was where the line was drawn, which was the primary complaint from, Musk and the right in the first place.

The real result is there is LESS censorship on Twitter, and the remaining moderation is far less partisan.

Which is why you are really angry.
Twitter is far less interesting than it used to be because people just don't engage as much. The trolls take over and normal people leave. That's what moderation is meant to prevent. That's the paradox of social media. Less moderation actually results in less speech.

Musk claimed he was a free speech absolutist. He lied. You said he wasn't censoring. You lied.
You didn't show anyone lying. He lifted many previous policies on stifling unpopular speech compared to the last management group.

Now that it's a private company, success for Twitter is whatever Musk wants it to be. Not being publicly traded means it's only responsible to him.

That you have to claim "victory" less than a year after the purchase of Twitter was closed and before the moon landing deadline has even passed just shows how pathetic you are.
You can stick your head up your ass and ignore reality all you want. It doesn't make it less true.

You dick around with semantics games to make yourself feel better. It just shows your pathetic.
Twitter is far less interesting than it used to be because people just don't engage as much. The trolls take over and normal people leave. That's what moderation is meant to prevent. That's the paradox of social media. Less moderation actually results in less speech.

Musk claimed he was a free speech absolutist. He lied. You said he wasn't censoring. You lied.

it's far more interesting because one side isn't having the referees call every dispute in that side's favor. The mass leaving of the left just shows most of them can't handle opposing opinions.

Where did he exactly say he was an absolutist.

I said he is against censorship, and he is. but like any right there are limits.

We never argued there should be no limits, we argued the limits were applied unfairly.

Are you saying "The vaccines were pushed on people without knowing the true risks" is just as bad as saying "Hitler was right about the Jews"?
You can stick your head up your ass and ignore reality all you want. It doesn't make it less true.

You dick around with semantics games to make yourself feel better. It just shows your pathetic.

LOL "reality" in the mind of a doublethink loving leftist.....

You go with argumentum ad absurdum and have to comfort yourself over opposing opinions by falsely calling them lies.
it's far more interesting because one side isn't having the referees call every dispute in that side's favor. The mass leaving of the left just shows most of them can't handle opposing opinions.

Where did he exactly say he was an absolutist.

I said he is against censorship, and he is. but like any right there are limits.

We never argued there should be no limits, we argued the limits were applied unfairly.

Are you saying "The vaccines were pushed on people without knowing the true risks" is just as bad as saying "Hitler was right about the Jews"?
He said he's a free speech absolutist.

He said the limits should be on whatever is legal.

You clearly have no fucking idea what you're talking about. You're lucky I'm here to educate you for free.
LOL "reality" in the mind of a doublethink loving leftist.....

You go with argumentum ad absurdum and have to comfort yourself over opposing opinions by falsely calling them lies.
You are very good at revising reality. It's censorship when someone you don't like does it. It's moderation when someone you do like does it.

It's the same fucking thing, moron.
He said he's a free speech absolutist.

He said the limits should be on whatever is legal.

You clearly have no fucking idea what you're talking about. You're lucky I'm here to educate you for free.

It's amazing how much the left holds the right to their word, or words they say, and gives their own a pass or says "they were misunderstood"

And he's closer to that than you are, or anyone else on the left.

You got the word game won, congrats. You still lose on the fact you are an advocate for silencing opponents far more than Musk, and far more than me.
You are very good at revising reality. It's censorship when someone you don't like does it. It's moderation when someone you do like does it.

It's the same fucking thing, moron.

It's moderation when the terms of service are clear and enforced fairly.

What was happening in Twitter before Musk wasn't that.
It's amazing how much the left holds the right to their word, or words they say, and gives their own a pass or says "they were misunderstood"

And he's closer to that than you are, or anyone else on the left.

You got the word game won, congrats. You still lose on the fact you are an advocate for silencing opponents far more than Musk, and far more than me.
At least I'm not a liar about it like you assholes.

I think that platforms have no obligation to publish and participate in speech they don't want to participate in. That's their privilege as owners of the platform. I'm consistent in saying that if Elon Musk wants to ban anyone from his platform, he can, for any reason at any time.

Unlike you, I'm not an entitled asshole to think that a social media platform owes me anything.
It's moderation when the terms of service are clear and enforced fairly.

What was happening in Twitter before Musk wasn't that.
You clearly don't use Twitter because that's absolutely not true. Bans are enacted at the whim of your daddy Musk.

Twitter was far better about having applying their TOS before Musk took over.
At least I'm not a liar about it like you assholes.

I think that platforms have no obligation to publish and participate in speech they don't want to participate in. That's their privilege as owners of the platform. I'm consistent in saying that if Elon Musk wants to ban anyone from his platform, he can, for any reason at any time.

Unlike you, I'm not an entitled asshole to think that a social media platform owes me anything.

No, you just exaggerate and make false comparisons even when he is FAR more accommodating than the previous management.

Yes or no question, is he more accommodating than the last regime?

When they call themselves an open discussion platform and don't claim the speech on it as their own, they don't get to decide blindly against their own terms of service to ban things they don't like.

You say it, but you say it knowing you still hate him for letting the proles have the same access as the supposed elites.

Pinkies up you bougie limo prog hack.

You were happy when it was silencing your opponents, like the good little Himmler you are.

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