Speaker of the House gives history lesson to reporter.

Prove it, it was a way to keep Government out of the Churches, to keep the Government from corrupting the Church, period.
My god, are all of you religious whack-jobs this stupid? Do you know nothing about the founding of our nation? What drove many of the early settlers here? Have you even heard of the Pilgrims? Plymouth Rock ring any bells?
We've already established that you are a cultist
And there it is again!!

My god, are all of you religious whack-jobs this stupid? Do you know nothing about the founding of our nation? What drove many of the early settlers here? Have you even heard of the Pilgrims? Plymouth Rock ring any bells?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
Show me the words Separation of Church and State. They do not exist nor was that even implied here
We were not founded as a christian nation either.

"freedom of religion", remember?
Freedom of religion is not in the constitution
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
Your problem is you read what you want it to say! See, I do not see it saying you have to be a Christian, or must subscribe to a certain faith, or that the Government should be, or not be involved other than not creating a state sponsored Church, you see freedom from religion! You are wrong

Laugh all you want. What he said was historically accurate and he explained it like someone who knows the subject matter not someone who has memorized a script.

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