Speaker Johnson at the border bashing Biden

My Johnson should not play politics with border security.
Tell that to Brandon, Who made sure we have open borders.

He caused this BS. And the Senate is not going to fix shit.

Hope he has balls enough to shut down the govt. Maybe Newt can loan out a pair.

House Republicans poised to torpedo GOP’s best chance in years to pass border bill​


House Republicans appear to be on the precipice of torpedoing their best opportunity in years of enacting border legislation.
Republicans had long insisted on changes to border and migration policy as a condition of approving any additional aid to Ukraine. But as Senate negotiators close in on a deal that does just that, opposition from former President Trump threatens to sink the bill, which many conservatives say doesn’t go far enough to put the brakes on southern migration.

The House opposition — from GOP leaders on down — is frustrating even some conservative immigration reformers, who fear the Trump-led resistance will sink the GOP’s best chance in years to bolster border security.

“[G]iving up on a border security bill would be a self-inflicted GOP wound,” The Wall Street Journal editorialists warned this month.
Undeterred, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) told colleagues in a Friday letter that if the “rumors” about what is in the proposal are true, it would be “dead on arrival” in the House. Instead, he has urged President Biden to take executive action to restore Trump-era policies and has pushed for the provisions from a House GOP border bill passed last year with no Democratic votes.

Most members of the House GOP conference appear to back Johnson’s hard-line demands. And increasingly, they see Republican senators supportive of the emerging deal — including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) — as sellouts for their willingness to compromise with Democrats.

“This is why we don’t listen to the Senate Republicans,” Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) said in a Sunday interview with Fox News. “What they did in the Senate is once again some ham-handed deal that would help the Democrats save face, give Republican leadership an ability to say that they did something. And if it became law, the American people would quickly realize nothing changed, except that the politicians patted themselves on the back.
“We’re just not interested in that.”

The full details of the Senate deal are still murky as negotiators work to complete the legislative text. But Republican supporters are pitching several locked-in provisions — including new limits on asylum-seekers and new presidential powers of deportation — as clear wins for the GOP. In what would be another major concession from Democrats, the deal does not appear to include any new pathways to citizenship for “Dreamers” — based on never-passed proposals in Congress called the DREAM Act — brought to the country as children or for other migrants in the country illegally, long a Democratic priority.
Tell that to Brandon, Who made sure we have open borders.

He caused this BS. And the Senate is not going to fix shit.

Hope he has balls enough to shut down the govt. Maybe Newt can loan out a pair.
Our President is willing to negotiate
Why won’t Johnson?
Tell that to Brandon, Who made sure we have open borders.

He caused this BS. And the Senate is not going to fix shit.

Hope he has balls enough to shut down the govt. Maybe Newt can loan out a pair.
Oh nonsense. Only a person who doesn't know the details and is gullible would swallow your shit. Help Biden fix the fucking border you traitors. First you deny he won now you won't help him fix the border. Noice. Good luck in November shit breath.
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Because that is where negotiations take place
This is called hiding in plain site

Because that is where negotiations take place
And like always bribing each other.

Biden could restore Trump rules right now.

You and the Senate can kiss my ass. We know you will not fix shit. Time to lock the damn debt ceiling.
Oh nonsense. Only a person who doesn't know the details and is gullible would swallow your shit. Help Biden fix the fucking border you traitors. First you deny he won now you won't help him fix the border. Noice. Good luck in November shit breath.
He Fucking caused this shit.

Fck him.

Shut down the ceiling House
Lord give me patience with these libs

The House bill is finished and passed

All the senate has to do is pass it

The way life works is both Houses will work on their own legislation. Then they will work on a reconcilliation

The Senate Bill is bipartisan and includes funding for Ukraine and Israel

The House Bill is limited and only has Republican support
He Fucking caused this shit.

Fck him.

Shut down the ceiling House
He caused it? I don't think so. Boy, is it an election year or what?

I already showed you illegal immigrants started being a problem on Reagan's watch. On purpose. To break unions. Then Bush

Here are the parts of this op ed I want you to see

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So Clinton was going after illegal employers but Bush stopped. Interesting.
The way life works is both Houses will work on their own legislation. Then they will work on a reconcilliation

The Senate Bill is bipartisan and includes funding for Ukraine and Israel

The House Bill is limited and only has Republican support
Ukraine and Israel? Why are the demafascsit including that in a bill for OUR border?
The House passed a bill months ago, Chucky's been sitting on it, not doing a damn thing about it.
Unless you control the House, Senate, and Presidency, in order to pass, it has to have bipartisan support.
The way life works is both Houses will work on their own legislation. Then they will work on a reconcilliation

The Senate Bill is bipartisan and includes funding for Ukraine and Israel

The House Bill is limited and only has Republican support
We can reconcilliate

Give the House what it wants on border security and you can have the money for foreign aid that the senate wants
Ukraine and Israel? Why are the demafascsit including that in a bill for OUR border?

Because asshole Republicans demanded that they would not support aid packages for Ukraine and Israel unless border funding was included

Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked the advance of a $110 billion package of wartime funding for Ukraine and Israel as well as other national security priorities as they tried to force President Joe Biden to include changes to U.S. border policy.
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He caused it? I don't think so. Boy, is it an election year or what?

I already showed you illegal immigrants started being a problem on Reagan's watch. On purpose. To break unions. Then Bush

Here are the parts of this op ed I want you to see

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So Clinton was going after illegal employers but Bush stopped. Interesting.
STFU. Biden reversed Trump policy day one.

Dont piss down my back and tell me its raining.

End the Asylum BS and Force stay in Mexico

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